AM261x MCU+ SDK  10.00.01
ospi/v0/ospi.h File Reference


OSPI Driver API/interface file.

Go to the source code of this file.

Data Structures

struct  OSPI_Attrs
 OSPI instance attributes - used during init time. More...
struct  OSPI_Object
 OSPI driver object. More...
struct  OSPI_Config


typedef void * OSPI_Handle
 A handle that is returned from a OSPI_open() call. More...


void OSPI_init (void)
 This function initializes the OSPI module. More...
void OSPI_deinit (void)
 This function de-initializes the OSPI module. More...
void OSPI_Params_init (OSPI_Params *ospiParams)
 Initialize data structure with defaults. More...
OSPI_Handle OSPI_open (uint32_t index, const OSPI_Params *openParams)
 This function opens a given OSPI peripheral. More...
void OSPI_close (OSPI_Handle handle)
 Function to close a OSPI peripheral specified by the OSPI handle. More...
OSPI_Handle OSPI_getHandle (uint32_t index)
 This function returns the handle of an open OSPI Instance from the instance index. More...
int32_t OSPI_readCmd (OSPI_Handle handle, OSPI_ReadCmdParams *rdParams)
 Function to send specific commands and receive related data from flash. More...
int32_t OSPI_writeCmd (OSPI_Handle handle, OSPI_WriteCmdParams *wrParams)
 Function to send specific commands and related data to flash. More...
void OSPI_Transaction_init (OSPI_Transaction *trans)
 Function to initialize the OSPI_Transaction. More...
void OSPI_ReadCmdParams_init (OSPI_ReadCmdParams *rdParams)
 Function to initialize the OSPI_ReadCmdParams structure. More...
void OSPI_WriteCmdParams_init (OSPI_WriteCmdParams *wrParams)
 Function to initialize the OSPI_WriteCmdParams structure. More...
uint32_t OSPI_getInputClk (OSPI_Handle handle)
 This function returns the input clk frequency OSPI was programmed at. More...
uint32_t OSPI_isDacEnable (OSPI_Handle handle)
 This function checks if the Direct Access Controller mode is enabled. More...
uint32_t OSPI_isDmaEnable (OSPI_Handle handle)
 This function checks if DMA is enabled for reads. More...
uint32_t OSPI_isIntrEnable (OSPI_Handle handle)
 This function checks if interrupts are enabled. More...
uint32_t OSPI_isPhyEnable (OSPI_Handle handle)
 This function checks if the OSPI PHY controller is enabled. More...
uint32_t OSPI_isDtrEnable (OSPI_Handle handle)
 This function checks if the Dual Transfer Rate (Sampling on both rising and falling edge of the clock) is enabled. More...
int32_t OSPI_enableDDR (OSPI_Handle handle)
 This function enables the Dual Data Rate (DDR) More...
int32_t OSPI_enableSDR (OSPI_Handle handle)
 This function enables the Single Data Rate (SDR) More...
int32_t OSPI_enableDdrRdCmds (OSPI_Handle handle)
 This function sets DDR bit in INSTR_RD register for RD commands. More...
int32_t OSPI_setRdDataCaptureDelay (OSPI_Handle handle, uint32_t rdDataCapDelay)
 This function sets read data capture cycles in the OSPI controller. More...
void OSPI_setNumAddrBytes (OSPI_Handle handle, uint32_t numAddrBytes)
 This function set the number of bytes used to send address while reading or writing to flash memory. More...
void OSPI_setDeviceSize (OSPI_Handle handle, uint32_t pageSize, uint32_t blkSize)
 This function sets the block size and page size of the flash to the device size register in OSPI. More...
void OSPI_setCmdDummyCycles (OSPI_Handle handle, uint32_t cmdDummyCycles)
 This function sets appropriate dummy cycles to be used while sending STIG commands to flash. More...
void OSPI_setReadDummyCycles (OSPI_Handle handle, uint32_t dummyCycles)
 This function sets appropriate dummy cycles for flash read. More...
void OSPI_setPhyEnableSuccess (OSPI_Handle handle, uint32_t success)
 This function sets the phyEnableSuccess field in OSPI_Object. Has to be called from flash driver. More...
void OSPI_setModeBits (OSPI_Handle handle, uint32_t modeBits)
 This function sets mode bits in the mode bit field of OSPI config register. More...
void OSPI_enableModeBitsCmd (OSPI_Handle handle)
 This function enables mode bits transmission while sending CMDs. More...
void OSPI_enableModeBitsRead (OSPI_Handle handle)
 This function enables mode bits transmission while reading. More...
uint32_t OSPI_getPhyEnableSuccess (OSPI_Handle handle)
 This function fetches the phyEnableSuccess field in OSPI_Object. More...
void OSPI_cmdModeBitSet (OSPI_Handle handle, uint32_t enable)
 This function sets command mode bit. More...
void OSPI_rdModeBitSet (OSPI_Handle handle, uint32_t enable)
 This function sets Read mode bit. More...
uint32_t OSPI_getProtocol (OSPI_Handle handle)
 This function returns the current protocol for which the transfer lines in OSPI driver is configured for. More...
void OSPI_setProtocol (OSPI_Handle handle, uint32_t protocol)
 This function sets the number of transfer lines in the OSPI driver to set the requested protocol. More...
void OSPI_setDualOpCodeMode (OSPI_Handle handle)
 This function sets OSPI controller to use dual byte opcodes. More...
void OSPI_clearDualOpCodeMode (OSPI_Handle handle)
 This function sets OSPI controller to not use dual byte opcodes. More...
void OSPI_setXferOpCodes (OSPI_Handle handle, uint8_t readCmd, uint8_t pageProgCmd)
 This function sets the opcodes for reading and page programming the flash. More...
void OSPI_setCmdExtType (OSPI_Handle handle, uint32_t cmdExtType)
 This function sets the type of command extension used in dual byte opcode mode. More...
int32_t OSPI_enableDacMode (OSPI_Handle handle)
 This function enables the Direct Access Mode. More...
int32_t OSPI_disableDacMode (OSPI_Handle handle)
 This function disables the Direct Access Mode. More...
uint32_t OSPI_getFlashDataBaseAddr (OSPI_Handle handle)
 This function gets the SOC mapped data base address of the flash. More...
int32_t OSPI_phyTuneDDR (OSPI_Handle handle, uint32_t flashOffset)
 This function tunes the OSPI PHY for DDR mode to set optimal PHY parameters. More...
int32_t OSPI_phyTuneSDR (OSPI_Handle handle, uint32_t flashOffset)
int32_t OSPI_phyTuneGrapher (OSPI_Handle handle, uint32_t flashOffset, uint8_t arrays[4][128][128])
 This function takes a 4x128x128 array and fills it with TX RX DLL data for graphing purpose. More...
void OSPI_phyGetTuningData (uint32_t *tuningData, uint32_t *tuningDataSize)
 This function returns the address to the attack vector buf required for tuning the PHY. More...
int32_t OSPI_phyReadAttackVector (OSPI_Handle handle, uint32_t offset)
 This function checks if the attack vector, or the data used for tuning the PHY is present at an offset in the flash. More...
int32_t OSPI_enablePhy (OSPI_Handle handle)
 This function enables the PHY. More...
int32_t OSPI_disablePhy (OSPI_Handle handle)
 This function disables the PHY. More...
int32_t OSPI_enablePhyPipeline (OSPI_Handle handle)
 This function enables the PHY Pipeline. More...
int32_t OSPI_disablePhyPipeline (OSPI_Handle handle)
 This function disables the PHY Pipeline. More...
int32_t OSPI_norFlashInit1s1s1s (OSPI_Handle handle)
 This function initializes the NOR flash to work in 1-1-1 mode. More...
void OSPI_norFlashSetCmds (uint8_t rdCmd, uint8_t wrCmd, uint8_t eraseCmd)
 This function sets up internal bookkeeping variables for read, write and erase commands. This API has to be called immediately before OSPI_norFlashInit1s1s1s. More...
int32_t OSPI_norFlashReadId (OSPI_Handle handle, uint32_t *manufacturerId, uint32_t *deviceId)
 This function tries to read the JEDEC ID from the NOR flash connected to the OSPI peripheral. More...
int32_t OSPI_norFlashWrite (OSPI_Handle handle, uint32_t offset, uint8_t *buf, uint32_t len)
 This function writes data to the flash at a specified offset. More...
int32_t OSPI_norFlashRead (OSPI_Handle handle, uint32_t offset, uint8_t *buf, uint32_t len)
 This function reads data from the flash from a specified offset. More...
int32_t OSPI_norFlashReadSfdp (OSPI_Handle handle, uint32_t offset, uint8_t *buf, uint32_t len)
 This function reads SFDP table from the flash from a specified offset. More...
int32_t OSPI_norFlashErase (OSPI_Handle handle, uint32_t address)
 This function erases 1 block of data starting from a provided address. More...
int32_t OSPI_configResetPin (OSPI_Handle handle, uint32_t config)
 This function configures reset functionality. More...
int32_t OSPI_configBaudrate (OSPI_Handle handle, uint32_t baud)
 Configures baud divider. More...
int32_t OSPI_readBaudRateDivFromReg (OSPI_Handle handle, uint32_t *baudDiv)
 Return value of baudrate that is programmed in IP register. More...
int32_t OSPI_getBaudRateDivFromObj (OSPI_Handle handle, uint32_t *baudDiv)
 Return value of baudrate that is saved in OSPI Object. More...
Different OSPI Transfer functions

int32_t OSPI_readDirect (OSPI_Handle handle, OSPI_Transaction *trans)
 Function to perform direct reads from the flash using DAC controller. More...
int32_t OSPI_readIndirect (OSPI_Handle handle, OSPI_Transaction *trans)
 Function to perform indirect reads from the flash using INDAC controller. More...
int32_t OSPI_writeDirect (OSPI_Handle handle, OSPI_Transaction *trans)
 Function to perform direct writes to the flash using DAC controller. More...
int32_t OSPI_writeIndirect (OSPI_Handle handle, OSPI_Transaction *trans)
 Function to perform indirect writes to the flash using INDAC controller. More...


OSPI_Config gOspiConfig []
 Externally defined driver configuration array. More...
uint32_t gOspiConfigNum
 Externally defined driver configuration array size. More...
OSPI_DmaConfig gOspiDmaConfig []