AM261x MCU+ SDK  10.00.01


RTI Driver API/interface file.

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RTI Global Control Stall Modes

Macro to select the stall mode in RTI Global Control.

The counters can be either stopped or running while in debug halting mode.

 The counters will be stopped while in debug halting mode. More...
 The counters will be running while in debug halting mode. More...
RTI Timer Counter Block Indexes

RTI Timer contains two counter blocks

#define RTI_TMR_CNT_BLK_INDEX_0   (0U)
 RTI Timer counter block 0. More...
#define RTI_TMR_CNT_BLK_INDEX_1   (1U)
 RTI Timer counter block 1. More...
 RTI Timer counter block maximum. More...
RTI Timer Compare Block Indexes

RTI Timer contains four compare blocks

#define RTI_TMR_CMP_BLK_INDEX_0   (0U)
 RTI Timer compare block 0. More...
#define RTI_TMR_CMP_BLK_INDEX_1   (1U)
 RTI Timer compare block 1. More...
#define RTI_TMR_CMP_BLK_INDEX_2   (2U)
 RTI Timer compare block 2. More...
#define RTI_TMR_CMP_BLK_INDEX_3   (3U)
 RTI Timer compare block 3. More...
 RTI Timer compare block maximum. More...
RTI Timer Prescaler Value Ranges

 Minimum possible prescaler value for RTI Timer UP counter. More...
 Maximum possible prescaler value for RTI Timer UP counter(2^32). More...
RTI Timer Interrupt Set/Indication Flags

 Comapre 0 match interrupt. More...
 Comapre 1 match interrupt. More...
 Comapre 2 match interrupt. More...
 Comapre 3 match interrupt. More...
 Comapre 0 match DMA request. More...
 Comapre 1 match DMA request. More...
 Comapre 2 match DMA request. More...
 Comapre 3 match DMA request. More...
 Timebase interrupt: detection of a missing external clock edge. More...
 Free running counter 0 overflow. More...
 Free running counter 1 overflow. More...
 All interrupt status mask. More...
 All interrupt request mask. More...
RTI Timer Interrupt Auto Clear Enable/Disable Flags

#define RTI_TMR_INT_AUTO_CLR_ENABLE_FLAG   (0x0000000FU)
 Compare interrupt Auto Clear Enable. More...
#define RTI_TMR_INT_AUTO_CLR_DISABLE_FLAG   (0x00000005U)
 Compare interrupt Auto Clear Disable. More...

RTI Timer Network Time (NTU) IDs

#define RTI_TMR_NTU_0   (0x0U)
 RTI Timer NTU 0. More...
#define RTI_TMR_NTU_1   (0x5U)
 RTI Timer NTU 1. More...
#define RTI_TMR_NTU_2   (0xAU)
 RTI Timer NTU 2. More...
#define RTI_TMR_NTU_3   (0xFU)
 RTI Timer NTU 3. More...
RTI Timer Capture Event Indexes

RTI Timer Capture Event source numbers

#define RTI_TMR_CAPTURE_EVT_0   (0U)
 RTI Timer Capture Event source 0. More...
#define RTI_TMR_CAPTURE_EVT_1   (1U)
 RTI Timer Capture Event source 1. More...
 RTI Timer Capture Event source maximum. More...
RTI Timer Clock Source

RTI Timer clock source of conter block 0

 Use counter block 0 up counter as clock source of the free runnung counter. More...
#define RTI_TMR_CLK_SRC_NTU   (1U)
 Use one of NTU as clock source of the free runnung counter. More...


int32_t RTIG_setStallMode (uint32_t baseAddr, uint32_t stallMode)
 Set the stall mode in RTI Global Control. More...
int32_t RTI_counterEnable (uint32_t baseAddr, uint32_t cntIndex)
 Start the timer. More...
int32_t RTI_counterDisable (uint32_t baseAddr, uint32_t cntIndex)
 Stop the timer. More...
int32_t RTI_counterClear (uint32_t baseAddr, uint32_t cntIndex)
 Clear Timer Counter block. More...
int32_t RTI_compareClear (uint32_t baseAddr, uint32_t cmpIndex)
 Clear Timer Compare block. More...
int32_t RTI_counterGet (uint32_t baseAddr, uint32_t cntIndex, uint32_t *counterLow, uint32_t *counterHigh)
 Get/Read the counter value from the counter registers. More...
int32_t RTI_captureConfig (uint32_t baseAddr, uint32_t cntIndex, uint32_t cntrCapSrc)
 Configure Capture operation. More...
int32_t RTI_captureCounterGet (uint32_t baseAddr, uint32_t cntIndex, uint32_t *counterLow, uint32_t *counterHigh)
 Get/Read the counter value from the capture registers. More...
int32_t RTI_compareEventConfig (uint32_t baseAddr, uint32_t cmpIndex, uint32_t cntBlkIndex, uint32_t cmpVal, uint32_t period)
 Confiure Compare operation. More...
int32_t RTI_counterConfigure (uint32_t baseAddr, uint32_t cntBlkIndex, uint32_t clkSrc, uint32_t ntu, uint32_t prescaler)
 Confiure Compare operation. More...
uint32_t RTI_compareGet (uint32_t baseAddr, uint32_t cmpIndex)
 Get the compare match register contents. More...
int32_t RTI_compareClearConfig (uint32_t baseAddr, uint32_t cmpIndex, uint32_t cmpClearVal)
 Confiure Compare Clear operation. More...
uint32_t RTI_intStatusGet (uint32_t baseAddr)
 Read the status of INTFLAG register. More...
int32_t RTI_intStatusClear (uint32_t baseAddr, uint32_t intFlags)
 Clear the status of interrupt events. More...
int32_t RTI_intEnable (uint32_t baseAddr, uint32_t intFlags)
 Enable the Timer interrupts. More...
int32_t RTI_intDisable (uint32_t baseAddr, uint32_t intFlags)
 Disable the Timer interrupts. More...
int32_t RTI_intAutoClearEnable (uint32_t baseAddr, uint32_t cmpIndex)
 Enable the Compare interrupt auto clear. More...
int32_t RTI_intAutoClearDisable (uint32_t baseAddr, uint32_t cmpIndex)
 Disable the Compare interrupt auto clear. More...