AM261x MCU+ SDK  10.00.01

Detailed Description

Output args for CPSW_ALE_IOCTL_GET_POLICER_STATS command.

Data Fields

bool policerHit
bool policerRedHit
bool policerYellowHit

Field Documentation

◆ policerHit

bool CpswAle_GetPolicerStatsOutArgs::policerHit

Indicates that the selected policing/classifier via the pol_test_idx field has been hit by a packet seen on any port that matches the policing/classifier entry match

◆ policerRedHit

bool CpswAle_GetPolicerStatsOutArgs::policerRedHit

Indicates that the selected policing/classifier via the pol_test_idx field has been hit during a RED condition by a packet seen on any port that matches the policing/classifier entry match

◆ policerYellowHit

bool CpswAle_GetPolicerStatsOutArgs::policerYellowHit

Indicates that the selected policing/classifier via the pol_test_idx field has been hit during a YELLOW condition by a packet seen on any port that matches the policing/classifier entry match