AM261x MCU+ SDK  10.00.01
bootloader_soc.h File Reference

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Data Structures

struct  Bootloader_CoreBootInfo
 Data structure containing information about a core specific to the SOC. More...
struct  Bootloader_socCoreOpModeConfig
 Data structure containing information about the operating mode specific to the SOC. More...


Device Types

 device type HSSE More...
 device type HSFS More...
 device type GP
#define BOOTLOADER_CLIENT_ID   (0x02)
 hsmclient ID for bootloader More...


int32_t Bootloader_socCpuRequest (uint32_t cpuId)
 Request for a particular CPU in the AM64x SOC. More...
int32_t Bootloader_socCpuRelease (uint32_t cpuId)
 Release a particular CPU in the AM64x SOC. More...
int32_t Bootloader_socCpuSetClock (uint32_t cpuId, uint32_t cpuHz)
 Set the clock of a particular CPU in the AM64x SOC. More...
uint64_t Bootloader_socCpuGetClock (uint32_t cpuId)
 Get the clock of a particular CPU in the AM64x SOC. More...
uint32_t Bootloader_socCpuGetClkDefault (uint32_t cpuId)
 Get the default clock of a particular CPU in the AM64x SOC. More...
int32_t Bootloader_socCpuPowerOnReset (uint32_t cpuId, void *socCoreOpMode)
 Do power-on-reset of a particular CPU in the AM64x SOC. More...
int32_t Bootloader_socCpuResetRelease (uint32_t cpuId, uintptr_t entryPoint)
 Release a particular CPU in the AM64x SOC from reset. More...
int32_t Bootloader_socCpuResetReleaseSelf (void)
 Release self CPU in the AM64x SOC from reset. More...
int32_t Bootloader_socCpuSetEntryPoint (uint32_t cpuId, uintptr_t entryPoint)
 Set entry point for self CPU in the AM64x SOC from reset. More...
uint32_t Bootloader_socTranslateSectionAddr (uint32_t cslCoreId, uint32_t addr)
 Translate a CPU address to the SOC address wherever applicable. More...
uint32_t Bootloader_socRprcToCslCoreId (uint32_t rprcCoreId)
 Obtain the CSL core ID of a CPU from its RPRC core ID. More...
uint32_t * Bootloader_socGetSelfCpuList (void)
 Get the list of self cpus in the SOC. More...
char * Bootloader_socGetCoreName (uint32_t cpuId)
 Get the name of a core. More...
int32_t Bootloader_socMemInitCpu (uint32_t cpuId)
 Initialize the core memories of a specific core. More...
int32_t Bootloader_socSecHandover (void)
 API to trigger the security handover from SYSFW. More...
void Bootloader_socConfigurePll (void)
 API to configure Core and Per PLLS. More...
void Bootloader_socInitL2MailBoxMemory (void)
 API to Init L2,L3 Banks and Mailbox Memory. More...
int32_t Bootloader_socAuthImage (uint32_t certLoadAddr)
 API to authenticate (and decrypt if needed) an appimage using SYSFW. More...
uint32_t Bootloader_socIsAuthRequired (void)
 API to check if authentication is required for the device. Checks the SYS_STATUS register to see if device is GP, HS-FS, HS-SE etc. More...
void Bootloader_socGetBootSeqOid (uint8_t *boot_seq_oid)
 API to get boot sequence oid. More...
void Bootloader_socLoadHsmRtFw (HsmClient_t *gHSMClient, const uint8_t *HsmRtFw, uint32_t hsmRTSize)
 API to load hsm runtime firmware. More...
void Bootloader_socLoadHsmRtFwNonBlocking (HsmClient_t *gHSMClient, const uint8_t *HsmRtFw, uint32_t hsmRTSize)
 Non blocking API to load hsm runtime firmware. More...
void Bootloader_socSetAutoClock ()
 API to set CPU clock to 200 MHz or 400 MHz on the basis of eFUSE bits configuration. More...
int32_t Bootloader_socCpuSetAppEntryPoint (uint32_t cpuId, uintptr_t entryPoint)
int32_t Bootloader_authStart (uintptr_t startAddr, uint32_t size)
 API to start streaming boot authentication. More...
int32_t Bootloader_authUpdate (uintptr_t startAddr, uint32_t size, uint8_t enc)
 API to update the Secure Boot Stream with a new segment. More...
int32_t Bootloader_authFinish (void)
 API to finish streaming boot authentication. More...

Macro Definition Documentation



This application segment can be encrypted.



This application segment can never be encrypted.



Maximum supported size of the application certificate



device type HSSE



device type HSFS



device type GP


#define BOOTLOADER_CLIENT_ID   (0x02)

hsmclient ID for bootloader

Function Documentation

◆ Bootloader_socCpuRequest()

int32_t Bootloader_socCpuRequest ( uint32_t  cpuId)

Request for a particular CPU in the AM64x SOC.

This API internally makes Sciclient calls to request control of the CPU

cpuId[in] The CSL ID of the core
SystemP_SUCCESS on success, else failure

◆ Bootloader_socCpuRelease()

int32_t Bootloader_socCpuRelease ( uint32_t  cpuId)

Release a particular CPU in the AM64x SOC.

This API internally makes Sciclient calls to release control of the CPU

cpuId[in] The CSL ID of the core
SystemP_SUCCESS on success, else failure

◆ Bootloader_socCpuSetClock()

int32_t Bootloader_socCpuSetClock ( uint32_t  cpuId,
uint32_t  cpuHz 

Set the clock of a particular CPU in the AM64x SOC.

This API internally makes Sciclient calls to set CPU clock

cpuId[in] The CSL ID of the core
cpuHz[in] Desired clock frequency of the CPU in Hertz
SystemP_SUCCESS on success, else failure

◆ Bootloader_socCpuGetClock()

uint64_t Bootloader_socCpuGetClock ( uint32_t  cpuId)

Get the clock of a particular CPU in the AM64x SOC.

This API internally makes Sciclient calls to get the current clock frequency of CPU

cpuId[in] The CSL ID of the core
Current clock speed of the CPU

◆ Bootloader_socCpuGetClkDefault()

uint32_t Bootloader_socCpuGetClkDefault ( uint32_t  cpuId)

Get the default clock of a particular CPU in the AM64x SOC.

This API queries and internal lookup table to fetch the default clock speed at which a particular CPU should run.

cpuId[in] The CSL ID of the core
Default clock speed of the CPU

◆ Bootloader_socCpuPowerOnReset()

int32_t Bootloader_socCpuPowerOnReset ( uint32_t  cpuId,
void *  socCoreOpMode 

Do power-on-reset of a particular CPU in the AM64x SOC.

This API is called only when booting a non-self CPU.

cpuId[in] The CSL ID of the core
SystemP_SUCCESS on success, else failure
socCoreOpModeLockstep/Dual core mode as per setting in syscfg.

◆ Bootloader_socCpuResetRelease()

int32_t Bootloader_socCpuResetRelease ( uint32_t  cpuId,
uintptr_t  entryPoint 

Release a particular CPU in the AM64x SOC from reset.

This API is called only when booting a non-self CPU. There is a different API Bootloader_socCpuResetReleaseSelf in the case of a self CPU

cpuId[in] The CSL ID of the core
entryPoint[in] The entryPoint of the CPU, from where it should start execution
SystemP_SUCCESS on success, else failure

◆ Bootloader_socCpuResetReleaseSelf()

int32_t Bootloader_socCpuResetReleaseSelf ( void  )

Release self CPU in the AM64x SOC from reset.

SystemP_SUCCESS on success, else failure

◆ Bootloader_socCpuSetEntryPoint()

int32_t Bootloader_socCpuSetEntryPoint ( uint32_t  cpuId,
uintptr_t  entryPoint 

Set entry point for self CPU in the AM64x SOC from reset.

This API need not be called when booting a non-self CPU. The entry point can be specified in the Bootloader_socCpuResetRelease function itself

cpuId[in] The CSL ID of the core
entryPoint[in] The entryPoint of the CPU, from where it should start execution
SystemP_SUCCESS on success, else failure

◆ Bootloader_socTranslateSectionAddr()

uint32_t Bootloader_socTranslateSectionAddr ( uint32_t  cslCoreId,
uint32_t  addr 

Translate a CPU address to the SOC address wherever applicable.

This API need not be called when booting a non-self CPU. The entry point can be specified in the Bootloader_socCpuResetRelease function itself

cslCoreId[in] The CSL ID of the core
addr[in] The CPU addr
SystemP_SUCCESS on success, else failure

◆ Bootloader_socRprcToCslCoreId()

uint32_t Bootloader_socRprcToCslCoreId ( uint32_t  rprcCoreId)

Obtain the CSL core ID of a CPU from its RPRC core ID.

rprcCoreId[in] The RPRC ID of the core
CSL core ID of a CPU

◆ Bootloader_socGetSelfCpuList()

uint32_t* Bootloader_socGetSelfCpuList ( void  )

Get the list of self cpus in the SOC.

List of self cpus ending with an invalid core id

◆ Bootloader_socGetCoreName()

char* Bootloader_socGetCoreName ( uint32_t  cpuId)

Get the name of a core.

cpuId[in] The CSL ID of the core
Name of the CPU

◆ Bootloader_socMemInitCpu()

int32_t Bootloader_socMemInitCpu ( uint32_t  cpuId)

Initialize the core memories of a specific core.

cpuId[in] The CSL ID of the core
SystemP_SUCCESS on success, else failure

◆ Bootloader_socSecHandover()

int32_t Bootloader_socSecHandover ( void  )

API to trigger the security handover from SYSFW.

SystemP_SUCCESS on success, else failure

◆ Bootloader_socConfigurePll()

void Bootloader_socConfigurePll ( void  )

API to configure Core and Per PLLS.

◆ Bootloader_socInitL2MailBoxMemory()

void Bootloader_socInitL2MailBoxMemory ( void  )

API to Init L2,L3 Banks and Mailbox Memory.

◆ Bootloader_socAuthImage()

int32_t Bootloader_socAuthImage ( uint32_t  certLoadAddr)

API to authenticate (and decrypt if needed) an appimage using SYSFW.

certLoadAddr[in] The SOC address pointing to the certificate+appimage
SystemP_SUCCESS on success, else failure

◆ Bootloader_socIsAuthRequired()

uint32_t Bootloader_socIsAuthRequired ( void  )

API to check if authentication is required for the device. Checks the SYS_STATUS register to see if device is GP, HS-FS, HS-SE etc.

TRUE (1U) if authentication required, FALSE (0U) if not.

◆ Bootloader_socGetBootSeqOid()

void Bootloader_socGetBootSeqOid ( uint8_t *  boot_seq_oid)

API to get boot sequence oid.

boot_seq_oid[in] pointer to integer array for populating boot sequence oid

◆ Bootloader_socLoadHsmRtFw()

void Bootloader_socLoadHsmRtFw ( HsmClient_t gHSMClient,
const uint8_t *  HsmRtFw,
uint32_t  hsmRTSize 

API to load hsm runtime firmware.

◆ Bootloader_socLoadHsmRtFwNonBlocking()

void Bootloader_socLoadHsmRtFwNonBlocking ( HsmClient_t gHSMClient,
const uint8_t *  HsmRtFw,
uint32_t  hsmRTSize 

Non blocking API to load hsm runtime firmware.

◆ Bootloader_socSetAutoClock()

void Bootloader_socSetAutoClock ( )

API to set CPU clock to 200 MHz or 400 MHz on the basis of eFUSE bits configuration.

◆ Bootloader_socCpuSetAppEntryPoint()

int32_t Bootloader_socCpuSetAppEntryPoint ( uint32_t  cpuId,
uintptr_t  entryPoint 

dummy api call

◆ Bootloader_authStart()

int32_t Bootloader_authStart ( uintptr_t  startAddr,
uint32_t  size 

API to start streaming boot authentication.

◆ Bootloader_authUpdate()

int32_t Bootloader_authUpdate ( uintptr_t  startAddr,
uint32_t  size,
uint8_t  enc 

API to update the Secure Boot Stream with a new segment.

◆ Bootloader_authFinish()

int32_t Bootloader_authFinish ( void  )

API to finish streaming boot authentication.