AM263x MCU+ SDK  09.02.00


This example demostrates how the RTI and ADC to be configured so that the ADC SOC can be triggered from the RTI Events.


  • RTI is configured to generate trigger every 5uS. Refer to the syscfg of the RTI for the configurational details
  • ADC SOC0 is configured for RTI trigger and generate interrupt at EOC0



  • ISR to read ADC SOC0 result and service the interrupt generated at EOC0. App_rtiISR
  • ISR callback to service RTI interrupt.

Both ISR have a counter to increment on each call. these counters are compared for the validation of the ADC triggers from RTI.

External Connections

Feed Analog voltages on ADC0_AIN2

AM263x-CC E2 or AM263Px-CC E2

  • ADC0_AIN2, i.e., HSEC PIN 15

AM263x-LP or AM263Px-LP

  • ADC0_AIN2, i.e., J5/7 PIN 66

Watch Variables

The below watch variables can be used to view ADC conversion results.

  • gAdcResults[] : Digital representation of the voltage sample on pin AIN2 of ADC0, triggered by RTI
  • gAdcIsrCount : counter for the ADC ISR
  • gRtiIsrCount : counter for the RTI ISR

Supported Combinations

Parameter Value
CPU + OS r5fss0-0 nortos
Toolchain ti-arm-clang
Board am263x-cc, am263x-lp
Example folder examples/drivers/adc/adc_soc_rti/

Steps to Run the Example

  • When using CCS projects to build, import the CCS project for the required combination and build it using the CCS project menu (see Using SDK with CCS Projects).
  • When using makefiles to build, note the required combination and build using make command (see Using SDK with Makefiles)
  • Establish connections as mentioned in External Connections section
  • Launch a CCS debug session and run the executable, see CCS Launch, Load and Run
  • Using watch variables, view the ADC conversion results.
  • View the ADC conversion results in UART console logs

See Also


Sample Output

Shown below is a sample output when the application is run,

ADC Triggered by RTI Test Started ...
ADC Triggered by RTI Test Passed
All tests have passed!!