AM261x MCU+ SDK  10.00.01
Hsmclient_ipcExportHeader Struct Reference

Detailed Description

IPC Load HSM Runtime.

This is the format of the message which is sent to load the HSM runtime. The R5 SBL will populate this message and will send to the HSM Boot ROM.

Data Fields

uint32_t version
 Version of the IPC Exported Interface. HSMCLIENT_IPC_EXPORT_VERSION. More...
Hsmclient_ipcExportMsgType msgType
 IPC Message Type which is being sent. More...
uint16_t checksum
 This is the 16bit checksum which will need to be added to ensure correctness of the data being passed. The checksum is computed on the header + payload. More...

Field Documentation

◆ version

uint32_t Hsmclient_ipcExportHeader::version

Version of the IPC Exported Interface. HSMCLIENT_IPC_EXPORT_VERSION.

◆ msgType

Hsmclient_ipcExportMsgType Hsmclient_ipcExportHeader::msgType

IPC Message Type which is being sent.

◆ checksum

uint16_t Hsmclient_ipcExportHeader::checksum

This is the 16bit checksum which will need to be added to ensure correctness of the data being passed. The checksum is computed on the header + payload.