AM261x MCU+ SDK  10.00.01
cb_xtimer.h File Reference


xTimer utility functions

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typedef struct cb_xtimer_man cb_xtimer_man_t
 Data handle of a timer manager, inside of it is private. More...
typedef struct cb_xtimer cb_xtimer_t
 Data handle of a timer, inside of it is private. More...
typedef struct cb_xtimer_ndata cb_xtimer_ndata_t
 Data handle of a timer data, inside of it is private. More...
typedef void(* xtimer_expirecb_t) (cb_xtimer_t *timer, void *exparg)
 A callback is called when a timer expired. More...


cb_xtimer_man_tcb_xtimer_man_create (void)
 Create a timer manager. More...
void cb_xtimer_man_delete (cb_xtimer_man_t *xtimer_man)
 Delete a timer manager. More...
int cb_xtimer_man_schedule (cb_xtimer_man_t *xtimer_man)
 The timer manager consumes expired timers and schedule for next timer to be expired. More...
int cb_xtimer_man_nearest_timeout (cb_xtimer_man_t *xtimer_man)
 Get a timeout of nearest timer. More...
cb_xtimer_tcb_xtimer_create (cb_xtimer_man_t *xtimer_man, xtimer_expirecb_t expirecb, void *exparg)
 Create a timer. More...
void cb_xtimer_delete (cb_xtimer_t *xtimer)
 Delete a timer. More...
void cb_xtimer_set_periodic (cb_xtimer_t *xtimer)
 Set a periodic timer flag. More...
void cb_xtimer_clear_periodic (cb_xtimer_t *xtimer)
 Clear periodic timer flag. More...
bool cb_xtimer_is_periodic (cb_xtimer_t *xtimer)
 Check if a timer is periodic. More...
int cb_xtimer_remain_timeout (cb_xtimer_t *xtimer)
 Get remaining timeout of a running timer. More...
int cb_xtimer_start (cb_xtimer_t *xtimer, uint32_t timeout_us)
 Start a timer. More...
void cb_xtimer_stop (cb_xtimer_t *xtimer)
 Stop a running timer, the periodic flag is cleared as well. More...
bool cb_xtimer_is_running (cb_xtimer_t *xtimer)
 Check if a timer is running. More...