BLE-Stack APIs  1.00.00
Data Fields
PDMCC26XX_I2S_AudioPinConfig Union Reference

PDMCC26XX_I2S Audio Pin configuration. More...

Data Fields

struct {
   uint8_t   ad0ChannelMask
   uint8_t   ad0NumOfChannels:4
   uint8_t   ad0Usage:2
   uint8_t   ad1ChannelMask
   uint8_t   ad1NumOfChannels:4
   uint8_t   ad1Usage:2
   uint8_t   enableBclkPin:1
   uint8_t   enableMclkPin:1
   uint8_t   enableWclkPin:1
   uint8_t   reserved:1
struct {
   uint16_t   ad0
   uint16_t   ad1

Detailed Description

PDMCC26XX_I2S Audio Pin configuration.

These fields are used by the driver to set up the I2S module

A sample structure is shown below (single PDM microphone):

const PDMCC26XX_I2S_AudioPinConfig PDMCC26XX_I2Sobjects[] = {

Field Documentation

§ ad0

uint16_t ad0

Field that can be used to set pin configuration in DriverLib

§ ad0ChannelMask

uint8_t ad0ChannelMask

I2S AD0 Channel Mask bitwise(0:Disabled, 1:Enabled) E.g. Mono: 0x01, Stereo: 0x03

§ ad0NumOfChannels

uint8_t ad0NumOfChannels

I2S AD0 number of channels (1 - 8). !Must match channel mask

§ ad0Usage

uint8_t ad0Usage

I2S AD0 usage (0: Disabled, 1: Input, 2: Output)

§ ad1

uint16_t ad1

Field that can be used to set pin configuration in DriverLib

§ ad1ChannelMask

uint8_t ad1ChannelMask

I2S AD1 Channel Mask bitwise 0:Disabled, 1:Enabled) E.g. Mono: 0x01, Stereo: 0x03

§ ad1NumOfChannels

uint8_t ad1NumOfChannels

I2S AD1 number of channels (1 - 8). !Must match channel mask

§ ad1Usage

uint8_t ad1Usage

I2S AD1 usage (0: Disabled, 1: Input, 2: Output)

§ bitFields

struct { ... } bitFields

Used to configure various aspects of the I2S hardware during initialisation

§ driverLibParams

struct { ... } driverLibParams

Can be used to set pin configurations in DriverLib

§ enableBclkPin

uint8_t enableBclkPin

I2S Enable Bit clock output on pin (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled)

§ enableMclkPin

uint8_t enableMclkPin

I2S Enable Master clock output on pin (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled)

§ enableWclkPin

uint8_t enableWclkPin

I2S Enable Word clock output on pin (0: Disabled, 1: Enabled)

§ reserved

uint8_t reserved

Reserved bit field

The documentation for this union was generated from the following file:
Copyright 2017, Texas Instruments Incorporated