AM261x MCU+ SDK  10.00.01

Data Fields

CANFD_Handle handle
 Instance handle to which this object belongs. More...
uint32_t regBaseAddress
 Base address of the register address space to be used. More...
uint32_t state
 CANFD driver internal state. More...
 CANFD driver init parameters. More...
uint8_t mcanDataSize [CANFD_MAX_DLC_MAPPING]
 Data Length to DLC mapping. More...
struct CANFD_MessageObject_t * msgObjectHandle [MCAN_MAX_MSG_OBJECTS]
 Message object handle book keeping. More...
struct CANFD_MessageObject_t * txMapping [MCAN_MAX_TX_MSG_OBJECTS]
 Tx Mapping to message handles for transmit post processing. More...
struct CANFD_MessageObject_t * rxMapping [MCAN_MAX_RX_MSG_OBJECTS]
 Rx Mapping to message handles for Rx processing. More...
uint32_t errStatusInterrupts
 Number of error and status interrupts received. More...
uint32_t interrupts
 Number of interrupts received for message Tx or Rx. More...
uint32_t eccInterrupts
 Number of ECC interrupts received. More...
uint32_t busOffInterrupts
 Number of Bus-Off interrupts received. More...
uint32_t protoDataErrInterrupts
 Number of Protocol error in data phase interrupts received. More...
uint32_t protoArbErrInterrupts
 Number of Protocol error in arbitration phase interrupts received. More...
uint8_t txStatus [MCAN_MAX_TX_MSG_OBJECTS]
 Tx Status of the message object. More...
uint32_t useFifoNum
 Flag to toggle the usage of FIFO 0 and FIFO 1. Valid values are 0 and 1. More...
MCAN_RxBufElement rxBuffElem
 Buffer used to read message RAM. More...
CANFD_DmaHandle canfdDmaHandle
 Dma driver handle. More...
CANFD_DmaChConfig canfdDmaChCfg
 Pointer to Dma channel configuration. More...
void * args
 Pointer to be used by application to store miscellaneous data. More...
void * readTransferSem
SemaphoreP_Object readTransferSemObj
void * writeTransferSem
SemaphoreP_Object writeTransferSemObj
void * hwiHandle
HwiP_Object hwiObj0
HwiP_Object hwiObj1

Field Documentation

◆ handle

CANFD_Handle CANFD_Object::handle

Instance handle to which this object belongs.

◆ regBaseAddress

uint32_t CANFD_Object::regBaseAddress

Base address of the register address space to be used.

◆ state

uint32_t CANFD_Object::state

CANFD driver internal state.

◆ openParams

CANFD_OpenParams* CANFD_Object::openParams

CANFD driver init parameters.

◆ mcanDataSize

uint8_t CANFD_Object::mcanDataSize[CANFD_MAX_DLC_MAPPING]

Data Length to DLC mapping.

◆ msgObjectHandle

struct CANFD_MessageObject_t* CANFD_Object::msgObjectHandle[MCAN_MAX_MSG_OBJECTS]

Message object handle book keeping.

◆ txMapping

struct CANFD_MessageObject_t* CANFD_Object::txMapping[MCAN_MAX_TX_MSG_OBJECTS]

Tx Mapping to message handles for transmit post processing.

◆ rxMapping

struct CANFD_MessageObject_t* CANFD_Object::rxMapping[MCAN_MAX_RX_MSG_OBJECTS]

Rx Mapping to message handles for Rx processing.

◆ errStatusInterrupts

uint32_t CANFD_Object::errStatusInterrupts

Number of error and status interrupts received.

◆ interrupts

uint32_t CANFD_Object::interrupts

Number of interrupts received for message Tx or Rx.

◆ eccInterrupts

uint32_t CANFD_Object::eccInterrupts

Number of ECC interrupts received.

◆ busOffInterrupts

uint32_t CANFD_Object::busOffInterrupts

Number of Bus-Off interrupts received.

◆ protoDataErrInterrupts

uint32_t CANFD_Object::protoDataErrInterrupts

Number of Protocol error in data phase interrupts received.

◆ protoArbErrInterrupts

uint32_t CANFD_Object::protoArbErrInterrupts

Number of Protocol error in arbitration phase interrupts received.

◆ txStatus

uint8_t CANFD_Object::txStatus[MCAN_MAX_TX_MSG_OBJECTS]

Tx Status of the message object.

◆ useFifoNum

uint32_t CANFD_Object::useFifoNum

Flag to toggle the usage of FIFO 0 and FIFO 1. Valid values are 0 and 1.

◆ rxBuffElem

MCAN_RxBufElement CANFD_Object::rxBuffElem

Buffer used to read message RAM.

◆ canfdDmaHandle

CANFD_DmaHandle CANFD_Object::canfdDmaHandle

Dma driver handle.

◆ canfdDmaChCfg

CANFD_DmaChConfig CANFD_Object::canfdDmaChCfg

Pointer to Dma channel configuration.

◆ args

void* CANFD_Object::args

Pointer to be used by application to store miscellaneous data.

Read Transfer Sync Sempahore - to sync between transfer completion ISR and task

◆ readTransferSem

void* CANFD_Object::readTransferSem

Read Transfer Sync Sempahore - to sync between transfer completion ISR and task. Transfer Sync Sempahore object

◆ readTransferSemObj

SemaphoreP_Object CANFD_Object::readTransferSemObj

Write Transfer Sync Sempahore - to sync between transfer completion ISR and task

◆ writeTransferSem

void* CANFD_Object::writeTransferSem

Write Transfer Sync Sempahore - to sync between transfer completion ISR and task. Transfer Sync Sempahore object

◆ writeTransferSemObj

SemaphoreP_Object CANFD_Object::writeTransferSemObj

Interrupt handle for controller ISR

◆ hwiHandle

void* CANFD_Object::hwiHandle

Interrupt object

◆ hwiObj0

HwiP_Object CANFD_Object::hwiObj0

Interrupt object

◆ hwiObj1

HwiP_Object CANFD_Object::hwiObj1