AM263x MCU+ SDK  09.02.00


This example demonstrates the usage of the SDL ECC BUS SAFETY module. The example shows how to setup and use the ECC BUS Safety Diagnostic operation. Shows the generation of SEC, DED and RED error on all MSS DSS and DSS nodes


Note :

  1. SEC - Single Error Correction, DED - Double Error Correction, RED - Redundancy Error Correction.
  2. MSS Nodes are applicable to AWR294X, AM263X and AM273X.
  3. DSS Nodes are applicable to AWR294X and AM273X.

AM263x : Supports MSS Nodes.\ AM273X : Supports MSS Nodes and DSS Nodes.\ AWR294x : Supports MSS Nodes and DSS Nodes.\

MSS Nodes Supported for am263x:

  10. MSS_CR5D_AHB
  11. MSS_MBOX
  20. MSS_CR5A_AXI_S
  21. MSS_CR5B_AXI_S
  22. MSS_CR5C_AXI_S
  23. MSS_CR5D_AXI_S
  24. MSS_MCRC
  26. MSS_QSPI
  27. MSS_TO_MDO
  28. DAP_R232
  29. MSS_SCRP0
  30. MSS_SCRP1
  33. ICSSM_S
  34. DAP
  1. MSS_L2_A
  2. MSS_L2_B
  3. MSS_L2_C
  4. MSS_L2_D
  5. MSS_MMC_S

MSS Nodes Supported for am273x:

  16. MSS_CR5A_AXI_S
  17. MSS_CR5B_AXI_S
  18. MSS_CR5C_AXI_S
  19. MSS_L2_A
  20. MSS_L2_B
  22. MSS_DMM
  24. MSS_PCR
  25. MSS_PCR2
  26. MSS_CPSW

MSS Nodes Supported for awr294x:

  16. MSS_CR5A_AXI_S
  17. MSS_CR5B_AXI_S
  18. MSS_CR5C_AXI_S
  19. MSS_L2_A
  20. MSS_L2_B
  22. MSS_DMM
  24. MSS_PCR
  25. MSS_PCR2
  26. MSS_CPSW

DSS Nodes Supported for am273x:

  10. DSS_TPTC_B1_RD
  11. DSS_TPTC_C0_RD
  12. DSS_TPTC_C1_RD
  13. DSS_TPTC_C2_RD
  14. DSS_TPTC_C3_RD
  15. DSS_TPTC_C4_RD
  16. DSS_TPTC_C5_RD
  17. DSS_TPTC_A0_WR
  18. DSS_TPTC_A1_WR
  19. DSS_TPTC_B0_WR
  20. DSS_TPTC_B1_WR
  21. DSS_TPTC_C0_WR
  22. DSS_TPTC_C1_WR
  23. DSS_TPTC_C2_WR
  24. DSS_TPTC_C3_WR
  25. DSS_TPTC_C4_WR
  26. DSS_TPTC_C5_WR
  28. DSS_MCRC
  29. DSS_PCR
  30. DSS_HWA_DMA0
  31. DSS_HWA_DMA1
  32. DSS_MBOX

DSS Nodes Supported for awr294x:

  10. DSS_TPTC_B1_RD
  11. DSS_TPTC_C0_RD
  12. DSS_TPTC_C1_RD
  13. DSS_TPTC_C2_RD
  14. DSS_TPTC_C3_RD
  15. DSS_TPTC_C4_RD
  16. DSS_TPTC_C5_RD
  17. DSS_TPTC_A0_WR
  18. DSS_TPTC_A1_WR
  19. DSS_TPTC_B0_WR
  20. DSS_TPTC_B1_WR
  21. DSS_TPTC_C0_WR
  22. DSS_TPTC_C1_WR
  23. DSS_TPTC_C2_WR
  24. DSS_TPTC_C3_WR
  25. DSS_TPTC_C4_WR
  26. DSS_TPTC_C5_WR
  28. DSS_MCRC
  29. DSS_PCR
  30. DSS_HWA_DMA0
  31. DSS_HWA_DMA1
  32. DSS_MBOX

Use Cases On AM263X in R5 Core

Use Case Description
UC-1 CR5A_AHB_RED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-2 CR5B_AHB_RED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-3 CR5C_AHB_RED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-4 CR5D_AHB_RED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-5 TPTC_A0_WR_RED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-6 TPTC_A1_WR_RED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-7 TPTC_A0_RD_SEC_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-8 TPTC_A0_RD_DED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-9 TPTC_A0_RD_RED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-10 TPTC_A1_RD_SEC_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-11 TPTC_A1_RD_DED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-12 TPTC_A1_RD_RED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-13 MSS_CR5A_AXI_WR_RED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-14 MSS_CR5B_AXI_WR_RED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-15 MSS_CR5C_AXI_WR_RED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-16 MSS_CR5D_AXI_WR_RED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-17 MSS_CR5A_AXI_RD_SEC_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-18 MSS_CR5A_AXI_RD_RED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-19 MSS_CR5B_AXI_RD_SEC_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-20 MSS_CR5B_AXI_RD_RED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-21 MSS_CR5C_AXI_RD_SEC_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-22 MSS_CR5C_AXI_RD_RED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-23 MSS_CR5D_AXI_RD_SEC_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-24 MSS_CR5D_AXI_RD_RED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-25 MSS_CR5A_AXI_S_SEC_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-26 MSS_CR5A_AXI_S_RED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-27 MSS_CR5B_AXI_S_SEC_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-28 MSS_CR5B_AXI_S_RED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-29 MSS_CR5C_AXI_S_SEC_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-30 MSS_CR5C_AXI_S_RED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-31 MSS_CR5D_AXI_S_SEC_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-32 MSS_CR5D_AXI_S_RED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-33 MSS_MBOX_SEC_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-34 MSS_MBOX_DED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-35 MSS_MBOX_RED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-36 MSS_MCRC_SEC_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-37 MSS_MCRC_DED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-38 MSS_MCRC_RED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-39 MSS_QSPI_SEC_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-40 MSS_QSPI_DED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-41 MSS_QSPI_RED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-42 MSS_STM_STIM_SEC_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-43 MSS_STM_STIM_DED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-44 MSS_STM_STIM_RED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-45 MSS_SCRP0_SEC_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-46 MSS_SCRP0_DED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-47 MSS_SCRP0_RED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-48 MSS_SCRP1_SEC_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-49 MSS_SCRP1_DED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-50 MSS_SCRP1_RED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-51 ICSSM_PDSP0_SEC_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-52 ICSSM_PDSP0_DED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-53 ICSSM_PDSP0_RED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-54 ICSSM_PDSP1_SEC_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-55 ICSSM_PDSP1_DED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-56 ICSSM_PDSP1_RED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-57 ICSSM_S_SEC_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-58 ICSSM_S_DED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-59 ICSSM_S_RED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-60 DAP_SEC_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-61 DAP_DED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-62 DAP_RED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-63 MSS_MMC_S_SEC_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-64 MSS_MMC_S_DED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-65 MSS_MMC_S_RED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-66 MSS_GPMC_SEC_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-67 MSS_L2_A_DED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-68 MSS_L2_B_RED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-69 MSS_L2_C_RED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-70 MSS_L2_D_RED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-71 MAIN_VBUSP_RED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-72 PERI_VBUSP_RED_Test in Interrupt Method.

Use Cases On AM273X in R5 Core

Use Case Description
UC-1 CR5A_AHB_RED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-2 CR5B_AHB_RED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-3 TPTC_A0_WR_RED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-4 TPTC_A1_WR_RED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-5 TPTC_B0_WR_RED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-6 TPTC_A0_RD_SEC_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-7 TPTC_A0_RD_DED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-8 TPTC_A0_RD_RED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-9 TPTC_A1_RD_SEC_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-10 TPTC_A1_RD_DED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-11 TPTC_A1_RD_RED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-12 TPTC_B0_RD_SEC_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-13 TPTC_B0_RD_DED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-14 TPTC_B0_RD_RED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-15 MSS_MBOX_SEC_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-16 MSS_MBOX_DED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-17 MSS_MBOX_RED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-18 MSS_L2_A_RED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-19 MSS_L2_B_RED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-21 MSS_DMM_SLV_SEC_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-22 MSS_DMM_SLV_DED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-23 MSS_DMM_SLV_RED_Test in Interrupt Method
UC-24 MSS_DMM_RED_Test in Interrupt Method
UC-25 MSS_GPADC_SEC_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-26 MSS_GPADC_DED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-27 MSS_GPADC_RED_Test in Interrupt Method
UC-28 MSS_PCR_SEC_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-29 MSS_PCR_DED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-30 MSS_PCR_RED_Test in Interrupt Method
UC-31 MSS_PCR2_SEC_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-32 MSS_PCR2_DED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-33 MSS_PCR2_RED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-34 MSS_CPSW_SEC_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-35 MSS_CPSW_RED_Test in Interrupt Method
UC-36 MSS_CR5A_AXI_WR_RED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-38 MSS_CR5B_AXI_WR_RED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-39 MSS_CR5A_AXI_RD_SEC_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-40 MSS_CR5A_AXI_RD_RED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-41 MSS_CR5B_AXI_RD_SEC_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-42 MSS_CR5B_AXI_RD_RED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-43 MSS_CR5A_AXI_S_SEC_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-44 MSS_CR5A_AXI_S_RED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-45 MSS_CR5B_AXI_S_SEC_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-46 MSS_CR5B_AXI_S_RED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-47 MSS_MCRC_SEC_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-48 MSS_MCRC_DED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-49 MSS_MCRC_RED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-50 MSS_QSPI_SEC_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-51 MSS_QSPI_DED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-52 MSS_QSPI_RED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-53 MSS_SWBUF_SEC_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-54 MSS_SWBUF_DED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-55 MSS_SWBUF_RED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-56 MSS_TO_MDO_SEC_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-57 MSS_TO_MDO_DED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-58 MSS_TO_MDO_RED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-59 DAP_R232_RED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-60 MSS_SCRP_RED_Test in Interrupt Method.

Use Cases On AWR294X in R5 Core

Use Case Description
UC-1 CR5A_AHB_RED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-2 CR5B_AHB_RED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-3 TPTC_A0_WR_RED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-4 TPTC_A1_WR_RED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-5 TPTC_B0_WR_RED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-6 TPTC_A0_RD_SEC_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-7 TPTC_A0_RD_DED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-8 TPTC_A0_RD_RED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-9 TPTC_A1_RD_SEC_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-10 TPTC_A1_RD_DED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-11 TPTC_A1_RD_RED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-12 TPTC_B0_RD_SEC_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-13 TPTC_B0_RD_DED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-14 TPTC_B0_RD_RED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-15 MSS_MBOX_SEC_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-16 MSS_MBOX_DED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-17 MSS_MBOX_RED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-18 MSS_L2_A_RED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-19 MSS_L2_B_RED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-21 MSS_DMM_SLV_SEC_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-22 MSS_DMM_SLV_DED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-23 MSS_DMM_SLV_RED_Test in Interrupt Method
UC-24 MSS_DMM_RED_Test in Interrupt Method
UC-25 MSS_GPADC_SEC_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-26 MSS_GPADC_DED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-27 MSS_GPADC_RED_Test in Interrupt Method
UC-28 MSS_PCR_SEC_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-29 MSS_PCR_DED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-30 MSS_PCR_RED_Test in Interrupt Method
UC-31 MSS_PCR2_SEC_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-32 MSS_PCR2_DED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-33 MSS_PCR2_RED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-34 MSS_CPSW_SEC_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-35 MSS_CPSW_RED_Test in Interrupt Method
UC-36 MSS_CR5A_AXI_WR_RED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-38 MSS_CR5B_AXI_WR_RED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-39 MSS_CR5A_AXI_RD_SEC_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-40 MSS_CR5A_AXI_RD_RED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-41 MSS_CR5B_AXI_RD_SEC_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-42 MSS_CR5B_AXI_RD_RED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-43 MSS_CR5A_AXI_S_SEC_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-44 MSS_CR5A_AXI_S_RED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-45 MSS_CR5B_AXI_S_SEC_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-46 MSS_CR5B_AXI_S_RED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-47 MSS_MCRC_SEC_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-48 MSS_MCRC_DED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-49 MSS_MCRC_RED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-50 MSS_QSPI_SEC_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-51 MSS_QSPI_DED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-52 MSS_QSPI_RED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-53 MSS_SWBUF_SEC_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-54 MSS_SWBUF_DED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-55 MSS_SWBUF_RED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-56 MSS_TO_MDO_SEC_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-57 MSS_TO_MDO_DED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-58 MSS_TO_MDO_RED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-59 DAP_R232_RED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-60 MSS_SCRP_RED_Test in Interrupt Method.

Use Cases On AWR294X in C66 Core

Use Case Description
UC-1 MCRC_SEC_Test in Interrupt Method
UC-2 MCRC_DED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-3 MCRC_RED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-4 DSS_L3_BANKA_SEC_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-5 DSS_L3_BANKA_DED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-6 DSS_L3_BANKA_RED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-7 DSS_L3_BANKB_SEC_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-8 DSS_L3_BANKB_DED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-9 DSS_L3_BANKB_RED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-10 DSS_L3_BANKC_SEC_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-11 DSS_L3_BANKC_DED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-12 DSS_L3_BANKC_RED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-13 DSS_HWA_DMA0_SEC_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-14 DSS_HWA_DMA0_DED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-15 DSS_HWA_DMA0_RED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-16 DSS_HWA_DMA1_SEC_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-17 DSS_HWA_DMA1_DED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-18 DSS_HWA_DMA1_RED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-19 DSS_MBOX_SEC_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-20 DSS_MBOX_DED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-21 DSS_MBOX_RED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-22 CBUFF_FIFO_SEC_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-23 CBUFF_FIFO_DED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-24 CBUFF_FIFO_RED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-25 TPTC_A0_WR_RED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-26 TPTC_A1_WR_RED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-27 TPTC_B0_WR_RED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-28 TPTC_B1_WR_RED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-29 TPTC_C0_WR_RED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-30 TPTC_C1_WR_RED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-31 TPTC_C2_WR_RED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-32 TPTC_C3_WR_RED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-33 TPTC_C4_WR_RED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-34 TPTC_C5_WR_RED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-35 TPTC_A0_RD_SEC_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-36 TPTC_A0_RD_DED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-37 TPTC_A0_RD_RED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-38 TPTC_A1_RD_SEC_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-39 TPTC_A1_RD_DED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-40 TPTC_A1_RD_RED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-41 TPTC_B0_RD_SEC_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-42 TPTC_B0_RD_DED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-43 TPTC_B0_RD_RED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-44 TPTC_B1_RD_SEC_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-45 TPTC_B1_RD_DED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-46 TPTC_B1_RD_RED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-47 TPTC_C0_RD_SEC_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-48 TPTC_C0_RD_DED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-49 TPTC_C0_RD_RED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-50 TPTC_C1_RD_SEC_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-51 TPTC_C1_RD_DED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-52 TPTC_C1_RD_RED_Test in Interrupt Method
UC-53 TPTC_C2_RD_SEC_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-54 TPTC_C2_RD_DED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-55 TPTC_C2_RD_RED_Test in Interrupt Method
UC-56 TPTC_C3_RD_SEC_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-57 TPTC_C3_RD_DED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-58 TPTC_C3_RD_RED_Test in Interrupt Method
UC-59 TPTC_C4_RD_SEC_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-60 TPTC_C4_RD_DED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-61 TPTC_C4_RD_RED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-62 TPTC_C5_RD_SEC_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-63 TPTC_C5_RD_DED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-64 TPTC_C5_RD_RED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-65 PCR_SEC_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-66 PCR_RED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-67 PCR_RED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-68 DSP_SDMA_SEC_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-69 DSP_SDMA_DED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-70 DSP_SDMA_RED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-71 DSP_MDMA_RED_Test in Interrupt Method.

Use Cases On AM273X in C66 Core

Use Case Description
UC-1 MDO_FIFO_DED_Test in Polling Method.
UC-2 MDO_FIFO_RED_Test in Polling Method.
UC-3 MCRC_SEC_Test in Interrupt Method
UC-4 MCRC_DED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-5 MCRC_RED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-6 DSS_L3_BANKA_SEC_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-7 DSS_L3_BANKA_DED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-8 DSS_L3_BANKA_RED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-9 DSS_L3_BANKB_SEC_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-10 DSS_L3_BANKB_DED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-11 DSS_L3_BANKB_RED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-12 DSS_L3_BANKC_SEC_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-13 DSS_L3_BANKC_DED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-14 DSS_L3_BANKC_RED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-15 DSS_L3_BANKD_SEC_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-16 DSS_L3_BANKD_DED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-17 DSS_L3_BANKD_RED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-18 DSS_HWA_DMA0_SEC_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-19 DSS_HWA_DMA0_DED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-20 DSS_HWA_DMA0_RED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-21 DSS_HWA_DMA1_SEC_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-22 DSS_HWA_DMA1_DED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-23 DSS_HWA_DMA1_RED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-24 DSS_MBOX_SEC_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-25 DSS_MBOX_DED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-26 DSS_MBOX_RED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-29 CBUFF_FIFO_SEC_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-30 CBUFF_FIFO_DED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-31 CBUFF_FIFO_RED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-32 TPTC_A0_WR_RED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-33 TPTC_A1_WR_RED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-32 TPTC_B0_WR_RED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-33 TPTC_B1_WR_RED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-34 TPTC_C0_WR_RED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-35 TPTC_C1_WR_RED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-36 TPTC_C2_WR_RED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-37 TPTC_C3_WR_RED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-38 TPTC_C4_WR_RED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-39 TPTC_C5_WR_RED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-40 TPTC_A0_RD_SEC_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-41 TPTC_A0_RD_DED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-42 TPTC_A0_RD_RED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-43 TPTC_A1_RD_SEC_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-44 TPTC_A1_RD_DED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-45 TPTC_A1_RD_RED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-46 TPTC_B0_RD_SEC_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-47 TPTC_B0_RD_DED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-48 TPTC_B0_RD_RED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-49 TPTC_B1_RD_SEC_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-50 TPTC_B1_RD_DED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-51 TPTC_B1_RD_RED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-52 TPTC_C0_RD_SEC_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-53 TPTC_C0_RD_DED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-54 TPTC_C0_RD_RED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-55 TPTC_C1_RD_SEC_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-56 TPTC_C1_RD_DED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-57 TPTC_C1_RD_RED_Test in Interrupt Method
UC-58 TPTC_C2_RD_SEC_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-59 TPTC_C2_RD_DED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-60 TPTC_C2_RD_RED_Test in Interrupt Method
UC-61 TPTC_C3_RD_SEC_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-62 TPTC_C3_RD_DED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-63 TPTC_C3_RD_RED_Test in Interrupt Method
UC-64 TPTC_C4_RD_SEC_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-65 TPTC_C4_RD_DED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-66 TPTC_C4_RD_RED_Test in Interrupt Method
UC-67 TPTC_C5_RD_SEC_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-68 TPTC_C5_RD_DED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-69 TPTC_C5_RD_RED_Test in Interrupt Method
UC-70 PCR_SEC_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-71 PCR_RED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-72 PCR_RED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-73 DSP_SDMA_SEC_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-74 DSP_SDMA_DED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-75 DSP_SDMA_RED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-76 DSP_MDMA_RED_Test in Interrupt Method.
UC-77 MDO_FIFO_SEC_Test in Interrupt Method.

Supported Combinations

Steps to Run the Example

See Also


Sample Output

Shown below is a sample output when the application is run on AM263X in R5 Core,

ECC BUS SAFETY Application
Applications Name: CR5A_AHB_RED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 151 micro secs
Applications Name: CR5B_AHB_RED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 141 micro secs
Applications Name: CR5C_AHB_RED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 142 micro secs
Applications Name: CR5D_AHB_RED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 141 micro secs
Applications Name: TPTC_A0_WR_RED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 143 micro secs
Applications Name: TPTC_A1_WR_RED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 105 micro secs
Applications Name: TPTC_A0_RD_SEC_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 139 micro secs
Applications Name: TPTC_A0_RD_DED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 129 micro secs
Applications Name: TPTC_A0_RD_RED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 110 micro secs
Applications Name: TPTC_A1_RD_SEC_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 136 micro secs
Applications Name: TPTC_A1_RD_DED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 130 micro secs
Applications Name: TPTC_A1_RD_RED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 110 micro secs
Applications Name: MSS_CR5A_AXI_WR_RED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 110 micro secs
Applications Name: MSS_CR5B_AXI_WR_RED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 108 micro secs
Applications Name: MSS_CR5C_AXI_WR_RED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 109 micro secs
Applications Name: MSS_CR5D_AXI_WR_RED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 109 micro secs
Applications Name: MSS_CR5A_AXI_RD_SEC_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 119 micro secs
Applications Name: MSS_CR5A_AXI_RD_RED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 111 micro secs
Applications Name: MSS_CR5B_AXI_RD_SEC_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 119 micro secs
Applications Name: MSS_CR5B_AXI_RD_RED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 113 micro secs
Applications Name: MSS_CR5C_AXI_RD_SEC_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 119 micro secs
Applications Name: MSS_CR5C_AXI_RD_RED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 112 micro secs
Applications Name: MSS_CR5D_AXI_RD_SEC_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 120 micro secs
Applications Name: MSS_CR5D_AXI_RD_RED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 112 micro secs
Applications Name: MSS_CR5A_AXI_S_SEC_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 121 micro secs
Applications Name: MSS_CR5A_AXI_S_RED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 114 micro secs
Applications Name: MSS_CR5B_AXI_S_SEC_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 123 micro secs
Applications Name: MSS_CR5B_AXI_S_RED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 116 micro secs
Applications Name: MSS_CR5C_AXI_S_SEC_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 123 micro secs
Applications Name: MSS_CR5C_AXI_S_RED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 116 micro secs
Applications Name: MSS_CR5D_AXI_S_SEC_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 125 micro secs
Applications Name: MSS_CR5D_AXI_S_RED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 117 micro secs
Applications Name: MSS_MMC_S_SEC_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 127 micro secs
Applications Name: MSS_MMC_S_DED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 119 micro secs
Applications Name: MSS_MMC_S_RED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 118 micro secs
Applications Name: MSS_GPMC_SEC_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 130 micro secs
Applications Name: MSS_GPMC_DED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 119 micro secs
Applications Name: MSS_GPMC_RED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 120 micro secs
Applications Name: MSS_L2_A_RED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 120 micro secs
Applications Name: MSS_L2_B_RED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 121 micro secs
Applications Name: MSS_L2_C_RED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 121 micro secs
Applications Name: MSS_L2_D_RED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 121 micro secs
Applications Name: MAIN_VBUSP_RED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 159 micro secs
Applications Name: PERI_VBUSP_RED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 160 micro secs
All tests have passed

Shown below is a sample output when the application is run on AWR294X in R5 Core,

ECC BUS SAFETY Application
Applications Name: CR5A_AHB_RED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 15 micro secs
Applications Name: CR5B_AHB_RED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 12 micro secs
Applications Name: TPTC_A0_WR_RED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 10 micro secs
Applications Name: TPTC_A1_WR_RED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 10 micro secs
Applications Name: TPTC_B0_WR_RED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 10 micro secs
Applications Name: TPTC_A0_RD_SEC_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 62 micro secs
Applications Name: TPTC_A0_RD_DED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 34 micro secs
Applications Name: TPTC_A0_RD_RED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 12 micro secs
Applications Name: TPTC_A1_RD_SEC_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 50 micro secs
Applications Name: TPTC_A1_RD_DED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 32 micro secs
Applications Name: TPTC_A1_RD_RED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 11 micro secs
Applications Name: TPTC_B0_RD_SEC_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 50 micro secs
Applications Name: TPTC_B0_RD_DED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 31 micro secs
Applications Name: TPTC_B0_RD_RED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 12 micro secs
Applications Name: MSS_MBOX_SEC_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 29 micro secs
Applications Name: MSS_MBOX_DED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 13 micro secs
Applications Name: MSS_MBOX_RED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 12 micro secs
Applications Name: MSS_L2_A_RED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 14 micro secs
Applications Name: MSS_L2_B_RED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 13 micro secs
Applications Name: MSS_DMM_SLV_SEC_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 29 micro secs
Applications Name: MSS_DMM_SLV_DED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 14 micro secs
Applications Name: MSS_DMM_SLV_RED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 13 micro secs
Applications Name: MSS_DMM_RED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 12 micro secs
Applications Name: MSS_GPADC_SEC_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 28 micro secs
Applications Name: MSS_GPADC_DED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 28 micro secs
Applications Name: MSS_GPADC_RED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 28 micro secs
Applications Name: MSS_PCR_SEC_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 49 micro secs
Applications Name: MSS_PCR_DED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 34 micro secs
Applications Name: MSS_PCR_RED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 14 micro secs
Applications Name: MSS_PCR2_SEC_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 48 micro secs
Applications Name: MSS_PCR2_DED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 33 micro secs
Applications Name: MSS_PCR2_RED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 13 micro secs
Applications Name: MSS_CPSW_SEC_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 103 micro secs
Applications Name: MSS_CPSW_RED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 14 micro secs
Applications Name: MSS_CR5A_AXI_WR_RED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 11 micro secs
Applications Name: MSS_CR5B_AXI_WR_RED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 11 micro secs
Applications Name: MSS_CR5A_AXI_RD_RED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 11 micro secs
Applications Name: MSS_CR5B_AXI_RD_RED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 11 micro secs
Applications Name: MSS_CR5A_AXI_S_RED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 10 micro secs
Applications Name: MSS_CR5B_AXI_S_RED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 11 micro secs
All tests have passed

Shown below is a sample output when the application is run on AM273X in R5 Core,

ECC BUS SAFETY Application
Applications Name: CR5A_AHB_RED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 11 micro secs
Applications Name: CR5B_AHB_RED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 9 micro secs
Applications Name: TPTC_A0_WR_RED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 8 micro secs
Applications Name: TPTC_A1_WR_RED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 7 micro secs
Applications Name: TPTC_B0_WR_RED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 7 micro secs
Applications Name: TPTC_A0_RD_SEC_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 46 micro secs
Applications Name: TPTC_A0_RD_DED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 26 micro secs
Applications Name: TPTC_A0_RD_RED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 9 micro secs
Applications Name: TPTC_A1_RD_SEC_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 37 micro secs
Applications Name: TPTC_A1_RD_DED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 23 micro secs
Applications Name: TPTC_A1_RD_RED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 8 micro secs
Applications Name: TPTC_B0_RD_SEC_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 37 micro secs
Applications Name: TPTC_B0_RD_DED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 24 micro secs
Applications Name: TPTC_B0_RD_RED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 9 micro secs
Applications Name: MSS_MBOX_SEC_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 22 micro secs
Applications Name: MSS_MBOX_DED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 10 micro secs
Applications Name: MSS_MBOX_RED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 10 micro secs
Applications Name: MSS_L2_A_RED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 10 micro secs
Applications Name: MSS_L2_B_RED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 10 micro secs
Applications Name: MSS_DMM_SLV_SEC_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 21 micro secs
Applications Name: MSS_DMM_SLV_DED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 11 micro secs
Applications Name: MSS_DMM_SLV_RED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 10 micro secs
Applications Name: MSS_DMM_RED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 10 micro secs
Applications Name: MSS_GPADC_SEC_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 21 micro secs
Applications Name: MSS_GPADC_DED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 23 micro secs
Applications Name: MSS_GPADC_RED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 21 micro secs
Applications Name: MSS_PCR_SEC_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 38 micro secs
Applications Name: MSS_PCR_DED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 25 micro secs
Applications Name: MSS_PCR_RED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 10 micro secs
Applications Name: MSS_PCR2_SEC_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 37 micro secs
Applications Name: MSS_PCR2_DED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 25 micro secs
Applications Name: MSS_PCR2_RED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 10 micro secs
Applications Name: MSS_CPSW_SEC_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 79 micro secs
Applications Name: MSS_CPSW_RED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 11 micro secs
Applications Name: MSS_CR5A_AXI_WR_RED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 8 micro secs
Applications Name: MSS_CR5B_AXI_WR_RED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 8 micro secs
Applications Name: MSS_CR5A_AXI_RD_RED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 9 micro secs
Applications Name: MSS_CR5B_AXI_RD_RED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 9 micro secs
Applications Name: MSS_CR5A_AXI_S_RED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 8 micro secs
Applications Name: MSS_CR5B_AXI_S_RED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 8 micro secs
All tests have passed

Shown below is a sample output when the application is run on AWR294X in C66 Core,

ECC BUS SAFETY Application
Applications Name: MCRC_SEC_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 36 micro secs
Applications Name: MCRC_DED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 12 micro secs
Applications Name: MCRC_RED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 12 micro secs
Applications Name: DSS_L3_BANKA_SEC_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 35 micro secs
Applications Name: DSS_L3_BANKA_DED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 11 micro secs
Applications Name: DSS_L3_BANKA_RED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 11 micro secs
Applications Name: DSS_L3_BANKB_SEC_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 35 micro secs
Applications Name: DSS_L3_BANKB_DED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 11 micro secs
Applications Name: DSS_L3_BANKB_RED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 11 micro secs
Applications Name: DSS_L3_BANKC_SEC_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 36 micro secs
Applications Name: DSS_L3_BANKC_DED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 11 micro secs
Applications Name: DSS_L3_BANKC_RED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 11 micro secs
Applications Name: DSS_HWA_DMA0_SEC_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 35 micro secs
Applications Name: DSS_HWA_DMA0_DED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 11 micro secs
Applications Name: DSS_HWA_DMA0_RED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 12 micro secs
Applications Name: DSS_HWA_DMA1_SEC_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 35 micro secs
Applications Name: DSS_HWA_DMA1_DED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 12 micro secs
Applications Name: DSS_HWA_DMA1_RED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 11 micro secs
Applications Name: DSS_MBOX_SEC_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 35 micro secs
Applications Name: DSS_MBOX_DED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 12 micro secs
Applications Name: DSS_MBOX_RED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 12 micro secs
Applications Name: CBUFF_FIFO_SEC_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 35 micro secs
Applications Name: CBUFF_FIFO_DED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 13 micro secs
Applications Name: CBUFF_FIFO_RED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 12 micro secs
Applications Name: TPTC_A0_WR_RED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 11 micro secs
Applications Name: TPTC_A0_WR_RED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 10 micro secs
Applications Name: TPTC_A0_WR_RED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 11 micro secs
Applications Name: TPTC_A0_WR_RED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 11 micro secs
Applications Name: TPTC_A0_WR_RED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 11 micro secs
Applications Name: TPTC_A0_WR_RED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 12 micro secs
Applications Name: TPTC_A0_WR_RED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 12 micro secs
Applications Name: TPTC_A0_WR_RED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 11 micro secs
Applications Name: TPTC_A0_WR_RED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 11 micro secs
Applications Name: TPTC_A0_WR_RED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 12 micro secs
Applications Name: TPTC_A0_RD_SEC_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 53 micro secs
Applications Name: TPTC_A0_RD_DED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 32 micro secs
Applications Name: TPTC_A0_RD_RED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 13 micro secs
Applications Name: TPTC_A1_RD_SEC_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 52 micro secs
Applications Name: TPTC_A1_RD_DED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 32 micro secs
Applications Name: TPTC_A1_RD_RED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 13 micro secs
Applications Name: TPTC_B0_RD_SEC_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 53 micro secs
Applications Name: TPTC_B0_RD_DED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 31 micro secs
Applications Name: TPTC_B0_RD_RED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 14 micro secs
Applications Name: TPTC_B1_RD_SEC_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 53 micro secs
Applications Name: TPTC_B1_RD_DED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 32 micro secs
Applications Name: TPTC_B1_RD_RED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 14 micro secs
Applications Name: TPTC_C0_RD_SEC_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 53 micro secs
Applications Name: TPTC_C0_RD_DED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 32 micro secs
Applications Name: TPTC_C0_RD_RED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 14 micro secs
Applications Name: TPTC_C1_RD_SEC_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 53 micro secs
Applications Name: TPTC_C1_RD_DED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 32 micro secs
Applications Name: TPTC_C1_RD_RED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 15 micro secs
Applications Name: TPTC_C2_RD_SEC_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 53 micro secs
Applications Name: TPTC_C2_RD_DED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 32 micro secs
Applications Name: TPTC_C2_RD_RED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 15 micro secs
Applications Name: TPTC_C3_RD_SEC_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 53 micro secs
Applications Name: TPTC_C3_RD_DED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 32 micro secs
Applications Name: TPTC_C3_RD_RED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 14 micro secs
Applications Name: TPTC_C4_RD_SEC_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 53 micro secs
Applications Name: TPTC_C4_RD_DED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 33 micro secs
Applications Name: TPTC_C4_RD_RED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 15 micro secs
Applications Name: TPTC_C5_RD_SEC_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 53 micro secs
Applications Name: TPTC_C5_RD_DED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 33 micro secs
Applications Name: TPTC_C5_RD_RED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 15 micro secs
Applications Name: PCR_SEC_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 55 micro secs
Applications Name: PCR_DED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 33 micro secs
Applications Name: PCR_RED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 15 micro secs
Applications Name: DSP_SDMA_SEC_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 35 micro secs
Applications Name: DSP_SDMA_DED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 16 micro secs
Applications Name: DSP_SDMA_RED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 15 micro secs
Applications Name: DSP_MDMA_RED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 15 micro secs
All tests have passed

Shown below is a sample output when the application is run on AM273X in C66 Core,

ECC BUS SAFETY Application
Applications Name: MDO_FIFO_DED_Test in Polling Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 5 micro secs
Applications Name: MDO_FIFO_RED_Test in Polling Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 5 micro secs
Applications Name: MCRC_SEC_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 29 micro secs
Applications Name: MCRC_DED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 10 micro secs
Applications Name: MCRC_RED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 9 micro secs
Applications Name: DSS_L3_BANKA_SEC_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 28 micro secs
Applications Name: DSS_L3_BANKA_DED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 9 micro secs
Applications Name: DSS_L3_BANKA_RED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 8 micro secs
Applications Name: DSS_L3_BANKB_SEC_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 29 micro secs
Applications Name: DSS_L3_BANKB_DED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 9 micro secs
Applications Name: DSS_L3_BANKB_RED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 8 micro secs
Applications Name: DSS_L3_BANKC_SEC_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 29 micro secs
Applications Name: DSS_L3_BANKC_DED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 9 micro secs
Applications Name: DSS_L3_BANKC_RED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 9 micro secs
Applications Name: DSS_L3_BANKD_SEC_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 29 micro secs
Applications Name: DSS_L3_BANKD_DED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 9 micro secs
Applications Name: DSS_L3_BANKD_RED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 9 micro secs
Applications Name: DSS_HWA_DMA0_SEC_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 30 micro secs
Applications Name: DSS_HWA_DMA0_DED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 9 micro secs
Applications Name: DSS_HWA_DMA0_RED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 9 micro secs
Applications Name: DSS_HWA_DMA1_SEC_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 29 micro secs
Applications Name: DSS_HWA_DMA1_DED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 10 micro secs
Applications Name: DSS_HWA_DMA1_RED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 9 micro secs
Applications Name: DSS_MBOX_SEC_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 28 micro secs
Applications Name: DSS_MBOX_DED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 9 micro secs
Applications Name: DSS_MBOX_RED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 9 micro secs
Applications Name: CBUFF_FIFO_SEC_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 28 micro secs
Applications Name: CBUFF_FIFO_DED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 10 micro secs
Applications Name: CBUFF_FIFO_RED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 10 micro secs
Applications Name: TPTC_A0_WR_RED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 9 micro secs
Applications Name: TPTC_A0_WR_RED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 9 micro secs
Applications Name: TPTC_A0_WR_RED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 8 micro secs
Applications Name: TPTC_A0_WR_RED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 9 micro secs
Applications Name: TPTC_A0_WR_RED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 9 micro secs
Applications Name: TPTC_A0_WR_RED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 9 micro secs
Applications Name: TPTC_A0_WR_RED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 9 micro secs
Applications Name: TPTC_A0_WR_RED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 9 micro secs
Applications Name: TPTC_A0_WR_RED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 9 micro secs
Applications Name: TPTC_A0_WR_RED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 9 micro secs
Applications Name: TPTC_A0_RD_SEC_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 43 micro secs
Applications Name: TPTC_A0_RD_DED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 25 micro secs
Applications Name: TPTC_A0_RD_RED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 11 micro secs
Applications Name: TPTC_A1_RD_SEC_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 43 micro secs
Applications Name: TPTC_A1_RD_DED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 25 micro secs
Applications Name: TPTC_A1_RD_RED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 10 micro secs
Applications Name: TPTC_B0_RD_SEC_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 43 micro secs
Applications Name: TPTC_B0_RD_DED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 26 micro secs
Applications Name: TPTC_B0_RD_RED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 10 micro secs
Applications Name: TPTC_B1_RD_SEC_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 43 micro secs
Applications Name: TPTC_B1_RD_DED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 25 micro secs
Applications Name: TPTC_B1_RD_RED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 11 micro secs
Applications Name: TPTC_C0_RD_SEC_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 43 micro secs
Applications Name: TPTC_C0_RD_DED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 26 micro secs
Applications Name: TPTC_C0_RD_RED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 12 micro secs
Applications Name: TPTC_C1_RD_SEC_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 43 micro secs
Applications Name: TPTC_C1_RD_DED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 26 micro secs
Applications Name: TPTC_C1_RD_RED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 11 micro secs
Applications Name: TPTC_C2_RD_SEC_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 42 micro secs
Applications Name: TPTC_C2_RD_DED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 26 micro secs
Applications Name: TPTC_C2_RD_RED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 11 micro secs
Applications Name: TPTC_C3_RD_SEC_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 43 micro secs
Applications Name: TPTC_C3_RD_DED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 26 micro secs
Applications Name: TPTC_C3_RD_RED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 11 micro secs
Applications Name: TPTC_C4_RD_SEC_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 44 micro secs
Applications Name: TPTC_C4_RD_DED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 26 micro secs
Applications Name: TPTC_C4_RD_RED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 12 micro secs
Applications Name: TPTC_C5_RD_SEC_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 43 micro secs
Applications Name: TPTC_C5_RD_DED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 27 micro secs
Applications Name: TPTC_C5_RD_RED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 12 micro secs
Applications Name: PCR_SEC_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 42 micro secs
Applications Name: PCR_DED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 26 micro secs
Applications Name: PCR_RED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 12 micro secs
Applications Name: DSP_SDMA_SEC_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 28 micro secs
Applications Name: DSP_SDMA_DED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 13 micro secs
Applications Name: DSP_SDMA_RED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 12 micro secs
Applications Name: DSP_MDMA_RED_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 12 micro secs
Applications Name: MDO_FIFO_SEC_Test in Interrupt Method PASSED and Time taken for the Test is 28 micro secs
All tests have passed