AM263x MCU+ SDK  10.01.00
Watchdog_MCB Struct Reference

Detailed Description

Watchdog Driver Controller Control Block.

The structure is used to hold all the pertinent information with respect to the Watchdog Driver.

Data Fields

Watchdog_DriverState state
 Watchdog driver internal state. More...
Watchdog_Params params
 Watchdog Parameters which were used to initialize the driver instance. More...
uint32_t interruptsRxed
 Number of interrupts received. Valid only when resetMode = Watchdog_RESET_OFF. More...
uint32_t watchdogCleared
 Number of times watchdog was serviced. More...

Field Documentation

◆ state

Watchdog_DriverState Watchdog_MCB::state

Watchdog driver internal state.

◆ params

Watchdog_Params Watchdog_MCB::params

Watchdog Parameters which were used to initialize the driver instance.

◆ interruptsRxed

uint32_t Watchdog_MCB::interruptsRxed

Number of interrupts received. Valid only when resetMode = Watchdog_RESET_OFF.

◆ watchdogCleared

uint32_t Watchdog_MCB::watchdogCleared

Number of times watchdog was serviced.