AM261x MCU+ SDK  10.00.01

Detailed Description

Input args for CPSW_ALE_IOCTL_SET_TRUNK_CFG command.

Data Fields

uint32_t trunkId
uint32_t numPorts
uint32_t trunkPortIdx [CPSW_ALE_NUM_PORTS]
uint32_t trunkHashBase
bool dstIPEn
bool srcIPEn
bool innerVlanEn
bool enablePri
bool srcEn
bool dstEnEn

Field Documentation

◆ trunkId

uint32_t CpswAle_TrunkCfg::trunkId

Trunk group ID value

◆ numPorts

uint32_t CpswAle_TrunkCfg::numPorts

Number of ports in the trunk group

◆ trunkPortIdx

uint32_t CpswAle_TrunkCfg::trunkPortIdx[CPSW_ALE_NUM_PORTS]

Trunk group index value

◆ trunkHashBase

uint32_t CpswAle_TrunkCfg::trunkHashBase

Hash formula starting value

◆ dstIPEn

bool CpswAle_TrunkCfg::dstIPEn

Enables the destination MAC address to be used with the hash function G(X) = 1 + X + X^3 and affects the trunk port transmit link determination

◆ srcIPEn

bool CpswAle_TrunkCfg::srcIPEn

Enables the source MAC address to be used with the hash function G(X) = 1 + X + X^3 and affects the trunk port transmit link determination

◆ innerVlanEn

bool CpswAle_TrunkCfg::innerVlanEn

Enables the inner VLAN ID value (C-VLANID) to be used with the hash function G(X) = 1 + X+ X^3 and affects the trunk port transmit link determination

◆ enablePri

bool CpswAle_TrunkCfg::enablePri

Enables the VLAN Priority bits to be used with the hash function G(X) = 1 + X + X^3 and affects the trunk port transmit link determination

◆ srcEn

bool CpswAle_TrunkCfg::srcEn

Enables the source IP address to be used with the hash function G(X) = 1 + X + X^3 and affects the trunk port transmit link determination

◆ dstEnEn

bool CpswAle_TrunkCfg::dstEnEn

Enables the destination IP address to be used with the hash function G(X) = 1 + X + X^3 and affects the trunk port transmit link determination