This module contains APIs to program and use the EPWM module.
Data Structures | |
struct | EPWM_SignalParams |
Functions | |
static void | EPWM_setTimeBaseCounter (uint32_t base, uint16_t count) |
static void | EPWM_setCountModeAfterSync (uint32_t base, EPWM_SyncCountMode mode) |
static void | EPWM_setClockPrescaler (uint32_t base, EPWM_ClockDivider prescaler, EPWM_HSClockDivider highSpeedPrescaler) |
static void | EPWM_forceSyncPulse (uint32_t base) |
static void | EPWM_setSyncInPulseSource (uint32_t base, EPWM_SyncInPulseSource source) |
static void | EPWM_enableSyncOutPulseSource (uint32_t base, uint16_t source) |
static void | EPWM_disableSyncOutPulseSource (uint32_t base, uint16_t source) |
static void | EPWM_setOneShotSyncOutTrigger (uint32_t base, EPWM_OneShotSyncOutTrigger trigger) |
static void | EPWM_setPeriodLoadMode (uint32_t base, EPWM_PeriodLoadMode loadMode) |
static void | EPWM_enablePhaseShiftLoad (uint32_t base) |
static void | EPWM_disablePhaseShiftLoad (uint32_t base) |
static void | EPWM_setTimeBaseCounterMode (uint32_t base, EPWM_TimeBaseCountMode counterMode) |
static void | EPWM_selectPeriodLoadEvent (uint32_t base, EPWM_PeriodShadowLoadMode shadowLoadMode) |
static void | EPWM_enableOneShotSync (uint32_t base) |
static void | EPWM_disableOneShotSync (uint32_t base) |
static void | EPWM_startOneShotSync (uint32_t base) |
static uint16_t | EPWM_getTimeBaseCounterValue (uint32_t base) |
static bool | EPWM_getTimeBaseCounterOverflowStatus (uint32_t base) |
static void | EPWM_clearTimeBaseCounterOverflowEvent (uint32_t base) |
static bool | EPWM_getSyncStatus (uint32_t base) |
static void | EPWM_clearSyncEvent (uint32_t base) |
static uint16_t | EPWM_getTimeBaseCounterDirection (uint32_t base) |
static void | EPWM_setPhaseShift (uint32_t base, uint16_t phaseCount) |
static void | EPWM_setTimeBasePeriod (uint32_t base, uint16_t periodCount) |
static uint16_t | EPWM_getTimeBasePeriod (uint32_t base) |
static void | EPWM_setupEPWMLinks (uint32_t base, EPWM_CurrentLink epwmLink, EPWM_LinkComponent linkComp) |
static void | EPWM_setCounterCompareShadowLoadMode (uint32_t base, EPWM_CounterCompareModule compModule, EPWM_CounterCompareLoadMode loadMode) |
static void | EPWM_disableCounterCompareShadowLoadMode (uint32_t base, EPWM_CounterCompareModule compModule) |
static void | EPWM_setCounterCompareValue (uint32_t base, EPWM_CounterCompareModule compModule, uint16_t compCount) |
static void | EPWM_setCounterCompareValue_opt_cmpA (uint32_t base, uint16_t compCount) |
static void | EPWM_setCounterCompareValue_opt_cmpB (uint32_t base, uint16_t compCount) |
static void | EPWM_setCounterCompareValue_opt_cmpC (uint32_t base, uint16_t compCount) |
static void | EPWM_setCounterCompareValue_opt_cmpD (uint32_t base, uint16_t compCount) |
static uint16_t | EPWM_getCounterCompareValue (uint32_t base, EPWM_CounterCompareModule compModule) |
static bool | EPWM_getCounterCompareShadowStatus (uint32_t base, EPWM_CounterCompareModule compModule) |
static void | EPWM_setActionQualifierShadowLoadMode (uint32_t base, EPWM_ActionQualifierModule aqModule, EPWM_ActionQualifierLoadMode loadMode) |
static void | EPWM_disableActionQualifierShadowLoadMode (uint32_t base, EPWM_ActionQualifierModule aqModule) |
static void | EPWM_setActionQualifierT1TriggerSource (uint32_t base, EPWM_ActionQualifierTriggerSource trigger) |
static void | EPWM_setActionQualifierT2TriggerSource (uint32_t base, EPWM_ActionQualifierTriggerSource trigger) |
static void | EPWM_setActionQualifierAction (uint32_t base, EPWM_ActionQualifierOutputModule epwmOutput, EPWM_ActionQualifierOutput output, EPWM_ActionQualifierOutputEvent event) |
static void | EPWM_setActionQualifierActionComplete (uint32_t base, EPWM_ActionQualifierOutputModule epwmOutput, EPWM_ActionQualifierEventAction action) |
static void | EPWM_setAdditionalActionQualifierActionComplete (uint32_t base, EPWM_ActionQualifierOutputModule epwmOutput, EPWM_AdditionalActionQualifierEventAction action) |
static void | EPWM_setActionQualifierContSWForceShadowMode (uint32_t base, EPWM_ActionQualifierContForce mode) |
static void | EPWM_setActionQualifierContSWForceAction (uint32_t base, EPWM_ActionQualifierOutputModule epwmOutput, EPWM_ActionQualifierSWOutput output) |
static void | EPWM_setActionQualifierContSWForceAction_opt_outputs (uint32_t base, uint8_t outputAB) |
static void | EPWM_setActionQualifierSWAction (uint32_t base, EPWM_ActionQualifierOutputModule epwmOutput, EPWM_ActionQualifierOutput output) |
static void | EPWM_forceActionQualifierSWAction (uint32_t base, EPWM_ActionQualifierOutputModule epwmOutput) |
static void | EPWM_setDeadBandOutputSwapMode (uint32_t base, EPWM_DeadBandOutput output, bool enableSwapMode) |
static void | EPWM_setDeadBandDelayMode (uint32_t base, EPWM_DeadBandDelayMode delayMode, bool enableDelayMode) |
static void | EPWM_setDeadBandDelayPolarity (uint32_t base, EPWM_DeadBandDelayMode delayMode, EPWM_DeadBandPolarity polarity) |
static void | EPWM_setRisingEdgeDeadBandDelayInput (uint32_t base, uint16_t input) |
static void | EPWM_setFallingEdgeDeadBandDelayInput (uint32_t base, uint16_t input) |
static void | EPWM_setDeadBandControlShadowLoadMode (uint32_t base, EPWM_DeadBandControlLoadMode loadMode) |
static void | EPWM_disableDeadBandControlShadowLoadMode (uint32_t base) |
static void | EPWM_setRisingEdgeDelayCountShadowLoadMode (uint32_t base, EPWM_RisingEdgeDelayLoadMode loadMode) |
static void | EPWM_disableRisingEdgeDelayCountShadowLoadMode (uint32_t base) |
static void | EPWM_setFallingEdgeDelayCountShadowLoadMode (uint32_t base, EPWM_FallingEdgeDelayLoadMode loadMode) |
static void | EPWM_disableFallingEdgeDelayCountShadowLoadMode (uint32_t base) |
static void | EPWM_setDeadBandCounterClock (uint32_t base, EPWM_DeadBandClockMode clockMode) |
static void | EPWM_setRisingEdgeDelayCount (uint32_t base, uint16_t redCount) |
static void | EPWM_setFallingEdgeDelayCount (uint32_t base, uint16_t fedCount) |
static void | EPWM_enableChopper (uint32_t base) |
static void | EPWM_disableChopper (uint32_t base) |
static void | EPWM_setChopperDutyCycle (uint32_t base, uint16_t dutyCycleCount) |
static void | EPWM_setChopperFreq (uint32_t base, uint16_t freqDiv) |
static void | EPWM_setChopperFirstPulseWidth (uint32_t base, uint16_t firstPulseWidth) |
static void | EPWM_enableTripZoneSignals (uint32_t base, uint32_t tzSignal) |
static void | EPWM_disableTripZoneSignals (uint32_t base, uint32_t tzSignal) |
static void | EPWM_enableTripZone2Signals (uint32_t base, uint16_t tzSignal) |
static void | EPWM_disableTripZone2Signals (uint32_t base, uint16_t tzSignal) |
static void | EPWM_setTripZoneDigitalCompareEventCondition (uint32_t base, EPWM_TripZoneDigitalCompareOutput dcType, EPWM_TripZoneDigitalCompareOutputEvent dcEvent) |
static void | EPWM_enableTripZoneAdvAction (uint32_t base) |
static void | EPWM_disableTripZoneAdvAction (uint32_t base) |
static void | EPWM_setTripZoneAction (uint32_t base, EPWM_TripZoneEvent tzEvent, EPWM_TripZoneAction tzAction) |
static void | EPWM_setTripZoneAdvAction (uint32_t base, EPWM_TripZoneAdvancedEvent tzAdvEvent, EPWM_TripZoneAdvancedAction tzAdvAction) |
static void | EPWM_setTripZoneAdvDigitalCompareActionA (uint32_t base, EPWM_TripZoneAdvDigitalCompareEvent tzAdvDCEvent, EPWM_TripZoneAdvancedAction tzAdvDCAction) |
static void | EPWM_setTripZoneAdvDigitalCompareActionB (uint32_t base, EPWM_TripZoneAdvDigitalCompareEvent tzAdvDCEvent, EPWM_TripZoneAdvancedAction tzAdvDCAction) |
static void | EPWM_enableTripZoneInterrupt (uint32_t base, uint16_t tzInterrupt) |
static void | EPWM_disableTripZoneInterrupt (uint32_t base, uint16_t tzInterrupt) |
static uint16_t | EPWM_getTripZoneFlagStatus (uint32_t base) |
static uint16_t | EPWM_getCycleByCycleTripZoneFlagStatus (uint32_t base) |
static uint16_t | EPWM_getOneShotTripZoneFlagStatus (uint32_t base) |
static void | EPWM_selectCycleByCycleTripZoneClearEvent (uint32_t base, EPWM_CycleByCycleTripZoneClearMode clearEvent) |
static void | EPWM_clearTripZoneFlag (uint32_t base, uint16_t tzFlags) |
static void | EPWM_clearCycleByCycleTripZoneFlag (uint32_t base, uint16_t tzCBCFlags) |
static void | EPWM_clearOneShotTripZoneFlag (uint32_t base, uint16_t tzOSTFlags) |
static void | EPWM_forceTripZoneEvent (uint32_t base, uint16_t tzForceEvent) |
static void | EPWM_enableTripZoneOutput (uint32_t base, uint16_t tzOutput) |
static void | EPWM_disableTripZoneOutput (uint32_t base, uint16_t tzOutput) |
static void | EPWM_enableInterrupt (uint32_t base) |
static void | EPWM_disableInterrupt (uint32_t base) |
static void | EPWM_setInterruptSource (uint32_t base, uint16_t interruptSource, uint16_t mixedSource) |
static void | EPWM_setInterruptEventCount (uint32_t base, uint16_t eventCount) |
static bool | EPWM_getEventTriggerInterruptStatus (uint32_t base) |
static void | EPWM_clearEventTriggerInterruptFlag (uint32_t base) |
static void | EPWM_enableInterruptEventCountInit (uint32_t base) |
static void | EPWM_disableInterruptEventCountInit (uint32_t base) |
static void | EPWM_forceInterruptEventCountInit (uint32_t base) |
static void | EPWM_setInterruptEventCountInitValue (uint32_t base, uint16_t eventCount) |
static uint16_t | EPWM_getInterruptEventCount (uint32_t base) |
static void | EPWM_forceEventTriggerInterrupt (uint32_t base) |
static void | EPWM_enableADCTrigger (uint32_t base, EPWM_ADCStartOfConversionType adcSOCType) |
static void | EPWM_disableADCTrigger (uint32_t base, EPWM_ADCStartOfConversionType adcSOCType) |
static void | EPWM_setADCTriggerSource (uint32_t base, EPWM_ADCStartOfConversionType adcSOCType, EPWM_ADCStartOfConversionSource socSource, uint16_t mixedSource) |
static void | EPWM_setADCTriggerEventPrescale (uint32_t base, EPWM_ADCStartOfConversionType adcSOCType, uint16_t preScaleCount) |
static bool | EPWM_getADCTriggerFlagStatus (uint32_t base, EPWM_ADCStartOfConversionType adcSOCType) |
static void | EPWM_clearADCTriggerFlag (uint32_t base, EPWM_ADCStartOfConversionType adcSOCType) |
static void | EPWM_enableADCTriggerEventCountInit (uint32_t base, EPWM_ADCStartOfConversionType adcSOCType) |
static void | EPWM_disableADCTriggerEventCountInit (uint32_t base, EPWM_ADCStartOfConversionType adcSOCType) |
static void | EPWM_forceADCTriggerEventCountInit (uint32_t base, EPWM_ADCStartOfConversionType adcSOCType) |
static void | EPWM_setADCTriggerEventCountInitValue (uint32_t base, EPWM_ADCStartOfConversionType adcSOCType, uint16_t eventCount) |
static uint16_t | EPWM_getADCTriggerEventCount (uint32_t base, EPWM_ADCStartOfConversionType adcSOCType) |
static void | EPWM_forceADCTrigger (uint32_t base, EPWM_ADCStartOfConversionType adcSOCType) |
static void | EPWM_selectDigitalCompareTripInput (uint32_t base, EPWM_DigitalCompareTripInput tripSource, EPWM_DigitalCompareType dcType) |
static void | EPWM_enableDigitalCompareBlankingWindow (uint32_t base) |
static void | EPWM_disableDigitalCompareBlankingWindow (uint32_t base) |
static void | EPWM_enableDigitalCompareWindowInverseMode (uint32_t base) |
static void | EPWM_disableDigitalCompareWindowInverseMode (uint32_t base) |
static void | EPWM_setDigitalCompareBlankingEvent (uint32_t base, EPWM_DigitalCompareBlankingPulse blankingPulse, uint16_t mixedSource) |
static void | EPWM_setDigitalCompareFilterInput (uint32_t base, EPWM_DigitalCompareFilterInput filterInput) |
static void | EPWM_enableDigitalCompareEdgeFilter (uint32_t base) |
static void | EPWM_disableDigitalCompareEdgeFilter (uint32_t base) |
static void | EPWM_setDigitalCompareEdgeFilterMode (uint32_t base, EPWM_DigitalCompareEdgeFilterMode edgeMode) |
static void | EPWM_setDigitalCompareEdgeFilterEdgeCount (uint32_t base, EPWM_DigitalCompareEdgeFilterEdgeCount edgeCount) |
static uint16_t | EPWM_getDigitalCompareEdgeFilterEdgeCount (uint32_t base) |
static uint16_t | EPWM_getDigitalCompareEdgeFilterEdgeStatus (uint32_t base) |
static void | EPWM_setDigitalCompareWindowOffset (uint32_t base, uint16_t windowOffsetCount) |
static void | EPWM_setDigitalCompareWindowLength (uint32_t base, uint16_t windowLengthCount) |
static uint16_t | EPWM_getDigitalCompareBlankingWindowOffsetCount (uint32_t base) |
static uint16_t | EPWM_getDigitalCompareBlankingWindowLengthCount (uint32_t base) |
static void | EPWM_setDigitalCompareEventSource (uint32_t base, EPWM_DigitalCompareModule dcModule, EPWM_DigitalCompareEvent dcEvent, EPWM_DigitalCompareEventSource dcEventSource) |
static void | EPWM_setDigitalCompareEventSyncMode (uint32_t base, EPWM_DigitalCompareModule dcModule, EPWM_DigitalCompareEvent dcEvent, EPWM_DigitalCompareSyncMode syncMode) |
static void | EPWM_enableDigitalCompareADCTrigger (uint32_t base, EPWM_DigitalCompareModule dcModule) |
static void | EPWM_disableDigitalCompareADCTrigger (uint32_t base, EPWM_DigitalCompareModule dcModule) |
static void | EPWM_enableDigitalCompareSyncEvent (uint32_t base, EPWM_DigitalCompareModule dcModule) |
static void | EPWM_disableDigitalCompareSyncEvent (uint32_t base, EPWM_DigitalCompareModule dcModule) |
static void | EPWM_setDigitalCompareCBCLatchMode (uint32_t base, EPWM_DigitalCompareModule dcModule, EPWM_DigitalCompareEvent dcEvent, EPWM_DigitalCompareCBCLatchMode latchMode) |
static void | EPWM_selectDigitalCompareCBCLatchClearEvent (uint32_t base, EPWM_DigitalCompareModule dcModule, EPWM_DigitalCompareEvent dcEvent, EPWM_DigitalCompareCBCLatchClearEvent clearEvent) |
static bool | EPWM_getDigitalCompareCBCLatchStatus (uint32_t base, EPWM_DigitalCompareModule dcModule, EPWM_DigitalCompareEvent dcEvent) |
static void | EPWM_enableDigitalCompareCounterCapture (uint32_t base) |
static void | EPWM_disableDigitalCompareCounterCapture (uint32_t base) |
static void | EPWM_setDigitalCompareCounterShadowMode (uint32_t base, bool enableShadowMode) |
static bool | EPWM_getDigitalCompareCaptureStatus (uint32_t base) |
static uint16_t | EPWM_getDigitalCompareCaptureCount (uint32_t base) |
static void | EPWM_enableDigitalCompareTripCombinationInput (uint32_t base, uint16_t tripInput, EPWM_DigitalCompareType dcType) |
static void | EPWM_disableDigitalCompareTripCombinationInput (uint32_t base, uint16_t tripInput, EPWM_DigitalCompareType dcType) |
static void | EPWM_enableCaptureInEvent (uint32_t base) |
static void | EPWM_disableCaptureInEvent (uint32_t base) |
static void | EPWM_configCaptureGateInputPolarity (uint32_t base, uint8_t polSel) |
static void | EPWM_invertCaptureInputPolarity (uint32_t base, uint8_t polSel) |
static void | EPWM_enableIndependentPulseLogic (uint32_t base) |
static void | EPWM_disableIndependentPulseLogic (uint32_t base) |
static void | EPWM_forceCaptureEventLoad (uint32_t base) |
static void | EPWM_selectCaptureTripInput (uint32_t base, EPWM_DigitalCompareTripInput tripSource, uint8_t dcType) |
static void | EPWM_enableCaptureTripCombinationInput (uint32_t base, uint16_t tripInput, uint8_t dcType) |
static void | EPWM_disableCaptureTripCombinationInput (uint32_t base, uint16_t tripInput, uint8_t dcType) |
static void | EPWM_enableValleyCapture (uint32_t base) |
static void | EPWM_disableValleyCapture (uint32_t base) |
static void | EPWM_startValleyCapture (uint32_t base) |
static void | EPWM_setValleyTriggerSource (uint32_t base, EPWM_ValleyTriggerSource trigger) |
static void | EPWM_setValleyTriggerEdgeCounts (uint32_t base, uint16_t startCount, uint16_t stopCount) |
static void | EPWM_enableValleyHWDelay (uint32_t base) |
static void | EPWM_disableValleyHWDelay (uint32_t base) |
static void | EPWM_setValleySWDelayValue (uint32_t base, uint16_t delayOffsetValue) |
static void | EPWM_setValleyDelayDivider (uint32_t base, EPWM_ValleyDelayMode delayMode) |
static bool | EPWM_getValleyEdgeStatus (uint32_t base, EPWM_ValleyCounterEdge edge) |
static uint16_t | EPWM_getValleyCount (uint32_t base) |
static uint16_t | EPWM_getValleyHWDelay (uint32_t base) |
static void | EPWM_enableGlobalLoad (uint32_t base) |
static void | EPWM_disableGlobalLoad (uint32_t base) |
static void | EPWM_setGlobalLoadTrigger (uint32_t base, EPWM_GlobalLoadTrigger loadTrigger) |
static void | EPWM_setGlobalLoadEventPrescale (uint32_t base, uint16_t prescalePulseCount) |
static uint16_t | EPWM_getGlobalLoadEventCount (uint32_t base) |
static void | EPWM_disableGlobalLoadOneShotMode (uint32_t base) |
static void | EPWM_enableGlobalLoadOneShotMode (uint32_t base) |
static void | EPWM_setGlobalLoadOneShotLatch (uint32_t base) |
static void | EPWM_forceGlobalLoadOneShotEvent (uint32_t base) |
static void | EPWM_enableGlobalLoadRegisters (uint32_t base, uint16_t loadRegister) |
static void | EPWM_disableGlobalLoadRegisters (uint32_t base, uint16_t loadRegister) |
static void | EPWM_lockRegisters (uint32_t base, EPWM_LockRegisterGroup registerGroup) |
static void | EPWM_enableMinimumDeadBand (uint32_t base, uint32_t block) |
static void | EPWM_disableMinimumDeadBand (uint32_t base, uint32_t block) |
static void | EPWM_invertMinimumDeadBandSignal (uint32_t base, uint32_t block, uint32_t invert) |
static void | EPWM_selectMinimumDeadBandAndOrLogic (uint32_t base, uint32_t block, uint32_t referenceSignal) |
static void | EPWM_selectMinimumDeadBandBlockingSignal (uint32_t base, uint32_t block, uint32_t blockingSignal) |
static void | EPWM_selectMinimumDeadBandReferenceSignal (uint32_t base, uint32_t block, uint32_t referenceSignal) |
static uint32_t | EPWM_getMinDeadBandDelay (uint32_t base, uint32_t block) |
static void | EPWM_setMinDeadBandDelay (uint32_t base, uint32_t block, uint32_t delay) |
static void | EPWM_enableIllegalComboLogic (uint32_t base, uint32_t block) |
static void | EPWM_disableIllegalComboLogic (uint32_t base, uint32_t block) |
static void | EPWM_selectXbarInput (uint32_t base, uint32_t block, uint32_t xbarInput) |
static void | EPWM_setLutDecX (uint32_t base, uint32_t block, uint32_t decx, uint32_t force) |
static void | HRPWM_setPhaseShift (uint32_t base, uint32_t phaseCount) |
static void | HRPWM_setHiResPhaseShift (uint32_t base, uint16_t hrPhaseCount) |
static void | HRPWM_setHiResTimeBasePeriod (uint32_t base, uint16_t hrPeriodCount) |
static uint16_t | HRPWM_getHiResTimeBasePeriod (uint32_t base) |
static void | HRPWM_setMEPEdgeSelect (uint32_t base, HRPWM_Channel channel, HRPWM_MEPEdgeMode mepEdgeMode) |
static void | HRPWM_setMEPControlMode (uint32_t base, HRPWM_Channel channel, HRPWM_MEPCtrlMode mepCtrlMode) |
static void | HRPWM_setCounterCompareShadowLoadEvent (uint32_t base, HRPWM_Channel channel, HRPWM_LoadMode loadEvent) |
static void | HRPWM_setOutputSwapMode (uint32_t base, bool enableOutputSwap) |
static void | HRPWM_setChannelBOutputPath (uint32_t base, HRPWM_ChannelBOutput outputOnB) |
static void | HRPWM_enableAutoConversion (uint32_t base) |
static void | HRPWM_disableAutoConversion (uint32_t base) |
static void | HRPWM_enablePeriodControl (uint32_t base) |
static void | HRPWM_disablePeriodControl (uint32_t base) |
static void | HRPWM_enablePhaseShiftLoad (uint32_t base) |
static void | HRPWM_disablePhaseShiftLoad (uint32_t base) |
static void | HRPWM_setSyncPulseSource (uint32_t base, HRPWM_SyncPulseSource syncPulseSource) |
static void | HRPWM_setTranslatorRemainder (uint32_t base, uint16_t trremVal) |
static void | HRPWM_setCounterCompareValue (uint32_t base, HRPWM_CounterCompareModule compModule, uint32_t compCount) |
static uint32_t | HRPWM_getCounterCompareValue (uint32_t base, HRPWM_CounterCompareModule compModule) |
static void | HRPWM_setHiResCounterCompareValue (uint32_t base, HRPWM_CounterCompareModule compModule, uint16_t hrCompCount) |
static uint16_t | HRPWM_getHiResCounterCompareValueOnly (uint32_t base, HRPWM_CounterCompareModule compModule) |
static void | HRPWM_setHiResRisingEdgeDelay (uint32_t base, uint16_t hrRedCount) |
static void | HRPWM_setHiResFallingEdgeDelayOnly (uint32_t base, uint16_t hrFedCount) |
static void | HRPWM_setMEPStep (uint32_t base, uint16_t mepCount) |
static void | HRPWM_setDeadbandMEPEdgeSelect (uint32_t base, HRPWM_MEPDeadBandEdgeMode mepDBEdge) |
static void | HRPWM_setRisingEdgeDelayLoadMode (uint32_t base, HRPWM_LoadMode loadEvent) |
static void | HRPWM_setFallingEdgeDelayLoadMode (uint32_t base, HRPWM_LoadMode loadEvent) |
static void | HRPWM_setXCMPRegValue (uint32_t base, HRPWM_XCMPReg xcmpReg, uint16_t xcmpvalue) |
static void | EPWM_enableXCMPMode (uint32_t base) |
static void | EPWM_disableXCMPMode (uint32_t base) |
static void | EPWM_enableSplitXCMP (uint32_t base) |
static void | EPWM_disableSplitXCMP (uint32_t base) |
static void | EPWM_allocAXCMP (uint32_t base, EPWM_XCMP_ALLOC_CMPA alloctype) |
static void | EPWM_allocBXCMP (uint32_t base, EPWM_XCMP_ALLOC_CMPB alloctype) |
static void | EPWM_setXCMPRegValue (uint32_t base, EPWM_XCMPReg xcmpReg, uint16_t xcmpvalue) |
static void | EPWM_setCMPShadowRegValue (uint32_t base, EPWM_XCompareReg cmpReg, uint16_t cmpvalue) |
static void | EPWM_setXMINMAXRegValue (uint32_t base, EPWM_XMinMaxReg xminmaxReg, uint16_t xcmpvalue) |
static void | EPWM_setXCMPActionQualifierAction (uint32_t base, uint32_t shadowset, EPWM_ActionQualifierOutputModule epwmOutput, EPWM_ActionQualifierOutput output, EPWM_XCMPActionQualifierOutputEvent event) |
static void | EPWM_enableXLoad (uint32_t base) |
static void | EPWM_disableXLoad (uint32_t base) |
static void | EPWM_forceXLoad (uint32_t base) |
static void | EPWM_setXCMPLoadMode (uint32_t base, EPWM_XCMPXloadCtlLoadMode mode) |
static void | EPWM_setXCMPShadowLevel (uint32_t base, EPWM_XCMP_XLOADCTL_SHDWLEVEL level) |
static void | EPWM_setXCMPShadowBufPtrLoadOnce (uint32_t base, EPWM_XCMP_XLOADCTL_SHDWBUFPTR ptr) |
static void | EPWM_setXCMPShadowRepeatBufxCount (uint32_t base, uint32_t bufferset, uint8_t count) |
static void | EPWM_enableDiodeEmulationMode (uint32_t base) |
static void | EPWM_disableDiodeEmulationMode (uint32_t base) |
static void | EPWM_setDiodeEmulationMode (uint32_t base, EPWM_DiodeEmulationMode mode) |
static void | EPWM_setDiodeEmulationReentryDelay (uint32_t base, uint8_t delay) |
static void | EPWM_configureDiodeEmulationTripSources (uint32_t base, EPWM_DiodeEmulationTripSource source, uint32_t tripLorH) |
static void | EPWM_selectDiodeEmulationPWMsignal (uint32_t base, uint32_t channel, EPWM_DiodeEmulationSignal signal) |
static void | EPWM_selectDiodeEmulationTripSignal (uint32_t base, uint32_t channel, uint32_t signal) |
static void | EPWM_nobypassDiodeEmulationLogic (uint32_t base) |
static void | EPWM_bypassDiodeEmulationLogic (uint32_t base) |
static void | EPWM_forceDiodeEmulationActive (uint32_t base) |
static void | EPWM_clearDiodeEmulationActive (uint32_t base) |
static void | EPWM_enableDiodeEmulationMonitorModeControl (uint32_t base) |
static void | EPWM_disableDiodeEmulationMonitorModeControl (uint32_t base) |
static void | EPWM_setDiodeEmulationMonitorModeStep (uint32_t base, uint32_t direction, uint8_t stepsize) |
static void | EPWM_setDiodeEmulationMonitorCounterThreshold (uint32_t base, uint16_t threshold) |
void | EPWM_setEmulationMode (uint32_t base, EPWM_EmulationMode emulationMode) |
void | EPWM_configureSignal (uint32_t base, const EPWM_SignalParams *signalParams) |
Macros | |
Software force generated EPWM sync-out pulse. More... | |
Counter zero event generates EPWM sync-out pulse. More... | |
Counter equal to CMPB event generates EPWM sync-out pulse. More... | |
Counter equal to CMPC event generates EPWM sync-out pulse. More... | |
Counter equal to CMPD event generates EPWM sync-out pulse. More... | |
DCA Event 1 Sync signal generates EPWM sync-out pulse. More... | |
DCB Event 1 Sync signal generates EPWM sync-out pulse. More... | |
Enable all the above sources. More... | |
Time base counter is counting down. More... | |
Time base counter is counting up. More... | |
#define | EPWM_DB_INPUT_EPWMA (0U) |
Input signal is ePWMA. More... | |
#define | EPWM_DB_INPUT_EPWMB (1U) |
Input signal is ePWMB. More... | |
#define | EPWM_DB_INPUT_DB_RED (2U) |
Input signal is the output of Rising Edge delay. More... | |
#define | EPWM_TZ_SIGNAL_CBC1 (0x1U) |
TZ1 Cycle By Cycle. More... | |
#define | EPWM_TZ_SIGNAL_CBC2 (0x2U) |
TZ2 Cycle By Cycle. More... | |
#define | EPWM_TZ_SIGNAL_CBC3 (0x4U) |
TZ3 Cycle By Cycle. More... | |
#define | EPWM_TZ_SIGNAL_CBC4 (0x8U) |
TZ4 Cycle By Cycle. More... | |
#define | EPWM_TZ_SIGNAL_CBC5 (0x10U) |
TZ5 Cycle By Cycle. More... | |
#define | EPWM_TZ_SIGNAL_CBC6 (0x20U) |
TZ6 Cycle By Cycle. More... | |
#define | EPWM_TZ_SIGNAL_DCAEVT2 (0x40U) |
DCAEVT2 Cycle By Cycle. More... | |
#define | EPWM_TZ_SIGNAL_DCBEVT2 (0x80U) |
DCBEVT2 Cycle By Cycle. More... | |
#define | EPWM_TZ_SIGNAL_OSHT1 (0x100U) |
One-shot TZ1. More... | |
#define | EPWM_TZ_SIGNAL_OSHT2 (0x200U) |
One-shot TZ2. More... | |
#define | EPWM_TZ_SIGNAL_OSHT3 (0x400U) |
One-shot TZ3. More... | |
#define | EPWM_TZ_SIGNAL_OSHT4 (0x800U) |
One-shot TZ4. More... | |
#define | EPWM_TZ_SIGNAL_OSHT5 (0x1000U) |
One-shot TZ5. More... | |
#define | EPWM_TZ_SIGNAL_OSHT6 (0x2000U) |
One-shot TZ6. More... | |
#define | EPWM_TZ_SIGNAL_DCAEVT1 (0x4000U) |
One-shot DCAEVT1. More... | |
#define | EPWM_TZ_SIGNAL_DCBEVT1 (0x8000U) |
One-shot DCBEVT1. More... | |
#define | EPWM_TZ_SIGNAL_CAPEVT_CBC (0x1U) |
Cycle by cycle capture event. More... | |
#define | EPWM_TZ_SIGNAL_CAPEVT_OST (0x100U) |
One-shot Capture event. More... | |
#define | EPWM_TZ_INTERRUPT_CBC (0x2U) |
Trip Zones Cycle By Cycle interrupt. More... | |
#define | EPWM_TZ_INTERRUPT_OST (0x4U) |
Trip Zones One Shot interrupt. More... | |
#define | EPWM_TZ_INTERRUPT_DCAEVT1 (0x8U) |
Digital Compare A Event 1 interrupt. More... | |
#define | EPWM_TZ_INTERRUPT_DCAEVT2 (0x10U) |
Digital Compare A Event 2 interrupt. More... | |
#define | EPWM_TZ_INTERRUPT_DCBEVT1 (0x20U) |
Digital Compare B Event 1 interrupt. More... | |
#define | EPWM_TZ_INTERRUPT_DCBEVT2 (0x40U) |
Digital Compare B Event 2 interrupt. More... | |
#define | EPWM_TZ_INTERRUPT_CAPEVT (0x80U) |
Capture Event interrupt. More... | |
#define | EPWM_TZ_FLAG_CBC (0x2U) |
Trip Zones Cycle By Cycle flag. More... | |
#define | EPWM_TZ_FLAG_OST (0x4U) |
Trip Zones One Shot flag. More... | |
#define | EPWM_TZ_FLAG_DCAEVT1 (0x8U) |
Digital Compare A Event 1 flag. More... | |
#define | EPWM_TZ_FLAG_DCAEVT2 (0x10U) |
Digital Compare A Event 2 flag. More... | |
#define | EPWM_TZ_FLAG_DCBEVT1 (0x20U) |
Digital Compare B Event 1 flag. More... | |
#define | EPWM_TZ_FLAG_DCBEVT2 (0x40U) |
Digital Compare B Event 2 flag. More... | |
#define | EPWM_TZ_FLAG_CAPEVT (0x80U) |
Capture Event flag. More... | |
#define | EPWM_TZ_INTERRUPT (0x1U) |
Trip Zone interrupt. More... | |
#define | EPWM_TZ_CBC_FLAG_1 (0x1U) |
CBC flag 1. More... | |
#define | EPWM_TZ_CBC_FLAG_2 (0x2U) |
CBC flag 2. More... | |
#define | EPWM_TZ_CBC_FLAG_3 (0x4U) |
CBC flag 3. More... | |
#define | EPWM_TZ_CBC_FLAG_4 (0x8U) |
CBC flag 4. More... | |
#define | EPWM_TZ_CBC_FLAG_5 (0x10U) |
CBC flag 5. More... | |
#define | EPWM_TZ_CBC_FLAG_6 (0x20U) |
CBC flag 6. More... | |
#define | EPWM_TZ_CBC_FLAG_DCAEVT2 (0x40U) |
CBC flag Digital compare event A2. More... | |
#define | EPWM_TZ_CBC_FLAG_DCBEVT2 (0x80U) |
CBC flag Digital compare event B2. More... | |
#define | EPWM_TZ_CBC_FLAG_CAPEVT (0x100U) |
CBC flag Capture event. More... | |
#define | EPWM_TZ_OST_FLAG_OST1 (0x1U) |
OST flag OST1. More... | |
#define | EPWM_TZ_OST_FLAG_OST2 (0x2U) |
OST flag OST2. More... | |
#define | EPWM_TZ_OST_FLAG_OST3 (0x4U) |
OST flag OST3. More... | |
#define | EPWM_TZ_OST_FLAG_OST4 (0x8U) |
OST flag OST4. More... | |
#define | EPWM_TZ_OST_FLAG_OST5 (0x10U) |
OST flag OST5. More... | |
#define | EPWM_TZ_OST_FLAG_OST6 (0x20U) |
OST flag OST6. More... | |
#define | EPWM_TZ_OST_FLAG_DCAEVT1 (0x40U) |
OST flag Digital compare event A1. More... | |
#define | EPWM_TZ_OST_FLAG_DCBEVT1 (0x80U) |
OST flag Digital compare event B1. More... | |
#define | EPWM_TZ_OST_FLAG_CAPEVT (0x100U) |
OST flag Capture Event. More... | |
#define | EPWM_TZ_FORCE_EVENT_CBC (0x2U) |
Force Cycle By Cycle trip event. More... | |
#define | EPWM_TZ_FORCE_EVENT_OST (0x4U) |
Force a One-Shot Trip Event. More... | |
#define | EPWM_TZ_FORCE_EVENT_DCAEVT1 (0x8U) |
Force Digital Compare Output A Event 1. More... | |
#define | EPWM_TZ_FORCE_EVENT_DCAEVT2 (0x10U) |
Force Digital Compare Output A Event 2. More... | |
#define | EPWM_TZ_FORCE_EVENT_DCBEVT1 (0x20U) |
Force Digital Compare Output B Event 1. More... | |
#define | EPWM_TZ_FORCE_EVENT_DCBEVT2 (0x40U) |
Force Digital Compare Output B Event 2. More... | |
#define | EPWM_TZ_FORCE_EVENT_CAPEVT (0x80U) |
Force Capture event. More... | |
#define | EPWM_TZ_SELECT_TRIPOUT_OST (0x1) |
One shot. More... | |
#define | EPWM_TZ_SELECT_TRIPOUT_CBC (0x2) |
Cycle by cycle. More... | |
#define | EPWM_TZ_SELECT_TRIPOUT_TZ1 (0x4) |
Trip Zone 1. More... | |
#define | EPWM_TZ_SELECT_TRIPOUT_TZ2 (0x8) |
Trip Zone 2. More... | |
#define | EPWM_TZ_SELECT_TRIPOUT_TZ3 (0x10) |
Trip Zone 3. More... | |
#define | EPWM_TZ_SELECT_TRIPOUT_TZ4 (0x20) |
Trip Zone 4. More... | |
#define | EPWM_TZ_SELECT_TRIPOUT_TZ5 (0x40) |
Trip Zone 5. More... | |
#define | EPWM_TZ_SELECT_TRIPOUT_TZ6 (0x80) |
Trip Zone 6. More... | |
#define | EPWM_TZ_SELECT_TRIPOUT_DCAEVT1 (0x100) |
Digital capture A Event 1. More... | |
#define | EPWM_TZ_SELECT_TRIPOUT_DCAEVT2 (0x200) |
Digital capture A Event 2. More... | |
#define | EPWM_TZ_SELECT_TRIPOUT_DCBEVT1 (0x400) |
Digital capture B Event 1. More... | |
#define | EPWM_TZ_SELECT_TRIPOUT_DCBEVT2 (0x800) |
Digtial capture B Event 2. More... | |
#define | EPWM_TZ_SELECT_TRIPOUT_CAPEVT (0x1000) |
Capture Event. More... | |
#define | EPWM_INT_TBCTR_ZERO (1U) |
Time-base counter equal to zero. More... | |
#define | EPWM_INT_TBCTR_PERIOD (2U) |
Time-base counter equal to period. More... | |
Time-base counter based on mix events. More... | |
#define | EPWM_INT_TBCTR_U_CMPA (4U) |
time-base counter equal to CMPA when the timer is incrementing More... | |
#define | EPWM_INT_TBCTR_U_CMPC (8U) |
time-base counter equal to CMPC when the timer is incrementing More... | |
#define | EPWM_INT_TBCTR_D_CMPA (5U) |
time-base counter equal to CMPA when the timer is decrementing More... | |
#define | EPWM_INT_TBCTR_D_CMPC (10U) |
time-base counter equal to CMPC when the timer is decrementing More... | |
#define | EPWM_INT_TBCTR_U_CMPB (6U) |
time-base counter equal to CMPB when the timer is incrementing More... | |
#define | EPWM_INT_TBCTR_U_CMPD (12U) |
time-base counter equal to CMPD when the timer is incrementing More... | |
#define | EPWM_INT_TBCTR_D_CMPB (7U) |
time-base counter equal to CMPB when the timer is decrementing More... | |
#define | EPWM_INT_TBCTR_D_CMPD (14U) |
time-base counter equal to CMPD when the timer is decrementing More... | |
#define | EPWM_INT_MIX_TBCTR_ZERO (0x1) |
Time-base counter equal to zero. More... | |
#define | EPWM_INT_MIX_TBCTR_PERIOD (0x2) |
Time-base counter equal to period. More... | |
#define | EPWM_INT_MIX_TBCTR_U_CMPA (0x4) |
time-base counter equal to CMPA when the timer is incrementing More... | |
#define | EPWM_INT_MIX_TBCTR_D_CMPA (0x8) |
time-base counter equal to CMPA when the timer is decrementing More... | |
#define | EPWM_INT_MIX_TBCTR_U_CMPB (0x10) |
time-base counter equal to CMPB when the timer is incrementing More... | |
#define | EPWM_INT_MIX_TBCTR_D_CMPB (0x20) |
time-base counter equal to CMPB when the timer is decrementing More... | |
#define | EPWM_INT_MIX_TBCTR_U_CMPC (0x40) |
time-base counter equal to CMPC when the timer is incrementing More... | |
#define | EPWM_INT_MIX_TBCTR_D_CMPC (0x80) |
time-base counter equal to CMPC when the timer is decrementing More... | |
#define | EPWM_INT_MIX_TBCTR_U_CMPD (0x100) |
time-base counter equal to CMPD when the timer is incrementing More... | |
#define | EPWM_INT_MIX_TBCTR_D_CMPD (0x200) |
time-base counter equal to CMPD when the timer is decrementing More... | |
#define | EPWM_INT_MIX_DCAEVT1 (0x400) |
DCAEVT1 interrupt. More... | |
Combinational Trip 1 input. More... | |
Combinational Trip 2 input. More... | |
Combinational Trip 3 input. More... | |
Combinational Trip 4 input. More... | |
Combinational Trip 5 input. More... | |
Combinational Trip 6 input. More... | |
Combinational Trip 7 input. More... | |
Combinational Trip 8 input. More... | |
Combinational Trip 9 input. More... | |
Combinational Trip 10 input. More... | |
Combinational Trip 11 input. More... | |
Combinational Trip 12 input. More... | |
#define | EPWM_DC_COMBINATIONAL_TRIPIN13 (0x1000U) |
Combinational Trip 13 input. More... | |
#define | EPWM_DC_COMBINATIONAL_TRIPIN14 (0x2000U) |
Combinational Trip 14 input. More... | |
#define | EPWM_DC_COMBINATIONAL_TRIPIN15 (0x4000U) |
Combinational Trip 15 input. More... | |
#define | EPWM_DC_TBCTR_ZERO (0x1) |
Time-base counter equal to zero. More... | |
#define | EPWM_DC_TBCTR_PERIOD (0x2) |
Time-base counter equal to period. More... | |
#define | EPWM_DC_TBCTR_U_CMPA (0x4) |
time-base counter equal to CMPA when the timer is incrementing More... | |
#define | EPWM_DC_TBCTR_D_CMPA (0x8) |
time-base counter equal to CMPA when the timer is decrementing More... | |
#define | EPWM_DC_TBCTR_U_CMPB (0x10) |
time-base counter equal to CMPB when the timer is incrementing More... | |
#define | EPWM_DC_TBCTR_D_CMPB (0x20) |
time-base counter equal to CMPB when the timer is decrementing More... | |
#define | EPWM_DC_TBCTR_U_CMPC (0x40) |
time-base counter equal to CMPC when the timer is incrementing More... | |
#define | EPWM_DC_TBCTR_D_CMPC (0x80) |
time-base counter equal to CMPC when the timer is decrementing More... | |
#define | EPWM_DC_TBCTR_U_CMPD (0x100) |
time-base counter equal to CMPD when the timer is incrementing More... | |
#define | EPWM_DC_TBCTR_D_CMPD (0x200) |
time-base counter equal to CMPD when the timer is decrementing More... | |
Global load TBPRD : TBPRDHR. More... | |
Global load CMPA : CMPAHR. More... | |
Global load CMPB : CMPBHR. More... | |
#define | EPWM_GL_REGISTER_CMPC (0x8U) |
Global load CMPC. More... | |
#define | EPWM_GL_REGISTER_CMPD (0x10U) |
Global load CMPD. More... | |
Global load DBRED : DBREDHR. More... | |
Global load DBFED : DBFEDHR. More... | |
#define | EPWM_GL_REGISTER_DBCTL (0x80U) |
Global load DBCTL. More... | |
Global load AQCTLA/A2. More... | |
Global load AQCTLB/B2. More... | |
#define | EPWM_GL_REGISTER_AQCSFRC (0x400U) |
Global load AQCSFRC. More... | |
#define | EPWM_MINDB_BLOCK_A (0x0U) |
Values that can be passed to. More... | |
#define | EPWM_MINDB_BLOCK_B (0x1U) |
#define | EPWM_MINDB_NO_INVERT (0x0) |
Values that can be passed to. More... | |
#define | EPWM_MINDB_INVERT (0x1) |
Values that can be passed to. More... | |
#define | EPWM_MINDB_LOGICAL_OR (0x1) |
#define | EPWM_MINDB_PWMB (0x0) |
Values that can be passed to. More... | |
#define | EPWM_MINDB_PWM_OUTXBAR_OUT1 (0x1) |
Minimum Dead Band Reference Signal PWM Output Xbar Output 2. More... | |
#define | EPWM_MINDB_PWM_OUTXBAR_OUT2 (0x2) |
Minimum Dead Band Reference Signal PWM Output Xbar Output 3. More... | |
#define | EPWM_MINDB_PWM_OUTXBAR_OUT3 (0x3) |
Minimum Dead Band Reference Signal PWM Output Xbar Output 4. More... | |
#define | EPWM_MINDB_PWM_OUTXBAR_OUT4 (0x4) |
Minimum Dead Band Reference Signal PWM Output Xbar Output 5. More... | |
#define | EPWM_MINDB_PWM_OUTXBAR_OUT5 (0x5) |
Minimum Dead Band Reference Signal PWM Output Xbar Output 6. More... | |
#define | EPWM_MINDB_PWM_OUTXBAR_OUT6 (0x6) |
Minimum Dead Band Reference Signal PWM Output Xbar Output 7. More... | |
#define | EPWM_MINDB_PWM_OUTXBAR_OUT7 (0x7) |
Minimum Dead Band Reference Signal PWM Output Xbar Output 8. More... | |
#define | EPWM_MINDB_PWM_OUTXBAR_OUT8 (0x8) |
Minimum Dead Band Reference Signal PWM Output Xbar Output 9. More... | |
#define | EPWM_MINDB_PWM_OUTXBAR_OUT9 (0x9) |
Minimum Dead Band Reference Signal PWM Output Xbar Output 10. More... | |
#define | EPWM_MINDB_PWM_OUTXBAR_OUT10 (0xA) |
Minimum Dead Band Reference Signal PWM Output Xbar Output 11. More... | |
#define | EPWM_MINDB_PWM_OUTXBAR_OUT11 (0xB) |
Minimum Dead Band Reference Signal PWM Output Xbar Output 12. More... | |
#define | EPWM_MINDB_PWM_OUTXBAR_OUT12 (0xC) |
Minimum Dead Band Reference Signal PWM Output Xbar Output 13. More... | |
#define | EPWM_MINDB_PWM_OUTXBAR_OUT13 (0xD) |
Minimum Dead Band Reference Signal PWM Output Xbar Output 14. More... | |
#define | EPWM_MINDB_PWM_OUTXBAR_OUT14 (0xE) |
Minimum Dead Band Reference Signal PWM Output Xbar Output 15. More... | |
#define | EPWM_MINDB_PWM_OUTXBAR_OUT15 (0xF) |
Values that can be passed to. More... | |
#define | EPWM_MINDB_ICSS_XBAR_OUT0 (0x0) |
Values that can be passed to. More... | |
#define | EPWM_MINDB_ICSS_XBAR_OUT1 (0x1) |
ICSS Xbar Out 2. More... | |
#define | EPWM_MINDB_ICSS_XBAR_OUT2 (0x2) |
ICSS Xbar Out 3. More... | |
#define | EPWM_MINDB_ICSS_XBAR_OUT3 (0x3) |
ICSS Xbar Out 4. More... | |
#define | EPWM_MINDB_ICSS_XBAR_OUT4 (0x4) |
ICSS Xbar Out 5. More... | |
#define | EPWM_MINDB_ICSS_XBAR_OUT5 (0x5) |
ICSS Xbar Out 6. More... | |
#define | EPWM_MINDB_ICSS_XBAR_OUT6 (0x6) |
ICSS Xbar Out 7. More... | |
#define | EPWM_MINDB_ICSS_XBAR_OUT7 (0x7) |
ICSS Xbar Out 8. More... | |
#define | EPWM_MINDB_ICSS_XBAR_OUT8 (0x8) |
ICSS Xbar Out 9. More... | |
#define | EPWM_MINDB_ICSS_XBAR_OUT9 (0x9) |
ICSS Xbar Out 10. More... | |
#define | EPWM_MINDB_ICSS_XBAR_OUT10 (0xA) |
ICSS Xbar Out 11. More... | |
#define | EPWM_MINDB_ICSS_XBAR_OUT11 (0xB) |
ICSS Xbar Out 12. More... | |
#define | EPWM_MINDB_ICSS_XBAR_OUT12 (0xC) |
ICSS Xbar Out 13. More... | |
#define | EPWM_MINDB_ICSS_XBAR_OUT13 (0xD) |
ICSS Xbar Out 14. More... | |
#define | EPWM_MINDB_ICSS_XBAR_OUT14 (0xE) |
ICSS Xbar Out 15. More... | |
#define | EPWM_MINDB_ICSS_XBAR_OUT15 (0xF) |
#define | EPWM_XCMP_ACTIVE (0x0U) |
< XCMP set = Active More... | |
#define | EPWM_XCMP_SHADOW1 (0x1U) |
XCMP set = Shadow 2. More... | |
#define | EPWM_XCMP_SHADOW2 (0x2U) |
XCMP set = Shadow 3. More... | |
#define | EPWM_XCMP_SHADOW3 (0x3U) |
#define | EPWM_DE_CHANNEL_A (0x0U) |
< Diode emulation channel A More... | |
#define | EPWM_DE_CHANNEL_B (0x1U) |
#define | EPWM_DE_COUNT_UP (0x0U) |
Values that can be passed to EPWM_setDiodeEmulationMonitorModeStep() More... | |
#define | EPWM_DE_COUNT_DOWN (0x1U) |
#define | EPWM_DE_TRIPL (0x1U) |
Values that can be passed to EPWM_configureDiodeEmulationTripSources() More... | |
#define | EPWM_DE_TRIPH (0x0U) |
Capture gate is always on. More... | |
Capture gate is always off. More... | |
Capture gate input is CAPGATE.sync. More... | |
Capture gate input is CAPGATE.sync inverted. More... | |
Capture input is not inverted. More... | |
Capture input is inverted. More... | |
#define | EPWM_CAPTURE_GATE (1U) |
Capture Gate. More... | |
#define | EPWM_CAPTURE_INPUT (0U) |
Capture Input. More... | |
software force disabled on A, B More... | |
software force Low Action on A, software force disabled B More... | |
software force High Action on A, software force disabled B More... | |
software force disabled on A, software force Low Action on B More... | |
software force Low Action on A, software force Low Action on B More... | |
software force High Action on A, software force Low Action on B More... | |
software force disabled on A, software force High Action on B More... | |
software force Low Action on A, software force High Action on B More... | |
software force High Action on A, software force High Action on B More... | |
Defines to be used by the driver. More... | |
#define | EPWM_LOCK_KEY (0xA5A50000U) |
Software force generated EPWM sync-out pulse.
Counter zero event generates EPWM sync-out pulse.
Counter equal to CMPB event generates EPWM sync-out pulse.
Counter equal to CMPC event generates EPWM sync-out pulse.
Counter equal to CMPD event generates EPWM sync-out pulse.
DCA Event 1 Sync signal generates EPWM sync-out pulse.
DCB Event 1 Sync signal generates EPWM sync-out pulse.
Enable all the above sources.
Time base counter is counting down.
Time base counter is counting up.
#define EPWM_DB_INPUT_EPWMA (0U) |
Input signal is ePWMA.
#define EPWM_DB_INPUT_EPWMB (1U) |
Input signal is ePWMB.
#define EPWM_DB_INPUT_DB_RED (2U) |
Input signal is the output of Rising Edge delay.
#define EPWM_TZ_SIGNAL_CBC1 (0x1U) |
TZ1 Cycle By Cycle.
#define EPWM_TZ_SIGNAL_CBC2 (0x2U) |
TZ2 Cycle By Cycle.
#define EPWM_TZ_SIGNAL_CBC3 (0x4U) |
TZ3 Cycle By Cycle.
#define EPWM_TZ_SIGNAL_CBC4 (0x8U) |
TZ4 Cycle By Cycle.
#define EPWM_TZ_SIGNAL_CBC5 (0x10U) |
TZ5 Cycle By Cycle.
#define EPWM_TZ_SIGNAL_CBC6 (0x20U) |
TZ6 Cycle By Cycle.
#define EPWM_TZ_SIGNAL_DCAEVT2 (0x40U) |
DCAEVT2 Cycle By Cycle.
#define EPWM_TZ_SIGNAL_DCBEVT2 (0x80U) |
DCBEVT2 Cycle By Cycle.
#define EPWM_TZ_SIGNAL_OSHT1 (0x100U) |
One-shot TZ1.
#define EPWM_TZ_SIGNAL_OSHT2 (0x200U) |
One-shot TZ2.
#define EPWM_TZ_SIGNAL_OSHT3 (0x400U) |
One-shot TZ3.
#define EPWM_TZ_SIGNAL_OSHT4 (0x800U) |
One-shot TZ4.
#define EPWM_TZ_SIGNAL_OSHT5 (0x1000U) |
One-shot TZ5.
#define EPWM_TZ_SIGNAL_OSHT6 (0x2000U) |
One-shot TZ6.
#define EPWM_TZ_SIGNAL_DCAEVT1 (0x4000U) |
One-shot DCAEVT1.
#define EPWM_TZ_SIGNAL_DCBEVT1 (0x8000U) |
One-shot DCBEVT1.
Cycle by cycle capture event.
#define EPWM_TZ_SIGNAL_CAPEVT_OST (0x100U) |
One-shot Capture event.
#define EPWM_TZ_INTERRUPT_CBC (0x2U) |
Trip Zones Cycle By Cycle interrupt.
#define EPWM_TZ_INTERRUPT_OST (0x4U) |
Trip Zones One Shot interrupt.
Digital Compare A Event 1 interrupt.
Digital Compare A Event 2 interrupt.
Digital Compare B Event 1 interrupt.
Digital Compare B Event 2 interrupt.
Capture Event interrupt.
#define EPWM_TZ_FLAG_CBC (0x2U) |
Trip Zones Cycle By Cycle flag.
#define EPWM_TZ_FLAG_OST (0x4U) |
Trip Zones One Shot flag.
#define EPWM_TZ_FLAG_DCAEVT1 (0x8U) |
Digital Compare A Event 1 flag.
#define EPWM_TZ_FLAG_DCAEVT2 (0x10U) |
Digital Compare A Event 2 flag.
#define EPWM_TZ_FLAG_DCBEVT1 (0x20U) |
Digital Compare B Event 1 flag.
#define EPWM_TZ_FLAG_DCBEVT2 (0x40U) |
Digital Compare B Event 2 flag.
#define EPWM_TZ_FLAG_CAPEVT (0x80U) |
Capture Event flag.
#define EPWM_TZ_INTERRUPT (0x1U) |
Trip Zone interrupt.
#define EPWM_TZ_CBC_FLAG_1 (0x1U) |
CBC flag 1.
#define EPWM_TZ_CBC_FLAG_2 (0x2U) |
CBC flag 2.
#define EPWM_TZ_CBC_FLAG_3 (0x4U) |
CBC flag 3.
#define EPWM_TZ_CBC_FLAG_4 (0x8U) |
CBC flag 4.
#define EPWM_TZ_CBC_FLAG_5 (0x10U) |
CBC flag 5.
#define EPWM_TZ_CBC_FLAG_6 (0x20U) |
CBC flag 6.
#define EPWM_TZ_CBC_FLAG_DCAEVT2 (0x40U) |
CBC flag Digital compare event A2.
#define EPWM_TZ_CBC_FLAG_DCBEVT2 (0x80U) |
CBC flag Digital compare event B2.
#define EPWM_TZ_CBC_FLAG_CAPEVT (0x100U) |
CBC flag Capture event.
#define EPWM_TZ_OST_FLAG_OST1 (0x1U) |
OST flag OST1.
#define EPWM_TZ_OST_FLAG_OST2 (0x2U) |
OST flag OST2.
#define EPWM_TZ_OST_FLAG_OST3 (0x4U) |
OST flag OST3.
#define EPWM_TZ_OST_FLAG_OST4 (0x8U) |
OST flag OST4.
#define EPWM_TZ_OST_FLAG_OST5 (0x10U) |
OST flag OST5.
#define EPWM_TZ_OST_FLAG_OST6 (0x20U) |
OST flag OST6.
#define EPWM_TZ_OST_FLAG_DCAEVT1 (0x40U) |
OST flag Digital compare event A1.
#define EPWM_TZ_OST_FLAG_DCBEVT1 (0x80U) |
OST flag Digital compare event B1.
#define EPWM_TZ_OST_FLAG_CAPEVT (0x100U) |
OST flag Capture Event.
#define EPWM_TZ_FORCE_EVENT_CBC (0x2U) |
Force Cycle By Cycle trip event.
#define EPWM_TZ_FORCE_EVENT_OST (0x4U) |
Force a One-Shot Trip Event.
Force Digital Compare Output A Event 1.
Force Digital Compare Output A Event 2.
Force Digital Compare Output B Event 1.
Force Digital Compare Output B Event 2.
Force Capture event.
One shot.
Cycle by cycle.
#define EPWM_TZ_SELECT_TRIPOUT_TZ1 (0x4) |
Trip Zone 1.
#define EPWM_TZ_SELECT_TRIPOUT_TZ2 (0x8) |
Trip Zone 2.
#define EPWM_TZ_SELECT_TRIPOUT_TZ3 (0x10) |
Trip Zone 3.
#define EPWM_TZ_SELECT_TRIPOUT_TZ4 (0x20) |
Trip Zone 4.
#define EPWM_TZ_SELECT_TRIPOUT_TZ5 (0x40) |
Trip Zone 5.
#define EPWM_TZ_SELECT_TRIPOUT_TZ6 (0x80) |
Trip Zone 6.
Digital capture A Event 1.
Digital capture A Event 2.
Digital capture B Event 1.
Digtial capture B Event 2.
Capture Event.
#define EPWM_INT_TBCTR_ZERO (1U) |
Time-base counter equal to zero.
Time-base counter equal to period.
Time-base counter based on mix events.
#define EPWM_INT_TBCTR_U_CMPA (4U) |
time-base counter equal to CMPA when the timer is incrementing
#define EPWM_INT_TBCTR_U_CMPC (8U) |
time-base counter equal to CMPC when the timer is incrementing
#define EPWM_INT_TBCTR_D_CMPA (5U) |
time-base counter equal to CMPA when the timer is decrementing
#define EPWM_INT_TBCTR_D_CMPC (10U) |
time-base counter equal to CMPC when the timer is decrementing
#define EPWM_INT_TBCTR_U_CMPB (6U) |
time-base counter equal to CMPB when the timer is incrementing
#define EPWM_INT_TBCTR_U_CMPD (12U) |
time-base counter equal to CMPD when the timer is incrementing
#define EPWM_INT_TBCTR_D_CMPB (7U) |
time-base counter equal to CMPB when the timer is decrementing
#define EPWM_INT_TBCTR_D_CMPD (14U) |
time-base counter equal to CMPD when the timer is decrementing
#define EPWM_INT_MIX_TBCTR_ZERO (0x1) |
Time-base counter equal to zero.
Time-base counter equal to period.
#define EPWM_INT_MIX_TBCTR_U_CMPA (0x4) |
time-base counter equal to CMPA when the timer is incrementing
#define EPWM_INT_MIX_TBCTR_D_CMPA (0x8) |
time-base counter equal to CMPA when the timer is decrementing
#define EPWM_INT_MIX_TBCTR_U_CMPB (0x10) |
time-base counter equal to CMPB when the timer is incrementing
#define EPWM_INT_MIX_TBCTR_D_CMPB (0x20) |
time-base counter equal to CMPB when the timer is decrementing
#define EPWM_INT_MIX_TBCTR_U_CMPC (0x40) |
time-base counter equal to CMPC when the timer is incrementing
#define EPWM_INT_MIX_TBCTR_D_CMPC (0x80) |
time-base counter equal to CMPC when the timer is decrementing
#define EPWM_INT_MIX_TBCTR_U_CMPD (0x100) |
time-base counter equal to CMPD when the timer is incrementing
#define EPWM_INT_MIX_TBCTR_D_CMPD (0x200) |
time-base counter equal to CMPD when the timer is decrementing
#define EPWM_INT_MIX_DCAEVT1 (0x400) |
DCAEVT1 interrupt.
Combinational Trip 1 input.
Combinational Trip 2 input.
Combinational Trip 3 input.
Combinational Trip 4 input.
Combinational Trip 5 input.
Combinational Trip 6 input.
Combinational Trip 7 input.
Combinational Trip 8 input.
Combinational Trip 9 input.
Combinational Trip 10 input.
Combinational Trip 11 input.
Combinational Trip 12 input.
Combinational Trip 13 input.
Combinational Trip 14 input.
Combinational Trip 15 input.
#define EPWM_DC_TBCTR_ZERO (0x1) |
Time-base counter equal to zero.
#define EPWM_DC_TBCTR_PERIOD (0x2) |
Time-base counter equal to period.
#define EPWM_DC_TBCTR_U_CMPA (0x4) |
time-base counter equal to CMPA when the timer is incrementing
#define EPWM_DC_TBCTR_D_CMPA (0x8) |
time-base counter equal to CMPA when the timer is decrementing
#define EPWM_DC_TBCTR_U_CMPB (0x10) |
time-base counter equal to CMPB when the timer is incrementing
#define EPWM_DC_TBCTR_D_CMPB (0x20) |
time-base counter equal to CMPB when the timer is decrementing
#define EPWM_DC_TBCTR_U_CMPC (0x40) |
time-base counter equal to CMPC when the timer is incrementing
#define EPWM_DC_TBCTR_D_CMPC (0x80) |
time-base counter equal to CMPC when the timer is decrementing
#define EPWM_DC_TBCTR_U_CMPD (0x100) |
time-base counter equal to CMPD when the timer is incrementing
#define EPWM_DC_TBCTR_D_CMPD (0x200) |
time-base counter equal to CMPD when the timer is decrementing
Global load TBPRD : TBPRDHR.
Global load CMPA : CMPAHR.
Global load CMPB : CMPBHR.
#define EPWM_GL_REGISTER_CMPC (0x8U) |
Global load CMPC.
#define EPWM_GL_REGISTER_CMPD (0x10U) |
Global load CMPD.
Global load DBRED : DBREDHR.
Global load DBFED : DBFEDHR.
#define EPWM_GL_REGISTER_DBCTL (0x80U) |
Global load DBCTL.
Global load AQCTLA/A2.
Global load AQCTLB/B2.
Global load AQCSFRC.
#define EPWM_MINDB_BLOCK_A (0x0U) |
Values that can be passed to.
< Minimum Dead Band Block A Minimum Dead Band Block B
#define EPWM_MINDB_BLOCK_B (0x1U) |
#define EPWM_MINDB_NO_INVERT (0x0) |
Values that can be passed to.
< Minimum Dead Band don't invert Minimum Dead invert reference signal
#define EPWM_MINDB_INVERT (0x1) |
Values that can be passed to.
< Minimum Dead Band Invert and perform logical AND Minimum Dead Band Block perform logical OR
#define EPWM_MINDB_LOGICAL_OR (0x1) |
#define EPWM_MINDB_PWMB (0x0) |
Values that can be passed to.
< Minimum Dead Band Reference signal Minimum Dead Band Reference Signal PWM Output Xbar Output 1
Minimum Dead Band Reference Signal PWM Output Xbar Output 2.
Minimum Dead Band Reference Signal PWM Output Xbar Output 3.
Minimum Dead Band Reference Signal PWM Output Xbar Output 4.
Minimum Dead Band Reference Signal PWM Output Xbar Output 5.
Minimum Dead Band Reference Signal PWM Output Xbar Output 6.
Minimum Dead Band Reference Signal PWM Output Xbar Output 7.
Minimum Dead Band Reference Signal PWM Output Xbar Output 8.
Minimum Dead Band Reference Signal PWM Output Xbar Output 9.
Minimum Dead Band Reference Signal PWM Output Xbar Output 10.
Minimum Dead Band Reference Signal PWM Output Xbar Output 11.
Minimum Dead Band Reference Signal PWM Output Xbar Output 12.
Minimum Dead Band Reference Signal PWM Output Xbar Output 13.
Minimum Dead Band Reference Signal PWM Output Xbar Output 14.
Minimum Dead Band Reference Signal PWM Output Xbar Output 15.
Values that can be passed to.
< Minimum Dead Band Invert signal Minimum Dead Band Block B
#define EPWM_MINDB_ICSS_XBAR_OUT0 (0x0) |
Values that can be passed to.
< ICSS Xbar Out 0 ICSS Xbar Out 1
#define EPWM_MINDB_ICSS_XBAR_OUT1 (0x1) |
ICSS Xbar Out 2.
#define EPWM_MINDB_ICSS_XBAR_OUT2 (0x2) |
ICSS Xbar Out 3.
#define EPWM_MINDB_ICSS_XBAR_OUT3 (0x3) |
ICSS Xbar Out 4.
#define EPWM_MINDB_ICSS_XBAR_OUT4 (0x4) |
ICSS Xbar Out 5.
#define EPWM_MINDB_ICSS_XBAR_OUT5 (0x5) |
ICSS Xbar Out 6.
#define EPWM_MINDB_ICSS_XBAR_OUT6 (0x6) |
ICSS Xbar Out 7.
#define EPWM_MINDB_ICSS_XBAR_OUT7 (0x7) |
ICSS Xbar Out 8.
#define EPWM_MINDB_ICSS_XBAR_OUT8 (0x8) |
ICSS Xbar Out 9.
#define EPWM_MINDB_ICSS_XBAR_OUT9 (0x9) |
ICSS Xbar Out 10.
#define EPWM_MINDB_ICSS_XBAR_OUT10 (0xA) |
ICSS Xbar Out 11.
#define EPWM_MINDB_ICSS_XBAR_OUT11 (0xB) |
ICSS Xbar Out 12.
#define EPWM_MINDB_ICSS_XBAR_OUT12 (0xC) |
ICSS Xbar Out 13.
#define EPWM_MINDB_ICSS_XBAR_OUT13 (0xD) |
ICSS Xbar Out 14.
#define EPWM_MINDB_ICSS_XBAR_OUT14 (0xE) |
ICSS Xbar Out 15.
#define EPWM_MINDB_ICSS_XBAR_OUT15 (0xF) |
#define EPWM_XCMP_ACTIVE (0x0U) |
< XCMP set = Active
Values that can be passed to EPWM_setXCMPActionQualifierAction() and EPWM_setXCMPShadowRepeatBufxCount() XCMP set = Shadow 1
#define EPWM_XCMP_SHADOW1 (0x1U) |
XCMP set = Shadow 2.
#define EPWM_XCMP_SHADOW2 (0x2U) |
XCMP set = Shadow 3.
#define EPWM_XCMP_SHADOW3 (0x3U) |
#define EPWM_DE_CHANNEL_A (0x0U) |
< Diode emulation channel A
Values that can be passed to EPWM_selectDiodeEmulationPWMsignal() and EPWM_selectDiodeEmulationTripSignal() Diode emulation channel B
#define EPWM_DE_CHANNEL_B (0x1U) |
#define EPWM_DE_COUNT_UP (0x0U) |
Values that can be passed to EPWM_setDiodeEmulationMonitorModeStep()
< Diode emulation count up step size Diode emulation count down step size
#define EPWM_DE_COUNT_DOWN (0x1U) |
#define EPWM_DE_TRIPL (0x1U) |
Values that can be passed to EPWM_configureDiodeEmulationTripSources()
< Diode emulation Trip L Diode emulation Trip H
#define EPWM_DE_TRIPH (0x0U) |
Capture gate is always on.
Values that can be passed to EPWM_configCaptureGateInputPolarity() as polSel parameter.
Capture gate is always off.
Capture gate input is CAPGATE.sync.
Capture gate input is CAPGATE.sync inverted.
Capture input is not inverted.
Values that can be passed to EPWM_invertCaptureInputPolarity() as the polSel parameter.
Capture input is inverted.
#define EPWM_CAPTURE_GATE (1U) |
Capture Gate.
Values that can be passed to EPWM_invertCaptureInputPolarity() EPWM_enableCaptureTripCombinationInput(), EPWM_disableCaptureTripCombinationInput() as the polSel parameter.
Capture Input.
software force disabled on A, B
Values that can be passed to EPWM_setActionQualifierContSWForceAction_opt_outputs() as the outputAB parameter.
software force Low Action on A, software force disabled B
software force High Action on A, software force disabled B
software force disabled on A, software force Low Action on B
software force Low Action on A, software force Low Action on B
software force High Action on A, software force Low Action on B
software force disabled on A, software force High Action on B
software force Low Action on A, software force High Action on B
software force High Action on A, software force High Action on B
Defines to be used by the driver.
#define EPWM_LOCK_KEY (0xA5A50000U) |
enum EPWM_EmulationMode |
Values that can be passed to EPWM_setEmulationMode() as the emulationMode parameter.
enum EPWM_SyncCountMode |
Values that can be passed to EPWM_setCountModeAfterSync() as the mode parameter.
Enumerator | |
EPWM_COUNT_MODE_DOWN_AFTER_SYNC | Count down after sync event. |
EPWM_COUNT_MODE_UP_AFTER_SYNC | Count up after sync event. |
enum EPWM_ClockDivider |
Values that can be passed to EPWM_setClockPrescaler() as the prescaler parameter.
enum EPWM_HSClockDivider |
Values that can be passed to EPWM_setClockPrescaler() as the highSpeedPrescaler parameter.
Values that can be passed to EPWM_setSyncInPulseSource() as the mode parameter. Note : ECAPx_SYNCOUT for x in [10,15] are not applicable for AM263x.
Values that can be passed to EPWM_setOneShotSyncOutTrigger() as the trigger parameter.
Enumerator | |
enum EPWM_PeriodLoadMode |
Values that can be passed to EPWM_setPeriodLoadMode() as the loadMode parameter.
Enumerator | |
EPWM_PERIOD_SHADOW_LOAD | PWM Period register access is through shadow register. |
EPWM_PERIOD_DIRECT_LOAD | PWM Period register access is directly. |
Values that can be passed to EPWM_setTimeBaseCounterMode() as the counterMode parameter.
Enumerator | |
EPWM_COUNTER_MODE_UP | Up - count mode. |
EPWM_COUNTER_MODE_DOWN | Down - count mode. |
EPWM_COUNTER_MODE_UP_DOWN | Up - down - count mode. |
EPWM_COUNTER_MODE_STOP_FREEZE | Stop - Freeze counter. |
Values that can be passed to EPWM_selectPeriodLoadEvent() as the shadowLoadMode parameter.
enum EPWM_CurrentLink |
Values that can be passed to EPWM_setupEPWMLinks() as the epwmLink parameter.
enum EPWM_LinkComponent |
Values that can be passed to EPWM_setupEPWMLinks() as the linkComp parameter.
Values that can be passed to the EPWM_getCounterCompareShadowStatus(), EPWM_setCounterCompareValue(), EPWM_setCounterCompareShadowLoadMode(), EPWM_disableCounterCompareShadowLoadMode(), EPWM_getCounterCompareValue() as the compModule parameter.
Enumerator | |
EPWM_COUNTER_COMPARE_A | counter compare A |
EPWM_COUNTER_COMPARE_B | counter compare B |
EPWM_COUNTER_COMPARE_C | counter compare C |
EPWM_COUNTER_COMPARE_D | counter compare D |
Values that can be passed to EPWM_setCounterCompareShadowLoadMode() as the loadMode parameter.
Values that can be passed to EPWM_setActionQualifierShadowLoadMode() and EPWM_disableActionQualifierShadowLoadMode() as the aqModule parameter.
Enumerator | |
EPWM_ACTION_QUALIFIER_A | Action Qualifier A. |
EPWM_ACTION_QUALIFIER_B | Action Qualifier B. |
Values that can be passed to EPWM_setActionQualifierShadowLoadMode() as the loadMode parameter.
Values that can be passed to EPWM_setActionQualifierT1TriggerSource() and EPWM_setActionQualifierT2TriggerSource() as the trigger parameter.
Values that can be passed to EPWM_setActionQualifierAction() as the event parameter.
Values that can be passed to EPWM_setActionQualifierSWAction(), EPWM_setActionQualifierAction() as the outPut parameter.
Enumerator | |
EPWM_AQ_OUTPUT_NO_CHANGE | No change in the output pins. |
EPWM_AQ_OUTPUT_LOW | Set output pins to low. |
EPWM_AQ_OUTPUT_HIGH | Set output pins to High. |
EPWM_AQ_OUTPUT_TOGGLE | Toggle the output pins. |
Values that can be passed to EPWM_setActionQualifierContSWForceAction() as the outPut parameter.
Enumerator | |
EPWM_AQ_SW_DISABLED | Software forcing disabled. |
EPWM_AQ_SW_OUTPUT_LOW | Set output pins to low. |
EPWM_AQ_SW_OUTPUT_HIGH | Set output pins to High. |
Values that can be passed to EPWM_setActionQualifierActionComplete() as the action parameter.
Values that can be passed to EPWM_setAdditionalActionQualifierActionComplete() as the action parameter.
Values that can be passed to EPWM_forceActionQualifierSWAction(), EPWM_setActionQualifierSWAction(), EPWM_setActionQualifierAction(), EPWM_setActionQualifierActionComplete(), EPWM_setAdditionalActionQualifierActionComplete() EPWM_setActionQualifierContSWForceAction() as the epwmOutput parameter.
Enumerator | |
EPWM_AQ_OUTPUT_A | ePWMxA output |
EPWM_AQ_OUTPUT_B | ePWMxB output |
Values that can be passed to EPWM_setActionQualifierContSWForceShadowMode() as the mode parameter.
enum EPWM_DeadBandOutput |
Values that can be passed to EPWM_setDeadBandOutputSwapMode() as the output parameter.
Enumerator | |
EPWM_DB_OUTPUT_A | DB output is ePWMA. |
EPWM_DB_OUTPUT_B | DB output is ePWMB. |
Values that can be passed to EPWM_setDeadBandDelayPolarity(), EPWM_setDeadBandDelayMode() as the delayMode parameter.
Enumerator | |
EPWM_DB_RED | DB RED (Rising Edge Delay) mode. |
EPWM_DB_FED | DB FED (Falling Edge Delay) mode. |
Values that can be passed to EPWM_setDeadBandDelayPolarity() as the polarity parameter.
Enumerator | |
EPWM_DB_POLARITY_ACTIVE_HIGH | DB polarity is not inverted. |
EPWM_DB_POLARITY_ACTIVE_LOW | DB polarity is inverted. |
Values that can be passed to EPWM_setDeadBandControlShadowLoadMode() as the loadMode parameter.
Values that can be passed to EPWM_setRisingEdgeDelayCountShadowLoadMode() as the loadMode parameter.
Values that can be passed to EPWM_setFallingEdgeDelayCountShadowLoadMode() as the loadMode parameter.
Values that can be passed to EPWM_setDeadBandCounterClock() as the clockMode parameter.
Enumerator | |
EPWM_DB_COUNTER_CLOCK_FULL_CYCLE | Dead band counter runs at TBCLK rate. |
EPWM_DB_COUNTER_CLOCK_HALF_CYCLE | Dead band counter runs at 2*TBCLK rate. |
Values that can be passed to EPWM_setTripZoneDigitalCompareEventCondition() as the dcType parameter.
Values that can be passed to EPWM_setTripZoneDigitalCompareEventCondition() as the dcEvent parameter.
enum EPWM_TripZoneEvent |
Values that can be passed to EPWM_setTripZoneAction() as the tzEvent parameter.
enum EPWM_TripZoneAction |
Values that can be passed to EPWM_setTripZoneAction() as the tzAction parameter.
Enumerator | |
EPWM_TZ_ACTION_HIGH_Z | high impedance output |
EPWM_TZ_ACTION_HIGH | high voltage state |
EPWM_TZ_ACTION_LOW | low voltage state |
EPWM_TZ_ACTION_DISABLE | disable action |
Values that can be passed to EPWM_setTripZoneAdvAction() as the tzAdvEvent parameter.
Values that can be passed to EPWM_setTripZoneAdvDigitalCompareActionA(), EPWM_setTripZoneAdvDigitalCompareActionB(), EPWM_setTripZoneAdvAction() as the tzAdvDCAction parameter.
Values that can be passed to EPWM_setTripZoneAdvDigitalCompareActionA() and EPWM_setTripZoneAdvDigitalCompareActionB() as the tzAdvDCEvent parameter.
Values that can be passed to EPWM_selectCycleByCycleTripZoneClearEvent() as the clearMode parameter.
Values that can be passed to EPWM_enableADCTrigger(), EPWM_disableADCTrigger(),EPWM_setADCTriggerSource(), EPWM_setADCTriggerEventPrescale(),EPWM_getADCTriggerFlagStatus(), EPWM_clearADCTriggerFlag(),EPWM_enableADCTriggerEventCountInit(), EPWM_disableADCTriggerEventCountInit(),EPWM_forceADCTriggerEventCountInit() EPWM_setADCTriggerEventCountInitValue(),EPWM_getADCTriggerEventCount(), EPWM_forceADCTrigger() as the adcSOCType parameter
Enumerator | |
Values that can be passed to EPWM_setADCTriggerSource() as the socSource parameter.
Values that can be passed to EPWM_selectDigitalCompareTripInput(), EPWM_enableDigitalCompareTripCombinationInput(), EPWM_disableDigitalCompareTripCombinationInput() as the dcType parameter.
Enumerator | |
EPWM_DC_TYPE_DCAH | Digital Compare A High. |
EPWM_DC_TYPE_DCAL | Digital Compare A Low. |
EPWM_DC_TYPE_DCBH | Digital Compare B High. |
EPWM_DC_TYPE_DCBL | Digital Compare B Low. |
Values that can be passed to EPWM_selectDigitalCompareTripInput() and and EPWM_selectCaptureTripInput() as the tripSource parameter.
Values that can be passed to EPWM_setDigitalCompareBlankingEvent() as the the blankingPulse parameter.
Values that can be passed to EPWM_setDigitalCompareFilterInput() as the filterInput parameter.
Values that can be assigned to EPWM_setDigitalCompareEventSource(), EPWM_setDigitalCompareEventSyncMode(),EPWM_enableDigitalCompareSyncEvent() EPWM_enableDigitalCompareADCTrigger(),EPWM_disableDigitalCompareSyncEvent() EPWM_setDigitalCompareCBCLatchMode(),EPWM_getDigitalCompareCBCLatchStatus() EPWM_selectDigitalCompareCBCLatchClearEvent(), EPWM_disableDigitalCompareADCTrigger() as the dcModule parameter.
Enumerator | |
EPWM_DC_MODULE_A | Digital Compare Module A. |
EPWM_DC_MODULE_B | Digital Compare Module B. |
Values that can be passed to EPWM_setDigitalCompareEventSource(), EPWM_setDigitalCompareEventSyncMode, EPWM_setDigitalCompareCBCLatchMode(), EPWM_selectDigitalCompareCBCLatchClearEvent(), EPWM_getDigitalCompareCBCLatchStatus() as the dcEvent parameter.
Enumerator | |
EPWM_DC_EVENT_1 | Digital Compare Event number 1. |
EPWM_DC_EVENT_2 | Digital Compare Event number 2. |
Values that can be passed to EPWM_setDigitalCompareEventSource() as the dcEventSource parameter.
Enumerator | |
EPWM_DC_EVENT_SOURCE_ORIG_SIGNAL | signal source is unfiltered (DCAEVT1/2) |
EPWM_DC_EVENT_SOURCE_FILT_SIGNAL | signal source is filtered (DCEVTFILT) |
Values that can be passed to EPWM_setDigitalCompareEventSyncMode() as the syncMode parameter.
Enumerator | |
EPWM_DC_EVENT_INPUT_SYNCED | DC input signal is synced with TBCLK. |
EPWM_DC_EVENT_INPUT_NOT_SYNCED | DC input signal is not synced with TBCLK. |
Values that can be passed to EPWM_setDigitalCompareCBCLatchMode() as the latchMode parameter.
Enumerator | |
EPWM_DC_CBC_LATCH_DISABLED | DC cycle-by-cycle(CBC) latch is disabled. |
EPWM_DC_CBC_LATCH_ENABLED | DC cycle-by-cycle(CBC) latch is enabled. |
Values that can be passed to EPWM_selectDigitalCompareCBCLatchClearEvent() as the latchMode parameter.
Values that can be passed to EPWM_setGlobalLoadTrigger() as the loadTrigger parameter.
Values that can be passed to EPWM_setValleyTriggerSource() as the trigger parameter.
Values that can be passed to EPWM_getValleyEdgeStatus() as the edge parameter.
Enumerator | |
EPWM_VALLEY_COUNT_START_EDGE | Valley count start edge. |
EPWM_VALLEY_COUNT_STOP_EDGE | Valley count stop edge. |
enum EPWM_ValleyDelayMode |
Values that can be passed to EPWM_setValleyDelayDivider() as the delayMode parameter.
Values that can be passed to EPWM_setDigitalCompareEdgeFilterMode() as the edgeMode parameter.
Values that can be passed to EPWM_setDigitalCompareEdgeFilterEdgeCount() as the edgeCount parameter.
Values that can be passed to EPWM_lockRegisters() as the registerGroup parameter.
enum HRPWM_Channel |
Values that can be passed to HRPWM_setMEPEdgeSelect(), HRPWM_setMEPControlMode(), HRPWM_setCounterCompareShadowLoadEvent() as the channel parameter.
Enumerator | |
enum HRPWM_MEPEdgeMode |
Values that can be passed to HRPWM_setMEPEdgeSelect() as the mepEdgeMode parameter.
enum HRPWM_MEPCtrlMode |
enum HRPWM_LoadMode |
Values that can be passed to HRPWM_setCounterCompareShadowLoadEvent(), HRPWM_setRisingEdgeDelayLoadMode() and HRPWM_setFallingEdgeDelayLoadMode as the loadEvent parameter.
enum HRPWM_ChannelBOutput |
Values that can be passed to HRPWM_setChannelBOutputPath() as the outputOnB parameter.
Enumerator | |
HRPWM_OUTPUT_ON_B_NORMAL | ePWMxB output is normal. ePWMxB output is inverted version of ePWMxA signal |
Values that can be passed to HRPWM_setSyncPulseSource() as the syncPulseSource parameter.
Values that can be passed to HRPWM_setCounterCompareValue() as the compModule parameter.
Enumerator | |
HRPWM_COUNTER_COMPARE_A | counter compare A |
HRPWM_COUNTER_COMPARE_B | counter compare B |
Values that can be passed to HRPWM_setDeadbandMEPEdgeSelect() as the mepDBEdge.
enum HRPWM_XCMPReg |
Values that can be passed to HRPWM_setXCMPRegValue() as the xcmpReg parameter.
enum EPWM_XCMPReg |
Values that can be passed to EPWM_setXCMPRegValue() as the xcmpReg parameter.
enum EPWM_XCompareReg |
Values that can be passed to EPWM_setCMPShadowRegValue() as the cmpReg parameter.
enum EPWM_XMinMaxReg |
Values that can be passed to EPWM_setXMINMAXRegValue() as the xminmaxReg parameter.
Values that can be passed to EPWM_setXCMPActionQualifierAction() as the event parameter.
Values that can be passed to EPWM_allocAXCMP() as the alloctype parameter.
Values that can be passed to EPWM_allocBXCMP() as the alloctype parameter.
Values that can be passed to EPWM_setXCMPLoadMode() as the mode parameter.
Enumerator | |
Values that can be passed to EPWM_setXCMPShadowLevel() as the level parameter.
Values that can be passed to EPWM_setXCMPShadowBufPtrLoadOnce() as the ptr parameter.
Values that can be passed to EPWM_setDiodeEmulationMode() as the mode parameter.
Enumerator | |
EPWM_DIODE_EMULATION_CBC | Diode Emulation mode is Cycle by Cycle. |
EPWM_DIODE_EMULATION_OST | Diode Emulation mode is One Shot. |
Values that can be passed to EPWM_configureDiodeEmulationTripSources() as the source parameter.
inlinestatic |
Set the time base count
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
count | is the time base count value. |
This function sets the 16 bit counter value of the time base counter.
inlinestatic |
Set count mode after phase shift sync
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
mode | is the count mode. |
This function sets the time base count to count up or down after a new phase value set by the EPWM_setPhaseShift(). The count direction is determined by the variable mode. Valid inputs for mode are:
inlinestatic |
Set the time base clock and the high speed time base clock count pre-scaler
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
prescaler | is the time base count pre scale value. |
highSpeedPrescaler | is the high speed time base count pre scale value. |
This function sets the pre scaler(divider)value for the time base clock counter and the high speed time base clock counter. Valid values for pre-scaler and highSpeedPrescaler are EPWM_CLOCK_DIVIDER_X where X is 1,2,4,8,16, 32,64 or 128. The actual numerical values for these macros represent values 0,1...7. The equation for the output clock is: TBCLK = EPWMCLK/(highSpeedPrescaler * pre-scaler)
Note: EPWMCLK is a scaled version of SYSCLK. At reset EPWMCLK is half SYSCLK.
inlinestatic |
Force a software sync pulse
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
This function causes a single software initiated sync pulse. Make sure the appropriate mode is selected using EPWM_setupSyncOutputMode() before using this function.
inlinestatic |
Set up the source for sync-in pulse.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
source | is the sync-in pulse source. |
This function set the sync in pulse source. Valid values for source are:
inlinestatic |
Enables sync-out pulse source.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
source | is the sync-out pulse source. |
This function enables the sync-out pulse source. Below valid values for param source can be OR'd together to enable multiple sync-out sources:
inlinestatic |
Disables sync-out pulse source.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
source | is the sync-out pulse source. |
This function disables the sync-out pulse source. Below valid values for param source can be OR'd together to disable multiple sync-out sources:
inlinestatic |
Set up the one-shot sync-out trigger source.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
trigger | is the one-shot sync-out signal trigger source. |
This function sets the one-shot sync-out trigger source. Valid values for param trigger are:
inlinestatic |
Set PWM period load mode.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
loadMode | is the PWM period load mode. |
This function sets the load mode for the PWM period. If loadMode is set to EPWM_PERIOD_SHADOW_LOAD, a write or read to the TBPRD (PWM Period count register) accesses the shadow register. If loadMode is set to EPWM_PERIOD_DIRECT_LOAD, a write or read to the TBPRD register accesses the register directly.
inlinestatic |
Enable phase shift load
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
This function enables loading of phase shift when the appropriate sync event occurs.
inlinestatic |
Disable phase shift load
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
This function disables loading of phase shift.
inlinestatic |
Set time base counter mode
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
counterMode | is the time base counter mode. |
This function sets up the time base counter mode. Valid values for counterMode are:
inlinestatic |
Set shadow to active period load on sync mode
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
shadowLoadMode | is the shadow to active load mode. |
This function sets up the shadow to active Period register load mode with respect to a sync event. Valid values for shadowLoadMode are:
inlinestatic |
Enable one shot sync mode
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
This function enables one shot sync mode.
inlinestatic |
Disable one shot sync mode
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
This function disables one shot sync mode.
inlinestatic |
Start one shot sync mode
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
This function propagates a one shot sync pulse.
inlinestatic |
Returns time base counter value.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
This function returns the current value of the time base counter.
inlinestatic |
Return time base counter maximum status.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
This function returns the status of the time base max counter.
inlinestatic |
Clear max time base counter event.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
This function clears the max time base counter latch event. The latch event occurs when the time base counter reaches its maximum value of 0xFFFF.
inlinestatic |
Return external sync signal status.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
This function returns the external sync signal status.
inlinestatic |
Clear external sync signal event.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
This function clears the external sync signal latch event.
inlinestatic |
Return time base counter direction.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
This function returns the direction of the time base counter.
inlinestatic |
Sets the phase shift offset counter value.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
phaseCount | is the phase shift count value. |
This function sets the 16 bit time-base counter phase of the ePWM relative to the time-base that is supplying the synchronization input signal. Call the EPWM_enablePhaseShiftLoad() function to enable loading of the phaseCount phase shift value when a sync event occurs.
inlinestatic |
Sets the PWM period count.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
periodCount | is period count value. |
This function sets the period of the PWM count. The value of periodCount is the value written to the register. User should map the desired period or frequency of the waveform into the correct periodCount. Invoke the function EPWM_selectPeriodLoadEvent() with the appropriate parameter to set the load mode of the Period count. periodCount has a maximum valid value of 0xFFFF
inlinestatic |
Gets the PWM period count.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
This function gets the period of the PWM count.
inlinestatic |
Sets the EPWM links.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
epwmLink | is the ePWM instance to link with. |
linkComp | is the ePWM component to link. |
This function links the component defined in linkComp in the current ePWM instance with the linkComp component of the ePWM instance defined by epwmLink. A change (a write) in the value of linkComp component of epwmLink instance, causes a change in the current ePWM linkComp component. For example if the current ePWM is ePWM3 and the values of epwmLink and linkComp are EPWM_LINK_WITH_EPWM_1 and EPWM_LINK_COMP_C respectively, then a write to COMPC register in ePWM1, will result in a simultaneous write to COMPC register in ePWM3. Valid values for epwmLink are:
Valid values for linkComp are:
inlinestatic |
Sets up the Counter Compare shadow load mode
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
compModule | is the counter compare module. |
loadMode | is the shadow to active load mode. |
This function enables and sets up the counter compare shadow load mode. Valid values for the variables are:
inlinestatic |
Disable Counter Compare shadow load mode
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
compModule | is the counter compare module. |
This function disables counter compare shadow load mode. Valid values for the variables are:
inlinestatic |
Set counter compare values.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
compModule | is the Counter Compare value module. |
compCount | is the counter compare count value. |
This function sets the counter compare value for counter compare registers. The maximum value for compCount is 0xFFFF. Valid values for compModule are:
inlinestatic |
Set counter compare A value.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
compCount | is the counter compare count value. |
This function sets the counter compare value for counter compare A register. The maximum value for compCount is 0xFFFF.
inlinestatic |
Set counter compare B value.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
compCount | is the counter compare count value. |
This function sets the counter compare value for counter compare B register. The maximum value for compCount is 0xFFFF.
inlinestatic |
Set counter compare C value.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
compCount | is the counter compare count value. |
This function sets the counter compare value for counter compare C register. The maximum value for compCount is 0xFFFF.
inlinestatic |
Set counter compare D value.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
compCount | is the counter compare count value. |
This function sets the counter compare value for counter compare D register. The maximum value for compCount is 0xFFFF.
inlinestatic |
Get counter compare values.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
compModule | is the Counter Compare value module. |
This function gets the counter compare value for counter compare registers. Valid values for compModule are:
inlinestatic |
Return the counter compare shadow register full status.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
compModule | is the Counter Compare value module. |
This function returns the counter Compare shadow register full status flag. Valid values for compModule are:
inlinestatic |
Sets the Action Qualifier shadow load mode
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
aqModule | is the Action Qualifier module value. |
loadMode | is the shadow to active load mode. |
This function enables and sets the Action Qualifier shadow load mode. Valid values for the variables are:
inlinestatic |
Disable Action Qualifier shadow load mode
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
aqModule | is the Action Qualifier module value. |
This function disables the Action Qualifier shadow load mode. Valid values for the variables are:
inlinestatic |
Set up Action qualifier trigger source for event T1
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
trigger | sources for Action Qualifier triggers. |
This function sets up the sources for Action Qualifier event T1. Valid values for trigger are:
inlinestatic |
Set up Action qualifier trigger source for event T2
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
trigger | sources for Action Qualifier triggers. |
This function sets up the sources for Action Qualifier event T2. Valid values for trigger are:
inlinestatic |
Set up Action qualifier outputs
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
epwmOutput | is the ePWM pin type. |
output | is the Action Qualifier output. |
event | is the event that causes a change in output. |
This function sets up the Action Qualifier output on ePWM A or ePWMB, depending on the value of epwmOutput, to a value specified by outPut based on the input events - specified by event. The following are valid values for the parameters.
inlinestatic |
Set up Action qualifier event outputs
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
epwmOutput | is the ePWM pin type. |
action | is the desired action when the specified event occurs |
This function sets up the Action Qualifier output on ePWMA or ePWMB, depending on the value of epwmOutput, to a value specified by action. Valid action param values from different time base counter scenarios should be OR'd together to configure complete action for a pwm output. The following are valid values for the parameters.
note: A logical OR of the valid values should be passed as the action parameter. Single action should be configured for each time base counter scenario.
inlinestatic |
Set up Additional action qualifier event outputs
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
epwmOutput | is the ePWM pin type. |
action | is the desired action when the specified event occurs |
This function sets up the Additional Action Qualifier output on ePWMA or ePWMB depending on the value of epwmOutput, to a value specified by action. Valid action param values from different event scenarios should be OR'd together to configure complete action for a pwm output. The following are valid values for the parameters.
note: A logical OR of the valid values should be passed as the action parameter. Single action should be configured for each event scenario.
inlinestatic |
Sets up Action qualifier continuous software load mode.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
mode | is the mode for shadow to active load mode. |
This function sets up the AQCFRSC register load mode for continuous software force reload mode. The software force actions are determined by the EPWM_setActionQualifierContSWForceAction() function. Valid values for mode are:
inlinestatic |
Triggers a continuous software forced event.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
epwmOutput | is the ePWM pin type. |
output | is the Action Qualifier output. |
This function triggers a continuous software forced Action Qualifier output on ePWM A or B based on the value of epwmOutput. Valid values for the parameters are:
inlinestatic |
Triggers a continuous software forced event.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
outputAB | is the Action Qualifier output. |
This function triggers a continuous software forced Action Qualifier output on ePWM A and B based on the value of outputAB. Valid values for the parameters are:
inlinestatic |
Set up one time software forced Action qualifier outputs
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
epwmOutput | is the ePWM pin type. |
output | is the Action Qualifier output. |
This function sets up the one time software forced Action Qualifier output on ePWM A or ePWMB, depending on the value of epwmOutput to a value specified by outPut. The following are valid values for the parameters.
inlinestatic |
Triggers a one time software forced event on Action qualifier
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
epwmOutput | is the ePWM pin type. |
This function triggers a one time software forced Action Qualifier event on ePWM A or B based on the value of epwmOutput. Valid values for epwmOutput are:
inlinestatic |
Sets Dead Band signal output swap mode.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
output | is the ePWM Dead Band output. |
enableSwapMode | is the output swap mode. |
This function sets up the output signal swap mode. For example if the output variable is set to EPWM_DB_OUTPUT_A and enableSwapMode is true, then the ePWM A output gets its signal from the ePWM B signal path. Valid values for the input variables are:
inlinestatic |
Sets Dead Band signal output mode.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
delayMode | is the Dead Band delay type. |
enableDelayMode | is the dead band delay mode. |
This function sets up the dead band delay mode. The delayMode variable determines if the applied delay is Rising Edge or Falling Edge. The enableDelayMode determines if a dead band delay should be applied. Valid values for the variables are:
inlinestatic |
Sets Dead Band delay polarity.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
delayMode | is the Dead Band delay type. |
polarity | is the polarity of the delayed signal. |
This function sets up the polarity as determined by the variable polarity of the Falling Edge or Rising Edge delay depending on the value of delayMode. Valid values for the variables are:
inlinestatic |
Sets Rising Edge Dead Band delay input.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
input | is the input signal to the dead band. |
This function sets up the rising Edge delay input signal. Valid values for input are:
inlinestatic |
Sets Dead Band delay input.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
input | is the input signal to the dead band. |
This function sets up the rising Edge delay input signal. Valid values for input are:
inlinestatic |
Set the Dead Band control shadow load mode.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
loadMode | is the shadow to active load mode. |
This function enables and sets the Dead Band control register shadow load mode. Valid values for the loadMode parameter are:
inlinestatic |
Disable Dead Band control shadow load mode.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
This function disables the Dead Band control register shadow load mode.
inlinestatic |
Set the RED (Rising Edge Delay) shadow load mode.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
loadMode | is the shadow to active load event. |
This function sets the Rising Edge Delay register shadow load mode. Valid values for the loadMode parameter are:
inlinestatic |
Disable the RED (Rising Edge Delay) shadow load mode.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
This function disables the Rising Edge Delay register shadow load mode.
inlinestatic |
Set the FED (Falling Edge Delay) shadow load mode.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
loadMode | is the shadow to active load event. |
This function enables and sets the Falling Edge Delay register shadow load mode. Valid values for the loadMode parameters are:
inlinestatic |
Disables the FED (Falling Edge Delay) shadow load mode.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
This function disables the Falling Edge Delay register shadow load mode. Valid values for the parameters are:
inlinestatic |
Sets Dead Band Counter clock rate.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
clockMode | is the Dead Band counter clock mode. |
This function sets up the Dead Band counter clock rate with respect to TBCLK (ePWM time base counter). Valid values for clockMode are:
inlinestatic |
Set ePWM RED count
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
redCount | is the RED(Rising Edge Delay) count. |
This function sets the RED (Rising Edge Delay) count value. The value of redCount should be less than 0x4000U.
inlinestatic |
Set ePWM FED count
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
fedCount | is the FED(Falling Edge Delay) count. |
This function sets the FED (Falling Edge Delay) count value. The value of fedCount should be less than 0x4000U.
inlinestatic |
Enable chopper mode
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
This function enables ePWM chopper module.
inlinestatic |
Disable chopper mode
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
This function disables ePWM chopper module.
inlinestatic |
Set chopper duty cycle.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
dutyCycleCount | is the chopping clock duty cycle count. |
This function sets the chopping clock duty cycle. The value of dutyCycleCount should be less than 7. The dutyCycleCount value is converted to the actual chopper duty cycle value base on the following equation: chopper duty cycle = (dutyCycleCount + 1) / 8
inlinestatic |
Set chopper clock frequency scaler.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
freqDiv | is the chopping clock frequency divider. |
This function sets the scaler for the chopping clock frequency. The value of freqDiv should be less than 8. The chopping clock frequency is altered based on the following equation. chopper clock frequency = SYSCLKOUT / (1 + freqDiv)
inlinestatic |
Set chopper clock frequency scaler.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
firstPulseWidth | is the width of the first pulse. |
This function sets the first pulse width of chopper output waveform. The value of firstPulseWidth should be less than 0x10. The value of the first pulse width in seconds is given using the following equation: first pulse width = 1 / (((firstPulseWidth + 1) * SYSCLKOUT)/8)
inlinestatic |
Enables Trip Zone signal.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
tzSignal | is the Trip Zone signal. |
This function enables the Trip Zone signals specified by tzSignal as a source for the Trip Zone module. Valid values for tzSignal are:
note: A logical OR of the valid values can be passed as the tzSignal parameter.
inlinestatic |
Disables Trip Zone signal.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
tzSignal | is the Trip Zone signal. |
This function disables the Trip Zone signal specified by tzSignal as a source for the Trip Zone module. Valid values for tzSignal are:
note: A logical OR of the valid values can be passed as the tzSignal parameter.
inlinestatic |
Enables Trip Zone 2 signal (TZSEL2).
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
tzSignal | is the Trip Zone signal. |
This function enables the Trip Zone signals specified by tzSignal as a source for the Trip Zone module. Valid values for tzSignal are:
note: A logical OR of the valid values can be passed as the tzSignal parameter.
inlinestatic |
Disables Trip Zone 2 signal (TZSEL2).
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
tzSignal | is the Trip Zone signal. |
This function disables the Trip Zone signals specified by tzSignal as a source for the Trip Zone module. Valid values for tzSignal are:
note: A logical OR of the valid values can be passed as the tzSignal parameter.
inlinestatic |
Set Digital compare conditions that cause Trip Zone event.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
dcType | is the Digital compare output type. |
dcEvent | is the Digital Compare output event. |
This function sets up the Digital Compare output Trip Zone event sources. The dcType variable specifies the event source to be whether Digital Compare output A or Digital Compare output B. The dcEvent parameter specifies the event that causes Trip Zone. Valid values for the parameters are:
inlinestatic |
Enable advanced Trip Zone event Action.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
This function enables the advanced actions of the Trip Zone events. The advanced features combine the trip zone events with the direction of the counter.
inlinestatic |
Disable advanced Trip Zone event Action.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
This function disables the advanced actions of the Trip Zone events.
inlinestatic |
Set Trip Zone Action.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
tzEvent | is the Trip Zone event type. |
tzAction | is the Trip zone Action. |
This function sets the Trip Zone Action to be taken when a Trip Zone event occurs. Valid values for the parameters are:
inlinestatic |
Set Advanced Trip Zone Action.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
tzAdvEvent | is the Trip Zone event type. |
tzAdvAction | is the Trip zone Action. |
This function sets the Advanced Trip Zone Action to be taken when an advanced Trip Zone event occurs.
Valid values for the parameters are:
inlinestatic |
Set Advanced Digital Compare Trip Zone Action on ePWMA.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
tzAdvDCEvent | is the Digital Compare Trip Zone event type. |
tzAdvDCAction | is the Digital Compare Trip zone Action. |
This function sets the Digital Compare (DC) Advanced Trip Zone Action to be taken on ePWMA when an advanced Digital Compare Trip Zone A event occurs. Valid values for the parameters are:
inlinestatic |
Set Advanced Digital Compare Trip Zone Action on ePWMB.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
tzAdvDCEvent | is the Digital Compare Trip Zone event type. |
tzAdvDCAction | is the Digital Compare Trip zone Action. |
This function sets the Digital Compare (DC) Advanced Trip Zone Action to be taken on ePWMB when an advanced Digital Compare Trip Zone B event occurs. Valid values for the parameters are:
inlinestatic |
Enable Trip Zone interrupts.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
tzInterrupt | is the Trip Zone interrupt. |
This function enables the Trip Zone interrupts. Valid values for tzInterrupt are:
note: A logical OR of the valid values can be passed as the tzInterrupt parameter.
inlinestatic |
Disable Trip Zone interrupts.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
tzInterrupt | is the Trip Zone interrupt. |
This function disables the Trip Zone interrupts. Valid values for tzInterrupt are:
note: A logical OR of the valid values can be passed as the tzInterrupt parameter.
inlinestatic |
Gets the Trip Zone status flag
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
This function returns the Trip Zone status flag.
inlinestatic |
Gets the Trip Zone Cycle by Cycle flag status
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
This function returns the specific Cycle by Cycle Trip Zone flag status.
inlinestatic |
Gets the Trip Zone One Shot flag status
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
This function returns the specific One Shot Trip Zone flag status.
inlinestatic |
Set the Trip Zone CBC pulse clear event.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
clearEvent | is the CBC trip zone clear event. |
This function set the event which automatically clears the CBC (Cycle by Cycle) latch. Valid values for clearEvent are:
inlinestatic |
Clear Trip Zone flag
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
tzFlags | is the Trip Zone flags. |
This function clears the Trip Zone flags Valid values for tzFlags are:
note: A bitwise OR of the valid values can be passed as the tzFlags parameter.
inlinestatic |
Clear the Trip Zone Cycle by Cycle flag.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
tzCBCFlags | is the CBC flag to be cleared. |
This function clears the specific Cycle by Cycle Trip Zone flag. The following are valid values for tzCBCFlags.
inlinestatic |
Clear the Trip Zone One Shot flag.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
tzOSTFlags | is the OST flags to be cleared. |
This function clears the specific One Shot (OST) Trip Zone flag. The following are valid values for tzOSTFlags.
inlinestatic |
Force Trip Zone events.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
tzForceEvent | is the forced Trip Zone event. |
This function forces a Trip Zone event. Valid values for tzForceEvent are:
inlinestatic |
Enable Trip Zone outputs.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
tzOutput | is the mask of Trip Zone signals to be enabled. |
This function enables Trip Zone outputs. We can enable multiple signals by passing a mask to the function. Mask can be created by doing logical OR of the following macros:
inlinestatic |
Disable Trip Zone outputs.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
tzOutput | is the mask of Trip Zone signals to be disabled. |
This function disables Trip Zone outputs. We can disable multiple signals by passing a mask to the function. Mask can be created by doing logical OR of the following macros:
inlinestatic |
Enable ePWM interrupt.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
This function enables the ePWM interrupt.
inlinestatic |
disable ePWM interrupt.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
This function disables the ePWM interrupt.
inlinestatic |
Sets the ePWM interrupt source.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
interruptSource | is the ePWM interrupt source. |
mixedSource | is the set of mixed signals to be enabled. |
This function sets the ePWM interrupt source. Valid values for interruptSource are:
inlinestatic |
Sets the ePWM interrupt event counts.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
eventCount | is the event count for interrupt scale |
This function sets the interrupt event count that determines the number of events that have to occur before an interrupt is issued. Maximum value for eventCount is 15.
inlinestatic |
Return the interrupt status.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
This function returns the ePWM interrupt status. Note This function doesn't return the Trip Zone status.
inlinestatic |
Clear interrupt flag.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
This function clears the ePWM interrupt flag.
inlinestatic |
Enable Pre-interrupt count load.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
This function enables the ePWM interrupt counter to be pre-interrupt loaded with a count value.
inlinestatic |
Disable interrupt count load.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
This function disables the ePWM interrupt counter from being loaded with pre-interrupt count value.
inlinestatic |
Force a software pre interrupt event counter load.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
This function forces the ePWM interrupt counter to be loaded with the contents set by EPWM_setPreInterruptEventCount().
inlinestatic |
Set interrupt count.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
eventCount | is the ePWM interrupt count value. |
This function sets the ePWM interrupt count. eventCount is the value of the pre-interrupt value that is to be loaded. The maximum value of eventCount is 15.
inlinestatic |
Get the interrupt count.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
This function returns the ePWM interrupt event count.
inlinestatic |
Force ePWM interrupt.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
This function forces an ePWM interrupt.
inlinestatic |
Enable ADC SOC event.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
adcSOCType | is the ADC SOC type. |
This function enables the ePWM module to trigger an ADC SOC event. Valid values for adcSOCType are:
inlinestatic |
Disable ADC SOC event.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
adcSOCType | is the ADC SOC type. |
This function disables the ePWM module from triggering an ADC SOC event. Valid values for adcSOCType are:
inlinestatic |
Sets the ePWM SOC source.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
adcSOCType | is the ADC SOC type. |
socSource | is the SOC source. |
mixedSource | is the set of mixed signals to be enabled. |
This function sets the ePWM ADC SOC source. Valid values for socSource are:
inlinestatic |
Sets the ePWM SOC event counts.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
adcSOCType | is the ADC SOC type. |
preScaleCount | is the event count number. |
This function sets the SOC event count that determines the number of events that have to occur before an SOC is issued. Valid values for the parameters are:
inlinestatic |
Return the SOC event status.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
adcSOCType | is the ADC SOC type. |
This function returns the ePWM SOC status. Valid values for adcSOCType are:
inlinestatic |
Clear SOC flag.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
adcSOCType | is the ADC SOC type. |
This function clears the ePWM SOC flag. Valid values for adcSOCType are:
inlinestatic |
Enable Pre-SOC event count load.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
adcSOCType | is the ADC SOC type. |
This function enables the ePWM SOC event counter which is set by the EPWM_setADCTriggerEventCountInitValue() function to be loaded before an SOC event. Valid values for adcSOCType are:
inlinestatic |
Disable Pre-SOC event count load.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
adcSOCType | is the ADC SOC type. |
This function disables the ePWM SOC event counter from being loaded before an SOC event (only an SOC event causes an increment of the counter value). Valid values for adcSOCType are:
inlinestatic |
Force a software pre SOC event counter load.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
adcSOCType | is the ADC SOC type |
This function forces the ePWM SOC counter to be loaded with the contents set by EPWM_setPreADCStartOfConversionEventCount().
inlinestatic |
Set ADC Trigger count values.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
adcSOCType | is the ADC SOC type. |
eventCount | is the ePWM interrupt count value. |
This function sets the ePWM ADC Trigger count values. Valid values for adcSOCType are:
inlinestatic |
Get the SOC event count.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
adcSOCType | is the ADC SOC type. |
This function returns the ePWM SOC event count. Valid values for adcSOCType are:
inlinestatic |
Force SOC event.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
adcSOCType | is the ADC SOC type. |
This function forces an ePWM SOC event. Valid values for adcSOCType are:
inlinestatic |
Set the DC trip input.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
tripSource | is the tripSource. |
dcType | is the Digital Compare type. |
This function sets the trip input to the Digital Compare (DC). For a given dcType the function sets the tripSource to be the input to the DC. Valid values for the parameter are:
inlinestatic |
Enable DC filter blanking window.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
This function enables the DC filter blanking window.
inlinestatic |
Disable DC filter blanking window.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
This function disables the DC filter blanking window.
inlinestatic |
Enable Digital Compare Window inverse mode.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
This function enables the Digital Compare Window inverse mode. This will invert the blanking window.
inlinestatic |
Disable Digital Compare Window inverse mode.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
This function disables the Digital Compare Window inverse mode.
inlinestatic |
Set the Digital Compare filter blanking pulse.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
blankingPulse | is Pulse that starts blanking window. |
mixedSource | is the set of mixed signals to be enabled. |
This function sets the input pulse that starts the Digital Compare blanking window. Valid values for blankingPulse are:
inlinestatic |
Set up the Digital Compare filter input.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
filterInput | is Digital Compare signal source. |
This function sets the signal input source that will be filtered by the Digital Compare module. Valid values for filterInput are:
inlinestatic |
Enable Digital Compare Edge Filter.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
This function enables the Digital Compare Edge filter to generate event after configured number of edges.
inlinestatic |
Disable Digital Compare Edge Filter.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
This function disables the Digital Compare Edge filter.
inlinestatic |
Set the Digital Compare Edge Filter Mode.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
edgeMode | is Digital Compare Edge filter mode. |
This function sets the Digital Compare Event filter mode. Valid values for edgeMode are:
inlinestatic |
Set the Digital Compare Edge Filter Edge Count.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
edgeCount | is Digital Compare event filter count |
This function sets the Digital Compare Event filter Edge Count to generate events. Valid values for edgeCount can be:
inlinestatic |
Returns the Digital Compare Edge Filter Edge Count.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
This function returns the configured Digital Compare Edge filter edge count required to generate events. It can return values from 0-7.
inlinestatic |
Returns the Digital Compare Edge filter captured edge count status.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
This function returns the count of edges captured by Digital Compare Edge filter. It can return values from 0-7.
inlinestatic |
Set up the Digital Compare filter window offset
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
windowOffsetCount | is blanking window offset length. |
This function sets the offset between window start pulse and blanking window in TBCLK count. The function take a 16bit count value for the offset value.
inlinestatic |
Set up the Digital Compare filter window length
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
windowLengthCount | is blanking window length. |
This function sets up the Digital Compare filter blanking window length in TBCLK count.The function takes a 16bit count value for the window length.
inlinestatic |
Return DC filter blanking window offset count.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
This function returns DC filter blanking window offset count.
inlinestatic |
Return DC filter blanking window length count.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
This function returns DC filter blanking window length count.
inlinestatic |
Set up the Digital Compare Event source.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
dcModule | is the Digital Compare module. |
dcEvent | is the Digital Compare Event number. |
dcEventSource | is the - Digital Compare Event source. |
This function sets up the Digital Compare module Event sources. The following are valid values for the parameters.
inlinestatic |
Set up the Digital Compare input sync mode.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
dcModule | is the Digital Compare module. |
dcEvent | is the Digital Compare Event number. |
syncMode | is the Digital Compare Event sync mode. |
This function sets up the Digital Compare module Event sources. The following are valid values for the parameters.
inlinestatic |
Enable Digital Compare to generate Start of Conversion.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
dcModule | is the Digital Compare module. |
This function enables the Digital Compare Event 1 to generate Start of Conversion. The following are valid values for the dcModule parameter.
inlinestatic |
Disable Digital Compare from generating Start of Conversion.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
dcModule | is the Digital Compare module. |
This function disables the Digital Compare Event 1 from generating Start of Conversion. The following are valid values for the dcModule parameter.
inlinestatic |
Enable Digital Compare to generate sync out pulse.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
dcModule | is the Digital Compare module. |
This function enables the Digital Compare Event 1 to generate sync out pulse The following are valid values for the dcModule parameter.
inlinestatic |
Disable Digital Compare from generating Start of Conversion.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
dcModule | is the Digital Compare module. |
This function disables the Digital Compare Event 1 from generating synch out pulse. The following are valid values for the dcModule parameters.
inlinestatic |
Set up the Digital Compare CBC latch mode.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
dcModule | is the Digital Compare module. |
dcEvent | is the Digital Compare Event number. |
latchMode | is the Digital Compare CBC latch mode. |
This function sets up the Digital Compare CBC latch mode. The following are valid values for the parameters.
inlinestatic |
Sets the Digital Compare CBC latch clear event.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
dcModule | is the Digital Compare module. |
dcEvent | is the Digital Compare Event number. |
clearEvent | is the Digital Compare CBC latch clear event. |
This function sets the Digital Compare CBC latch clear event. The following are valid values for the parameters.
inlinestatic |
Gets the Digital Compare CBC latch status
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
dcModule | is the Digital Compare module. |
dcEvent | is the Digital Compare Event number. |
This function returns the Digital Compare module cycle-by-cycle(CBC) latch status. The following are valid values for the parameters.
inlinestatic |
Enables the Time Base Counter Capture controller.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
This function enables the time Base Counter Capture.
inlinestatic |
Disables the Time Base Counter Capture controller.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
This function disable the time Base Counter Capture.
inlinestatic |
Set the Time Base Counter Capture mode.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
enableShadowMode | is the shadow read mode flag. |
This function sets the mode the Time Base Counter value is read from. If enableShadowMode is true, CPU reads of the DCCAP register will return the shadow register contents.If enableShadowMode is false, CPU reads of the DCCAP register will return the active register contents.
inlinestatic |
Return the DC Capture event status.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
This function returns the DC capture event status.
inlinestatic |
Return the DC Time Base Counter capture value.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
This function returns the DC Time Base Counter capture value. The value read is determined by the mode as set in the EPWM_setTimeBaseCounterReadMode() function.
inlinestatic |
Enable DC TRIP combinational input.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
tripInput | is the Trip number. |
dcType | is the Digital Compare module. |
This function enables the specified Trip input. Valid values for the parameters are:
inlinestatic |
Disable DC TRIP combinational input.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
tripInput | is the Trip number. |
dcType | is the Digital Compare module. |
This function disables the specified Trip input. Valid values for the parameters are:
inlinestatic |
Enables the Capture event .
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
This function enables the CAPIN.sync on which the edge detection logic is performed.
inlinestatic |
Disables the Capture event.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
This function disables the CAPIN.sync on which the edge detection logic is performed.
inlinestatic |
Polarity selection for capture gate input.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
polSel | is the polarity to be selected for CAPGATE. |
This function selects the input polarity for capture gate. Valid values for the polSel are:
inlinestatic |
Polarity selection for capture input.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
polSel | is the polarity to be selected for CAPIN. |
This function selects the input polarity for capture. Valid values for the polSel are:
inlinestatic |
Enables independent pulse selection for Blanking and Capture Logic.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
This function enables pulse selection determined by the CAPMIXSEL register.
inlinestatic |
Disables independent pulse selection for Blanking and Capture Logic.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
This function disables pulse selection determined by the CAPMIXSEL register. The pulse selection is determined by DCFCTL[PULSESEL] bits.
inlinestatic |
Capture event force load.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
This function forces a load to occur on DCCAP.
inlinestatic |
Set the capture trip input.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
tripSource | is the tripSource. |
dcType | is the Digital Compare type. |
This function sets the trip input to the Digital Compare (DC). For a given dcType the function sets the tripSource to be the input to the DC. Valid values for the parameter are:
inlinestatic |
Enable Capture TRIP combinational input.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
tripInput | is the Trip number. |
dcType | is the Digital Compare module. |
This function enables the specified Trip input. Valid values for the parameters are:
inlinestatic |
Disable Capture TRIP combinational input.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
tripInput | is the Trip number. |
dcType | is the Digital Compare module. |
This function disables the specified Trip input. Valid values for the parameters are:
inlinestatic |
Enable valley capture mode.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
This function enables Valley Capture mode.
inlinestatic |
Disable valley capture mode.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
This function disables Valley Capture mode.
inlinestatic |
Start valley capture mode.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
This function starts Valley Capture sequence.
Make sure you invoke EPWM_setValleyTriggerSource with the trigger variable set to EPWM_VALLEY_TRIGGER_EVENT_SOFTWARE before calling this function.
inlinestatic |
Set valley capture trigger.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
trigger | is the Valley counter trigger. |
This function sets the trigger value that initiates Valley Capture sequence
Set the number of Trigger source events for starting and stopping the valley capture using EPWM_setValleyTriggerEdgeCounts().
inlinestatic |
Set valley capture trigger source count.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
startCount | |
stopCount | This function sets the number of trigger events required to start and stop the valley capture count. Maximum values for both startCount and stopCount is 15 corresponding to the 15th edge of the trigger event. |
Note: A startCount value of 0 prevents starting the valley counter. A stopCount value of 0 prevents the valley counter from stopping.
inlinestatic |
Enable valley switching delay.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
This function enables Valley switching delay.
inlinestatic |
Disable valley switching delay.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
This function disables Valley switching delay.
inlinestatic |
Set Valley delay values.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
delayOffsetValue | is the software defined delay offset value. |
This function sets the Valley delay value.
inlinestatic |
Set Valley delay mode.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
delayMode | is the Valley delay mode. |
This function sets the Valley delay mode values.
inlinestatic |
Get the valley edge status bit.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
edge | is the start or stop edge. |
This function returns the status of the start or stop valley status depending on the value of edge. If a start or stop edge has occurred, the function returns true, if not it returns false.
inlinestatic |
Get the Valley Counter value.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
This function returns the valley time base count value which is captured upon occurrence of the stop edge condition selected by EPWM_setValleyTriggerSource() and by the stopCount variable of the EPWM_setValleyTriggerEdgeCounts() function.
inlinestatic |
Get the Valley delay value.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
This function returns the hardware valley delay count.
inlinestatic |
Enable Global shadow load mode.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
This function enables Global shadow to active load mode of registers. The trigger source for loading shadow to active is determined by EPWM_setGlobalLoadTrigger() function.
inlinestatic |
Disable Global shadow load mode.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
This function disables Global shadow to active load mode of registers. Loading shadow to active is determined individually.
inlinestatic |
Set the Global shadow load pulse.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
loadTrigger | is the pulse that causes global shadow load. |
This function sets the pulse that causes Global shadow to active load. Valid values for the loadTrigger parameter are:
inlinestatic |
Set the number of Global load pulse event counts
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
prescalePulseCount | is the pulse event counts. |
This function sets the number of Global Load pulse events that have to occurred before a global load pulse is issued. Valid values for prescaleCount range from 0 to 7. 0 being no event (disables counter), and 7 representing 7 events.
inlinestatic |
Return the number of Global load pulse event counts
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
This function returns the number of Global Load pulse events that have occurred. These pulse events are set by the EPWM_setGlobalLoadTrigger() function.
inlinestatic |
Enable continuous global shadow to active load.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
This function enables global continuous shadow to active load. Register load happens every time the event set by the EPWM_setGlobalLoadTrigger() occurs.
inlinestatic |
Enable One shot global shadow to active load.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
This function enables a one time global shadow to active load. Register load happens every time the event set by the EPWM_setGlobalLoadTrigger() occurs.
inlinestatic |
Set One shot global shadow to active load pulse.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
This function sets a one time global shadow to active load pulse. The pulse propagates to generate a load signal if any of the events set by EPWM_setGlobalLoadTrigger() occur.
inlinestatic |
Force a software One shot global shadow to active load pulse.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
This function forces a software a one time global shadow to active load pulse.
inlinestatic |
Enable a register to be loaded Globally.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
loadRegister | is the register. |
This function enables the register specified by loadRegister to be globally loaded. Valid values for loadRegister are:
inlinestatic |
Disable a register to be loaded Globally.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
loadRegister | is the register. |
This function disables the register specified by loadRegister from being loaded globally. The shadow to active load happens as specified by the register control Valid values for loadRegister are:
inlinestatic |
Locks protected register groups
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
registerGroup | is the register group to be locked. |
This function provides lock protection to register groups specified by the registerGroup variable.
inlinestatic |
Enable Minimum DeadBand module
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
block | is the Minimum DeadBand Block to be enabled. |
This function enables the Minimum DeadBand module.
inlinestatic |
Disable Minimum DeadBand module
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
block | is the Minimum DeadBand Block to be enabled. |
This function disables the Minimum DeadBand module.
inlinestatic |
Invert the Minimum DeadBand Reference Signal
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
block | is the Minimum DeadBand block to be configured. |
invert | specifies whether reference signal is to be inverted or not. |
This function configures the Minimum DeadBand module to invert reference signal which is used in the Minimum DeadBand module.
inlinestatic |
Select signal for AND OR logic of Minimum DeadBand Module
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
block | is the Minimum DeadBand block to be configured. |
referenceSignal | specifies how the signal will be combined. |
This function configures how the signal will be combined with the PWM output. The signal can be inverted and ANDed with PWM output or it can be ORed with the PWM output.
inlinestatic |
Select Minimum DeadBand Blocking Signal
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
block | is the Minimum DeadBand block to be configured. |
blockingSignal | is the blocking signal to be used for a block. |
This function configures the blocking signal for Minimum DeadBand module. Either of the Block A or Block B signal can be selected as blocking signal.
inlinestatic |
Select Minimum DeadBand Reference Signal
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
block | is the Minimum DeadBand block to be configured. |
referenceSignal | specifies the reference signal to be selected. |
This function selects the reference signal for Minimum DeadBand module.
inlinestatic |
Get Minimum DeadBand Delay Value
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
block | is the Minimum DeadBand block whose value is needed. |
This function returns the delay value for the Minimum DeadBand module.
inlinestatic |
Set the Minimum DeadBand Delay Value
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
block | is the Minimum DeadBand block to be configured. |
delay | is the delay value to be programmed for the Minimum DeadBand. |
This function configures the Minimum DeadBand delay value for the specified block.
inlinestatic |
Enable Illegal Combo Logic
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
block | is the Illegal Combo Logic block to be enabled. |
This function enables the Illegal Combo Logic block.
inlinestatic |
Disable Illegal Combo Logic
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
block | is the Illegal Combo Logic block to be disabled. |
This function disables the Illegal Combo Logic block.
inlinestatic |
Select XBar input for Illegal Combo Logic
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
block | is the Illegal Combo Logic block to be configured. |
xbarInput | is the Xbar signal to feed into the Illegal Combo Logic. |
This function selects which Xbar signal feeds into the Illegal Combo Logic.
inlinestatic |
Force Decx values
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
block | is the Illegal Combo Logic block to be configured. |
decx | is the register to be programmed. |
force | is the value to be programmed in the register. |
This function programs value in the Decx register fields of the Illegal Combo Logic module.
inlinestatic |
Sets the consolidated phase shift value in high resolution mode.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
phaseCount | is the consolidated phase shift count value. |
This function sets the consolidated phase shift value, that is, both TBPHS and TBPHSHR values are configured together.
Call EPWM_enablePhaseShiftLoad & HRPWM_enableHRPhaseShiftLoad() functions to enable loading of the phaseCount in high resolution mode.
Note: phaseCount is a 24-bit value. Note: For configuring TBPHS = 0x3C, TBPHSHR = 0x2; phaseCount = 0x3C02
inlinestatic |
Sets only the high resolution phase shift value.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
hrPhaseCount | is the high resolution phase shift count value. |
This function sets only the high resolution phase shift(TBPHSHR) value. Call the HRPWM_enableHRPhaseShiftLoad() function to enable loading of the hrPhaseCount.
Note: hrPhaseCount is an 8-bit value.
inlinestatic |
Sets high resolution time base counter.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
hrPeriodCount | is the high resolution period count value. |
This function sets only the high resolution time base counter(TBPRDHR) value.
User should map the desired period or frequency of the waveform into the correct hrPeriodCount.
Note: hrPeriodCount is an 16-bit value.
inlinestatic |
Gets the high resolution time base period count.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
This function gets the high resolution time base period(TBPRDHR) value.
inlinestatic |
Sets the high resolution edge controlled by MEP (Micro Edge Positioner).
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
channel | is high resolution period module. |
mepEdgeMode | edge of the PWM that is controlled by MEP (Micro Edge Positioner). |
This function sets the edge of the PWM that is controlled by MEP (Micro Edge Positioner). Valid values for the parameters are:
inlinestatic |
Sets the MEP (Micro Edge Positioner) control mode.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
channel | is high resolution period module. |
mepCtrlMode | is the MEP (Micro Edge Positioner) control mode. |
This function sets the mode (register type) the MEP (Micro Edge Positioner) will control. Valid values for the parameters are:
inlinestatic |
Sets the high resolution comparator load mode.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
channel | is high resolution period module. |
loadEvent | is the MEP (Micro Edge Positioner) control mode. |
This function sets the shadow load mode of the high resolution comparator. The function sets the COMPA or COMPB register depending on the channel variable. Valid values for the parameters are:
inlinestatic |
Sets the high resolution output swap mode.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
enableOutputSwap | is the output swap flag. |
This function sets the HRPWM output swap mode. If enableOutputSwap is true, ePWMxA signal appears on ePWMxB output and ePWMxB signal appears on ePWMxA output. If it is false ePWMxA and ePWMxB outputs are unchanged.
inlinestatic |
Sets the high resolution output on ePWMxB
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
outputOnB | is the output signal on ePWMxB. |
This function sets the HRPWM output signal on ePWMxB. If outputOnB is HRPWM_OUTPUT_ON_B_INV_A, ePWMxB output is an inverted version of ePWMxA. If outputOnB is HRPWM_OUTPUT_ON_B_NORMAL, ePWMxB output is ePWMxB.
inlinestatic |
Enables MEP (Micro Edge Positioner) automatic scale mode.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
This function enables the MEP (Micro Edge Positioner) to automatically scale HRMSTEP.
inlinestatic |
Disables MEP automatic scale mode.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
This function disables the MEP (Micro Edge Positioner) from automatically scaling HRMSTEP.
inlinestatic |
Enable high resolution period feature.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
This function enables the high resolution period feature.
inlinestatic |
Disable high resolution period feature.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
This function disables the high resolution period feature.
inlinestatic |
Enable high resolution phase load
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
This function enables loading of high resolution phase shift value which is set by the function HRPWM_setPhaseShift().
inlinestatic |
Disable high resolution phase load
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
This function disables loading of high resolution phase shift value.
inlinestatic |
Set high resolution PWMSYNC source.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
syncPulseSource | is the PWMSYNC source. |
This function sets the high resolution PWMSYNC pulse source. Valid values for syncPulseSource are:
inlinestatic |
Sets the Translator Remainder value.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
trremVal | is the translator remainder value. |
This function sets the Translator Remainder value.
inlinestatic |
Sets the consolidated counter compare values in HR mode.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
compModule | is the Counter Compare module. |
compCount | is the consolidated counter compare count value. |
This function sets the consolidated counter compare(CMPx:CMPxHR) value required in high resolution mode for counter compare registers. Valid values for compModule are:
Note: compCount is a 24 bit value. Note: For configuring CMPA = 0xB4, CMPAHR = 0x64; value of compCount = 0xB464
inlinestatic |
Gets the consolidated counter compare values.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
compModule | is the Counter Compare module value. |
This function gets the consolidated counter compare(CMPx:CMPxHR) value used in high resolution for the counter compare module specified. Valid values for compModule are:
inlinestatic |
Sets the high resolution counter compare value.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
compModule | is the Counter Compare module. |
hrCompCount | is the high resolution counter compare count value. |
This function sets the high resolution counter compare value(CMPxHR) for counter compare registers. Valid values for compModule are:
Note: hrCompCount is an 8-bit value.
inlinestatic |
Gets the high resolution counter compare values.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
compModule | is the Counter Compare module value. |
This function gets only the high resolution counter compare(CMPxHR) value for the counter compare module specified. Valid values for compModule are:
inlinestatic |
Sets the high resolution RED count.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
hrRedCount | is the high resolution RED count. |
This function sets only the high resolution RED (Rising Edge Delay) count(DBREDHR) value. The value of hrRedCount should be less than 128.
Note: hrRedCount is a 7-bit value.
inlinestatic |
Sets high resolution FED count.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
hrFedCount | is the high resolution FED count. |
This function sets only the high resolution FED (Falling Edge Delay) count (DBFEDHR)value. The value of hrFedCount should be less than 128.
Note: hrFedCount is a 7-bit value.
inlinestatic |
Set high resolution MEP (Micro Edge Positioner) step.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
mepCount | is the high resolution MEP (Micro Edge Positioner) step count. |
This function sets the high resolution MEP (Micro Edge Positioner) step count. The maximum value for the MEP count step is 255.
inlinestatic |
Set high resolution Dead Band MEP (Micro Edge Positioner) control.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
mepDBEdge | is the high resolution MEP (Micro Edge Positioner) control edge. |
This function sets the high resolution Dead Band edge that the MEP (Micro Edge Positioner) controls Valid values for mepDBEdge are:
inlinestatic |
Set the high resolution Dead Band RED load mode.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
loadEvent | is the shadow to active load event. |
This function sets the high resolution Rising Edge Delay(RED)Dead Band count load mode. Valid values for loadEvent are:
inlinestatic |
Set the high resolution Dead Band FED load mode.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
loadEvent | is the shadow to active load event. |
This function sets the high resolution Falling Edge Delay(FED) Dead Band count load mode. Valid values for loadEvent are:
inlinestatic |
Writes high resolution values to xcmp registers
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
xcmpReg | is the xcmp register offset |
xcmpvalue | is the value to be written to xcmp registers This function writes xcmpvalue to xcmp registers. Valid values for xcmpReg are: HRPWM_XCMP[1-8]_[ACTIVE/SHADOW1/SHADOW2/SHADOW3] -XCMP[1-8]_[ACTIVE/SHADOW1/SHADOW2/SHADOW3] HRPWM_XTBPRD_ACTIVE -XTBPRD_ACTIVE HRPWM_XTBPRD_SHADOW1 -XTBPRD_SHADOW1 HRPWM_XTBPRD_SHADOW2 -XTBPRD_SHADOW2 HRPWM_XTBPRD_SHADOW3 -XTBPRD_SHADOW3 |
inlinestatic |
Enable ePWM xcmp mode.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
This function enables the ePWM xcmp mode.
inlinestatic |
Disable ePWM xcmp mode.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
This function disables the ePWM xcmp mode.
inlinestatic |
Enable ePWM xcmp Split.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
This function splits 8 xcmp registers between CMPA and CMPB equally.
inlinestatic |
Disable ePWM xcmp Split.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
This function allocates 8 xcmp registers to CMPA.
inlinestatic |
Allocates xcmp registers to CMPA.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
alloctype | is range of xcmp registers to be allocated to CMPA This function gives us choice to allocate range of xcmp registers to CMPA Valid values for alloctype are: EPWM_XCMP_NONE_CMPA - Allocate 0 XCMP registers to CMPA EPWM_XCMP_1_CMPA - Allocate XCMP1 register to CMPA EPWM_XCMP_2_CMPA - Allocate XCMP1- XCMP2 registers to CMPA EPWM_XCMP_3_CMPA - Allocate XCMP1- XCMP3 register to CMPA EPWM_XCMP_4_CMPA - Allocate XCMP1- XCMP4 registers to CMPA EPWM_XCMP_5_CMPA - Allocate XCMP1- XCMP5 register to CMPA EPWM_XCMP_6_CMPA - Allocate XCMP1- XCMP6 registers to CMPA EPWM_XCMP_7_CMPA - Allocate XCMP1- XCMP7 register to CMPA EPWM_XCMP_8_CMPA - Allocate XCMP1- XCMP8 register to CMPA |
inlinestatic |
Allocates xcmp registers to CMPB.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
alloctype | is range of xcmp registers to be allocated to CMPB This function gives us choice to allocate range of xcmp registers to CMPB Valid values for alloctype are: EPWM_XCMP_1_CMPB - Allocate XCMP5 register to CMPB EPWM_XCMP_2_CMPB - Allocate XCMP5- XCMP6 registers to CMPB EPWM_XCMP_3_CMPB - Allocate XCMP5- XCMP7 register to CMPB EPWM_XCMP_4_CMPB - Allocate XCMP5- XCMP8 registers to CMPB |
inlinestatic |
Writes values to xcmp registers
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
xcmpReg | is the xcmp register offset |
xcmpvalue | is the value to be written to xcmp registers This function writes xcmpvalue to xcmp registers. Valid values for xcmpReg are: EPWM_XCMP[1-8]_[ACTIVE/SHADOW1/SHADOW2/SHADOW3] -XCMP[1-8]_[ACTIVE/SHADOW1/SHADOW2/SHADOW3] EPWM_XTBPRD_ACTIVE -XTBPRD_ACTIVE EPWM_XTBPRD_SHADOW1 -XTBPRD_SHADOW1 EPWM_XTBPRD_SHADOW2 -XTBPRD_SHADOW2 EPWM_XTBPRD_SHADOW3 -XTBPRD_SHADOW3 |
inlinestatic |
Writes values to CMPx Shadow registers
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
cmpReg | is the CMP register offset |
cmpvalue | is the value to be written to CMPC/D shadow registers This function writes cmpvalue to CMPC/D shadow registers. Valid values for cmpReg are: EPWM_CMPC_SHADOW1 -CMPC_SHADOW1 EPWM_CMPD_SHADOW1 -CMPD_SHADOW1 EPWM_CMPC_SHADOW2 -CMPC_SHADOW2 EPWM_CMPD_SHADOW2 -CMPD_SHADOW2 EPWM_CMPC_SHADOW3 -CMPC_SHADOW3 EPWM_CMPD_SHADOW3 -CMPD_SHADOW3 |
inlinestatic |
Writes values to XMINMAX registers
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
xminmaxReg | is the XCMP register offset |
inlinestatic |
Set up Action qualifier outputs based on XAQ registers
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
shadowset | is the shadow set number or active set. |
epwmOutput | is the ePWM pin type. |
output | is the Action Qualifier output. |
event | is the event that causes a change in output. |
This function sets up the Action Qualifier output on ePWM A or ePWMB, depending on the value of epwmOutput, to a value specified by outPut based on the input events - specified by event. The following are valid values for the parameters.
inlinestatic |
Enables ePWM xcmp reload event.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
This function enables the ePWM xcmp reload event.
inlinestatic |
Disables ePWM xcmp reload event.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
This function disables the ePWM xcmp reload event.
inlinestatic |
Forces register loading from shadow buffers.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
This function is used for software force loading of the events in global load mode.
inlinestatic |
Selects the mode for the XCMP Shadow registers
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
mode | is load mode selection for XCMP Shadow registers This function gives us choice to select the mode for XCMP shadow registers Valid values for alloctype are: EPWM_XCMP_XLOADCTL_LOADMODE_LOADONCE - Load mode is LOADONCE EPWM_XCMP_XLOADCTL_LOADMODE_LOADMULTIPLE - Load mode is LOADMULTIPLE |
inlinestatic |
Selects the shadow register level allocation
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
level | is shadow register level allocation options This function gives us choice to select the XCMP shadow registers level Valid values for alloctype are: EPWM_XCMP_XLOADCTL_SHDWLEVEL_0 - Only Active register is available EPWM_XCMP_XLOADCTL_SHDWLEVEL_1 - SHDW1 and Active registers are available EPWM_XCMP_XLOADCTL_SHDWLEVEL_2 - SHDW2, SHDW1 and Active registers are available EPWM_XCMP_XLOADCTL_SHDWLEVEL_3 - SHDW3, SHDW2, SHDW1 and Active registers are available |
inlinestatic |
Selects which shadow register set is in use
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
ptr | indicates current shadow buffer in use. This function gives us choice to select the shadow buffer to use currently. Valid values for alloctype are: EPWM_XCMP_XLOADCTL_SHDWBUFPTR_NULL - No Shadow buffer is in use EPWM_XCMP_XLOADCTL_SHDWBUFPTR_ONE - Shadow buffer 1 is in use EPWM_XCMP_XLOADCTL_SHDWBUFPTR_TWO - Shadow buffer 2 is in use EPWM_XCMP_XLOADCTL_SHDWBUFPTR_THREE - Shadow buffer 3 is in use |
inlinestatic |
Chooses how many times Shadow buffer 2 or 3 is applied
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
bufferset | is the shadow set number. |
count | is number of times Shadow Buffer 2 or 3 is applied This function gives us choice to select how many times shadow buffer 2 or 3 is applied. Max value is 7. count = 0 - 1 time count = 1 - 2 times ..... count = 7 - 8 times Valid values for bufferset are: EPWM_XCMP_SHADOW2 - XCMP set is Shadow 2 EPWM_XCMP_SHADOW3 - XCMP set is Shadow 3 |
inlinestatic |
Enable ePWM diode emulation mode.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
This function enables the ePWM diode emulation mode.
inlinestatic |
Disable ePWM diode emulation mode.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
This function disables the ePWM diode emulation mode.
inlinestatic |
Selects the mode for the Diode emulation mode
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
mode | is load mode selection for Diode emulation mode This function gives us choice to select the mode for Diode emulation mode In CBC mode, on every PWMSYNCOUT, set condition of DEACTIVE flag is evaluated. If the set condition is not present the flag is cleared. In OST mode, once DEACTIVE mode is entered, it will remain there until Software cleared. Valid values for mode are: EPWM_DIODE_EMULATION_CBC - Diode Emulation mode is Cycle by Cycle EPWM_DIODE_EMULATION_OST - Diode Emulation mode is One Shot |
inlinestatic |
Set ePWM diode emulation re-entry delay.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
delay | is the re-entry delay in terms of number of PWMSYNCOUT events. This function determines the blocking window after DEACTIVE flag is cleared in which setting of DEACTIVE flag is prevented from being set. Max value of delay is 256. |
inlinestatic |
Set ePWM diode emulation trip source for TripH and TripL.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
source | is the trip source |
tripLorH | is to choose between tripL and tripH This function is used to configure the comparator whose trip sources will be used. Valid values for source are: EPWM_DE_TRIP_SRC_INPUTXBAR_OUT[0-31] - Diode Emulation Trip Source is INPUTXBAR out[0-31] signal EPWM_DE_TRIP_SRC_CMPSSA[0-9] - Diode Emulation Trip Source is CMPSSA[0-9] signal EPWM_DE_TRIP_SRC_CMPSSB[0-9] - Diode Emulation Trip Source is CMPSSB[0-9] signal |
Valid values for tripLorH are: EPWM_DE_TRIPL - TripL EPWM_DE_TRIPH - TripH
inlinestatic |
Selects ePWM diode emulation pwm signal.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
channel | is the epwm output channel |
signal | is the signal selected by the TRIPSEL[A/B] This function is used to select the pwm signal in DE mode. Valid values for channel are: EPWM_DE_CHANNEL_A - Diode emulation channel A EPWM_DE_CHANNEL_B - Diode emulation channel B |
Valid values for signal are: EPWM_DE_SYNC_TRIPHorL - synchronized version of TRIPH or TRIPL signal EPWM_DE_SYNC_INV_TRIPHorL - synchronized and inverted version of TRIPH or TRIPL signal EPWM_DE_LOW - a constant low signal EPWM_DE_HIGH - a constant high signal
inlinestatic |
Selects between TRIPH and TRIPL for an epwm channel in DE mode.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
channel | is the epwm output channel |
signal | is the signal selected by the TRIPSEL[A/B] This function is used to select between TRIPH and TRIPL for a channel in DE mode. Valid values for channel are: EPWM_DE_CHANNEL_A - Diode emulation channel A EPWM_DE_CHANNEL_B - Diode emulation channel B |
Valid values for signal are: 0 for TRIPH 1 for TRIPL
inlinestatic |
PWMTRIP does not bypass the diode emulation logic
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. This function is used to go through DEL. |
inlinestatic |
PWMTRIP bypasses the diode emulation PWM generation logic
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. This function is used to bypass DEL. |
inlinestatic |
Forces DEACTIVE flag to 1
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. This function is used to force DEACTIVE flag to 1. |
inlinestatic |
Software clears DEACTIVE flag
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. This function is used to clear DEACTIVE flag. |
inlinestatic |
Enables DE monitor control mode
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. This function is used to enable the DE monitor counter function. |
inlinestatic |
Disables DE monitor control mode
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. This function is used to disable the DE monitor counter function. |
inlinestatic |
Sets the DE monitor counter step size
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
direction | is the direction of the monitor counter counting i.e. UP or DOWN. |
stepsize | is the amount by which the counter increments or decrements at each step. This function is used to set the DE monitor counter step size. Valid values for direction are: EPWM_DE_COUNT_UP - Diode emulation count up step size EPWM_DE_COUNT_DOWN - Diode emulation count down step size Max value of stepsize is 256. |
inlinestatic |
Sets the DE monitor counter threshold value.
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
threshold | is the max value till which the monitor counter can count. This function is used to set the DE monitor counter threshold. Max value of threshold is 2^16. |
void EPWM_setEmulationMode | ( | uint32_t | base, |
EPWM_EmulationMode | emulationMode | ||
) |
Set emulation mode
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
emulationMode | is the emulation mode. |
This function sets the emulation behaviours of the time base counter. Valid values for emulationMode are:
void EPWM_configureSignal | ( | uint32_t | base, |
const EPWM_SignalParams * | signalParams | ||
) |
Configures ePWM signal with desired frequency & duty
base | is the base address of the EPWM module. |
signalParams | is the desired signal parameters. |
This function configures the ePWM module to generate a signal with desired frequency & duty.