ICSSG Packet Accelerator (PA) statistics counters.
The statistics counters reported by PRU-ICSSG. This structure type must be used by application to retrieve ICSSG statistics via ENET_STATS_IOCTL_GET_HOSTPORT_STATS.
uint64_t IcssgStats_Pa::hostRxByteCnt |
Number of valid bytes sent by RX PRU to Host on PSI. Valid only for Switch mode
uint64_t IcssgStats_Pa::hostTxByteCnt |
Number of valid bytes copied by RTU0 to TX queues. Valid only for Switch mode
uint64_t IcssgStats_Pa::hostRxByteCntMacSlice0 |
Number of valid bytes sent by Rx PRU to Host on PSI. Valid only for Dualmac mode
uint64_t IcssgStats_Pa::hostRxByteCntMacSlice1 |
Number of valid bytes sent by Rx PRU to Host on PSI. Valid only for Dualmac mode
uint64_t IcssgStats_Pa::hostTxByteCntMacSlice0 |
Number of valid bytes sent by Tx PRU to Host on PSI. Valid only for Dualmac mode
uint64_t IcssgStats_Pa::hostTxByteCntMacSlice1 |
Number of valid bytes sent by Tx PRU to Host on PSI. Valid only for Dualmac mode
uint32_t IcssgStats_Pa::hostRxPktCnt |
Number of valid packets sent by RX PRU to Host on PSI. Valid only for Switch mode
uint32_t IcssgStats_Pa::hostTxPktCnt |
Number of valid packets copied by RTU0 to TX queues. Valid only for Switch mode
uint32_t IcssgStats_Pa::hostRxPktCntMacSlice0 |
Number of valid packets sent by Rx PRU to Host on PSI. Valid only for Dualmac mode
uint32_t IcssgStats_Pa::hostRxPktCntMacSlice1 |
Number of valid packets sent by Rx PRU to Host on PSI. Valid only for Dualmac mode
uint32_t IcssgStats_Pa::hostTxPktCntMacSlice0 |
Number of valid packets copied by RTU0 to Tx queues. Valid only for Dualmac mode
uint32_t IcssgStats_Pa::hostTxPktCntMacSlice1 |
Number of valid packets copied by RTU1 to Tx queues. Valid only for Dualmac mode
uint32_t IcssgStats_Pa::rtu0PktDroppedSlice0 |
PRU diagnostic error counter which increments when RTU0 drops a locally injected packet due to port disabled or rule violation
uint32_t IcssgStats_Pa::rtu0PktDroppedSlice1 |
PRU diagnostic error counter which increments when RTU1 drops a locally injected packet due to port disabled or rule violation
uint32_t IcssgStats_Pa::port1Q0Overflow |
Port1 TX Q Overflow Counter
uint32_t IcssgStats_Pa::port1Q1Overflow |
Port1 TX Q Overflow Counter
uint32_t IcssgStats_Pa::port1Q2Overflow |
Port1 TX Q Overflow Counter
uint32_t IcssgStats_Pa::port1Q3Overflow |
Port1 TX Q Overflow Counter
uint32_t IcssgStats_Pa::port1Q4Overflow |
Port1 TX Q Overflow Counter
uint32_t IcssgStats_Pa::port1Q5Overflow |
Port1 TX Q Overflow Counter
uint32_t IcssgStats_Pa::port1Q6Overflow |
Port1 TX Q Overflow Counter
uint32_t IcssgStats_Pa::port1Q7Overflow |
Port1 TX Q Overflow Counter
uint32_t IcssgStats_Pa::port2Q0Overflow |
Port2 TX Q Overflow Counter
uint32_t IcssgStats_Pa::port2Q1Overflow |
Port2 TX Q Overflow Counter
uint32_t IcssgStats_Pa::port2Q2Overflow |
Port2 TX Q Overflow Counter
uint32_t IcssgStats_Pa::port2Q3Overflow |
Port2 TX Q Overflow Counter
uint32_t IcssgStats_Pa::port2Q4Overflow |
Port2 TX Q Overflow Counter
uint32_t IcssgStats_Pa::port2Q5Overflow |
Port2 TX Q Overflow Counter
uint32_t IcssgStats_Pa::port2Q6Overflow |
Port2 TX Q Overflow Counter
uint32_t IcssgStats_Pa::port2Q7Overflow |
Port2 TX Q Overflow Counter
uint32_t IcssgStats_Pa::hostQ0Overflow |
Host TX Q Overflow Counter
uint32_t IcssgStats_Pa::hostQ1Overflow |
Host TX Q Overflow Counter
uint32_t IcssgStats_Pa::hostQ2Overflow |
Host TX Q Overflow Counter
uint32_t IcssgStats_Pa::hostQ3Overflow |
Host TX Q Overflow Counter
uint32_t IcssgStats_Pa::hostQ4Overflow |
Host TX Q Overflow Counter
uint32_t IcssgStats_Pa::hostQ5Overflow |
Host TX Q Overflow Counter
uint32_t IcssgStats_Pa::hostQ6Overflow |
Host TX Q Overflow Counter
uint32_t IcssgStats_Pa::hostQ7Overflow |
Host TX Q Overflow Counter
uint32_t IcssgStats_Pa::hostEgressQPreOverflow |
Host Egress Q (Pre-emptible) Overflow Counter
uint32_t IcssgStats_Pa::droppedPktSlice0 |
Incremented if a packet is dropped at PRU0 because of a rule violation
uint32_t IcssgStats_Pa::droppedPktSlice1 |
Incremented if a packet is dropped at PRU1 because of a rule violation
uint32_t IcssgStats_Pa::rxErrorSlice0 |
Incremented if there was a CRC error or Min/Max frame error at PRU0
uint32_t IcssgStats_Pa::rxErrorSlice1 |
Incremented if there was a CRC error or Min/Max frame error at PRU1
uint32_t IcssgStats_Pa::rxEofRtuDsInvalidSlice0 |
RTU0 diagnostic counter increments when RTU detects Data Status invalid condition
uint32_t IcssgStats_Pa::rxEofRtuDsInvalidSlice1 |
RTU1 diagnostic counter increments when RTU detects Data Status invalid condition
uint32_t IcssgStats_Pa::txPort1DroppedPkt |
Counter for packets dropped via NRT TX Port1
uint32_t IcssgStats_Pa::txPort2DroppedPkt |
Counter for packets dropped via NRT TX Port2
uint32_t IcssgStats_Pa::txPort1TsDroppedPkt |
Counter for packets with TS flag dropped via NRT TX Port1
uint32_t IcssgStats_Pa::txPort2TsDroppedPkt |
Counter for packets with TS flag dropped via NRT TX Port2
uint32_t IcssgStats_Pa::infPortDisabledSlice0 |
PRU0 diagnostic error counter which increments when RX frame is dropped due to port is disabled
uint32_t IcssgStats_Pa::infPortDisabledSlice1 |
PRU1 diagnostic error counter which increments when RX frame is dropped due to port is disabled
uint32_t IcssgStats_Pa::infSavSlice0 |
PRU0 diagnostic error counter which increments when RX frame is dropped due to SA violation
uint32_t IcssgStats_Pa::infSavSlice1 |
PRU1 diagnostic error counter which increments when RX frame is dropped due to SA violation
uint32_t IcssgStats_Pa::infSaBlSlice0 |
PRU0 diagnostic error counter which increments when RX frame is dropped due to SA black listed
uint32_t IcssgStats_Pa::infSaBlSlice1 |
PRU1 diagnostic error counter which increments when RX frame is dropped due to SA black listed
uint32_t IcssgStats_Pa::infPortBlockedSlice0 |
PRU0 diagnostic error counter which increments when RX frame is dropped due to port blocked and not a special frame
uint32_t IcssgStats_Pa::infPortBlockedSlice1 |
PRU1 diagnostic error counter which increments when RX frame is dropped due to port blocked and not a special frame
uint32_t IcssgStats_Pa::infAftDropTaggedSlice0 |
PRU0 diagnostic error counter which increments when RX frame is dropped due to tagged
uint32_t IcssgStats_Pa::infAftDropTaggedSlice1 |
PRU1 diagnostic error counter which increments when RX frame is dropped due to tagged
uint32_t IcssgStats_Pa::infAftDropPrioTaggedSlice0 |
PRU0 diagnostic error counter which increments when RX frame is dropped due to priority tagged
uint32_t IcssgStats_Pa::infAftDropPrioTaggedSlice1 |
PRU1 diagnostic error counter which increments when RX frame is dropped due to priority tagged
uint32_t IcssgStats_Pa::infAftDropNoTagSlice0 |
PRU0 diagnostic error counter which increments when RX frame is dropped due to untagged
uint32_t IcssgStats_Pa::infAftDropNoTagSlice1 |
PRU1 diagnostic error counter which increments when RX frame is dropped due to untagged
uint32_t IcssgStats_Pa::infAftDropNotMemberSlice0 |
PRU0 diagnostic error counter which increments when RX frame is dropped due to port not member of VLAN
uint32_t IcssgStats_Pa::infAftDropNotMemberSlice1 |
PRU1 diagnostic error counter which increments when RX frame is dropped due to port not member of VLAN
uint32_t IcssgStats_Pa::fdbNoSpaceToLearn |
PRU diagnostic error counter which increments when an entry couldn't be learned
uint32_t IcssgStats_Pa::preemptBadFragSlice0 |
PRU0 Bad fragment Error Counter
uint32_t IcssgStats_Pa::preemptBadFragSlice1 |
PRU1 Bad fragment Error Counter
uint32_t IcssgStats_Pa::preemptAsmErrSlice0 |
PRU0 Fragment assembly Error Counter
uint32_t IcssgStats_Pa::preemptAsmErrSlice1 |
PRU1 Fragment assembly Error Counter
uint32_t IcssgStats_Pa::preemptFragCntTxSlice0 |
PRU0 Fragment count in TX
uint32_t IcssgStats_Pa::preemptFragCntTxSlice1 |
PRU1 Fragment count in TX
uint32_t IcssgStats_Pa::preemptAsmOkSlice0 |
PRU0 Assembly Completed
uint32_t IcssgStats_Pa::preemptAsmOkSlice1 |
PRU1 Assembly Completed
uint32_t IcssgStats_Pa::preemptFragCntRxSlice0 |
PRU0 Fragments received
uint32_t IcssgStats_Pa::preemptFragCntRxSlice1 |
PRU1 Fragments received
uint32_t IcssgStats_Pa::rxEofShortFrameErrSlice0 |
PRU0 diagnostic error counter which increments if EOF task is scheduled without seeing RX_B1
uint32_t IcssgStats_Pa::rxEofShortFrameErrSlice1 |
PRU1 diagnostic error counter which increments if EOF task is scheduled without seeing RX_B1
uint32_t IcssgStats_Pa::rxB0DropEarlyEoFSlice0 |
PRU0 diagnostic counter which increments when frame if droped due to Early EOF received in B0
uint32_t IcssgStats_Pa::rxB0DropEarlyEoFSlice1 |
PRU1 diagnostic counter which increments when frame if droped due to Early EOF received in B0
uint32_t IcssgStats_Pa::txJumboFrameCutoffSlice0 |
Tx PRU0 diagnostic counter which increments when frame is cut off to prevent packet size > 2000B
uint32_t IcssgStats_Pa::txJumboFrameCutoffSlice1 |
Tx PRU1 diagnostic counter which increments when frame is cut off to prevent packet size > 2000B
uint32_t IcssgStats_Pa::rxExpFragQDropSlice0 |
Rx PRU0 diagnostic counter which increments when express frame is received in same queue as previous fragment
uint32_t IcssgStats_Pa::rxExpFragQDropSlice1 |
Rx PRU1 diagnostic counter which increments when express frame is received in same queue as previous fragment
uint32_t IcssgStats_Pa::rxFifoOverRunSlice0 |
RX fifo overrun for slice 0
uint32_t IcssgStats_Pa::rxFifoOverRunSlice1 |
RX fifo overrun for slice 1
uint32_t IcssgStats_Pa::hostEgrsQPreOvrFloMacSlice0 |
Host Egress Q (Pre-emptible) Overflow Counter
uint32_t IcssgStats_Pa::hostEgrsQPreOvrFloMacSlice1 |
Host Egress Q (Pre-emptible) Overflow Counter
uint32_t IcssgStats_Pa::hostEgrsQExpOvrFloMacSlice0 |
Host Egress Q (Express) Overflow Counter
uint32_t IcssgStats_Pa::hostEgrsQExpOvrFloMacSlice1 |
Host Egress Q (Express) Overflow Counter