AM263x MCU+ SDK  09.02.00
EPWM protection solution using PRU


This example shows:

  • Support for PWM protection solution using PRU ICSS
    • ICSS PRU to latch, CPU (R5F) to clear the PWM protection status
  • Waveforms for PWM protection status, transition from normal to protection status
  • Benchmark for ASC shutdown delay time (time from trip signal to PWM output entering protection status).
  • Configurable deadband time in normal PWM output.
    • No deadband time needed during changing from freewheeling to H-ASC or L-ASC
  • Configurable Freewheeling time.

Figure 1a. PWM protection example - Block Diagram


  • IGBT Fault signal
    • Digital Signal , e.g.1– Low side IGBT has issue, 0– no issue.
  • OCP Signal
    • Over Current protection ,Digital Signal e.g. 1– Over current , 0 – current normal.
  • OVP Signal
    • Over Voltage protection, Digital Signal e.g. 1– Over voltage , 0 –voltage normal.
  • For the speed threshold, 2 cases
    • Case 1 (not implemented by this example): Speed Signal: is PWM signal, PWM frequency corresponding to motor Speed. Calculate the motor speed based on this PWM frequency and judge the speed > Threshold or not.
    • Case 2: Speed Level : IO signal ,e.g. 1–Speed > high Threshold, 0– Speed < high Threshold.


Flowchart for expected output/PWM protection behavior

Figure 2a. Protection flow chart

Truth table equivalent of protection flowchart

Speed level/Speed Signal IGBT fault signal OVP signal OCP signal PWM behavior/status
0 (Speed < high Threshold) X 0 0 Normal PWM output
0 (Speed < high Threshold) X 0 1 Shut down all PWM
0 (Speed < high Threshold) X 1 0 Shut down all PWM
0 (Speed < high Threshold) X 1 1 Shut down all PWM
1 (Speed > high Threshold) 0 0 0 Normal PWM output
1 (Speed > high Threshold) 0 0 1 Shut down all PWM
1 (Speed > high Threshold) 0 1 0 Low side ASC
1 (Speed > high Threshold) 0 1 1 Low side ASC
1 (Speed > high Threshold) 1 0 0 Normal PWM output
1 (Speed > high Threshold) 1 0 1 Shut down all PWM
1 (Speed > high Threshold) 1 1 0 High side ASC
1 (Speed > high Threshold) 1 1 1 High side ASC
  • To ensure transition from normal to shut down: Speed level must be updated first followed by OCP, OVP and then IGBT
  • To ensure transition from normal to low/high ASC: Speed level must be updated first followed by IGBT fault signal, OVP and then OCP

Details of PWM behavior/status

PWM behavior/status Details
Normal PWM output Normal operation of
Shut down all PWM PWM0/1/2_A trips to low (0% duty),
PWM0/1/2_B trips to low (0% duty)
Low side ASC,
Three low side PWM 100% duty ON,
three high side PWM shunt down
PWM0/1/2_A trips to low (0% duty),
PWM0/1/2_B trips to high (100% duty)
High side ASC,
Three high side PWM 100% duty ON,
three Low side PWM shunt down
PWM0/1/2_A trips to high (100% duty),
PWM0/1/2_B trips to low (0% duty)

Figure 2b. Normal PWM output to Low side ASC, Normal PWM output to High side ASC

Figure 2c. Normal PWM output to shut down


Figure 3a. Implementation block diagram

Signal path: GPIO51/52/53/54 -> INPUTXBAR0/1/2/3 -> PWMXBAR0/1/2/3 -> GPI0/1/2/3 ICSS (PRU firmware reads GPI reg, process, writes to GPO reg) GPO0/1/2/3 -> INPUTXBAR4/5/6/7 -> PWMXBAR4/5/6/7 -> EPWM0+1+2 Trip5/6/7/8

  • No setup for GPIO51/52/53/54 required to feed input to InputXbar
  • INPUTXBAR0/1/2/3 configured to select its inputs as GPIO51/52/53/54 respectively
  • PWMXBAR0/1/2/3 configured to select its inputs as INPUTXBAR0/1/2/3 respectively
  • ICSS GPI MUX configured to select PWMXBAR0/1/2/3 as input for ICSS GPI0/1/2/3 respectively
  • Details of PRU firmware below
  • INPUTXBAR4/5/6/7 configured to select its inputs as ICSS GPO0/1/2/3 respectively
  • PWMXBAR4/5/6/7 configured to select its inputs as INPUTXBAR4/5/6/7 respectively
  • PWMXBAR4/5/6/7 feeds to EPWM trip inputs
  • EPWM setup:
    • EPWM0 (used for PWM0_A and PWM0_B)
      • Frequency: 20KHz
      • Left aligned
      • PWM_A duty: 70%
      • Deadband settings: Active High Complementary. RED, FED: 100 (500ns)
      • PWM_A and PWM_B complementary
    • EPWM1 (used for PWM1_A and PWM1_B)
      • Frequency: 20KHz
      • Left aligned
      • PWM_A duty: 70%
      • Deadband settings: Active High Complementary. RED, FED: 100 (500ns)
      • PWM_A and PWM_B complementary
    • EPWM2 (used for PWM2_A and PWM2_B)
      • Frequency: 20KHz
      • Left aligned
      • PWM_A duty: 70%
      • Deadband settings: Active High Complementary. RED, FED: 100 (500ns)
      • PWM_A and PWM_B complementary
  • EPWM trip setup:
    • TripInput5 -> DCAH, DCAH high -> DCAEVT1, DCAEVT1 -> Trip EPWM0_A high
    • TripInput6 -> DCAL, DCAL high -> DCAEVT2, DCAEVT2 -> Trip EPWM0_A low
    • TripInput7 -> DCBH, DCBH high -> DCBEVT1, DCBEVT1 -> Trip EPWM0_B high
    • TripInput8 -> DCBL, DCBL high -> DCBEVT2, DCBEVT2 -> Trip EPWM0_B low

ICSS PRU firmware:

Figure 3b. Implementation flow chart
.retain ; Required for building .out with assembly file
.retainrefs ; Required for building .out with assembly file
.global main
.sect ".text"
.asg r31, gpi_reg
.asg r30, gpo_reg
.asg r1.b0, offset_reg8
.asg r20, temp_reg32
.asg r21.b0, input_bits_reg8
.asg r22.b0, trip_bits_reg8
.asg r23.b0, clr_reg8
.asg r24.b0, zero_reg8
.asg r25, freewheeling_countdown_reg32
.asg r26, freewheeling_time_reg32
.asg 0, LUT_OFFSET ; 16 byte. Offset of Look up table for PRU FW use. Placed at base of PRU DMEM0 - as optimization
; Initialize before PRU FW load and run
.asg 16, PROTECTION_STATUS_OFFSET ; 1 byte. Offset of Protection status from PRU
.asg 20, PROTECTION_STATUS_CLR_OFFSET ; 1 byte. Offset of Clear request from R5
.asg 24, PRU_FW_VERSION_OFFSET ; 4 byte. Offset of PRU firmware version
.asg 28, FREEWHEELING_TIME_OFFSET ; 4 byte. Offset of Freewheeling time
; Initialize before PRU FW load and run
ldi gpo_reg.b0, 0x00 ;Clear GPO and GPI registers
ldi gpi_reg.b0, 0x00
ldi zero_reg8, 0 ;Initialize constant value registers
ldi offset_reg8, PRU_FW_VERSION_OFFSET
ldi temp_reg32.w0, 0x0002 ;Write firmware version. Version 2
ldi temp_reg32.w2, 0x0000
sbco &temp_reg32, c24, offset_reg8, 4
ldi offset_reg8, FREEWHEELING_TIME_OFFSET ;Initialization of freewheeling time
lbco &freewheeling_countdown_reg32, c24, offset_reg8, 4
;Wait for fault
mov input_bits_reg8, gpi_reg.b0 ;1 cycle. Latch input bits
qbeq poll_gpi, input_bits_reg8, 0 ;1 cycle. Poll inputs until non zero. Optimization: Remove this and directly look up. This will reduce latency to enter protection status, but reduces frequency of polling
lbco &trip_bits_reg8, c24, input_bits_reg8, 1 ;3 cycle. Look up in LUT at DMEM0. Optimization: move to PRU core registers
qbeq poll_gpi, trip_bits_reg8, 0 ;1 cycle. Continue to poll if no protection required
qbeq end_freewheeling, freewheeling_countdown_reg32, 0 ;1 cycle. Skip freewheeling if no or 0 freewheeling time
ldi gpo_reg.b0, 0x0a ;1 cycle. Turn off all PWMs
freewheeling: ; Freewheeling start.
sub freewheeling_countdown_reg32, freewheeling_countdown_reg32, 1 ; 1 cycle * freewheeling time programmed
qbne freewheeling, freewheeling_countdown_reg32, 0 ; 1 cycle * freewheeling time programmed
;Apply protection and notify CPU
mov gpo_reg.b0, trip_bits_reg8 ;1 cycle. Apply trip output signals to GPO
sbco &trip_bits_reg8, c24, PROTECTION_STATUS_OFFSET, 1 ;2 cycle. Write trip bits as protection status
;Wait for clear command from CPU and clear
lbco &clr_reg8, c24, PROTECTION_STATUS_CLR_OFFSET, 1 ;3 cycles
qbeq poll_clr, clr_reg8, 0 ;1 cycle. Poll for clear/ack request from R5F
ldi gpo_reg.b0, 0x00 ;1 cycle. Clear trip output signals to GPO
sbco &zero_reg8, c24, PROTECTION_STATUS_OFFSET, 1 ;2 cycle. Clear protection status
sbco &zero_reg8, c24, PROTECTION_STATUS_CLR_OFFSET, 1 ;2 cycle. Clear clear/ack request
ldi offset_reg8, FREEWHEELING_TIME_OFFSET ;1 cycle. Re-Initialization of freewheeling time
lbco &freewheeling_countdown_reg32, c24, offset_reg8, 4 ;3 cycle.
qba poll_gpi ;1 cycle

ICSS PRU firmware memory map:

    • 16 byte Look up table for PRU FW use.
    • Input bits to trip output signal mapping
    • 1 byte Protection status from PRU.
    • bit 0 PWM_A 100%,
    • bit 1 PWM_A 0%,
    • bit 2 PWM_B 100%,
    • bit 3 PWM_B 0%
    • 1 byte Clear request from R5F.
    • 0 - no clear request.
    • Non-zero - clear request
    • 4 byte PRU firmware version
    • 4 byte Freewheeling time.
    • Absolute time in 10ns unit.

ICSS PRU Firmware latency:

Execution time - from detection of input fault signal to generation of trip output signal : 8 cycles * 5ns. 40ns

External Connections

AM263X-CC or AM263PX-CC

Connect AM263x or AM263Px ControlCard to TMDSHSECDOCK (HSEC180 controlCARD Baseboard Docking Station)

Figure 4a. External connections required
  • Provide 'IGBT Fault signal' input to GPIO51
    • 3.3v -> 1 (Low side IGBT has issue)
    • 0v -> 0 (no issue)
  • Provide 'OCP Signal' input to GPIO52
    • 3.3v -> 1 (Over current)
    • 0v -> 0 (current normal)
  • Provide 'OVP Signal' input to GPIO53
    • 3.3v -> 1 (Over voltage)
    • 0v -> 0 (voltage normal)
  • (not supported) Provide 'Speed Signal' input to pin (TBD)
    • PWM signal, PWM frequency corresponding to motor Speed. CPLD need to calculate the motor speed based on this PWM frequency and judge the speed > Threshold or not.
  • Provide 'Speed Level' input to GPIO54
    • 3.3v -> 1 (Speed > high Threshold)
    • 0v -> 0 (Speed < high Threshold)
  • Capture EPWM0_A waveform at HSEC Pin 49
  • Capture EPWM0_B waveform at HSEC Pin 51
  • Capture EPWM1_A waveform at HSEC Pin 53
  • Capture EPWM1_B waveform at HSEC Pin 55
  • Capture EPWM2_A waveform at HSEC Pin 50
  • Capture EPWM2_B waveform at HSEC Pin 52

AM263X-LP or AM263PX-LP

This example is not supported on AM263X-LP or AM263PX-LP

Supported Combinations

Parameter Value
CPU + OS r5fss0-0 nortos
Toolchain ti-arm-clang
Board am263x-cc
Example folder examples/drivers/epwm/epwm_protection_pru

Steps to Run the Example

  • When using CCS projects to build, import the CCS project for the required combination and build it using the CCS project menu (see Using SDK with CCS Projects).
  • When using makefiles to build, note the required combination and build using make command (see Using SDK with Makefiles)
  • Establish connections as mentioned in External Connections section
  • Launch a CCS debug session and run the executable, see CCS Launch, Load and Run

See Also


Sample Output

Shown below is a sample output when the application is run,

[Cortex_R5_0] EPWM Protection PRU Test Started ...
PRU0 Processor disabled ...
PRU0 IRAM written ...
PRU LUT written ...
Freewheeling time written ...
PRU0 Processor enabled ...
Normal PWM output (check PWM0_A, PWM0_B, PWM1_A, PWM1_B, PWM2_A, PWM2_B)...
Generating test signals (IGBT fault, OCP, OVP, Speed level signals)...
OCP set.
Waiting to enter protection status...
Waiting to enter protection status...
Entered Protection status 0x0a...
Clearing protection status...
Waiting to clear protection status...
Cleared protection status...
Normal PWM output (check PWM0_A, PWM0_B, PWM1_A, PWM1_B, PWM2_A, PWM2_B)...
Generating test signals (IGBT fault, OCP, OVP, Speed level signals)...
OCP set. IGBT fault set.
Waiting to enter protection status...
Waiting to enter protection status...
Entered Protection status 0x0a...
Clearing protection status...
Waiting to clear protection status...
Cleared protection status...
Normal PWM output (check PWM0_A, PWM0_B, PWM1_A, PWM1_B, PWM2_A, PWM2_B)...
Generating test signals (IGBT fault, OCP, OVP, Speed level signals)...
OVP set.
Waiting to enter protection status...
Waiting to enter protection status...
Entered Protection status 0x0a...
Clearing protection status...
Waiting to clear protection status...
Cleared protection status...
Normal PWM output (check PWM0_A, PWM0_B, PWM1_A, PWM1_B, PWM2_A, PWM2_B)...
Generating test signals (IGBT fault, OCP, OVP, Speed level signals)...
OVP set. IGBT fault set.
Waiting to enter protection status...
Waiting to enter protection status...
Entered Protection status 0x0a...
Clearing protection status...
Waiting to clear protection status...
Cleared protection status...
Normal PWM output (check PWM0_A, PWM0_B, PWM1_A, PWM1_B, PWM2_A, PWM2_B)...
Generating test signals (IGBT fault, OCP, OVP, Speed level signals)...
OCP set. OVP set.
Waiting to enter protection status...
Waiting to enter protection status...
Entered Protection status 0x0a...
Clearing protection status...
Waiting to clear protection status...
Cleared protection status...
Normal PWM output (check PWM0_A, PWM0_B, PWM1_A, PWM1_B, PWM2_A, PWM2_B)...
Generating test signals (IGBT fault, OCP, OVP, Speed level signals)...
OCP set. OVP set. IGBT fault set.
Waiting to enter protection status...
Waiting to enter protection status...
Entered Protection status 0x0a...
Clearing protection status...
Waiting to clear protection status...
Cleared protection status...
Normal PWM output (check PWM0_A, PWM0_B, PWM1_A, PWM1_B, PWM2_A, PWM2_B)...
Generating test signals (IGBT fault, OCP, OVP, Speed level signals)...
Speed level set. OCP set.
Waiting to enter protection status...
Waiting to enter protection status...
Entered Protection status 0x0a...
Clearing protection status...
Waiting to clear protection status...
Cleared protection status...
Normal PWM output (check PWM0_A, PWM0_B, PWM1_A, PWM1_B, PWM2_A, PWM2_B)...
Generating test signals (IGBT fault, OCP, OVP, Speed level signals)...
Speed level set. OCP set. IGBT fault set.
Waiting to enter protection status...
Waiting to enter protection status...
Entered Protection status 0x0a...
Clearing protection status...
Waiting to clear protection status...
Cleared protection status...
Normal PWM output (check PWM0_A, PWM0_B, PWM1_A, PWM1_B, PWM2_A, PWM2_B)...
Generating test signals (IGBT fault, OCP, OVP, Speed level signals)...
Speed level set. OVP set.
Waiting to enter protection status...
Waiting to enter protection status...
Entered Protection status 0x06...
Clearing protection status...
Waiting to clear protection status...
Cleared protection status...
Normal PWM output (check PWM0_A, PWM0_B, PWM1_A, PWM1_B, PWM2_A, PWM2_B)...
Generating test signals (IGBT fault, OCP, OVP, Speed level signals)...
Speed level set. IGBT fault set. OVP set.
Waiting to enter protection status...
Waiting to enter protection status...
Entered Protection status 0x09...
Clearing protection status...
Waiting to clear protection status...
Cleared protection status...
Normal PWM output (check PWM0_A, PWM0_B, PWM1_A, PWM1_B, PWM2_A, PWM2_B)...
Generating test signals (IGBT fault, OCP, OVP, Speed level signals)...
Speed level set. OVP set. OCP set.
Waiting to enter protection status...
Waiting to enter protection status...
Entered Protection status 0x06...
Clearing protection status...
Waiting to clear protection status...
Cleared protection status...
Normal PWM output (check PWM0_A, PWM0_B, PWM1_A, PWM1_B, PWM2_A, PWM2_B)...
Generating test signals (IGBT fault, OCP, OVP, Speed level signals)...
Speed level set. IGBT fault set. OVP set. OCP set.
Waiting to enter protection status...
Waiting to enter protection status...
Entered Protection status 0x09...
Clearing protection status...
Waiting to clear protection status...
Cleared protection status...

Figure 4h. Waveform: Expected waveform from example


Figure 4b. Waveform: Normal to Low ASC

Figure 4c. Waveform: Normal to High ASC

Figure 4d. Waveform: Normal to Shut down

Figure 4e. Waveform: Deadband

Figure 4f. Waveform: freewheeling


OCP high to PWM shut down: Approx 105ns

This is the latency of following path: GPIO52 (receives OCP rising edge) -> INPUTXBAR1 -> PWMXBAR1 -> GPI1 ICSS (PRU firmware reads GPI reg, process, writes to GPO reg) GPO0/1/2/3 (0101) -> INPUTXBAR4/5/6/7 -> PWMXBAR4/5/6/7 -> EPWM0+1+2 Trip5/6/7/8 -> PWM0/1/2 A/B(Falling edge)

Figure 4g. Benchmark: time from trip signal to PWM output entering protection status


ICSS connectivity

Figure 5a. ICSS connectivity

AM263x XBARs

InputXbar, PWMXbar

Figure 6a. Input XBAR

Figure 6b. PWM XBAR

AM263x EPWM Digital Compare and Trip Zone module

Figure 6c. EPWM Digital Compare and Trip Zone module