AM263Px MCU+ SDK  10.01.00

Detailed Description

MAC port module configuration parameters.

Data Fields

bool loopbackEn
Enet_CrcType crcType
uint32_t rxMtu
bool passPriorityTaggedUnchanged
EnetPort_VlanCfg vlanCfg
EnetPort_EgressPriorityType txPriorityType
EnetMac_SgmiiMode sgmiiMode

Field Documentation

◆ loopbackEn

bool CpswMacPort_Cfg::loopbackEn

Whether loopback mode is enabled or not

◆ crcType

Enet_CrcType CpswMacPort_Cfg::crcType

Type of CRC

◆ rxMtu

uint32_t CpswMacPort_Cfg::rxMtu

Max length of a received frame on ingress. This max length includes VLAN

◆ passPriorityTaggedUnchanged

bool CpswMacPort_Cfg::passPriorityTaggedUnchanged

Whether priority tagged packets should be passed unchanged (if set to true) or replaced with port's VID (if set to false)

◆ vlanCfg

EnetPort_VlanCfg CpswMacPort_Cfg::vlanCfg

Port VLAN configuration

◆ txPriorityType

EnetPort_EgressPriorityType CpswMacPort_Cfg::txPriorityType

Egress priority type

◆ sgmiiMode

EnetMac_SgmiiMode CpswMacPort_Cfg::sgmiiMode

SGMII mode. Applicable only when port is used in Q/SGMII mode