AM243x MCU+ SDK  10.00.00


This file containing the I2C API.

The I2C header file should be included in an application as follows:

#include <drivers/i2c.h>


The I2C driver operates as a controller or a target on a single-controller I2C bus, in either I2C_MODE_BLOCKING or I2C_MODE_CALLBACK. In blocking mode, the task's execution is blocked during the I2C transaction. When the transfer has completed, code execution will resume. In callback mode, the task's execution is not blocked, allowing for other transactions to be queued up or to process some other code. When the transfer has completed, the I2C driver will call a user-specified callback function (from a HWI context).

The APIs in this driver serve as an interface to a typical TI-RTOS application. The specific peripheral implementations are responsible to create all the SYS/BIOS specific primitives to allow for thread-safe operation.

Opening the driver

I2C_Handle handle;
I2C_Params params;
handle = I2C_open(someI2C_configIndexValue, &params);
if (!handle) {
System_printf("I2C did not open");

Transferring data

A I2C transaction with a I2C peripheral is started by calling I2C_transfer(). The details of the I2C transaction is specified with a I2C_Transaction data structure. This structure allows for any of the three types of transactions: Write, Read, or Write/Read. Each transfer is performed atomically with the I2C controller or target peripheral.

I2C_Transaction i2cTransaction;
i2cTransaction.writeBuf = someWriteBuffer;
i2cTransaction.writeCount = numOfBytesToWrite;
i2cTransaction.readBuf = someReadBuffer;
i2cTransaction.readCount = numOfBytesToRead;
i2cTransaction.targetAddress = some7BitI2CTargetAddress;
ret = I2C_transfer(handle, &i2cTransaction);
if (!ret) {
System_printf("Unsuccessful I2C transfer");

Data Structures

struct  I2C_HwAttrs
 I2C Hardware attributes. More...
struct  I2C_Mem_Transaction
 I2C Memory Transaction. More...
struct  I2C_Transaction
 I2C transaction. More...
struct  I2C_Params
 I2C Parameters. More...
struct  I2C_Object
 I2C Object. More...
struct  I2C_Config
 I2C Global configuration. More...


void I2C_init (void)
 Initialize the I2C module. More...
void I2C_deinit (void)
 De-nitialize the I2C module. More...
void I2C_Params_init (I2C_Params *params)
 Function to set default values of I2C_Params in params. More...
I2C_Handle I2C_open (uint32_t idx, const I2C_Params *params)
 Open the I2C at index idx with parameters params. More...
void I2C_close (I2C_Handle handle)
 Function to close the I2C Peripheral specified by the handle. More...
void I2C_Memory_Transaction_init (I2C_Mem_Transaction *memTransaction)
 Function to set default values of I2C_Mem_Transaction in memTransaction. More...
void I2C_Transaction_init (I2C_Transaction *transaction)
 Function to set default values of I2C_Transaction in transaction. More...
int32_t I2C_transfer (I2C_Handle handle, I2C_Transaction *transaction)
 Function to initiate a transfer from I2C. More...
int32_t I2C_probe (I2C_Handle handle, uint32_t targetAddr)
 Function to probe I2C. More...
int32_t I2C_setBusFrequency (I2C_Handle handle, uint32_t busFrequency)
 Function to set the bus frequency. More...
int32_t I2C_recoverBus (I2C_Handle handle, uint32_t i2cDelay)
 Function to recover the bus in case of error. More...
I2C_Handle I2C_getHandle (uint32_t index)
 This function returns the handle of an open I2C instance from the instance index. More...


typedef struct I2C_Config_s * I2C_Handle
 A handle that is returned from a I2C_open() call. More...
typedef void(* I2C_CallbackFxn) (I2C_Handle handle, I2C_Transaction *msg, int32_t transferStatus)
 I2C callback function. More...



MACROS used to select the transfer mode

I2C_MODE_BLOCKING block task execution while a I2C transfer is in progress I2C_MODE_CALLBACK does not block task execution; but calls a callback function when the I2C transfer has completed

#define I2C_MODE_BLOCKING   ((uint8_t) 0U)
#define I2C_MODE_CALLBACK   ((uint8_t) 1U)

MACROS for the possible values of I2C_Mem_Transaction member

memDataDir. Deafults to I2C_TXN_DIR_INVALID

#define I2C_MEM_TXN_DIR_INVALID   ((uint8_t) 0U)
 I2C LLD invalid dataDir. More...
#define I2C_MEM_TXN_DIR_TX   ((uint8_t) 1U)
 I2C LLD Write. More...
#define I2C_MEM_TXN_DIR_RX   ((uint8_t) 2U)
 I2C LLD Read. More...

Macro Definition Documentation




#define I2C_MODE_BLOCKING   ((uint8_t) 0U)


#define I2C_MODE_CALLBACK   ((uint8_t) 1U)


#define I2C_MEM_TXN_DIR_INVALID   ((uint8_t) 0U)

I2C LLD invalid dataDir.


#define I2C_MEM_TXN_DIR_TX   ((uint8_t) 1U)

I2C LLD Write.


#define I2C_MEM_TXN_DIR_RX   ((uint8_t) 2U)

I2C LLD Read.

Typedef Documentation

◆ I2C_Handle

typedef struct I2C_Config_s* I2C_Handle

A handle that is returned from a I2C_open() call.

◆ I2C_CallbackFxn

typedef void(* I2C_CallbackFxn) (I2C_Handle handle, I2C_Transaction *msg, int32_t transferStatus)

I2C callback function.

User definable callback function prototype. The I2C driver will call the defined function and pass in the I2C driver's handle, the pointer to the I2C transaction that just completed, and the return value of I2C_transfer.

In target mode, when there is a restart condtion,the driver calls back to the application with received data and I2C_STS_RESTART transfer status, application needs to provide the restart transmit data in I2C_Transaction rsWrToMstBuf. Restart condition only works in callback mode.

msgAddress of the I2C_Transaction performed
transferStatusResults of the I2C transaction

Function Documentation

◆ I2C_init()

void I2C_init ( void  )

Initialize the I2C module.

◆ I2C_deinit()

void I2C_deinit ( void  )

De-nitialize the I2C module.

◆ I2C_Params_init()

void I2C_Params_init ( I2C_Params params)

Function to set default values of I2C_Params in params.

params[IN] pointer to the structure to be initialized

◆ I2C_open()

I2C_Handle I2C_open ( uint32_t  idx,
const I2C_Params params 

Open the I2C at index idx with parameters params.

idx[IN] Index of I2C to open in global config
params[IN] I2C_Params values to use for opening

◆ I2C_close()

void I2C_close ( I2C_Handle  handle)

Function to close the I2C Peripheral specified by the handle.

I2C_open() has to be called first
handle[IN] I2C_Handle returned from I2C_open()
See also

◆ I2C_Memory_Transaction_init()

void I2C_Memory_Transaction_init ( I2C_Mem_Transaction memTransaction)

Function to set default values of I2C_Mem_Transaction in memTransaction.

memTransaction[IN] pointer to the structure to be initialized

◆ I2C_Transaction_init()

void I2C_Transaction_init ( I2C_Transaction transaction)

Function to set default values of I2C_Transaction in transaction.

transaction[IN] pointer to the structure to be initialized

◆ I2C_transfer()

int32_t I2C_transfer ( I2C_Handle  handle,
I2C_Transaction transaction 

Function to initiate a transfer from I2C.

handle[IN] handle to the I2C
transaction[IN] I2C_Transaction structure that contains values for this specific transfer

◆ I2C_probe()

int32_t I2C_probe ( I2C_Handle  handle,
uint32_t  targetAddr 

Function to probe I2C.

handle[IN] handle to the I2C
targetAddr[IN] address of the target to probe

◆ I2C_setBusFrequency()

int32_t I2C_setBusFrequency ( I2C_Handle  handle,
uint32_t  busFrequency 

Function to set the bus frequency.

handle[IN] handle to the I2C
busFrequency[IN] frequency value to be set

◆ I2C_recoverBus()

int32_t I2C_recoverBus ( I2C_Handle  handle,
uint32_t  i2cDelay 

Function to recover the bus in case of error.

handle[IN] handle to the I2C
i2cDelay[IN] the length of delay for sending clock pulses to target

◆ I2C_getHandle()

I2C_Handle I2C_getHandle ( uint32_t  index)

This function returns the handle of an open I2C instance from the instance index.

I2C controller has been opened using I2C_open()
index[IN] Index of config to use in the I2C_Config array
An I2C_Handle if it has been opened already or NULL otherwise
void I2C_Params_init(I2C_Params *params)
Function to set default values of I2C_Params in params.
Definition: i2c.h:136
void * writeBuf
Definition: i2c.h:235
struct I2C_Config_s * I2C_Handle
A handle that is returned from a I2C_open() call.
Definition: i2c.h:165
int32_t I2C_transfer(I2C_Handle handle, I2C_Transaction *transaction)
Function to initiate a transfer from I2C.
uint32_t targetAddress
Definition: i2c.h:249
I2C transaction.
Definition: i2c.h:231
I2C Parameters.
Definition: i2c.h:290
I2C_Handle I2C_open(uint32_t idx, const I2C_Params *params)
Open the I2C at index idx with parameters params.
void I2C_Transaction_init(I2C_Transaction *transaction)
Function to set default values of I2C_Transaction in transaction.
void * readBuf
Definition: i2c.h:241
size_t writeCount
Definition: i2c.h:238
size_t readCount
Definition: i2c.h:244
uint8_t transferMode
Definition: i2c.h:292
void I2C_init(void)
Initialize the I2C module.