AM261x MCU+ SDK  10.00.01

Detailed Description

DP83869 PHY configuration parameters.

Data Fields

bool txClkShiftEn
bool rxClkShiftEn
uint32_t txDelayInPs
uint32_t rxDelayInPs
uint8_t txFifoDepth
uint32_t idleCntThresh
uint32_t impedanceInMilliOhms
Dp83869_Gpio0Mode gpio0Mode
Dp83869_Gpio1Mode gpio1Mode
Dp83869_LedMode ledMode [DP83869_LED_NUM]

Field Documentation

◆ txClkShiftEn

bool Dp83869_Cfg::txClkShiftEn

Enable TX clock shift

◆ rxClkShiftEn

bool Dp83869_Cfg::rxClkShiftEn

Enable RX clock shift

◆ txDelayInPs

uint32_t Dp83869_Cfg::txDelayInPs

TX delay value

◆ rxDelayInPs

uint32_t Dp83869_Cfg::rxDelayInPs

RX delay value

◆ txFifoDepth

uint8_t Dp83869_Cfg::txFifoDepth

TX FIFO depth

◆ idleCntThresh

uint32_t Dp83869_Cfg::idleCntThresh

Viterbi detector idle count threshold

◆ impedanceInMilliOhms

uint32_t Dp83869_Cfg::impedanceInMilliOhms

Output impedance in milli-ohms. Ranging from 35 to 70 ohms in steps of 1.129 ohms

◆ gpio0Mode

Dp83869_Gpio0Mode Dp83869_Cfg::gpio0Mode

Mux mode of the GPIO_0 pin

◆ gpio1Mode

Dp83869_Gpio1Mode Dp83869_Cfg::gpio1Mode

Mux mode of the GPIO_1 pin

◆ ledMode

Dp83869_LedMode Dp83869_Cfg::ledMode[DP83869_LED_NUM]

LED mode (source) configuration