AM243x MCU+ SDK  10.00.00


For more details and example usage, see Event

Data Structures

struct  EventP_Object
 Opaque Event object used with the Event APIs. More...


int32_t EventP_construct (EventP_Object *obj)
 Create an Event object. More...
void EventP_destruct (EventP_Object *obj)
 Cleanup, delete, destruct an Event object. More...
int32_t EventP_waitBits (EventP_Object *obj, uint32_t bitsToWaitFor, uint8_t clearOnExit, uint8_t waitForAll, uint32_t timeToWaitInTicks, uint32_t *eventBits)
 Read the Event bits, after optionally waiting for a bit or multiple bits to be set. More...
int32_t EventP_setBits (EventP_Object *obj, uint32_t bitsToSet)
 Setting a bit or multiple bits in the Event bits. More...
int32_t EventP_clearBits (EventP_Object *obj, uint32_t bitsToClear)
 Clear a bit or multiple bits in the Event bits. More...
int32_t EventP_getBits (EventP_Object *obj, uint32_t *eventBits)
 Getting the current value of Event bits. More...


#define EventP_OBJECT_SIZE_MAX   (60u)
 Max size of Event object across no-RTOS and all OS's. More...

Macro Definition Documentation


#define EventP_OBJECT_SIZE_MAX   (60u)

Max size of Event object across no-RTOS and all OS's.

Function Documentation

◆ EventP_construct()

int32_t EventP_construct ( EventP_Object obj)

Create an Event object.

obj[out] Created Event object
SystemP_SUCCESS on success, SystemP_FAILURE on error

◆ EventP_destruct()

void EventP_destruct ( EventP_Object obj)

Cleanup, delete, destruct an Event object.

obj[in] Event object

◆ EventP_waitBits()

int32_t EventP_waitBits ( EventP_Object obj,
uint32_t  bitsToWaitFor,
uint8_t  clearOnExit,
uint8_t  waitForAll,
uint32_t  timeToWaitInTicks,
uint32_t *  eventBits 

Read the Event bits, after optionally waiting for a bit or multiple bits to be set.

obj[in] Event object
bitsToWaitFor[in] Bitwise value indicating the bits to be tested
clearOnExit[in] If this parameter is 1, then any bits set in the value passed in bitsToWaitFor will be cleared before this API returns. If there is a time-out based on timeToWaitInTicks parameter, it will not be cleared.
If this parameter is 0, then none of the bits are altered.
waitForAll[in] This parameter is used to specify if the test of bits should be logical AND or logical OR.
If this parameter is 1, then this API will return when ALL the bits set in bitsToWaitFor are set in the Event bits, or if there is a time-out.
If this parameter is 0, then this API will return when ANY of the bits set in bitsToWaitFor is set in the Event bits, or if there is a time-out.
timeToWaitInTicks[in] Amount of time to wait for one or all bits from bitsToWaitFor to be set, in units of system ticks (see Clock)
eventBits[out]Value of the Event bits when the bits being waited for were set, or the time-out occured.
SystemP_SUCCESS on success or time-out
SystemP_FAILURE on failure.
This function should not be called from an interrupt.
The actual current value of Event bits can be different from returned value if an interrupt or a higher priority task modifies the value between the calling task leaving blocked state and exiting this API.

◆ EventP_setBits()

int32_t EventP_setBits ( EventP_Object obj,
uint32_t  bitsToSet 

Setting a bit or multiple bits in the Event bits.

obj[in] Event object
bitsToSet[in] Bitwise value indicating the bits to be set
SystemP_SUCCESS on success
SystemP_FAILURE on failure

◆ EventP_clearBits()

int32_t EventP_clearBits ( EventP_Object obj,
uint32_t  bitsToClear 

Clear a bit or multiple bits in the Event bits.

obj[in] Event object
bitsToClear[in] Bitwise value indicating the bits to be cleared
SystemP_SUCCESS on success
SystemP_FAILURE on failure

◆ EventP_getBits()

int32_t EventP_getBits ( EventP_Object obj,
uint32_t *  eventBits 

Getting the current value of Event bits.

obj[in] Event object
eventBits[out]Value of the Event bits when the bits being waited for were set, or the time-out occured.
SystemP_SUCCESS on success.
SystemP_FAILURE on failure.
The actual current value of Event bits can be different from returned value if an interrupt or a higher priority task modifies the value between the calling task leaving blocked state and exiting this API.