EtherNet/IP™ Adapter  1.03.02
User Reference Manual

◆ EI_API_ADP_setModuleNetworkStatusFunc()

uint32_t EI_API_ADP_setModuleNetworkStatusFunc ( T *  pAdp_p,
EI_API_ADP_CBStatus  callback_p 

Handle module and network status changes.

This function is used to register a callback function which will be triggered if the adapter status (network or module) changes. The knowledge of the adapter status enables the user to set Network Status and Module Status indicators.

[in]pAdp_pPointer to the adapter.
[in]callback_pCallback function of EI_API_ADP_CBStatus type.
EI_API_ADP_EError_t as uint32_t value.
Return values
#include <api/EI_API.h>
void cbStatus(EI_API_ADP_T* pAdp_p, EI_API_ADP_SModNetStatus_t status_p)
printf("Module status: %d\n", status_p.mod);
printf("Network status: %d\n",;
void registerStatusCallback()
uint32_t errCode;
// Set callback for status replies
EI_API_ADP_CBStatus ptr_cb = cbStatus;
errCode = EI_API_ADP_setModuleNetworkStatusFunc(pEI_API_ADP, ptr_cb);
ETHIP_API uint32_t EI_API_ADP_setModuleNetworkStatusFunc(T *pAdp_p, EI_API_ADP_CBStatus callback_p)
Handle module and network status changes.
Definition: EI_API_ADP_main.c:628
void(* EI_API_ADP_CBStatus)(EI_API_ADP_T *pAdp_p, EI_API_ADP_SModNetStatus_t status_p)
Function prototype for adapter status (MS, NS) callback function.
Definition: EI_API_def.h:272
EI_API_ADP_EStatus_t mod
Definition: EI_API_def.h:192
EI_API_ADP_EStatus_t net
Definition: EI_API_def.h:193
General adapter status collection.
Definition: EI_API_def.h:191
See also
EI_API_ADP_CBStatus EI_API_ADP_getModuleNetworkStatus EI_API_ADP_SModNetStatus_t EI_API_ADP_EError_t