AM243x MCU+ SDK  10.00.00
drivers/esm/v1/esm.h File Reference


ESM Driver API/interface file.

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Data Structures

struct  ESM_NotifyParams
 Parameters used to register the ESM notify function to handle errors. The function will the invoked from the ISR of low or high priority ESM interrupt. More...
struct  ESM_OpenParams
 ESM Open Parameters. More...
struct  ESM_Object
 ESM Driver Object. More...
struct  ESM_GroupIntrStatus
 Structure to access the status of interrupts belonging to a High or Low priority interrupt. More...
struct  ESM_Attrs
 ESM Hardware Atrributes. More...
struct  ESM_Config
 ESM Instance configuration. More...


#define ESM_MAX_NOTIFIERS   (4U)
 Maximum number of notify callbacks supported. More...
#define ESM_MAX_ISR_COUNT   (4U)
 Maximum ISR supported. More...
 defines to select the ESM Operation Mode. More...
#define ESM_INTRE_CONFIG_ERROR   (0x0u)
 Defines for ESM Hardware Requests for interrupt type. More...


typedef void * ESM_Handle
 A handle that is returned from a ESM_open() call. More...
typedef void(* ESM_CallBack) (void *arg)
 Callback function which is invoked by the ESM module if a notify function is registered using the ESM_registerNotifier() API. More...


void ESM_init (void)
 The functions initializes the ESM module. More...
void ESM_deinit (void)
 The functions de-initializes the ESM module. More...
ESM_Handle ESM_open (uint32_t index, ESM_OpenParams *params)
 Opens a ESM object with the index and parameters specified, and returns a ESM_Handle. More...
void ESM_close (ESM_Handle handle)
 The function closes a ESM peripheral specified by the ESM handle. More...
int32_t ESM_registerNotifier (ESM_Handle handle, ESM_NotifyParams *params)
 Register the notifers. The ESM module will call back if error interrupt is detected. More...
int32_t ESM_deregisterNotifier (ESM_Handle handle, int32_t notifyIndex)
 Deregister the ESM notifers. More...
int32_t ESM_setMode (uint32_t baseAddr, uint32_t mode)
 This API is used to configure operation mode of ESM module. More...
int32_t ESM_setErrPinLowTimePreload (uint32_t baseAddr, uint32_t lowTime)
 This API is used to configure the low time counter pre-load value. More...
uint32_t ESM_getCurrErrPinLowTimeCnt (uint32_t baseAddr)
 This API is used to read the low time counter pre-load value. More...
uint32_t ESM_getErrPinStatus (uint32_t baseAddr)
 This API is used to get the current status of nERROR pin. More...
void ESM_resetErrPin (uint32_t baseAddr)
 This API is used to reset the nERROR pin. More...
uint32_t ESM_getIntrStatus (uint32_t baseAddr, uint32_t intrSrc)
 This API is used to get the interrupt status. More...
int32_t ESM_getGroupIntrStatus (uint32_t baseAddr, uint32_t intrPrioType, ESM_GroupIntrStatus *pIntrstatus)
 This API is used to get the interrupt/error status for a group. This will also return highest pending interrupt for pulse as well as for level interrupts. More...
static void ESM_Params_init (ESM_OpenParams *openPrms)


ESM_Config gEsmConfig []
 Externally defined driver configuration array. More...
uint32_t gEsmConfigNum
 Externally defined driver configuration array size. More...