AM261x MCU+ SDK  10.00.01
APIs for SOC Specific Functions


For more details and example usage, see SOC

Sub Modules

 APIs for SOC Reset and Clock Functions
 APIs for SOC Xbars


static int32_t MCSPI_lld_isBaseAddrValid (uint32_t baseAddr)
 API to validate MCSPI base address. More...
int32_t SOC_moduleClockEnable (uint32_t moduleId, uint32_t enable)
 Enable clock to specified module. More...
int32_t SOC_moduleSetClockFrequency (uint32_t moduleId, uint32_t clkId, uint64_t clkRate)
 Set module clock to specified frequency. More...
const char * SOC_getCoreName (uint16_t coreId)
 Convert a core ID to a user readable name. More...
uint64_t SOC_getSelfCpuClk (void)
 Get the clock frequency in Hz of the CPU on which the driver is running. More...
void SOC_controlModuleLockMMR (uint32_t domainId, uint32_t partition)
 Lock control module partition to prevent writes into control MMRs. More...
void SOC_controlModuleUnlockMMR (uint32_t domainId, uint32_t partition)
 Unlock control module partition to allow writes into control MMRs. More...
void SOC_setEpwmTbClk (uint32_t epwmInstance, uint32_t enable)
 Enable or disable ePWM time base clock from Control MMR. More...
void SOC_setMultipleEpwmTbClk (uint32_t epwmMask, uint32_t enable)
 Enable or disable Multiple ePWM time base clock from Control MMR. More...
void SOC_enableAdcReference (uint32_t adcInstance)
 Enable ADC references by writing to Control MMR. More...
void SOC_enableAdcInternalReference (uint32_t adcInstance, uint32_t enable)
 Enables the ADC internal reference. More...
void SOC_enableAdcReferenceMonitor (uint32_t adcInstance, uint32_t enable)
 Enable ADC reference Monitors by writing to Control MMR. More...
uint32_t SOC_getAdcReferenceStatus (uint32_t adcInstance)
 Gets the Reference status. More...
void SOC_enableAdcOsdChannel (uint32_t adcInstance, uint32_t channel, uint32_t enable)
 Enable or disable the OSD circuit over the ADC channels. More...
void SOC_setAdcOsdConfig (uint32_t adcInstance, uint32_t config)
 Sets the ADC OSD Configuration. More...
void SOC_enableAdcGlobalForce (uint32_t adcInstance, uint32_t enable)
 Enable or Disable the ADC instnace for Gloabl SW force. More...
void SOC_adcSocGlobalForce (uint32_t socNumber)
 Triggers a global force for the SOC in enabled ADCs the ADCs may be enabled by using SOC_enableAdcGlobalForce() API. More...
void SOC_selectAdcExtChXbar (uint32_t extChXbarOut, uint32_t extChXbarIn)
 Selects the ADC External Channel Select bit for the output from each xbar out. More...
void SOC_selextAdcExtChDelay (uint32_t delay)
 Mux select to choose delay for ADC Extchsel. More...
void SOC_enableAdcDacLoopback (uint32_t enable)
 Enable or Disable the ADC CAL Pin to loopback with DAC. More...
void SOC_enableCmpssaDacLoopBack (uint32_t cmpssaInstance, uint32_t dacType, uint32_t enable)
 Enable or disable the CMPSS - DAC Loop Back configuration. More...
void SOC_enableCmpssbDacLoopBack (uint32_t cmpssbInstance, uint32_t dacType, uint32_t enable)
 Enable or disable the CMPSS - DAC Loop Back configuration. More...
void SOC_setEpwmGroup (uint32_t epwmInstance, uint32_t group)
 Configure the ePWM group. More...
void SOC_selectSdfm1Clk0Source (uint8_t source)
 Select the SDFM1 CLK0 source. More...
void SOC_sdfmClkLoopBackConfig (uint32_t sdfmInstance, uint32_t clkInstance, uint32_t defaultValue)
 Sets the configuraion for the loopback control. More...
void SOC_gateEpwmClock (uint32_t epwmInstance)
 Gate the ePWM clock. More...
void SOC_ungateEpwmClock (uint32_t epwmInstance)
 Ungate the ePWM clock. More...
void SOC_gateFsitxClock (uint32_t fsitxInstance)
 Gate the FSI-TX clock. More...
void SOC_gateFsirxClock (uint32_t fsirxInstance)
 Gate the FSI-RX clock. More...
void SOC_gateCmpssaClock (uint32_t cmpssaInstance)
 Gate the CMPSS-A clock. More...
void SOC_ungateCmpssaClock (uint32_t cmpssaInstance)
 Ungate the CMPSS-A clock. More...
void SOC_gateCmpssbClock (uint32_t cmpssbInstance)
 Gate the CMPSS-B clock. More...
void SOC_ungateCmpssbClock (uint32_t cmpssbInstance)
 Ungate the CMPSS-B clock. More...
void SOC_gateEcapClock (uint32_t ecapInstance)
 Gate the ECAP clock. More...
void SOC_ungateEcapClock (uint32_t ecapInstance)
 Ungate the ECAP clock. More...
void SOC_gateEqepClock (uint32_t eqepInstance)
 Gate the EQEP clock. More...
void SOC_ungateEqepClock (uint32_t eqepInstance)
 Ungate the EQEP clock. More...
void SOC_gateSdfmClock (uint32_t sdfmInstance)
 Gate the SDFM clock. More...
void SOC_ungateSdfmClock (uint32_t sdfmInstance)
 Ungate the SDFM clock. More...
void SOC_gateDacClock (void)
 Gate the DAC clock. More...
void SOC_ungateDacClock (void)
 Ungate the DAC clock. More...
void SOC_gateAdcClock (uint32_t adcInstance)
 Gate the ADC clock. More...
void SOC_ungateAdcClock (uint32_t adcInstance)
 ungate the ADC clock More...
void SOC_gateRdcClock (uint32_t rdcInstance)
 Gate the HW_RESOLVER clock. More...
void SOC_gateOttoClock (uint32_t ottoInstance)
 Gate the OTTO clock. More...
void SOC_ungateOttoClock (uint32_t ottoInstance)
 Ungate the OTTO clock. More...
void SOC_gateSdfmPllClock (uint32_t sdfmInstance)
 Gate the SDFM PLL clock. More...
void SOC_ungateSdfmPllClock (uint32_t sdfmInstance)
 Ungate the SDFM PLL clock. More...
void SOC_gateFsiPllClock (uint32_t fsiInstance)
 Gate the FSI-TX PLL clock. More...
void SOC_generateEpwmReset (uint32_t ePWMInstance)
 Generate ePWM reset. More...
void SOC_generateFsiTxReset (uint32_t fsitxInstance)
 Generate FSI-TX reset. More...
void SOC_generateFsiRxReset (uint32_t fsirxInstance)
 Generate FSI-RX reset. More...
void SOC_generateCmpssaReset (uint32_t cmpssaInstance)
 Generate CMPSS-A reset. More...
void SOC_generateEcapReset (uint32_t ecapInstance)
 Generate ECAP reset. More...
void SOC_generateEqepReset (uint32_t eqepInstance)
 Generate EQEP reset. More...
void SOC_generateSdfmReset (uint32_t sdfmInstance)
 Generate SDFM reset. More...
void SOC_generateDacReset (void)
 Generate DAC reset. More...
void SOC_generateAdcReset (uint32_t adcInstance)
 Generate ADC reset. More...
void SOC_generateRdcReset (uint32_t rdcInstance)
 Generate RDC reset. More...
void Soc_enableEPWMHalt (uint32_t epwmInstance)
 Halt EPWM with corresponding cPU. More...
void Soc_disableEPWMHalt (uint32_t epwmInstance)
 Halt EPWM with corresponding cPU. More...
void SOC_generateOttoReset (uint32_t ottoInstance)
 Generate OTTO reset. More...
void SOC_selectIcssGpiMux (uint8_t pru_instance, uint32_t mask)
 Selection of ICSS GPI MUX. More...
uint64_t SOC_virtToPhy (void *virtAddr)
 SOC Virtual (CPU) to Physical address translation function. More...
void * SOC_phyToVirt (uint64_t phyAddr)
 Physical to Virtual (CPU) address translation function. More...
uint32_t SOC_getFlashDataBaseAddr (void)
 This function gets the SOC mapped data base address of the flash. More...
static int32_t UART_IsBaseAddrValid (uint32_t baseAddr)
 API to validate UART base address. More...


#define MSS_CTRL_PARTITION0   (1)
#define TOP_CTRL_PARTITION0   (2)
#define MSS_RCM_PARTITION0   (4)
#define TOP_RCM_PARTITION0   (5)
#define KICK_LOCK_VAL   (0x00000000U)
#define KICK0_UNLOCK_VAL   (0x01234567U)
#define KICK1_UNLOCK_VAL   (0x0FEDCBA8U)
#define ADC0_EXTCHSEL_BIT0   (0U)
#define ADC0_EXTCHSEL_BIT1   (1U)
#define ADC1_EXTCHSEL_BIT0   (2U)
#define ADC1_EXTCHSEL_BIT1   (3U)
#define ADC2_EXTCHSEL_BIT0   (4U)
#define ADC2_EXTCHSEL_BIT1   (5U)
#define ADC3_EXTCHSEL_BIT0   (6U)
#define ADC3_EXTCHSEL_BIT1   (7U)
#define ADC4_EXTCHSEL_BIT0   (8U)
#define ADC4_EXTCHSEL_BIT1   (9U)
#define ADC_R0_EXTCHSEL_BIT0   (10U)
#define ADC_R0_EXTCHSEL_BIT1   (11U)
#define ADC_R1_EXTCHSEL_BIT0   (12U)
#define ADC_R2_EXTCHSEL_BIT1   (13U)
#define CMPSS_LOOP_BACK_INH   (0U)
#define CMPSS_LOOP_BACK_INL   (1U)
#define IS_I2C_BASE_ADDR_VALID(baseAddr)
#define IS_OSPI_BASE_ADDR_VALID(baseAddr)   (baseAddr == CSL_FLASH_CONFIG_REG8_U_BASE)
 Macro to check if the OSPI base address is valid. More...
 Macro to check if the OSPI base address is valid. More...

SOC Domain ID

#define SOC_DOMAIN_ID_MAIN   (0U)

Macro Definition Documentation


#define SOC_DOMAIN_ID_MAIN   (0U)


#define MSS_CTRL_PARTITION0   (1)


#define TOP_CTRL_PARTITION0   (2)




#define MSS_RCM_PARTITION0   (4)


#define TOP_RCM_PARTITION0   (5)


#define KICK_LOCK_VAL   (0x00000000U)


#define KICK0_UNLOCK_VAL   (0x01234567U)


#define KICK1_UNLOCK_VAL   (0x0FEDCBA8U)


#define ADC0_EXTCHSEL_BIT0   (0U)


#define ADC0_EXTCHSEL_BIT1   (1U)


#define ADC1_EXTCHSEL_BIT0   (2U)


#define ADC1_EXTCHSEL_BIT1   (3U)


#define ADC2_EXTCHSEL_BIT0   (4U)


#define ADC2_EXTCHSEL_BIT1   (5U)


#define ADC3_EXTCHSEL_BIT0   (6U)


#define ADC3_EXTCHSEL_BIT1   (7U)


#define ADC4_EXTCHSEL_BIT0   (8U)


#define ADC4_EXTCHSEL_BIT1   (9U)


#define ADC_R0_EXTCHSEL_BIT0   (10U)


#define ADC_R0_EXTCHSEL_BIT1   (11U)


#define ADC_R1_EXTCHSEL_BIT0   (12U)


#define ADC_R2_EXTCHSEL_BIT1   (13U)






#define CMPSS_LOOP_BACK_INH   (0U)


#define CMPSS_LOOP_BACK_INL   (1U)


#define IS_I2C_BASE_ADDR_VALID (   baseAddr)
((baseAddr == CSL_I2C0_U_BASE) || \
(baseAddr == CSL_I2C1_U_BASE) || \
(baseAddr == CSL_I2C2_U_BASE))


#define IS_OSPI_BASE_ADDR_VALID (   baseAddr)    (baseAddr == CSL_FLASH_CONFIG_REG8_U_BASE)

Macro to check if the OSPI base address is valid.


#define IS_OSPI_DATA_BASE_ADDR_VALID (   baseAddr)    (baseAddr == CSL_FLASH_DATA_REG0_U_BASE)

Macro to check if the OSPI base address is valid.

Function Documentation

◆ MCSPI_lld_isBaseAddrValid()

static int32_t MCSPI_lld_isBaseAddrValid ( uint32_t  baseAddr)

API to validate MCSPI base address.

◆ SOC_moduleClockEnable()

int32_t SOC_moduleClockEnable ( uint32_t  moduleId,
uint32_t  enable 

Enable clock to specified module.

moduleId[in] see SOC_RcmPeripheralId for list of module ID's
enable[in] 1: enable clock to the module, 0: disable clock to the module
SystemP_SUCCESS Module clock is enabled
SystemP_FAILURE Module clock could not be enabled

◆ SOC_moduleSetClockFrequency()

int32_t SOC_moduleSetClockFrequency ( uint32_t  moduleId,
uint32_t  clkId,
uint64_t  clkRate 

Set module clock to specified frequency.

moduleId[in] see SOC_RcmPeripheralId for list of module ID's
clkId[in] see SOC_RcmPeripheralClockSource for list of clocks
clkRate[in] Frequency to set in Hz
SystemP_SUCCESS Module clock is enabled
SystemP_FAILURE Module clock could not be enabled

◆ SOC_getCoreName()

const char* SOC_getCoreName ( uint16_t  coreId)

Convert a core ID to a user readable name.

coreId[in] see CSL_CoreID
name as a string

◆ SOC_getSelfCpuClk()

uint64_t SOC_getSelfCpuClk ( void  )

Get the clock frequency in Hz of the CPU on which the driver is running.

Clock frequency in Hz

◆ SOC_controlModuleLockMMR()

void SOC_controlModuleLockMMR ( uint32_t  domainId,
uint32_t  partition 

Lock control module partition to prevent writes into control MMRs.

domainId[in] See SOC_DomainId_t
partition[in] Partition number to unlock

◆ SOC_controlModuleUnlockMMR()

void SOC_controlModuleUnlockMMR ( uint32_t  domainId,
uint32_t  partition 

Unlock control module partition to allow writes into control MMRs.

domainId[in] See SOC_DomainId_t
partition[in] Partition number to unlock

◆ SOC_setEpwmTbClk()

void SOC_setEpwmTbClk ( uint32_t  epwmInstance,
uint32_t  enable 

Enable or disable ePWM time base clock from Control MMR.

epwmInstance[in] ePWM instance number [0 - (CSL_EPWM_PER_CNT-1)]
enable[in] TRUE to enable and FALSE to disable

◆ SOC_setMultipleEpwmTbClk()

void SOC_setMultipleEpwmTbClk ( uint32_t  epwmMask,
uint32_t  enable 

Enable or disable Multiple ePWM time base clock from Control MMR.

epwmMask[in] ePWM instance Mask [1 - CSL_CONTROLSS_CTRL_EPWM_CLKSYNC_BIT_MAX]
enable[in] TRUE to enable and FALSE to disable

◆ SOC_enableAdcReference()

void SOC_enableAdcReference ( uint32_t  adcInstance)

Enable ADC references by writing to Control MMR.

adcInstance[in] ADC instance number [0 - (CSL_ADC_PER_CNT-1)]

◆ SOC_enableAdcInternalReference()

void SOC_enableAdcInternalReference ( uint32_t  adcInstance,
uint32_t  enable 

Enables the ADC internal reference.

adcInstance[in] ADC instance number [0 - (CSL_ADC_PER_CNT-1)]
enable[in] TRUE to enable internal reference - FALSE to disable.

◆ SOC_enableAdcReferenceMonitor()

void SOC_enableAdcReferenceMonitor ( uint32_t  adcInstance,
uint32_t  enable 

Enable ADC reference Monitors by writing to Control MMR.

adcInstance[in] ADC instance number [0 - (CSL_ADC_PER_CNT-1)]
enable[in] TRUE to enable internal reference Monitor - FALSE to disable.

◆ SOC_getAdcReferenceStatus()

uint32_t SOC_getAdcReferenceStatus ( uint32_t  adcInstance)

Gets the Reference status.

adcInstance[in] ADC instance number [0 - (CSL_ADC_PER_CNT-1)]
TRUE - reference OK. FALSE - reference NOT OK.

◆ SOC_enableAdcOsdChannel()

void SOC_enableAdcOsdChannel ( uint32_t  adcInstance,
uint32_t  channel,
uint32_t  enable 

Enable or disable the OSD circuit over the ADC channels.

adcInstance[in] ADC instance [0 - 4] ADC_R instance [5,6]
channel[in] Channel number for the ADC. [0 - 5]
enable[in] TRUE to enable and FALSE to disable the OSD circuit.

◆ SOC_setAdcOsdConfig()

void SOC_setAdcOsdConfig ( uint32_t  adcInstance,
uint32_t  config 

Sets the ADC OSD Configuration.

adcInstance[in] ADC instance [0 - 4] ADC_R instance [5,6]
config[in] configuration to be enabled of the OSD circuit.

It is recommended to wait for atleast 1uS after configuration, before sampling

config function Impedance Voltage on 5K Voltage on 7K
0 Zero Scale 5K // 7K VSSA VSSA
------— ------------— --------— ------------— --------—
1 Zero Scale 5K VSSA OPEN
------— ------------— --------— ------------— --------—
2 Zero Scale 7K OPEN VSSA
------— ------------— --------— ------------— --------—
3 Full Scale 5K // 7K VDD VDD
------— ------------— --------— ------------— --------—
4 Full Scale 5K VDD OPEN
------— ------------— --------— ------------— --------—
5 Full Scale 7K OPEN VDD
------— ------------— --------— ------------— --------—
6 5/12 Scale 5K // 7K VSSA VDD
------— ------------— --------— ------------— --------—
7 5/12 Scale 5K // 7K VDD VSSA
------— ------------— --------— ------------— --------—

◆ SOC_enableAdcGlobalForce()

void SOC_enableAdcGlobalForce ( uint32_t  adcInstance,
uint32_t  enable 

Enable or Disable the ADC instnace for Gloabl SW force.

adcInstance[in] ADC instances [0 - 4] ADC_R instance [ 5 - 6]
enable[in] TRUE to enable and FALSE to disable the GLobal Force Selection

◆ SOC_adcSocGlobalForce()

void SOC_adcSocGlobalForce ( uint32_t  socNumber)

Triggers a global force for the SOC in enabled ADCs the ADCs may be enabled by using SOC_enableAdcGlobalForce() API.

socNumber[in] SOC Number [0 - 15]

◆ SOC_selectAdcExtChXbar()

void SOC_selectAdcExtChXbar ( uint32_t  extChXbarOut,
uint32_t  extChXbarIn 

Selects the ADC External Channel Select bit for the output from each xbar out.

extChXbarOut[in] selects the ADC_EXTCHSEL_XBAR_OUTx x in [0 - 9]

◆ SOC_selextAdcExtChDelay()

void SOC_selextAdcExtChDelay ( uint32_t  delay)

Mux select to choose delay for ADC Extchsel.

delay[in] 3 Cycle Delay or 6 Cycle Delay Valid Values are ADC_EXTCHSELCT_DELAY_3_CYCLES ADC_EXTCHSELCT_DELAY_6_CYCLES

◆ SOC_enableAdcDacLoopback()

void SOC_enableAdcDacLoopback ( uint32_t  enable)

Enable or Disable the ADC CAL Pin to loopback with DAC.

enable[in] TRUE to enable, FALSE to disable

◆ SOC_enableCmpssaDacLoopBack()

void SOC_enableCmpssaDacLoopBack ( uint32_t  cmpssaInstance,
uint32_t  dacType,
uint32_t  enable 

Enable or disable the CMPSS - DAC Loop Back configuration.

cmpssaInstanceInstance number of CMPSS TYPE A
dacTypedetermines which CMPSS input line Valid values are CMPSS_LOOP_BACK_INH CMPSS_LOOP_BACK_INL

◆ SOC_enableCmpssbDacLoopBack()

void SOC_enableCmpssbDacLoopBack ( uint32_t  cmpssbInstance,
uint32_t  dacType,
uint32_t  enable 

Enable or disable the CMPSS - DAC Loop Back configuration.

cmpssbInstanceInstance number of CMPSS TYPE B
dacTypedetermines which CMPSS input line Valid values are CMPSS_LOOP_BACK_INH CMPSS_LOOP_BACK_INL

◆ SOC_setEpwmGroup()

void SOC_setEpwmGroup ( uint32_t  epwmInstance,
uint32_t  group 

Configure the ePWM group.

epwmInstance[in] ePWM instance number [0 - (CSL_EPWM_PER_CNT-1)]
group[in] The group for this ePWM instance [0 - 3]

◆ SOC_selectSdfm1Clk0Source()

void SOC_selectSdfm1Clk0Source ( uint8_t  source)

Select the SDFM1 CLK0 source.

source[in] Source of SDFM1 CLK0. 0: source is SDFM1 CK0 from Pinmux. 1: source is SDFM0 CK0 from Pinmux

◆ SOC_sdfmClkLoopBackConfig()

void SOC_sdfmClkLoopBackConfig ( uint32_t  sdfmInstance,
uint32_t  clkInstance,
uint32_t  defaultValue 

Sets the configuraion for the loopback control.

sdfmInstance[in] SDFM instance number [0,1]
clkInstance[in] SDFM Clock number [0 - 3]
defaultValue[in] TRUE to set the default Loopback control loopback FALSE to set alternate Loopback control
this API doesn't configure the PinMux if the loopback clock is required to be routed to the pin, the pinMux should be configured with the Output override enabled.

◆ SOC_gateEpwmClock()

void SOC_gateEpwmClock ( uint32_t  epwmInstance)

Gate the ePWM clock.

epwmInstance[in] ePWM instance number [0 - (CSL_EPWM_PER_CNT-1)]

◆ SOC_ungateEpwmClock()

void SOC_ungateEpwmClock ( uint32_t  epwmInstance)

Ungate the ePWM clock.

epwmInstance[in] ePWM instance number [0 - (CSL_EPWM_PER_CNT-1)]

◆ SOC_gateFsitxClock()

void SOC_gateFsitxClock ( uint32_t  fsitxInstance)

Gate the FSI-TX clock.

fsitxInstance[in] FSITX instance number [0 - 3]

◆ SOC_gateFsirxClock()

void SOC_gateFsirxClock ( uint32_t  fsirxInstance)

Gate the FSI-RX clock.

fsirxInstance[in] FSIRX instance number [0 - 3]

◆ SOC_gateCmpssaClock()

void SOC_gateCmpssaClock ( uint32_t  cmpssaInstance)

Gate the CMPSS-A clock.

cmpssaInstance[in] CMPSS-A instance number [0 - 9]

◆ SOC_ungateCmpssaClock()

void SOC_ungateCmpssaClock ( uint32_t  cmpssaInstance)

Ungate the CMPSS-A clock.

cmpssaInstance[in] CMPSS-A instance number [0 - 9]

◆ SOC_gateCmpssbClock()

void SOC_gateCmpssbClock ( uint32_t  cmpssbInstance)

Gate the CMPSS-B clock.

cmpssbInstance[in] CMPSS-B instance number [0 - 9]

◆ SOC_ungateCmpssbClock()

void SOC_ungateCmpssbClock ( uint32_t  cmpssbInstance)

Ungate the CMPSS-B clock.

cmpssbInstance[in] CMPSS-B instance number [0 - 9]

◆ SOC_gateEcapClock()

void SOC_gateEcapClock ( uint32_t  ecapInstance)

Gate the ECAP clock.

ecapInstance[in] ECAP instance number [0 - 9]

◆ SOC_ungateEcapClock()

void SOC_ungateEcapClock ( uint32_t  ecapInstance)

Ungate the ECAP clock.

ecapInstance[in] ECAP instance number [0 - 9]

◆ SOC_gateEqepClock()

void SOC_gateEqepClock ( uint32_t  eqepInstance)

Gate the EQEP clock.

eqepInstance[in] EQEP instance number [0 - 2]

◆ SOC_ungateEqepClock()

void SOC_ungateEqepClock ( uint32_t  eqepInstance)

Ungate the EQEP clock.

eqepInstance[in] EQEP instance number [0 - 2]

◆ SOC_gateSdfmClock()

void SOC_gateSdfmClock ( uint32_t  sdfmInstance)

Gate the SDFM clock.

sdfmInstance[in] SDFM instance number [0 - 1]

◆ SOC_ungateSdfmClock()

void SOC_ungateSdfmClock ( uint32_t  sdfmInstance)

Ungate the SDFM clock.

sdfmInstance[in] SDFM instance number [0 - 1]

◆ SOC_gateDacClock()

void SOC_gateDacClock ( void  )

Gate the DAC clock.

◆ SOC_ungateDacClock()

void SOC_ungateDacClock ( void  )

Ungate the DAC clock.

◆ SOC_gateAdcClock()

void SOC_gateAdcClock ( uint32_t  adcInstance)

Gate the ADC clock.

adcInstance[in] ADC instance number [0 - 4] or ADC_R instance [0 - 1]

◆ SOC_ungateAdcClock()

void SOC_ungateAdcClock ( uint32_t  adcInstance)

ungate the ADC clock

adcInstance[in] ADC instance number [0 - 4] or ADC_R instance [5 - 6]

◆ SOC_gateRdcClock()

void SOC_gateRdcClock ( uint32_t  rdcInstance)

Gate the HW_RESOLVER clock.

rdcInstance[in] HW_RESOLVER instance number [0]

◆ SOC_gateOttoClock()

void SOC_gateOttoClock ( uint32_t  ottoInstance)

Gate the OTTO clock.

ottoInstance[in] OTTO instance number [0 - 3]

◆ SOC_ungateOttoClock()

void SOC_ungateOttoClock ( uint32_t  ottoInstance)

Ungate the OTTO clock.

ottoInstance[in] OTTO instance number [0 - 3]

◆ SOC_gateSdfmPllClock()

void SOC_gateSdfmPllClock ( uint32_t  sdfmInstance)

Gate the SDFM PLL clock.

sdfmInstance[in] SDFM instance number [0 - 1]

◆ SOC_ungateSdfmPllClock()

void SOC_ungateSdfmPllClock ( uint32_t  sdfmInstance)

Ungate the SDFM PLL clock.

sdfmInstance[in] SDFM instance number [0 - 1]

◆ SOC_gateFsiPllClock()

void SOC_gateFsiPllClock ( uint32_t  fsiInstance)

Gate the FSI-TX PLL clock.

fsiInstance[in] FSI instance number [0 - 3]

◆ SOC_generateEpwmReset()

void SOC_generateEpwmReset ( uint32_t  ePWMInstance)

Generate ePWM reset.

ePWMInstance[in] ePWM instance number [0 - 31]

◆ SOC_generateFsiTxReset()

void SOC_generateFsiTxReset ( uint32_t  fsitxInstance)

Generate FSI-TX reset.

fsitxInstance[in] FSI instance number [0 - 3]

◆ SOC_generateFsiRxReset()

void SOC_generateFsiRxReset ( uint32_t  fsirxInstance)

Generate FSI-RX reset.

fsirxInstance[in] FSI instance number [0 - 3]

◆ SOC_generateCmpssaReset()

void SOC_generateCmpssaReset ( uint32_t  cmpssaInstance)

Generate CMPSS-A reset.

cmpssaInstance[in] CMPSS-A instance number [0 - 9]

◆ SOC_generateEcapReset()

void SOC_generateEcapReset ( uint32_t  ecapInstance)

Generate ECAP reset.

ecapInstance[in] ECAP instance number [0 - 9]

◆ SOC_generateEqepReset()

void SOC_generateEqepReset ( uint32_t  eqepInstance)

Generate EQEP reset.

eqepInstance[in] EQEP instance number [0 - 2]

◆ SOC_generateSdfmReset()

void SOC_generateSdfmReset ( uint32_t  sdfmInstance)

Generate SDFM reset.

sdfmInstance[in] SDFM instance number [0 - 1]

◆ SOC_generateDacReset()

void SOC_generateDacReset ( void  )

Generate DAC reset.

◆ SOC_generateAdcReset()

void SOC_generateAdcReset ( uint32_t  adcInstance)

Generate ADC reset.

adcInstance[in] ADC instance number [0 - 4]

◆ SOC_generateRdcReset()

void SOC_generateRdcReset ( uint32_t  rdcInstance)

Generate RDC reset.


◆ Soc_enableEPWMHalt()

void Soc_enableEPWMHalt ( uint32_t  epwmInstance)

Halt EPWM with corresponding cPU.

epwmInstance[in] EPWM instance number [0 - 31]

◆ Soc_disableEPWMHalt()

void Soc_disableEPWMHalt ( uint32_t  epwmInstance)

Halt EPWM with corresponding cPU.

epwmInstance[in] EPWM instance number [0 - 31]

◆ SOC_generateOttoReset()

void SOC_generateOttoReset ( uint32_t  ottoInstance)

Generate OTTO reset.

ottoInstance[in] OTTO instance number [0 - 3]

◆ SOC_selectIcssGpiMux()

void SOC_selectIcssGpiMux ( uint8_t  pru_instance,
uint32_t  mask 

Selection of ICSS GPI MUX.

pru_instance[in] PRU instance number [0 - 1]
mask[in] Bitwise selection of ICSSM GPI source. GPI or PWMXBar select for ICSSM port 0/1. 0-GPI, 1-PWMXBAR

◆ SOC_virtToPhy()

uint64_t SOC_virtToPhy ( void *  virtAddr)

SOC Virtual (CPU) to Physical address translation function.

virtAddr[IN] Virtual/CPU address
Corresponding SOC physical address

◆ SOC_phyToVirt()

void* SOC_phyToVirt ( uint64_t  phyAddr)

Physical to Virtual (CPU) address translation function.

phyAddr[IN] Physical address
Corresponding virtual/CPU address

◆ SOC_getFlashDataBaseAddr()

uint32_t SOC_getFlashDataBaseAddr ( void  )

This function gets the SOC mapped data base address of the flash.

Data BaseAddress of the flash

◆ UART_IsBaseAddrValid()

static int32_t UART_IsBaseAddrValid ( uint32_t  baseAddr)

API to validate UART base address.