AM273x MCU+ SDK  08.05.00
Understanding the bootflow and bootloaders


This section is aimed at explaining what a bootloader is, why is it needed and details regarding the bootloader and bootflow used in the MCU+SDK.

What Is Bootloader?

Generally speaking, bootloader is a piece of software / firmware that runs as soon as you power on an SoC. A bootloader's main duty is to start the subsequent pieces of software, such an OS, a baremetal application or in some cases another bootloader. When it comes to embedded, the bootloader is usually closely tied with the underlying SoC architecture. The bootloader is usually stored in a protected, non-volatile on-chip memory. Typically the bootloader performs various hardware checks, initializes the processor and configures the SoC registers etc. Since the primary aim of the bootloader is to load the next piece of software, it needs to communicate to the external world to receive this firmware/application image. This can be over a number of protocols - USB, UART, SPI, I2C, External Flash, Internal Flash, SD Card, Ethernet, CAN etc. Bootloader is also a key component in embedded security. Hardware Root-of-Trust is usually passed onto the bootloader and is passed on down the line.

In devices supported by MCU+SDK, the first stage bootloader is burned into read-only memory of the device and is considered as device firmware / ROM. Mostly in MCU+SDK when we say "bootloader" we are referring to the secondary bootloader, or the SBL

Multi-Stage Bootloader

As mentioned earlier, sometimes the bootloader would be loading another bootloader which can load another one and so on. This is usually the case in advanced SoCs, and there are various reasons for this. The first bootloader is usually kept on secure, read-only memory for security reasons and to have a known state always before application software starts. It makes sense then to keep this bootloader simple and let it do only the bare minimum configuration required. This secondary bootloader can be complex and configurable to suit the needs of the application. This can also be updated easily compared to the first stage bootloader. In fact for the devices in MCU+SDK, we have a two-stage bootloading - the first stage bootloader is called ROM Bootloader (RBL) and the second stage bootloader is called Secondary Bootloader (SBL).

Multi-Core Bootloading

Multi-core bootloading is almost always a follow up when there is a multi-stage bootloading. In this case the first bootloader technically might not be even aware of the other cores, it will just boot the next stage bootloader and this second stage bootloader will take care of the complex bootloading on the different cores.

Loading a multi-core application is slightly more complicated than loading a single core application. There would be concerns regarding image preparation, shared memory access, and so on. Mostly there would be a particular format in which the individual core images are created, and then they may/may not be concatenated into a single image for SBL to load. Whatever format the application image is in, the SBL should be aware of it so that it can parse and load the image correctly.

Bootloading in MCU+SDK

In the MCU+SDK, the bootflow takes place mainly in two steps after you power ON the device

  • ROM boot, in which the ROM bootloader boots a secondary bootloader or an SBL
  • SBL boot in which the secondary bootloader boots the application

ROM Boot

The RBL or ROM Bootloader is stored in read-only memory and is almost considered as part of the SoC. The details regarding the RBL and ROM Boot is out of scope for this user guide. Please refer to the Technical Reference Manual of the device for more details. But basically the ROM expects an x509 signed binary image of the secondary bootloader to be provided for boot.

  • As soon as the EVM is powered ON, the ROM bootloader or RBL starts running. The RBL is the primary bootloader.
  • Depending on which boot mode is selected on the EVM, the RBL will load the secondary bootloader or SBL from a boot media (OSPI flash, SD card or via UART).
  • Rest of the booting is done by the SBL.
  • The RBL expects the image it boots (SBL in our case) to always be signed as mentioned above. Refer Booting Tools for more information on signing scripts.

The x509 template for ROM looks something like this:

[ req ]
distinguished_name = req_distinguished_name
x509_extensions = v3_ca
prompt = no
dirstring_type = nobmp
[ req_distinguished_name ]
C = US
L = New York
O = Texas Instruments., Inc.
CN = Albert
emailAddress =
[ v3_ca ]
basicConstraints = CA:true = ASN1:SEQUENCE:swrv = ASN1:SEQUENCE:ext_boot_info
[ swrv ]
swrv = INTEGER:1
[ ext_boot_info ]
extImgSize = INTEGER:0
numComp = INTEGER:3
sbl = SEQUENCE:sbl
fw = SEQUENCE:sysfw
bd2 = SEQUENCE:boardcfg
[ sbl ]
compType = INTEGER:1
bootCore = INTEGER:16
compOpts = INTEGER:0
destAddr = FORMAT:HEX,OCT:0000
compSize = INTEGER:0
shaType = OID:SHAOID
shaValue = FORMAT:HEX,OCT:0000
[ sysfw ]
compType = INTEGER:2
bootCore = INTEGER:0
compOpts = INTEGER:0
destAddr = FORMAT:HEX,OCT:0000
compSize = INTEGER:0000
shaType = OID:SHAOID
shaValue = FORMAT:HEX,OCT:0000
[ boardcfg ]
compType = INTEGER:18
bootCore = INTEGER:0
compOpts = INTEGER:0
destAddr = FORMAT:HEX,OCT:0000
compSize = INTEGER:0000
shaType = OID:SHAOID
shaValue = FORMAT:HEX,OCT:0000
  • For ROM to accept any image to boot, there are some restrictions in the image preparation

Preparing the SBL for boot

The SBL is like any other application, created using the same compiler and linker toolchain. However the steps to convert the application .out into a bootable image are different for SBL as listed below

  • The SBL entry point needs to be different vs other applications. On AM273X after power-ON ROM boots the SBL and sets the entry point of SBL to both R5FSS0-0 as well as R5FSS0-1. However for SBL we need to detect the core and run SBL only on Core0 and keep Core1 in wfi loop. This is done by specifying a different entry point -e_vectors_sbl in the linker command file for the SBL application. In _vectors_sbl the very first thing it does is detect the core and continue execution for Core0, while if the core is Core1 then it enters wfi loop.
  • Other special factors for SBL application are listed below
    • The linker command file for SBL has to place vectors at address 0x10200000 and this is the entry point for the SBL.
    • Only the region 0x10200000 to 0x10220000 should be used by SBL code, data, stack etc
  • After building, the SBL application .out file is first converted to a binary format .bin using the TI ARM CLANG objcopy tool.
    • This copies the loadable sections from the .out into a binary image stripping all symbol and section information.
    • If there are two loadable sections in the image which are not contiguous then objcopy fills the gaps with 0x00.
    • It is highly recommended to keep all loadable sections together within a SBL application.
  • This .bin file is then signed using the Signing Scripts to create the final .tiimage bootable image.
    • A default key is used for this.
    • This is a ROM bootloader requirement and is needed even on a non-secure device.
  • This .tiimage file can then be flashed or copied to a boot image using the Flashing Tools

SBL Boot

  • An SBL typically does a bunch of SOC specific initializations and proceeds to the application loading.
  • Depending on the type of SBL loaded, SBL looks for the multicore appimage (refer Booting Tools for more on multicore appimage) of the application binary at a specified location in a boot media.
  • If the appimage is found, the multicore appimage is parsed into multiple RPRCs. These are optimized binaries which are then loaded into individual CPUs.
  • Each RPRC image will have information regarding the core on which it is to be loaded, entry points and multiple sections of that application binary
  • The SBL uses this information to initialize each core which has a valid RPRC. It then loads the RPRC according to the sections specified, sets the entry points and releases the core from reset. Now the core will start running.


  • Now, as mentioned above, to boot an application with SBL it has to be specially prepared after it's compiled.

Preparing the application for boot

To see the exact sequence of steps in which applications and secondary bootloader (SBL) are converted from compiler generated .out files to boot images, see the makefile makefile_ccs_bootimage_gen that is included in every example and secondary bootloader (SBL) CCS project.
If you are using makefile based build, then see the file named makefile in the example folder.

Shown below are the different steps that are done to convert the compiler+linker generated application .out into a format suitable for flashing and booting

  • For each CPU, the compiler+linker toolchain is used to create the application .out "ELF" file which can be loaded and run via CCS
  • The below "post build" steps are then used to convert the application .out into a "flash" friendly format
    • For each CPU, out2rpc is used to convert the ELF .out to a binary file containing only the loadable sections. This is called a RPRC file.
    • multiCoreGen is then used to combine all the RPRC files per CPU into a single .appimage file which is a concatenation of the individual CPU specific RPRC files.
  • This .appimage is then flash to the EVM

Post build steps

Flashing the application for boot

  • Once the application images (.appimage) is created one needs to copy or flash these to a supported boot media so that the application can start executing once the SOC is powered ON
  • When flashing the application we also need to flash a bootloader or SBL image.
  • See Flashing Tools for detailed steps that are done to flash a user application

Booting the application

After a SBL and application image is flashed, shown below is the high level boot flow, after the SOC is powered on.


Deep Dive into SBLs

The SBL is like any other example of the SDK. They use the bootloader library APIs to carry out the bootloading process. Depending on the boot media from which we load the application binary, we have multiple SBLs like sbl_ospi,sbl_uart etc. A bare minimum SBL called the sbl_null is also included which aids the users to load their applications via CCS. Here are some details regarding those.


  • The sbl_null is a secondary bootloader which doesn't load any application binary, but just does the SOC initialization and puts all the cores in WFI (Wait For Interrupt) mode.
  • This is referred to as the SOC initialization binary, refer SOC Initialization using the Binary Flashed in QSPI memory for more on this.


  • The sbl_qspi is a secondary bootloader which reads and parses the application image from a location in the QSPI flash and then moves on to core initialization and other steps
  • To boot an application using the sbl_qspi, the application image needs to be flashed at a particular location in the QSPI flash memory.
  • This location or offset is specified in the SysConfig of the sbl_qspi application. Currently this is 0x80000. In most cases you wouldn't need to change this.
  • To flash an application (or any file in fact) to a location in the QSPI flash memory, follow the steps mentioned in Basic steps to flash files


  • The sbl_uart is a secondary bootloader which receives the multicore appimage via UART, stores it in memory and then does the parsing, core initialization etc.
  • To boot an application using the sbl_uart, you can refer to UART Bootloader Python Script subsection. Detailed steps on the usage is mentioned in the same subsection.

Additional References

See also these additional pages for more details and examples about the boot flow,