AM261x MCU+ SDK  10.00.01

Detailed Description

CPTS configuration.

Configuration information for the CPTS module.

Data Fields

bool hostRxTsEn
bool tsCompPolarity
bool tsRxEventsDis
bool tsGenfClrEn
CpswCpts_RftClkFreq cptsRftClkFreq

Field Documentation

◆ hostRxTsEn

bool CpswCpts_Cfg::hostRxTsEn

Host Receive timestamp enable: When set, timestamps are enabled on received packets to host

◆ tsCompPolarity

bool CpswCpts_Cfg::tsCompPolarity

TS_COMP polarity: true: TS_COMP is asserted high false: TS_COMP is asserted low

◆ tsRxEventsDis

bool CpswCpts_Cfg::tsRxEventsDis

Disable all timestamp Ethernet receive events

◆ tsGenfClrEn

bool CpswCpts_Cfg::tsGenfClrEn

GENF (and ESTF) clear enable: true: A TS_GENFn (or TS_ESTFn) output is cleared when the associated ts_genf_length[31:0] (or ts_estf_length[31:0]) is cleared to zero false: A TS_GENFn (or TS_ESTFn) output is not cleared when the associated ts_genf_length[31:0] (or ts_estf_length[31:0]) is cleared to zero

◆ cptsRftClkFreq

CpswCpts_RftClkFreq CpswCpts_Cfg::cptsRftClkFreq

CPTS RFT clock frequency required to set TS_ADD VAL