This module contains APIs to program and use the LIN.
Files | |
file | lin/v0/lin.h |
This file contains the prototype of LIN driver APIs. | |
Functions | |
void | LIN_initModule (uint32_t base) |
This function initializes the LIN module. More... | |
void | LIN_getData (uint32_t base, uint16_t *const data) |
This function reads the received data. More... | |
void | LIN_sendData (uint32_t base, uint16_t *data) |
This function sends the data. More... | |
static Bool | LIN_isBaseValid (uint32_t base) |
Checks a LIN base address. More... | |
static void | LIN_setLINMode (uint32_t base, LIN_LINMode mode) |
Sets the LIN mode. More... | |
static void | LIN_setMaximumBaudRate (uint32_t base, uint32_t clock) |
Set Maximum Baud Rate Prescaler. More... | |
static void | LIN_setMessageFiltering (uint32_t base, LIN_MessageFilter type) |
Set Message filtering Type. More... | |
static void | LIN_enableParity (uint32_t base) |
Enable Parity mode. More... | |
static void | LIN_disableParity (uint32_t base) |
Disable Parity mode. More... | |
static uint16_t | LIN_generateParityID (uint16_t identifier) |
Generate Parity Identifier. More... | |
static void | LIN_setIDByte (uint32_t base, uint16_t identifier) |
Set ID Byte. More... | |
static void | LIN_setIDResponderTask (uint32_t base, uint16_t identifier) |
Set ID-ResponderTask. More... | |
static void | LIN_sendWakeupSignal (uint32_t base) |
Send LIN wakeup signal. More... | |
static void | LIN_enterSleep (uint32_t base) |
Entering LIN sleep signal. More... | |
static void | LIN_sendChecksum (uint32_t base) |
Send Checksum Byte. More... | |
static void | LIN_triggerChecksumCompare (uint32_t base) |
Trigger Checksum Compare. More... | |
static Bool | LIN_isTxReady (uint32_t base) |
Check Tx buffer ready flag. More... | |
static void | LIN_setFrameLength (uint32_t base, uint16_t length) |
Set LIN Frame Length. More... | |
static void | LIN_setCommMode (uint32_t base, LIN_CommMode mode) |
Set LIN communication mode. More... | |
static void | LIN_setTxMask (uint32_t base, uint16_t mask) |
Sets the transmit ID mask. More... | |
static void | LIN_setRxMask (uint32_t base, uint16_t mask) |
Sets the receive ID mask. More... | |
static uint16_t | LIN_getTxMask (uint32_t base) |
Gets the transmit ID mask. More... | |
static uint16_t | LIN_getRxMask (uint32_t base) |
Gets the receive ID mask. More... | |
static Bool | LIN_isRxReady (uint32_t base) |
Gets the receive ID mask. More... | |
static uint16_t | LIN_getRxIdentifier (uint32_t base) |
Get last received identifier. More... | |
static Bool | LIN_isTxMatch (uint32_t base) |
Checks for Tx ID Match Received. More... | |
static Bool | LIN_isRxMatch (uint32_t base) |
Checks for Rx ID Match Received. More... | |
static void | LIN_enableInterrupt (uint32_t base, uint32_t intFlags) |
Enable interrupts. More... | |
static void | LIN_disableInterrupt (uint32_t base, uint32_t intFlags) |
Disable interrupts. More... | |
static void | LIN_clearInterruptStatus (uint32_t base, uint32_t intFlags) |
Clear interrupt status. More... | |
static void | LIN_setInterruptLevel0 (uint32_t base, uint32_t intFlags) |
Set interrupt level to 0. More... | |
static void | LIN_setInterruptLevel1 (uint32_t base, uint32_t intFlags) |
Set interrupt level to 1. More... | |
static void | LIN_enableModuleErrors (uint32_t base, uint32_t errors) |
Enable Module Errors for Testing. More... | |
static void | LIN_disableModuleErrors (uint32_t base, uint32_t errors) |
Disable Module Errors for Testing. More... | |
static void | LIN_enableAutomaticBaudrate (uint32_t base) |
Enable Automatic Baudrate Adjustment. More... | |
static void | LIN_disableAutomaticBaudrate (uint32_t base) |
Disable Automatic Baudrate Adjustment. More... | |
static void | LIN_stopExtendedFrame (uint32_t base) |
Stops LIN Extended Frame Communication. More... | |
static void | LIN_setChecksumType (uint32_t base, LIN_ChecksumType type) |
Set Checksum Type. More... | |
static void | LIN_setSyncFields (uint32_t base, uint16_t syncBreak, uint16_t delimiter) |
Set Sync Break Extend and Delimiter. More... | |
static void | LIN_enableSCIMode (uint32_t base) |
Enable SCI Mode. More... | |
static void | LIN_disableSCIMode (uint32_t base) |
Disable SCI Mode. More... | |
static void | LIN_setSCICommMode (uint32_t base, LIN_SCICommMode mode) |
Set SCI communication mode. More... | |
static void | LIN_enableSCIParity (uint32_t base, LIN_SCIParityType parity) |
Enable SCI Parity mode. More... | |
static void | LIN_disableSCIParity (uint32_t base) |
Disable SCI Parity mode. More... | |
static void | LIN_setSCIStopBits (uint32_t base, LIN_SCIStopBits number) |
Set the number of stop bits for SCI. More... | |
static void | LIN_enableSCISleepMode (uint32_t base) |
Enable SCI Sleep mode. More... | |
static void | LIN_disableSCISleepMode (uint32_t base) |
Disable SCI Sleep mode. More... | |
static void | LIN_enterSCILowPower (uint32_t base) |
Enter SCI Local Low-Power Mode. More... | |
static void | LIN_exitSCILowPower (uint32_t base) |
Exit SCI Local Low-Power Mode. More... | |
static void | LIN_setSCICharLength (uint32_t base, uint16_t numBits) |
Set SCI character length. More... | |
static void | LIN_setSCIFrameLength (uint32_t base, uint16_t length) |
Set SCI Frame Length. More... | |
static Bool | LIN_isSCIDataAvailable (uint32_t base) |
Check if new SCI data is ready to be read. More... | |
static Bool | LIN_isSCISpaceAvailable (uint32_t base) |
Check if Space is available in SCI Transmit Buffer. More... | |
static uint16_t | LIN_readSCICharNonBlocking (uint32_t base, Bool emulation) |
Reads a SCI character without Blocking. More... | |
static uint16_t | LIN_readSCICharBlocking (uint32_t base, Bool emulation) |
Reads a SCI character with Blocking. More... | |
static void | LIN_writeSCICharNonBlocking (uint32_t base, uint16_t data) |
Sends a SCI character without Blocking. More... | |
static void | LIN_writeSCICharBlocking (uint32_t base, uint16_t data) |
Sends a SCI character with blocking. More... | |
static void | LIN_enableSCIModuleErrors (uint32_t base, uint32_t errors) |
Enable SCI Module Errors for Testing. More... | |
static void | LIN_disableSCIModuleErrors (uint32_t base, uint32_t errors) |
Disable SCI Module Errors for Testing. More... | |
static void | LIN_enableSCIInterrupt (uint32_t base, uint32_t intFlags) |
Enable SCI interrupts. More... | |
static void | LIN_disableSCIInterrupt (uint32_t base, uint32_t intFlags) |
Disable SCI interrupts. More... | |
static void | LIN_clearSCIInterruptStatus (uint32_t base, uint32_t intFlags) |
Clear SCI interrupt status. More... | |
static void | LIN_setSCIInterruptLevel0 (uint32_t base, uint32_t intFlags) |
Set interrupt level to 0. More... | |
static void | LIN_setSCIInterruptLevel1 (uint32_t base, uint32_t intFlags) |
Set interrupt level to 1. More... | |
static Bool | LIN_isSCIReceiverIdle (uint32_t base) |
Check if SCI Receiver is Idle. More... | |
static Bool | LIN_getSCITxFrameType (uint32_t base) |
Gets the SCI Transmit Frame Type. More... | |
static Bool | LIN_getSCIRxFrameType (uint32_t base) |
Gets the SCI Receiver Frame Type. More... | |
static Bool | LIN_isSCIBreakDetected (uint32_t base) |
Check if SCI Detected a Break Condition. More... | |
static void | LIN_enableModule (uint32_t base) |
Enables the LIN module. More... | |
static void | LIN_disableModule (uint32_t base) |
Disable the LIN module. More... | |
static void | LIN_setBaudRatePrescaler (uint32_t base, uint32_t prescaler, uint32_t divider) |
Set Baud Rate Prescaler. More... | |
static void | LIN_enableDataTransmitter (uint32_t base) |
Enable Transmit Data Transfer. More... | |
static void | LIN_disableDataTransmitter (uint32_t base) |
Disable Transmit Data Transfer. More... | |
static void | LIN_enableDataReceiver (uint32_t base) |
Enable Receive Data Transfer. More... | |
static void | LIN_disableDataReceiver (uint32_t base) |
Disable Receive Data Transfer. More... | |
static void | LIN_performSoftwareReset (uint32_t base) |
Perform software reset. More... | |
static void | LIN_enterSoftwareReset (uint32_t base) |
Put LIN into its reset state. More... | |
static void | LIN_exitSoftwareReset (uint32_t base) |
Put LIN into its ready state. More... | |
static Bool | LIN_isBusBusy (uint32_t base) |
Check if Bus is Busy. More... | |
static Bool | LIN_isTxBufferEmpty (uint32_t base) |
Check if the Transmit Buffer is Empty. More... | |
static void | LIN_enableExtLoopback (uint32_t base, LIN_LoopbackType loopbackType, LIN_AnalogLoopback path) |
Enable External Loopback mode for self test. More... | |
static void | LIN_disableExtLoopback (uint32_t base) |
Disable External Loopback mode for self test. More... | |
static void | LIN_enableIntLoopback (uint32_t base) |
Enable Internal Loopback mode for self test. More... | |
static void | LIN_disableIntLoopback (uint32_t base) |
Disable Internal Loopback mode for self test. More... | |
static uint32_t | LIN_getInterruptStatus (uint32_t base) |
Get Interrupt Flags Status. More... | |
static uint32_t | LIN_getInterruptLevel (uint32_t base) |
Get the Interrupt Level. More... | |
static uint16_t | LIN_getInterruptLine0Offset (uint32_t base) |
Gets the Interrupt Vector Offset for Line 0. More... | |
static uint16_t | LIN_getInterruptLine1Offset (uint32_t base) |
Gets the Interrupt Vector Offset for Line 1. More... | |
static void | LIN_enableMultibufferMode (uint32_t base) |
Enable Multi-buffer Mode. More... | |
static void | LIN_disableMultibufferMode (uint32_t base) |
Disable Multi-buffer Mode. More... | |
static void | LIN_setTransmitDelay (uint32_t base, uint16_t delay) |
Set Transmit Pin Delay. More... | |
static void | LIN_setPinSampleMask (uint32_t base, LIN_PinSampleMask mask) |
Set Pin Sample Mask. More... | |
static void | LIN_setDebugSuspendMode (uint32_t base, LIN_DebugMode mode) |
Set the Debug Suspended Mode. More... | |
static void | LIN_enableGlobalInterrupt (uint32_t base, LIN_InterruptLine line) |
Enables a LIN global interrupt. More... | |
static void | LIN_disableGlobalInterrupt (uint32_t base, LIN_InterruptLine line) |
Disables a LIN global interrupt. More... | |
static void | LIN_clearGlobalInterruptStatus (uint32_t base, LIN_InterruptLine line) |
Clears a LIN global interrupt flag. More... | |
static Bool | LIN_getGlobalInterruptStatus (uint32_t base, LIN_InterruptLine line) |
Returns a LIN global interrupt flag status. More... | |
static Bool | LIN_getPinStatus (uint32_t base, LIN_PinType pin) |
Get the Status of LIN TX/RX Pin status. More... | |
Enumerations | |
The following are defines for the type parameter of the LIN_enableExtLoopback() function. More... | |
The following are defines for the path parameter of the LIN_enableExtLoopback() function. More... | |
enum | LIN_CommMode { LIN_COMM_LIN_USELENGTHVAL = 0x0000U, LIN_COMM_LIN_ID4ID5LENCTL = 0x0001U } |
The following are defines for the mode parameter of the LIN_setCommMode() function. More... | |
enum | LIN_SCICommMode { LIN_COMM_SCI_IDLELINE = 0x0000U, LIN_COMM_SCI_ADDRBIT = 0x0001U } |
The following are defines for the mode parameter of the LIN_setSCICommMode() function. More... | |
The following are defines for the mode parameter of the LIN_setLINMode() function. More... | |
enum | LIN_InterruptLine { LIN_INTERRUPT_LINE0 = 0x0U, LIN_INTERRUPT_LINE1 = 0x1U } |
The following are defines for the line parameter of the LIN_enableGlobalInterrupt(), LIN_disableGlobalInterrupt(), LIN_clearGlobalInterruptStatus(), and LIN_getGlobalInterruptStatus() functions. More... | |
The following are defines for the type parameter of the LIN_setMessageFiltering() function. More... | |
The following are defines for the type parameter of the LIN_setChecksumType() function. More... | |
enum | LIN_DebugMode { LIN_DEBUG_FROZEN = 0x0U, LIN_DEBUG_COMPLETE = 0x1U } |
The following are defines for the mode parameter of the LIN_setDebugSuspendMode() function. More... | |
The following are defines for the mask parameter of the LIN_setPinSampleMask() function. More... | |
enum | LIN_SCIParityType { LIN_SCI_PAR_ODD = 0x0U, LIN_SCI_PAR_EVEN = 0x1U } |
The following are defines for the parity parameter of the LIN_enableSCIParity() function. More... | |
enum | LIN_SCIStopBits { LIN_SCI_STOP_ONE = 0x0U, LIN_SCI_STOP_TWO = 0x1U } |
The following are defines for the number parameter of the LIN_setSCIStopBits() function. More... | |
enum | LIN_PinType { LIN_PINTYPE_TX = 0x4U, LIN_PINTYPE_RX = 0x2U } |
The following are defines for the pin parameter of the LIN_getPinStatus() function. More... | |
Macros | |
#define | LIN_IO_DFT_KEY (0xAU) |
LIN IO DFT Key which when written in IODFTENA enables the User and Previledge mode Writes. More... | |
#define | LIN_WAKEUP_KEY (0xF0U) |
LIN/SCI Wakeup signal is sent by sending an byte with value 0xF0. More... | |
Lin Parity ID Masks | |
Note: Parity ID Masks for LIN | |
#define | LIN_ID0 (0x1U) |
#define | LIN_ID1 (0x2U) |
#define | LIN_ID2 (0x4U) |
#define | LIN_ID3 (0x8U) |
#define | LIN_ID4 (0x10U) |
#define | LIN_ID5 (0x20U) |
Lin Interrupt Flag Parameters | |
Note: Definition for the intFlags parameter of LIN_enableInterrupt(), LIN_disableInterrupt(), LIN_clearInterruptStatus(), LIN_setInterruptLevel0() and LIN_setInterruptLevel1(). | |
#define | LIN_INT_WAKEUP (0x00000002U) /* Wakeup */ |
#define | LIN_INT_TO (0x00000010U) /* Time out */ |
#define | LIN_INT_TOAWUS (0x00000040U) /* Time out after wakeup signal */ |
#define | LIN_INT_TOA3WUS (0x00000080U) /* Time out after 3 wakeup signals */ |
#define | LIN_INT_TX (0x00000100U) /* Transmit buffer ready */ |
#define | LIN_INT_RX (0x00000200U) /* Receive buffer ready */ |
#define | LIN_INT_ID (0x00002000U) /* Received matching identifier */ |
#define | LIN_INT_PE (0x01000000U) /* Parity error */ |
#define | LIN_INT_OE (0x02000000U) /* Overrun error */ |
#define | LIN_INT_FE (0x04000000U) /* Framing error */ |
#define | LIN_INT_NRE (0x08000000U) /* No response error */ |
#define | LIN_INT_ISFE (0x10000000U) /* Inconsistent sync field error */ |
#define | LIN_INT_CE (0x20000000U) /* Checksum error */ |
#define | LIN_INT_PBE (0x40000000U) /* Physical bus error */ |
#define | LIN_INT_BE (0x80000000U) /* Bit error */ |
#define | LIN_INT_ALL (0xFF0023D2U) /* All interrupts */ |
Lin Get Interrupt Flag | |
Note: Definitions for the return value of LIN_getInterruptStatus(). | |
Lin Interrupt Offset | |
Note: Definitions for the return value of LIN_getInterruptLine0Offset() and LIN_getInterruptLine1Offset(). | |
#define | LIN_VECT_NONE (0x00) |
#define | LIN_VECT_WAKEUP (0x01) |
#define | LIN_VECT_ISFE (0x02) |
#define | LIN_VECT_PE (0x03) |
#define | LIN_VECT_ID (0x04) |
#define | LIN_VECT_PBE (0x05) |
#define | LIN_VECT_FE (0x06) |
#define | LIN_VECT_BREAK (0x07) |
#define | LIN_VECT_CE (0x08) |
#define | LIN_VECT_OE (0x09) |
#define | LIN_VECT_BE (0x0A) |
#define | LIN_VECT_RX (0x0B) |
#define | LIN_VECT_TX (0x0C) |
#define | LIN_VECT_NRE (0x0D) |
#define | LIN_VECT_TOAWUS (0x0E) |
#define | LIN_VECT_TOA3WUS (0x0F) |
#define | LIN_VECT_TO (0x10) |
Lin Error Defination | |
Note: Definitions for the LIN errors parameter of LIN_enableModuleErrors() and LIN_disableModuleErrors(). | |
#define | LIN_ALL_ERRORS (0xF0000000U) |
#define | LIN_BIT_ERROR (0x80000000U) |
#define | LIN_BUS_ERROR (0x40000000U) |
#define | LIN_CHECKSUM_ERROR (0x20000000U) |
#define | LIN_ISF_ERROR (0x10000000U) |
Lin Serial Communication Interface Error Defination | |
Note: Definitions for the intFlags parameter of LIN_enableSCIInterrupt(), LIN_disableSCIInterrupt(), LIN_clearSCIInterruptStatus(), LIN_setSCIInterruptLevel0() and LIN_setSCIInterruptLevel1(). | |
#define | LIN_SCI_ALL_ERRORS (0x7000000U) |
#define | LIN_SCI_FRAME_ERROR (0x4000000U) |
#define | LIN_SCI_PARITY_ERROR (0x2000000U) |
#define | LIN_SCI_BREAK_ERROR (0x1000000U) |
#define | LIN_SCI_INT_BREAK (0x1U) |
#define | LIN_SCI_INT_WAKEUP (0x2U) |
#define | LIN_SCI_INT_TX (0x100U) |
#define | LIN_SCI_INT_RX (0x200U) |
#define | LIN_SCI_INT_TX_DMA (0x10000U) |
#define | LIN_SCI_INT_RX_DMA (0x20000U) |
#define | LIN_SCI_INT_PARITY (0x1000000U) |
#define | LIN_SCI_INT_OVERRUN (0x2000000U) |
#define | LIN_SCI_INT_FRAME (0x4000000U) |
#define | LIN_SCI_INT_ALL (0x7000303U) |
#define LIN_IO_DFT_KEY (0xAU) |
LIN IO DFT Key which when written in IODFTENA enables the User and Previledge mode Writes.
#define LIN_WAKEUP_KEY (0xF0U) |
LIN/SCI Wakeup signal is sent by sending an byte with value 0xF0.
#define LIN_ID0 (0x1U) |
#define LIN_ID1 (0x2U) |
#define LIN_ID2 (0x4U) |
#define LIN_ID3 (0x8U) |
#define LIN_ID4 (0x10U) |
#define LIN_ID5 (0x20U) |
#define LIN_INT_WAKEUP (0x00000002U) /* Wakeup */ |
#define LIN_INT_TO (0x00000010U) /* Time out */ |
#define LIN_INT_TOAWUS (0x00000040U) /* Time out after wakeup signal */ |
#define LIN_INT_TOA3WUS (0x00000080U) /* Time out after 3 wakeup signals */ |
#define LIN_INT_TX (0x00000100U) /* Transmit buffer ready */ |
#define LIN_INT_RX (0x00000200U) /* Receive buffer ready */ |
#define LIN_INT_ID (0x00002000U) /* Received matching identifier */ |
#define LIN_INT_PE (0x01000000U) /* Parity error */ |
#define LIN_INT_OE (0x02000000U) /* Overrun error */ |
#define LIN_INT_FE (0x04000000U) /* Framing error */ |
#define LIN_INT_NRE (0x08000000U) /* No response error */ |
#define LIN_INT_ISFE (0x10000000U) /* Inconsistent sync field error */ |
#define LIN_INT_CE (0x20000000U) /* Checksum error */ |
#define LIN_INT_PBE (0x40000000U) /* Physical bus error */ |
#define LIN_INT_BE (0x80000000U) /* Bit error */ |
#define LIN_INT_ALL (0xFF0023D2U) /* All interrupts */ |
#define LIN_VECT_NONE (0x00) |
#define LIN_VECT_WAKEUP (0x01) |
#define LIN_VECT_ISFE (0x02) |
#define LIN_VECT_PE (0x03) |
#define LIN_VECT_ID (0x04) |
#define LIN_VECT_PBE (0x05) |
#define LIN_VECT_FE (0x06) |
#define LIN_VECT_BREAK (0x07) |
#define LIN_VECT_CE (0x08) |
#define LIN_VECT_OE (0x09) |
#define LIN_VECT_BE (0x0A) |
#define LIN_VECT_RX (0x0B) |
#define LIN_VECT_TX (0x0C) |
#define LIN_VECT_NRE (0x0D) |
#define LIN_VECT_TOAWUS (0x0E) |
#define LIN_VECT_TOA3WUS (0x0F) |
#define LIN_VECT_TO (0x10) |
#define LIN_ALL_ERRORS (0xF0000000U) |
#define LIN_BIT_ERROR (0x80000000U) |
#define LIN_BUS_ERROR (0x40000000U) |
#define LIN_CHECKSUM_ERROR (0x20000000U) |
#define LIN_ISF_ERROR (0x10000000U) |
#define LIN_SCI_ALL_ERRORS (0x7000000U) |
#define LIN_SCI_FRAME_ERROR (0x4000000U) |
#define LIN_SCI_PARITY_ERROR (0x2000000U) |
#define LIN_SCI_BREAK_ERROR (0x1000000U) |
#define LIN_SCI_INT_BREAK (0x1U) |
#define LIN_SCI_INT_WAKEUP (0x2U) |
#define LIN_SCI_INT_TX (0x100U) |
#define LIN_SCI_INT_RX (0x200U) |
#define LIN_SCI_INT_TX_DMA (0x10000U) |
#define LIN_SCI_INT_RX_DMA (0x20000U) |
#define LIN_SCI_INT_PARITY (0x1000000U) |
#define LIN_SCI_INT_OVERRUN (0x2000000U) |
#define LIN_SCI_INT_FRAME (0x4000000U) |
#define LIN_SCI_INT_ALL (0x7000303U) |
enum LIN_LoopbackType |
The following are defines for the type parameter of the LIN_enableExtLoopback() function.
Enumerator | |
LIN_LOOPBACK_DIGITAL | Digital Loopback Mode. |
LIN_LOOPBACK_ANALOG | Analog Loopback Mode. |
enum LIN_AnalogLoopback |
The following are defines for the path parameter of the LIN_enableExtLoopback() function.
Enumerator | |
LIN_ANALOG_LOOP_NONE | Default path for digital loopback mode. |
LIN_ANALOG_LOOP_TX | Analog loopback through transmit pin. |
LIN_ANALOG_LOOP_RX | Analog loopback through receive pin. |
enum LIN_CommMode |
The following are defines for the mode parameter of the LIN_setCommMode() function.
Enumerator | |
enum LIN_SCICommMode |
The following are defines for the mode parameter of the LIN_setSCICommMode() function.
Enumerator | |
enum LIN_LINMode |
The following are defines for the mode parameter of the LIN_setLINMode() function.
Enumerator | |
enum LIN_InterruptLine |
The following are defines for the line parameter of the LIN_enableGlobalInterrupt(), LIN_disableGlobalInterrupt(), LIN_clearGlobalInterruptStatus(), and LIN_getGlobalInterruptStatus() functions.
Enumerator | |
enum LIN_MessageFilter |
The following are defines for the type parameter of the LIN_setMessageFiltering() function.
Enumerator | |
enum LIN_ChecksumType |
The following are defines for the type parameter of the LIN_setChecksumType() function.
Enumerator | |
enum LIN_DebugMode |
The following are defines for the mode parameter of the LIN_setDebugSuspendMode() function.
Enumerator | |
LIN_DEBUG_FROZEN | Freeze module during debug. |
LIN_DEBUG_COMPLETE | Complete Tx/Rx before Freezing. |
enum LIN_PinSampleMask |
The following are defines for the mask parameter of the LIN_setPinSampleMask() function.
Enumerator | |
enum LIN_SCIParityType |
The following are defines for the parity parameter of the LIN_enableSCIParity() function.
Enumerator | |
enum LIN_SCIStopBits |
The following are defines for the number parameter of the LIN_setSCIStopBits() function.
Enumerator | |
enum LIN_PinType |
The following are defines for the pin parameter of the LIN_getPinStatus() function.
Enumerator | |
void LIN_initModule | ( | uint32_t | base | ) |
This function initializes the LIN module.
base | Base Address of the LIN Registers. |
void LIN_getData | ( | uint32_t | base, |
uint16_t *const | data | ||
) |
This function reads the received data.
base | Base Address of the LIN Registers. |
data | Pointer pointing to the buffer where the data is to be saved. |
void LIN_sendData | ( | uint32_t | base, |
uint16_t * | data | ||
) |
This function sends the data.
base | Base Address of the LIN Registers. |
data | Pointer pointing to the buffer where the data to send is saved. |
inlinestatic |
Checks a LIN base address.
base | is the base address of the LIN commander. |
inlinestatic |
Sets the LIN mode.
base | is the base address of the LIN commander. |
mode | is the desired mode (responder or commander). |
inlinestatic |
Set Maximum Baud Rate Prescaler.
base | is the base address of the LIN commander. |
clock | is the device system clock (Hz). |
In LIN mode only, this function is used to set the maximum baud rate prescaler used during synchronization phase of a responder module if the ADAPT bit is set. The maximum baud rate prescaler is used by the wakeup and idle timer counters for a constant 4 second expiration time relative to a 20kHz rate.
inlinestatic |
Set Message filtering Type.
base | is the LIN module base address. |
type | is the mask filtering comparison type. |
In LIN mode only, this function sets the message filtering type. The type parameter can be one of the following values:
inlinestatic |
Enable Parity mode.
base | is the LIN module base address. |
In LIN mode only, this function enables the parity check.
inlinestatic |
Disable Parity mode.
base | is the LIN module base address |
In LIN mode only, this function disables the parity check.
inlinestatic |
Generate Parity Identifier.
identifier | is the LIN header ID byte |
In LIN mode only, this function generates the identifier parity bits and appends them to the identifier.
inlinestatic |
Set ID Byte.
base | is the LIN module base address |
identifier | is the LIN header ID byte |
In LIN mode only, this function sets the message ID byte. In commander mode, writing to this ID initiates a header transmission. In responder task, this ID is used for message filtering when HGENCTRL is 0.
inlinestatic |
Set ID-ResponderTask.
base | is the LIN module base address |
identifier | is the Received ID comparison ID |
In LIN mode only, this function sets the identifier to which the received ID of an incoming Header will be compared in order to decide whether a RX response, a TX response, or no action is required.
inlinestatic |
Send LIN wakeup signal.
base | is the LIN module base address |
In LIN mode only, this function sends the LIN wakeup signal to terminate the sleep mode of any LIN node connected to the bus.
inlinestatic |
Entering LIN sleep signal.
base | is the LIN module base address |
In LIN mode only, this function puts the LIN module into a low-power, sleep mode. This can also be called to forcefully enter sleep when there is no activity on the bus.
inlinestatic |
Send Checksum Byte.
base | is the LIN module base address |
In LIN mode only, this function enables the transmitter with extended frames to send a checkbyte.
inlinestatic |
Trigger Checksum Compare.
base | is the LIN module base address |
In LIN mode only, this function enables the receiver for extended frames to trigger a checksum compare.
inlinestatic |
Check Tx buffer ready flag.
base | is the LIN module base address |
In LIN mode only, this function checks to see if the Tx ready flag is set indicating that the Tx buffer(s) is/are ready to get another character.
inlinestatic |
Set LIN Frame Length.
base | is the LIN module base address |
length | is the number of bytes. |
In LIN mode only, this function sets the number of bytes in the response field.
The length parameter must be in a range between 1 and 8.
inlinestatic |
Set LIN communication mode.
base | is the LIN module base address |
mode | is the selected communication mode |
In LIN mode only, this function is used to choose how the length of data is conveyed. This choice relates to the version of LIN being used. The mode parameter can have one of two values:
inlinestatic |
Sets the transmit ID mask.
base | is the LIN module base address |
mask | is the mask value to be set |
In LIN mode only, this function sets the mask used for filtering an incoming ID message to determine if the TX ID flag should be set.
inlinestatic |
Sets the receive ID mask.
base | is the LIN module base address |
mask | is the mask value to be set |
In LIN mode only, this function sets the mask used for filtering an incoming ID message to determine if the ID RX flag should be set.
inlinestatic |
Gets the transmit ID mask.
base | is the LIN module base address |
In LIN mode only, this function gets the mask used for filtering an incoming ID message to determine if the TX ID flag should be set.
inlinestatic |
Gets the receive ID mask.
base | is the LIN module base address |
In LIN mode only, this function gets the mask used for filtering an incoming ID message to determine if the ID RX flag should be set.
inlinestatic |
Gets the receive ID mask.
base | is the LIN module base address |
In LIN mode only, checks to see if the Rx ready bit is set indicating that a valid message frame has been received.
inlinestatic |
Get last received identifier.
base | is the LIN module base address |
In LIN mode only, this function gets the last received identifier.
inlinestatic |
Checks for Tx ID Match Received.
base | is the LIN module base address |
In LIN mode only, this function checks if an ID is received with a TX match and no ID-parity error.
inlinestatic |
Checks for Rx ID Match Received.
base | is the LIN module base address |
In LIN mode only, this function checks if an ID is received with a RX match and no ID-parity error.
inlinestatic |
Enable interrupts.
base | is the LIN module base address |
intFlags | is the bit mask of the interrupt sources to be enabled |
In LIN mode only, this function enables the interrupts for the specified interrupt sources.
The intFlags parameter can be set to the following value to set all the flag bits:
To set individual flags, the intFlags parameter can be the logical OR of any of the following:
inlinestatic |
Disable interrupts.
base | is the LIN module base address |
intFlags | is the bit mask of the interrupt sources to be disabled. |
In LIN mode only, this function disables the interrupts for the specified interrupt sources.
The intFlags parameter can be set to the following value to clear all the flag bits:
To clear individual flags, the intFlags parameter can be the logical OR of any of the following:
inlinestatic |
Clear interrupt status.
base | is the LIN module base address |
intFlags | is the bit mask of the interrupt sources to be cleared. |
In LIN mode only, this function clears the specified status flags.
The intFlags parameter can be set to the following value to clear all the flag bits:
To clear individual flags, the intFlags parameter can be the logical OR of any of the following:
inlinestatic |
Set interrupt level to 0.
base | is the LIN module base address |
intFlags | is the bit mask of the interrupt sources to be cleared. |
In LIN mode only, this function sets the specified interrupt sources to level 0.
The intFlags parameter can be set to the following value to set all the flag bits:
To set individual flags, the intFlags parameter can be the logical OR of any of the following:
inlinestatic |
Set interrupt level to 1.
base | is the LIN module base address |
intFlags | is the bit mask of the interrupt sources to be cleared. |
In LIN mode only, this function sets the specified interrupt sources to level 1.
The intFlags parameter can be set to the following value to set all the flag bits:
To set individual flags, the intFlags parameter can be the logical OR of any of the following:
inlinestatic |
Enable Module Errors for Testing.
base | is the LIN module base address |
errors | is the specified errors to be enabled |
In LIN mode only, this function enables the specified errors in the module for testing. The errors parameter can be a logical OR-ed result of the following values or LIN_ALL_ERRORS can be used to enable all of them:
inlinestatic |
Disable Module Errors for Testing.
base | is the LIN module base address |
errors | is the specified errors to be disabled |
In LIN mode only, this function disables the specified errors in the module for testing. The errors parameter can be a logical OR-ed result of the following values or LIN_ALL_ERRORS can be used to enable all of them:
inlinestatic |
Enable Automatic Baudrate Adjustment.
base | is the LIN module base address |
In LIN mode only, this function enables the automatic baudrate adjustment mode during the detection of the Synch Field.
inlinestatic |
Disable Automatic Baudrate Adjustment.
base | is the LIN module base address |
In LIN mode only, this function disables the automatic baudrate adjustment mode during the detection of the Synch Field. This results in a fixed baud rate.
inlinestatic |
Stops LIN Extended Frame Communication.
base | is the LIN module base address |
In LIN mode only, this function stops the extended frame communication. Once stopped, the bit is automatically cleared.
inlinestatic |
Set Checksum Type.
base | is the LIN module base address |
type | is the checksum type |
In LIN mode only, this function sets the checksum type. The type parameter can be one of the following two values:
inlinestatic |
Set Sync Break Extend and Delimiter.
base | is the LIN module base address |
syncBreak | is the sync break extend value |
delimiter | is the sync delimiter value |
In LIN mode only, this function sets the 3-bit sync break extend value and the 2-bit sync delimiter compare value.
The break parameter can be a value between 0 to 7. Details:
The delimiter parameter can be a value between 1 to 4. Details:
inlinestatic |
Enable SCI Mode.
base | is the LIN module base address |
This function enables the LIN peripheral to function as a SCI.
inlinestatic |
Disable SCI Mode.
base | is the LIN module base address |
This function disables the SCI mode of the LIN peripheral.
inlinestatic |
Set SCI communication mode.
base | is the LIN module base address |
mode | is the selected communication mode |
In SCI mode only, this function is used to select between idle-line mode and address-bit mode. The mode parameter can have one of the following values:
inlinestatic |
Enable SCI Parity mode.
base | is the LIN module base address |
parity | is the SCI parity type |
In SCI mode only, this function enables the parity check and sets the parity type. The parity parameter can one of the following values:
inlinestatic |
Disable SCI Parity mode.
base | is the LIN module base address |
In SCI mode only, this function disables the parity check.
inlinestatic |
Set the number of stop bits for SCI.
base | is the LIN module base address |
number | is the number of stop bits |
In SCI mode only, this function sets the number of stop bits transmitted. The number parameter can be one of the following values:
inlinestatic |
Enable SCI Sleep mode.
base | is the LIN module base address |
In SCI mode only, this function enables the receive sleep mode functionality.
inlinestatic |
Disable SCI Sleep mode.
base | is the LIN module base address |
In SCI mode only, this function disables the receive sleep mode functionality.
inlinestatic |
Enter SCI Local Low-Power Mode.
base | is the LIN module base address |
In SCI mode only, this function enters the SCI local low-power mode.
inlinestatic |
Exit SCI Local Low-Power Mode.
base | is the LIN module base address |
In SCI mode only, this function exits the SCI local low-power mode.
inlinestatic |
Set SCI character length.
base | is the LIN module base address |
numBits | is the number of bits per character. |
In SCI mode only, this function sets the number of bits per character.
The numBits parameter must be in a range between 1 and 8.
inlinestatic |
Set SCI Frame Length.
base | is the LIN module base address |
length | is the number of characters |
In SCI mode only, this function sets the number of characters in the response field.
The numBits parameter must be in a range between 1 and 8.
inlinestatic |
Check if new SCI data is ready to be read.
base | is the LIN module base address |
In SCI mode only, this function checks to see if the Rx ready bit is set indicating that a new data has been received.
inlinestatic |
Check if Space is available in SCI Transmit Buffer.
base | is the LIN module base address |
In SCI mode only, this function checks to see if the Tx ready flag is set indicating that the Tx buffer(s) is/are ready to get another character.
inlinestatic |
Reads a SCI character without Blocking.
base | is the LIN module base address |
emulation | sets whether the data is being read by an emulator or not |
In SCI mode only, this function gets the byte of data received. The emulation parameter can have one of the following values:
inlinestatic |
Reads a SCI character with Blocking.
base | is the LIN module base address |
emulation | sets whether the data is being read by an emulator or not |
In SCI mode only, this function gets the byte of data received. If new data isn't available, this function will wait until new data arrives. The emulation parameter can have one of the following values:
inlinestatic |
Sends a SCI character without Blocking.
base | is the LIN module base address |
data | is the byte of data to be transmitted |
In SCI mode only, this function sets the byte of data to be transmitted without blocking.
inlinestatic |
Sends a SCI character with blocking.
base | is the LIN module base address |
data | is the byte of data to be transmitted |
In SCI mode only, this function sets the byte of data to be transmitted with blocking functionality. If the buffer isn't ready to get new data written to, this function will wait until space is available.
inlinestatic |
Enable SCI Module Errors for Testing.
base | is the LIN module base address |
errors | is the specified errors to be enabled |
In SCI mode only, this function enables the specified errors in the module for testing. The errors parameter can be a logical OR-ed result of the following values or LIN_SCI_ALL_ERRORS can be used to enable all of them:
inlinestatic |
Disable SCI Module Errors for Testing.
base | is the LIN module base address |
errors | is the specified errors to be disabled |
In SCI mode only, this function disables the specified errors in the module for testing. The errors parameter can be a logical OR-ed result of the following values or LIN_SCI_ALL_ERRORS can be used to enable all of them:
inlinestatic |
Enable SCI interrupts.
base | is the LIN module base address |
intFlags | is the bit mask of the interrupt sources to be enabled. |
In SCI mode only, this function enables the interrupts for the specified interrupt sources.
The intFlags parameter can be set to the following value to set all the flag bits:
To set individual flags, the intFlags parameter can be the logical OR of any of the following:
inlinestatic |
Disable SCI interrupts.
base | is the LIN module base address |
intFlags | is the bit mask of the interrupt sources to be disabled. |
In SCI mode only, this function disables the interrupts for the specified interrupt sources.
The intFlags parameter can be set to the following value to disable all the flag bits:
To disable individual flags, the intFlags parameter can be the logical OR of any of the following:
inlinestatic |
Clear SCI interrupt status.
base | is the LIN module base address |
intFlags | is the bit mask of the interrupt sources to be cleared. |
In SCI mode only, this function clears the specified status flags.
The intFlags parameter can be set to the following value to clear all the flag bits:
To clear individual flags, the intFlags parameter can be the logical OR of any of the following:
inlinestatic |
Set interrupt level to 0.
base | is the LIN module base address |
intFlags | is the bit mask of interrupt sources to be configured |
In SCI mode only, this function sets the specified interrupt sources to level 0.
The intFlags parameter can be set to the following value to set all the flag bits:
To set individual flags, the intFlags parameter can be the logical OR of any of the following:
inlinestatic |
Set interrupt level to 1.
base | is the LIN module base address |
intFlags | is the bit mask of interrupt sources to be configured |
In SCI mode only, this function sets the specified interrupt sources to level 1.
The intFlags parameter can be set to the following value to set all the flag bits:
To set individual flags, the intFlags parameter can be the logical OR of any of the following:
inlinestatic |
Check if SCI Receiver is Idle.
base | is the LIN module base address |
In SCI mode only, this function checks if the receiver is in an idle state. level 1.
inlinestatic |
Gets the SCI Transmit Frame Type.
base | is the LIN module base address |
In SCI mode only, this function gets the transmit frame type which can be either data or an address.
inlinestatic |
Gets the SCI Receiver Frame Type.
base | is the LIN module base address |
In SCI mode only, this function gets the receiver frame type which can be either an address or not an address.
inlinestatic |
Check if SCI Detected a Break Condition.
base | is the LIN module base address |
In SCI mode only, this function checks if the module detected a break condition on the Rx pin.
inlinestatic |
Enables the LIN module.
base | is the LIN module base address |
In LIN and SCI mode, this function sets the RESET bit of the SCIGCR0 register. Registers in this module are not writable until this has been done. Additionally, the transmit and receive pin control functionality is enabled.
inlinestatic |
Disable the LIN module.
base | is the LIN module base address |
In LIN and SCI mode, this function clears the RESET bit of the SCIGCR0 register. Registers in this module are not writable when this bit is cleared. Additionally, the transmit and receive pin control functionality is disabled.
inlinestatic |
Set Baud Rate Prescaler.
base | is the LIN module base address |
prescaler | is the 24-bit integer prescaler |
divider | is the 4-bit fractional divider |
In LIN and SCI mode, this function is used to set the baudrate based on the prescaler and divider values.
P = Prescaler
M = Fractional Divider
Bitrate = (SYSCLOCK) / ((P + 1 + M/16) * 16)
inlinestatic |
Enable Transmit Data Transfer.
base | is the LIN module base address |
In LIN and SCI mode, this function enables the transfer of data from SCITD or TDy to the transmit shift register.
inlinestatic |
Disable Transmit Data Transfer.
base | is the LIN module base address |
In LIN and SCI mode, this function disables the transfer of data from SCITD or TDy to the transmit shift register.
inlinestatic |
Enable Receive Data Transfer.
base | is the LIN module base address |
In LIN and SCI mode, this function enables the receiver to transfer data from the shift buffer register to the receive buffer or multi-buffer.
inlinestatic |
Disable Receive Data Transfer.
base | is the LIN module base address |
In LIN and SCI mode, this function disables the receiver to transfer data from the shift buffer register to the receive buffer or multi-buffer.
inlinestatic |
Perform software reset.
base | is the LIN module base address |
In LIN and SCI mode, this function will reset the LIN state machine and clear all pending flags. It is required to call this function after a wakeup signal has been sent.
To enter the reset state separately, use LIN_enterSoftwareReset(). To come out of reset, use LIN_exitSoftwareReset().
inlinestatic |
Put LIN into its reset state.
base | is the LIN module base address |
In LIN and SCI mode, this function will reset the LIN state machine and clear all pending flags. It is required to call this function after a wakeup signal has been sent. When in this state, changes to the configuration of this module may be made.
To take LIN out of the reset state and back into the ready state, use LIN_exitSoftwareReset().
inlinestatic |
Put LIN into its ready state.
base | is the LIN module base address |
In LIN and SCI mode, this function will put LIN into its ready state. Transmission and reception can be done in this state. While in the ready state, configuration of the module should not be changed.
To put the module into its reset state, use LIN_enterSoftwareReset().
inlinestatic |
Check if Bus is Busy.
base | is the LIN module base address |
In LIN and SCI mode, this function checks if the receiver bus is busy receiving a frame.
inlinestatic |
Check if the Transmit Buffer is Empty.
base | is the LIN module base address |
In LIN and SCI mode, this function checks if the transmit buffer is empty or not.
inlinestatic |
Enable External Loopback mode for self test.
base | is the LIN module base address |
loopbackType | is the loopback type (analog or digital) |
path | sets the transmit or receive pin to be included in the communication path (Analog loopback mode only) |
In LIN and SCI mode, this function enables the external Loopback mode for self test. The loopbackType parameter can be one of the following values:
The path parameter is only applicable in analog loopback mode and can be one of the following values:
inlinestatic |
Disable External Loopback mode for self test.
base | is the LIN module base address |
In LIN and SCI mode, this function disables the external Loopback mode.
inlinestatic |
Enable Internal Loopback mode for self test.
base | is the LIN module base address |
In LIN and SCI mode, this function enables the internal Loopback mode for self test.
inlinestatic |
Disable Internal Loopback mode for self test.
base | is the LIN module base address |
In LIN and SCI mode, this function disables the internal Loopback mode for self test.
inlinestatic |
Get Interrupt Flags Status.
base | is the LIN module base address |
In LIN and SCI mode, this function returns the interrupt status register. The following flags can be used to mask the value returned:
inlinestatic |
Get the Interrupt Level.
base | is the LIN module base address |
In LIN and SCI mode, this function gets the interrupt level status for all interrupt sources.
inlinestatic |
Gets the Interrupt Vector Offset for Line 0.
base | is the LIN module base address |
In LIN and SCI mode, this function gets the offset for interrupt line 0. A read to the specified line register updates its value to the next highest priority pending interrupt in the flag register and clears the flag corresponding to the offset that was read.
The following are values that can be returned:
inlinestatic |
Gets the Interrupt Vector Offset for Line 1.
base | is the LIN module base address |
In LIN and SCI mode, this function gets the offset for interrupt line 1. A read to the specified line register updates its value to the next highest priority pending interrupt in the flag register and clears the flag corresponding to the offset that was read.
The following are values that can be returned:
inlinestatic |
Enable Multi-buffer Mode.
base | is the LIN module base address |
In LIN and SCI mode, this function enables the multi-buffer mode.
inlinestatic |
Disable Multi-buffer Mode.
base | is the LIN module base address |
In LIN and SCI mode, this function disables the multi-buffer mode.
inlinestatic |
Set Transmit Pin Delay.
base | is the LIN module base address |
delay | is number of clock delays for the Tx pin (0 to 7) |
In LIN and SCI mode, this function sets the delay by which the value on the transmit pin is delayed so that the value on the receive pin is asynchronous.
inlinestatic |
Set Pin Sample Mask.
base | is the LIN module base address |
mask | is the pin sample mask to be set |
In LIN and SCI mode, this function sets sample number at which the transmit pin value that is being transmitted will be inverted to verify the receive pin samples correctly with the majority detection circuitry. The mask parameter can be one of the following values:
inlinestatic |
Set the Debug Suspended Mode.
base | is the LIN module base address |
mode | is the debug mode |
In LIN and SCI mode, this function sets how the module operates when the program is suspended and being debugged with an emulator. The mode parameter can be one of the following values:
inlinestatic |
Enables a LIN global interrupt.
base | is the LIN module base address |
line | is specified interrupt vector line |
In LIN and SCI mode, this function globally enables an interrupt corresponding to a specified interrupt line. The line parameter can be one of the following enumerated values:
inlinestatic |
Disables a LIN global interrupt.
base | is the LIN module base address |
line | is specified interrupt vector line |
In LIN and SCI mode, this function globally disables an interrupt corresponding to a specified interrupt line. The line parameter can be one of the following enumerated values:
inlinestatic |
Clears a LIN global interrupt flag.
base | is the LIN module base address |
line | is specified interrupt vector line |
In LIN and SCI mode, this function clears the global interrupt flag that corresponds to a specified interrupt line. The line parameter can be one of the following enumerated values:
inlinestatic |
Returns a LIN global interrupt flag status.
base | is the LIN module base address |
line | is specified interrupt vector line |
In LIN and SCI mode, this function returns the status of a global interrupt flag that corresponds to a specified interrupt line. The line parameter can be one of the following enumerated values:
inlinestatic |
Get the Status of LIN TX/RX Pin status.
base | is the LIN module base address |
pin | is the type of pin that is being read. |
In LIN and SCI mode, this function indicates the current status of LINTX and LINRX pins. the pin parameter can be either LIN_PINTYPE_TX or LIN_PINTYPE_RX.