Go to the documentation of this file.
51 #include <drivers/hw_include/cslr_soc.h>
54 #include <drivers/hw_include/am263x/cslr_soc_baseaddress.h>
61 #define SOC_DOMAIN_ID_MAIN (0U)
65 #define MSS_CTRL_PARTITION0 (1)
66 #define TOP_CTRL_PARTITION0 (2)
70 #define MSS_RCM_PARTITION0 (4)
71 #define TOP_RCM_PARTITION0 (5)
77 #define KICK_LOCK_VAL (0x00000000U)
78 #define KICK0_UNLOCK_VAL (0x01234567U)
79 #define KICK1_UNLOCK_VAL (0x0FEDCBA8U)
84 int32_t status = (int32_t)-3;
86 if ((baseAddr == CSL_MCSPI0_U_BASE) || \
87 (baseAddr == CSL_MCSPI1_U_BASE) || \
88 (baseAddr == CSL_MCSPI2_U_BASE) || \
89 (baseAddr == CSL_MCSPI3_U_BASE) || \
90 (baseAddr == CSL_MCSPI4_U_BASE) )
98 #define IS_I2C_BASE_ADDR_VALID(baseAddr) ((baseAddr == CSL_I2C0_U_BASE) || \
99 (baseAddr == CSL_I2C1_U_BASE) || \
100 (baseAddr == CSL_I2C2_U_BASE) || \
101 (baseAddr == CSL_I2C3_U_BASE))
105 #define IS_QSPI_BASE_ADDR_VALID(baseAddr) (baseAddr == CSL_QSPI0_U_BASE)
108 #define IS_QSPI_MEMORY_MAP_ADDR_VALID(baseAddr) ((baseAddr == CSL_EXT_FLASH0_U_BASE) || \
109 (baseAddr == CSL_EXT_FLASH1_U_BASE))
115 int32_t status = (int32_t)(-3);
117 if (baseAddr == CSL_MMC0_U_BASE)
544 void SOC_configSlewRate(uint32_t baseAddr, uint32_t bankNum, uint32_t groupNum, uint32_t samplePeriod);
552 int32_t status = (int32_t)-3;
554 if(((baseAddr == CSL_UART0_U_BASE) ||
555 (baseAddr == CSL_UART1_U_BASE) ||
556 (baseAddr == CSL_UART2_U_BASE) ||
557 (baseAddr == CSL_UART3_U_BASE) ||
558 (baseAddr == CSL_UART4_U_BASE) ||
559 (baseAddr == CSL_UART5_U_BASE)))
void SOC_gateFsitxClock(uint32_t fsitxInstance)
Gate the FSI-TX clock.
void SOC_enableAdcReferenceMonitor(uint32_t adcInstance, uint32_t enable)
Enable ADC reference Monitors by writing to Control MMR.
int32_t SOC_moduleSetClockFrequency(uint32_t moduleId, uint32_t clkId, uint64_t clkRate)
Set module clock to specified frequency.
void Soc_disableEPWMHalt(uint32_t epwmInstance)
Halt EPWM with corresponding cPU.
void SOC_generateEcapReset(uint32_t ecapInstance)
Generate ECAP reset.
void SOC_ungateSdfmPllClock(uint32_t sdfmInstance)
Ungate the SDFM PLL clock.
void SOC_gateEcapClock(uint32_t ecapInstance)
Gate the ECAP clock.
void SOC_controlModuleUnlockMMR(uint32_t domainId, uint32_t partition)
Unlock control module partition to allow writes into control MMRs.
void SOC_selectIcssGpiMux(uint8_t pru_instance, uint32_t mask)
Selection of ICSS GPI MUX.
void SOC_clearResetCPSWBit()
Clearing CPSW hard reset bit.
uint64_t SOC_virtToPhy(void *virtAddr)
SOC Virtual (CPU) to Physical address translation function.
void SOC_gateFsirxClock(uint32_t fsirxInstance)
Gate the FSI-RX clock.
void SOC_gateSdfmPllClock(uint32_t sdfmInstance)
Gate the SDFM PLL clock.
void SOC_gateCmpssaClock(uint32_t cmpssaInstance)
Gate the CMPSS-A clock.
void SOC_gateCmpssbClock(uint32_t cmpssbInstance)
Gate the CMPSS-B clock.
uint32_t SOC_getFlashDataBaseAddr(void)
This function gets the SOC mapped data base address of the flash.
void SOC_generateCmpssbReset(uint32_t cmpssbInstance)
Generate CMPSS-B reset.
void SOC_generateDacReset(void)
Generate DAC reset.
void SOC_enableAdcReference(uint32_t adcInstance)
Enable ADC references by writing to Control MMR.
void SOC_gateOttoClock(uint32_t ottoInstance)
Gate the OTTO clock.
void SOC_ungateDacClock(void)
Ungate the DAC clock.
void SOC_setMultipleEpwmTbClk(uint32_t epwmMask, uint32_t enable)
Enable or disable Multiple ePWM time base clock from Control MMR.
void SOC_gateEqepClock(uint32_t eqepInstance)
Gate the EQEP clock.
void SOC_configSlewRate(uint32_t baseAddr, uint32_t bankNum, uint32_t groupNum, uint32_t samplePeriod)
Configure GPIO pin Slew rate.
void SOC_generateAdcReset(uint32_t adcInstance)
Generate ADC reset.
void SOC_generateEpwmReset(uint32_t ePWMInstance)
Generate ePWM reset.
void * SOC_phyToVirt(uint64_t phyAddr)
Physical to Virtual (CPU) address translation function.
void SOC_ungateEcapClock(uint32_t ecapInstance)
Ungate the ECAP clock.
void SOC_gateDacClock(void)
Gate the DAC clock.
uint64_t SOC_getSelfCpuClk(void)
Get the clock frequency in Hz of the CPU on which the driver is running.
void SOC_selectSdfm1Clk0Source(uint8_t source)
Select the SDFM1 CLK0 source.
static int32_t UART_IsBaseAddrValid(uint32_t baseAddr)
Macro to validate UART base address.
Definition: soc.h:550
void SOC_gateFsiPllClock(uint32_t fsiInstance)
Gate the FSI-TX PLL clock.
void SOC_ungateOttoClock(uint32_t ottoInstance)
Ungate the OTTO clock.
void SOC_setResetCPSWBit()
Setting CPSW hard reset Bit.
void SOC_ungateCmpssaClock(uint32_t cmpssaInstance)
Ungate the CMPSS-A clock.
void SOC_enableAdcInternalReference(uint32_t adcInstance, uint32_t enable)
Enables the ADC internal reference.
void SOC_gateAdcClock(uint32_t adcInstance)
Gate the ADC clock.
static int32_t MCSPI_lld_isBaseAddrValid(uint32_t baseAddr)
API to validate MCSPI base address.
Definition: soc.h:82
void SOC_controlModuleLockMMR(uint32_t domainId, uint32_t partition)
Lock control module partition to prevent writes into control MMRs.
void SOC_ungateSdfmClock(uint32_t sdfmInstance)
Ungate the SDFM clock.
void SOC_ungateAdcClock(uint32_t adcInstance)
ungate the ADC clock
int32_t SOC_moduleClockEnable(uint32_t moduleId, uint32_t enable)
Enable clock to specified module.
void SOC_generateCmpssaReset(uint32_t cmpssaInstance)
Generate CMPSS-A reset.
void SOC_generateSdfmReset(uint32_t sdfmInstance)
Generate SDFM reset.
void SOC_gateEpwmClock(uint32_t epwmInstance)
Gate the ePWM clock.
void SOC_ungateCmpssbClock(uint32_t cmpssbInstance)
Ungate the CMPSS-B clock.
const char * SOC_getCoreName(uint16_t coreId)
Convert a core ID to a user readable name.
void SOC_setEpwmTbClk(uint32_t epwmInstance, uint32_t enable)
Enable or disable ePWM time base clock from Control MMR.
void SOC_setEpwmGroup(uint32_t epwmInstance, uint32_t group)
Configure the ePWM group.
void SOC_ungateEpwmClock(uint32_t epwmInstance)
Ungate the ePWM clock.
uint32_t SOC_getAdcReferenceStatus(uint32_t adcInstance)
Gets the Reference status.
void SOC_ungateEqepClock(uint32_t eqepInstance)
Ungate the EQEP clock.
void SOC_gateSdfmClock(uint32_t sdfmInstance)
Gate the SDFM clock.
void SOC_generateFsiRxReset(uint32_t fsirxInstance)
Generate FSI-RX reset.
void Soc_enableEPWMHalt(uint32_t epwmInstance)
Halt EPWM with corresponding cPU.
void SOC_generateEqepReset(uint32_t eqepInstance)
Generate EQEP reset.
void SOC_generateOttoReset(uint32_t ottoInstance)
Generate OTTO reset.
void SOC_generateFsiTxReset(uint32_t fsitxInstance)
Generate FSI-TX reset.
static int32_t MMCSD_lld_isBaseAddrValid(uint32_t baseAddr)
API to validate MMCSD base addresses.
Definition: soc.h:112