AM263x MCU+ SDK  10.01.00

Detailed Description

ALE port mirroring configuration for mirroring based on packet match.

Data Fields

CpswAle_TableEntryType entryType
CpswAle_MacAddrClassifierInfo dstMacAddrInfo
CpswAle_VlanIdInfo vlanIdInfo
CpswAle_IPv4EntryInfo ipv4Info
CpswAle_IPv6EntryInfo ipv6Info
CpswAle_OuiEntryInfo ouiInfo
uint16_t etherType

Field Documentation

◆ entryType

CpswAle_TableEntryType CpswAle_MirrorMatchParams::entryType

Type of ALE entry for matching and mirroring

◆ dstMacAddrInfo

CpswAle_MacAddrClassifierInfo CpswAle_MirrorMatchParams::dstMacAddrInfo

Unicast/multicast address. Must be valid if entryType is CPSW_ALE_TABLE_ENTRY_TYPE_ADDR

◆ vlanIdInfo

CpswAle_VlanIdInfo CpswAle_MirrorMatchParams::vlanIdInfo

VLAN id. Must be valid if entryType is CPSW_ALE_TABLE_ENTRY_TYPE_VLAN

◆ ipv4Info

CpswAle_IPv4EntryInfo CpswAle_MirrorMatchParams::ipv4Info

IPv4 address info. Must be valid if entryType is CPSW_ALE_TABLE_ENTRY_TYPE_IPV4

◆ ipv6Info

CpswAle_IPv6EntryInfo CpswAle_MirrorMatchParams::ipv6Info

IPv6 address info. Must be valid if entryType is CPSW_ALE_TABLE_ENTRY_TYPE_IPV6

◆ ouiInfo

CpswAle_OuiEntryInfo CpswAle_MirrorMatchParams::ouiInfo

OUI address info. Must be valid if entryType is CPSW_ALE_TABLE_ENTRY_TYPE_OUI

◆ etherType

uint16_t CpswAle_MirrorMatchParams::etherType

EtherType address info. Must be valid if entryType is CPSW_ALE_TABLE_ENTRY_TYPE_ETHERTYPE