AM261x MCU+ SDK  10.00.01
How to use Flash Operation Scheduler Hardware


This page goes over different aspect of flash operation scheduler (FLSOPSKD) hardware engine.

Why is FLSOPSKD Hardware Engine?

OptiFlash technology (OptiFlash Memory Technology) enables XIP, in case, where an application is performing flash writes, would look like as follows:

The following image shows the same:

General Flash Access Usecase

Here each CPU is requestion data from the external flash through flash controller for performing XIP or read from the external flash and sending erase, write or status read request. On top of this, each request is asynchronous in nature, meaning that any request can come at anytime.

External flash is connected to microcontroller over 8 data lines (OSPI) and on same data lines, both reads and writes would happen. And in any flash write scenerio, writes would be happening while XIP is going on. During writing, reading should be stopped which also mean that XIP needs to be stopped and this would have an impact on performance and increased complexity in system design.

To synchronize all the read and write request on same 8bit data bus and to minimize the XIP/Read downtime, FLSOPSKD IP has been added. This will help schedule different flash related transaction by prioritizing XIP/Reads. XIP/Reads are prioritized because writes and erase to a nor flash are anyway very slow (may take multiple seconds for a single operation, depending on flash).

What is FLSOPSKD Hardware Engine?

To achieve this sort of scheduling, with Optiflash, FLSOPSKD Hardware Engine has been added on top of Flash controller.

The following image shows the same:

Flash Operation Scheduler Hardware

One key feature of this hardware is that there is a 8051MCU inside this which is also programable. It has its own program memory (2KB in case of AM263Px) and data memory of 256B.

This 8051 has a very close access to flash controller's configuration and some hooks to know the state of the flash controller (or OSPI controller in case of AM263Px).

R5F CPU or anyother CPU, when it is required to communicate to 8051 would program the MMR registers and signal the firmware that is running inside the 8051 to further process it.

TI provide an 8051 firmware OOB as an example.

Example Firmware

TI Provides some recommendation on how to write custom implementation of the above described scheduling.

The following image shows the same:

Firmware Example Implementation

On the left hand side, any core which is trying to communicate to 8051 fiirmware would follow the and on the right hand side are the steps that 8051 would follow after recieving signal from SOC core.

Based on the above steps, MCU+ SDK drivers come with prebuit firmware of 8051 and its corresponding R5F drivers.

Communicating with 8051 firmware.

This Firmware works only for IS25LX256-LHLE NOR flash memory and AM263Px-SIP package.
Before running this driver, make sure that SOC is PORz

Any operation general format

Any operation that is perform by 8051 is generally in format:

  1. wait for go bit
  2. wait for OSPI IP to be IDLE
  3. perform the required operation
  4. Save status/error code in the corresponding registers.
  5. Send operation finish interrupt to R5F cores.

8051 FW supports the following operations

  1. scheduled Write
  2. scheduled Erase
  3. scheduled General Command

Initializing FLSOPSKD IP

FLSOPSKD IP should be initilized by following procedure:

  1. Put 8051 in reset state
  2. Enable and initilize 8051 memory
    1. This step consist of enabling R5F access to 8051 code and data access.
    2. wait for memory to finish initilization
  3. Load 8051 firmware in the 8051 code/data memory and verify it.
    1. If cache is enabled for this memory then Cache write back should be performed to maintain cache coherency.
  4. Disable R5F access to 8051 memories to avoid unintentional modification of 8051 firmware.
  5. Enable required interrupts in the IP and R5F.
  6. Lift 8051 from reset

Performing Scheduled Flash Erase

To perform flash erase R5F should do the following

  1. set GP0 register to 1. This will indicate 8051 that R5F is requesting Erase operation.
  2. set ADDR register to sector offset. Currently this FW supports 128KB erase. Hence address should be aligned to 128KB Otherwise there will be undefined behavior.
  3. Clear the interrupts
  4. Set the GO bit inFOTA_CTRL register. Once the GO bit is set, then R5F should wait for FOTA DONE interrupt and check for error codes or status code. Current implementation only supports FOTA done bit in IRQ_STATUS_RAW.fota_done. It does not provide any error code and status code. It also assumes that flash is configured.

Performing Scheduled Flash Write

Current 8051 implements 256B page writes. Completion of this is notified by IRQ_STATUS_RAW.fota_done bit and does not writes any error code and status code. to write a page to flash perform the following:

  1. set GP0 = 0. This tell 8051 to perform write operation.
  2. set ADD register to flash offset to which data is to be written. This offset should be 256B aligned.
  3. set CNT register to 256, which is the page size.
  4. Copy the buffer to CSL_FSS_WBUF_GENREGS_REGS_BASE (0x5380E000U in case of am263px) and CSL_FSS_WBUF_GENREGS_REGS_BASE + 256B location.
  1. This is due to some hardware issue
  2. Set the GO bit in FOTA_CTRL register. Once the GO bit is set, then R5F should wait for FOTA DONE interrupt and check for error codes or status code

Configuring Scheduled General Command Send

This operation internally uses OSPI STIG feature. for any command to send, it needs the following fields

S.No Field
1 Opcode
2 Extended Opcode
3 Number of address bytes to send
4 Address
5 Number of dummy bits to send
6 Number of bytes to read
7 Number of bytes to write
8 write bytes

Current 8051 supports setting all the above fields. Other than that there are other operations, like setting up the tx buffer, reading rx buffer, etc.

General format of setting fields for setting general command fields

  1. Set GP0 to XXXXXX02. Where X can have any value.
  2. clear interrupt
  3. set GO bit
  4. wait for operation to complete

Setting Opcode

To do this send XXXX0002 where XXXX is the opcode that is required to be programmed. For example, 0x7c is the opcode that is to be programmed then GP0 should be set to 007C0002 in hex.

Setting Extended Opcode

Set GP0 to XXXX0102 where XXXX is the extended opcode that is to be set.

Setting Number of address bytes to send

For this set GP0 to XXXX0502 there XXXX can have the following values

S.No Number of address bytes to send Value of XXXX
1 0 0h
2 1 8h
3 2 9h
4 3 Ah
5 4 Bh

Setting Number of bytes to write

set GP0 to XXXX0402 where XXXX can have the following values

Number of bytes to write Value of XXXX
0 0x0
1 0x8
2 0x9
3 0xA
4 0xB
5 0xC
6 0xD
7 0xE
8 0xF

For example, if it is required to send 8 bytes to write then GP0 should be set to 000F0402

Setting number of bytes to read

for thsi set GP0 tp XXXX0302 there XXXX can have the following values:

Number of bytes to write Value of XXXX
0 0x0
1 0x8
2 0x9
3 0xA
4 0xB
5 0xC
6 0xD
7 0xE
8 0xF

Setting Address

Its values is to be directly written to FOTA_ADDR register.

Filling tx buffer

If this general command is going to write then its needs some data to write. This write data can be setup by using the following procedure (assuming 8B data is to be written):

  1. Write lower 32bits to FOTA_ADDR register
  2. set GP0 to 00000702 and execute the operation
  3. Write upper 32bits to FOTA_ADDR register
  4. set GP0 to 00000802 and execute the operation

Reading rx Buffer

If the after sending the STIG command, it is expected some data (max 8B) then to read the received data, do the following process (assuming it is required to read 8B):

  1. set GP0 to 0000_0A02 and execute the command.
  2. read upper 32bits from GP1 register.
  3. set GP1 to 0000_0902 and execute the command.
  4. read lower 32bits from GP1 register.

Setting Dummy bits

set GP0 to XXXX0602 and execute the command, For example if 4 dummy bits is required to be sent then set GP0 to 00040602. maximum value of dummy bits is 32.

Sending Scheduled General Command Send

To send this command perform the following process:

  1. set GP0 register to 3. This will indicate 8051 that R5F is requesting Erase operation.
  2. set ADDR register to address value if required.
  3. Clear the interrupts
  4. Set the GO bit in FOTA_CTRL register.