AM273x MCU+ SDK  08.03.00

Detailed Description

HWA Paramset Config for Local maxima block.

HWA paramset config parameters for the Local maxima block inside HWA_ParamConfig which is used with the HWA_ConfigParamSet() call.

Data Fields

uint8_t neighbourBitmask
uint8_t thresholdBitMask
uint8_t thresholdMode
uint8_t dimBNonCyclic
uint8_t dimCNonCyclic

Field Documentation

◆ neighbourBitmask

uint8_t HWA_AccelModeLocalMax::neighbourBitmask

8 bit value: for neighbouring cells to enable or disable the comparison with CUT. starting from left top corner and moving in clock-wise direction sets LM_NEIGH_BITMASK bits of register LOCMAXPATH in paramset

◆ thresholdBitMask

uint8_t HWA_AccelModeLocalMax::thresholdBitMask

enable/disable for detection threshold comparison, see HWA_LOCALMAX_THRESH_BITMASK macros for the correct values sets theLM_THRESH_BITMASK bits of register LOCMAXPATH in paramset

◆ thresholdMode

uint8_t HWA_AccelModeLocalMax::thresholdMode

sets the threshold select, see HWA_LOCALMAX_THRESH_SELECT macros for the correct values sets the LM_THRESH_MODE bits of register LOCMAXPATH in paramset

◆ dimBNonCyclic

uint8_t HWA_AccelModeLocalMax::dimBNonCyclic

sets dimension B non cyclic, if enable, set local maximum detection to non-cyclic mode, otherwise set local maximum detection to cyclic mode

◆ dimCNonCyclic

uint8_t HWA_AccelModeLocalMax::dimCNonCyclic

sets dimension C non cyclic, if enable, set local maximum detection to non-cyclic mode, otherwise set local maximum detection to cyclic mode