AM261x MCU+ SDK  10.00.01
Enabling safety on external flash


Unlike NAND flash, which has spare area for storing ECC of main area, NOR flash do not have such provision. NOR flash in AM26x devices are also being used to perform XIP as well.

This Page goes over how safety can be enabled on external NOR flash in AM26x devices which also use NOR flash for XIP.

How to enable ECCM module

Write a config file

The following is an example of a config file (conf.json)

"regions": [
"start": 1611661312,
"size": 4194304,
"eccEnable": true

There can be at most 4 different ECC regions that can be configured. The above shows 1 region. For example, in am263px, there are 4 different core and each core can have its own region configured. Make sure that each region is not overlaping each other.

In the above, region start address is 0x60100000 and size 4MB.

Using the config file

The example Memory Benchmark with Smart Placement uses XIP and for the sake of demostration, it is being used.

While compiling the application, pass in the argument oeconfig=conf.json.

For example, if current working directory is /nightlybuilds/mcupsdk_internal/jenkins/release_area/mcu_plus_sdk, the following command will process the flash contents for ECC.

gmake -C .\examples\benchmarks\ocmc_benchmarking\am263px-cc\system_tri_core\ oeconfig=conf.json

for Linux machine, gmake will be replaced by make.

Additional details

ECCM Module

The following diagram shows

ECC Module

As can be seen, it sits just before the Flash controller and operates between the data that is coming from the flash and then process it on the fly.

ECCM module works on the bases on inlining of ECC Bytes of data. As per the datasheet of ECCM, it expects 4B of ECC data after every 32B of actual data (As per the below iamge)

ECC Padding To Data Byte

Here the requestor, R5F with cache enabled for the external flash, sends request for the data from the flash. R5F sends a request to get 32B of data from the external flash and this request goes via the ECCM, which then ask flash controller to get 36B of data. When the flash controller sends back the request 36B of data, ECCM module,

  1. strips off the 4B of ECC data
  2. calculates the ECC of 1st 32B of data
  3. compares the computed ECC with extracted ECC bytes

If computed ECC and saved ECC matches, ECCM forwards the data to the requestor, otherwise, it sends 0 and puts up an interrupt to the requestor, indicating that data fault has been detected.

Important considerations

  1. Flash region should be defined as Normal & Cached in the MPU.
  2. As can be seen, for every 32B, there is 4B of ECC. Because of this, the available size of flash is decreased and as per datasheet, size of flash is decreaed by ~11.11%. During the architecture phase of the software, one has to consider this fact. If the software requirement is to enable ECC on external flash, then, the size of the external flash should be reduced in linker file, etc. For example if 8mb of external flash is being used, then sofware/user applicaiton should only use 7mb of flash.
  3. Writing to flash with ECCM enabled should be avoided at all cost. Harware does not supports it. The right way to do this is to pre-compute ECC for the data that is to be written to flash and write the computed data via the flsopskd controller (How to use Flash Operation Scheduler Hardware). (or write to external flash via bypass region).

Seeing the change

To see if the processing has been done correctly, use the command

tiarmreadelf --headers app_name.mcelf_xip

For the processed code, output will be the following:

Program Headers:
Type Offset VirtAddr PhysAddr FileSiz MemSiz Flg Align
NOTE 0x0000b4 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x000f0 0x000f0 0x0
LOAD 0x0001a4 0x60360000 0x60360000 0x120000 0x120000 RW 0x1000
LOAD 0x1201a4 0x60510000 0x60510000 0x120000 0x120000 RW 0x1000
LOAD 0x2401a4 0x606c0000 0x606c0000 0x120000 0x120000 RW 0x1000

Without processing, it looks like the following:

Program Headers:
Type Offset VirtAddr PhysAddr FileSiz MemSiz Flg Align
NOTE 0x0000b4 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00080 0x00080 0x0
LOAD 0x000134 0x60300000 0x60300000 0x100000 0x100000 RW 0x1000
LOAD 0x100134 0x60480000 0x60480000 0x100000 0x100000 RW 0x1000
LOAD 0x200134 0x60600000 0x60600000 0x100000 0x100000 RW 0x1000

on comparing the original program, the segment's address (VirtAddr and PhysAddr) have changed. Earlier, they were 0x60300000, 0x60480000, 0x60600000. Because for every 32B, 4B of ECC has been added, each segment size has been increased from 1MB to 1.125MB and same has happen to address.