AM261x MCU+ SDK  10.00.01

Detailed Description

ALE classifier/policer match parameters.

Data Fields

uint32_t policerMatchEnMask
uint32_t portNum
bool portIsTrunk
uint32_t priority
CpswAle_OuiEntryInfo ouiInfo
CpswAle_MacAddrClassifierInfo srcMacAddrInfo
CpswAle_MacAddrClassifierInfo dstMacAddrInfo
uint32_t ivlanId
uint32_t ovlanId
uint16_t etherType
CpswAle_IpAddrClassifierInfo srcIpInfo
CpswAle_IpAddrClassifierInfo dstIpInfo

Field Documentation

◆ policerMatchEnMask

uint32_t CpswAle_PolicerMatchParams::policerMatchEnMask

Bitmask selecting classifier types to enable.

See also
ALE classifier match types

◆ portNum

uint32_t CpswAle_PolicerMatchParams::portNum

Port number to match. Must be valid if bit CPSW_ALE_POLICER_MATCH_PORT in policerMatchEnMask is set

◆ portIsTrunk

bool CpswAle_PolicerMatchParams::portIsTrunk

Flag indicating port number is a trunk group

◆ priority

uint32_t CpswAle_PolicerMatchParams::priority

Received packet priority to match. Must be valid if bit CPSW_ALE_POLICER_MATCH_PRIORITY in policerMatchEnMask is set

◆ ouiInfo

CpswAle_OuiEntryInfo CpswAle_PolicerMatchParams::ouiInfo

OUI address to match. Must be valid if bit CPSW_ALE_POLICER_MATCH_OUI in policerMatchEnMask is set

◆ srcMacAddrInfo

CpswAle_MacAddrClassifierInfo CpswAle_PolicerMatchParams::srcMacAddrInfo

Source MAC address to match. Must be valid if bit CPSW_ALE_POLICER_MATCH_MACSRC in policerMatchEnMask is set

◆ dstMacAddrInfo

CpswAle_MacAddrClassifierInfo CpswAle_PolicerMatchParams::dstMacAddrInfo

Destination MAC address to match. Must valid if bit CPSW_ALE_POLICER_MATCH_MACDST in policerMatchEnMask is set

◆ ivlanId

uint32_t CpswAle_PolicerMatchParams::ivlanId

Inner VLAN ID to match. Must be valid if bit CPSW_ALE_POLICER_MATCH_IVLAN in policerMatchEnMask is set

◆ ovlanId

uint32_t CpswAle_PolicerMatchParams::ovlanId

Outer VLAN ID to match. Must be valid if bit CPSW_ALE_POLICER_MATCH_OVLAN in policerMatchEnMask is set

◆ etherType

uint16_t CpswAle_PolicerMatchParams::etherType

Frame EtherType to match. Must be valid if bit CPSW_ALE_POLICER_MATCH_ETHERTYPE in policerMatchEnMask is set

◆ srcIpInfo

CpswAle_IpAddrClassifierInfo CpswAle_PolicerMatchParams::srcIpInfo

Source IP address to match. Must be valid if bit CPSW_ALE_POLICER_MATCH_IPSRC in policerMatchEnMask is set

◆ dstIpInfo

CpswAle_IpAddrClassifierInfo CpswAle_PolicerMatchParams::dstIpInfo

Destination IP address to match. Must be valid if bit CPSW_ALE_POLICER_MATCH_IPDST in policerMatchEnMask is set