CC13xx Driver Library
[udma] Micro Direct Memory Access

Data Structures

struct  tDMAControlTable
 A structure that defines an entry in the channel control table. More...


static void uDMAEnable (uint32_t ui32Base)
 Enables the uDMA controller for use. More...
static void uDMADisable (uint32_t ui32Base)
 Disables the uDMA controller for use. More...
static uint32_t uDMAErrorStatusGet (uint32_t ui32Base)
 Gets the uDMA error status. More...
static void uDMAErrorStatusClear (uint32_t ui32Base)
 Clears the uDMA error interrupt. More...
static void uDMAChannelEnable (uint32_t ui32Base, uint32_t ui32ChannelNum)
 Enables a uDMA channel for operation. More...
static void uDMAChannelDisable (uint32_t ui32Base, uint32_t ui32ChannelNum)
 Disables a uDMA channel for operation. More...
static bool uDMAChannelIsEnabled (uint32_t ui32Base, uint32_t ui32ChannelNum)
 Checks if a uDMA channel is enabled for operation. More...
static void uDMAControlBaseSet (uint32_t ui32Base, void *pControlTable)
 Sets the base address for the channel control table. More...
static void * uDMAControlBaseGet (uint32_t ui32Base)
 Gets the base address for the channel control table. More...
static void * uDMAControlAlternateBaseGet (uint32_t ui32Base)
 Gets the base address for the channel control table alternate structures. More...
static void uDMAChannelRequest (uint32_t ui32Base, uint32_t ui32ChannelNum)
 Requests a uDMA channel to start a transfer. More...
void uDMAChannelAttributeEnable (uint32_t ui32Base, uint32_t ui32ChannelNum, uint32_t ui32Attr)
 Enables attributes of a uDMA channel. More...
void uDMAChannelAttributeDisable (uint32_t ui32Base, uint32_t ui32ChannelNum, uint32_t ui32Attr)
 Disables attributes of an uDMA channel. More...
uint32_t uDMAChannelAttributeGet (uint32_t ui32Base, uint32_t ui32ChannelNum)
 Gets the enabled attributes of a uDMA channel. More...
void uDMAChannelControlSet (uint32_t ui32Base, uint32_t ui32ChannelStructIndex, uint32_t ui32Control)
 Sets the control parameters for a uDMA channel control structure. More...
void uDMAChannelTransferSet (uint32_t ui32Base, uint32_t ui32ChannelStructIndex, uint32_t ui32Mode, void *pvSrcAddr, void *pvDstAddr, uint32_t ui32TransferSize)
 Sets the transfer parameters for a uDMA channel control structure. More...
void uDMAChannelScatterGatherSet (uint32_t ui32Base, uint32_t ui32ChannelNum, uint32_t ui32TaskCount, void *pvTaskList, uint32_t ui32IsPeriphSG)
 Configures a uDMA channel for scatter-gather mode. More...
uint32_t uDMAChannelSizeGet (uint32_t ui32Base, uint32_t ui32ChannelStructIndex)
 Gets the current transfer size for a uDMA channel control structure. More...
uint32_t uDMAChannelModeGet (uint32_t ui32Base, uint32_t ui32ChannelStructIndex)
 Gets the transfer mode for a uDMA channel control structure. More...
static void uDMAIntRegister (uint32_t ui32Base, uint32_t ui32IntChannel, void(*pfnHandler)(void))
 Registers an interrupt handler for the uDMA controller. More...
static void uDMAIntUnregister (uint32_t ui32Base, uint32_t ui32IntChannel)
 Unregisters an interrupt handler for the uDMA controller. More...
static void uDMAIntClear (uint32_t ui32Base, uint32_t ui32ChanMask)
 Clears uDMA interrupt done status. More...
static uint32_t uDMAIntStatus (uint32_t ui32Base)
 Get the uDMA interrupt status. More...
static void uDMAIntSwEventEnable (uint32_t ui32Base, uint32_t ui32IntChannel)
 Enable interrupt on software event driven uDMA transfers. More...
static void uDMAIntSwEventDisable (uint32_t ui32Base, uint32_t ui32IntChannel)
 Disable interrupt on software event driven uDMA transfers. More...
static uint32_t uDMAGetStatus (uint32_t ui32Base)
 Return the status of the uDMA module. More...
static void uDMAChannelPrioritySet (uint32_t ui32Base, uint32_t ui32ChannelNum)
 Set the priority of a uDMA channel. More...
static bool uDMAChannelPriorityGet (uint32_t ui32Base, uint32_t ui32ChannelNum)
 Get the priority of a uDMA channel. More...
static void uDMAChannelPriorityClear (uint32_t ui32Base, uint32_t ui32ChannelNum)
 Clear the priority of a uDMA channel. More...

Detailed Description

Function Documentation

void uDMAChannelAttributeDisable ( uint32_t  ui32Base,
uint32_t  ui32ChannelNum,
uint32_t  ui32Attr 

Disables attributes of an uDMA channel.

This function is used to disable attributes of a uDMA channel.

ui32Baseis the base address of the uDMA port.
ui32ChannelNumis the channel to configure.
ui32Attris a combination of attributes for the channel. The parameter is the bitwise OR of any of the following:
  • UDMA_ATTR_USEBURST is used to restrict transfers to use only a burst mode.
  • UDMA_ATTR_ALTSELECT is used to select the alternate control structure for this channel (it is very unlikely that this flag should be used).
  • UDMA_ATTR_HIGH_PRIORITY is used to set this channel to high priority.
  • UDMA_ATTR_REQMASK is used to mask the hardware request signal from the peripheral for this channel.
115 {
116  // Check the arguments.
117  ASSERT(uDMABaseValid(ui32Base));
118  ASSERT(ui32ChannelNum < UDMA_NUM_CHANNELS);
122  // Clear the useburst bit for this channel if set in ui32Attr.
123  if(ui32Attr & UDMA_ATTR_USEBURST)
124  {
125  HWREG(ui32Base + UDMA_O_CLEARBURST) = 1 << ui32ChannelNum;
126  }
128  // Clear the alternate control select bit for this channel, if set in
129  // ululAttr.
130  if(ui32Attr & UDMA_ATTR_ALTSELECT)
131  {
132  HWREG(ui32Base + UDMA_O_CLEARCHNLPRIALT) = 1 << ui32ChannelNum;
133  }
135  // Clear the high priority bit for this channel, if set in ui32Attr.
136  if(ui32Attr & UDMA_ATTR_HIGH_PRIORITY)
137  {
138  HWREG(ui32Base + UDMA_O_CLEARCHNLPRIORITY) = 1 << ui32ChannelNum;
139  }
141  // Clear the request mask bit for this channel, if set in ui32Attr.
142  if(ui32Attr & UDMA_ATTR_REQMASK)
143  {
144  HWREG(ui32Base + UDMA_O_CLEARREQMASK) = 1 << ui32ChannelNum;
145  }
146 }
Definition: udma.h:207
Definition: udma.h:225
Definition: udma.h:226
Definition: udma.h:223
#define ASSERT(expr)
Definition: debug.h:74
Definition: udma.h:224
void uDMAChannelAttributeEnable ( uint32_t  ui32Base,
uint32_t  ui32ChannelNum,
uint32_t  ui32Attr 

Enables attributes of a uDMA channel.

This function is used to enable attributes of a uDMA channel.

ui32Baseis the base address of the uDMA port.
ui32ChannelNumis the channel to configure.
ui32Attris a combination of attributes for the channel. The parameter is the bitwise OR of any of the following:
  • UDMA_ATTR_USEBURST is used to restrict transfers to use only a burst mode.
  • UDMA_ATTR_ALTSELECT is used to select the alternate control structure for this channel (it is very unlikely that this flag should be used).
  • UDMA_ATTR_HIGH_PRIORITY is used to set this channel to high priority.
  • UDMA_ATTR_REQMASK is used to mask the hardware request signal from the peripheral for this channel.
74 {
75  // Check the arguments.
76  ASSERT(uDMABaseValid(ui32Base));
77  ASSERT(ui32ChannelNum < UDMA_NUM_CHANNELS);
81  // Set the useburst bit for this channel if set in ui32Attr.
82  if(ui32Attr & UDMA_ATTR_USEBURST)
83  {
84  HWREG(ui32Base + UDMA_O_SETBURST) = 1 << ui32ChannelNum;
85  }
87  // Set the alternate control select bit for this channel,
88  // if set in ui32Attr.
89  if(ui32Attr & UDMA_ATTR_ALTSELECT)
90  {
91  HWREG(ui32Base + UDMA_O_SETCHNLPRIALT) = 1 << ui32ChannelNum;
92  }
94  // Set the high priority bit for this channel, if set in ui32Attr.
95  if(ui32Attr & UDMA_ATTR_HIGH_PRIORITY)
96  {
97  HWREG(ui32Base + UDMA_O_SETCHNLPRIORITY) = 1 << ui32ChannelNum;
98  }
100  // Set the request mask bit for this channel, if set in ui32Attr.
101  if(ui32Attr & UDMA_ATTR_REQMASK)
102  {
103  HWREG(ui32Base + UDMA_O_SETREQMASK) = 1 << ui32ChannelNum;
104  }
105 }
Definition: udma.h:207
Definition: udma.h:225
Definition: udma.h:226
Definition: udma.h:223
#define ASSERT(expr)
Definition: debug.h:74
Definition: udma.h:224
uint32_t uDMAChannelAttributeGet ( uint32_t  ui32Base,
uint32_t  ui32ChannelNum 

Gets the enabled attributes of a uDMA channel.

This function returns a combination of flags representing the attributes of the uDMA channel.

ui32Baseis the base address of the uDMA port.
ui32ChannelNumis the channel to configure.
Returns the bitwise OR of the attributes of the uDMA channel, which can be any of the following:
  • UDMA_ATTR_USEBURST is used to restrict transfers to use only a burst mode.
  • UDMA_ATTR_ALTSELECT is used to select the alternate control structure for this channel (it is very unlikely that this flag should be used).
  • UDMA_ATTR_HIGH_PRIORITY is used to set this channel to high priority.
  • UDMA_ATTR_REQMASK is used to mask the hardware request signal from the peripheral for this channel.
155 {
156  uint32_t ui32Attr = 0;
158  // Check the arguments.
159  ASSERT(uDMABaseValid(ui32Base));
160  ASSERT(ui32ChannelNum < UDMA_NUM_CHANNELS);
162  // Check to see if useburst bit is set for this channel.
163  if(HWREG(ui32Base + UDMA_O_SETBURST) & (1 << ui32ChannelNum))
164  {
165  ui32Attr |= UDMA_ATTR_USEBURST;
166  }
168  // Check to see if the alternate control bit is set for this channel.
169  if(HWREG(ui32Base + UDMA_O_SETCHNLPRIALT) & (1 << ui32ChannelNum))
170  {
171  ui32Attr |= UDMA_ATTR_ALTSELECT;
172  }
174  // Check to see if the high priority bit is set for this channel.
175  if(HWREG(ui32Base + UDMA_O_SETCHNLPRIORITY) & (1 << ui32ChannelNum))
176  {
178  }
180  // Check to see if the request mask bit is set for this channel.
181  if(HWREG(ui32Base + UDMA_O_SETREQMASK) & (1 << ui32ChannelNum))
182  {
183  ui32Attr |= UDMA_ATTR_REQMASK;
184  }
186  // Return the configuration flags.
187  return(ui32Attr);
188 }
Definition: udma.h:207
Definition: udma.h:225
Definition: udma.h:226
Definition: udma.h:223
#define ASSERT(expr)
Definition: debug.h:74
Definition: udma.h:224
void uDMAChannelControlSet ( uint32_t  ui32Base,
uint32_t  ui32ChannelStructIndex,
uint32_t  ui32Control 

Sets the control parameters for a uDMA channel control structure.

This function is used to set control parameters for a uDMA transfer. These are typically parameters that are not changed often.

The address increment cannot be smaller than the data size.
ui32Baseis the base address of the uDMA port.
ui32ChannelStructIndexis the bitwise OR of the uDMA channel number and:
ui32Controlis the bitwise OR of five values:
198 {
199  tDMAControlTable *pControlTable;
201  // Check the arguments.
202  ASSERT(uDMABaseValid(ui32Base));
203  ASSERT(ui32ChannelStructIndex < (UDMA_NUM_CHANNELS * 2));
204  ASSERT(HWREG(ui32Base + UDMA_O_CTRL) != 0);
206  // Get the base address of the control table.
207  pControlTable = (tDMAControlTable *)HWREG(ui32Base + UDMA_O_CTRL);
209  // Get the current control word value and mask off the fields to be
210  // changed, then OR in the new settings.
211  pControlTable[ui32ChannelStructIndex].ui32Control =
212  ((pControlTable[ui32ChannelStructIndex].ui32Control &
213  ~(UDMA_DST_INC_M |
215  UDMA_SIZE_M |
216  UDMA_ARB_M |
218  ui32Control);
219 }
Definition: udma.h:207
#define UDMA_ARB_M
Definition: udma.h:279
#define UDMA_SRC_INC_M
Definition: udma.h:261
#define UDMA_DST_INC_M
Definition: udma.h:255
#define ASSERT(expr)
Definition: debug.h:74
volatile uint32_t ui32Control
The channel control mode.
Definition: udma.h:107
Definition: udma.h:281
A structure that defines an entry in the channel control table.
Definition: udma.h:103
#define UDMA_SIZE_M
Definition: udma.h:266
static void uDMAChannelDisable ( uint32_t  ui32Base,
uint32_t  ui32ChannelNum 

Disables a uDMA channel for operation.

This function disables a specific uDMA channel. Once disabled, a channel will not respond to uDMA transfer requests until re-enabled via uDMAChannelEnable().

ui32Baseis the base address of the uDMA port.
ui32ChannelNumis the channel number to disable.
483 {
484  // Check the arguments.
485  ASSERT(uDMABaseValid(ui32Base));
486  ASSERT(ui32ChannelNum < UDMA_NUM_CHANNELS);
488  // Set the bit for this channel in the enable clear register.
489  HWREG(ui32Base + UDMA_O_CLEARCHANNELEN) = 1 << ui32ChannelNum;
490 }
Definition: udma.h:207
#define ASSERT(expr)
Definition: debug.h:74
static void uDMAChannelEnable ( uint32_t  ui32Base,
uint32_t  ui32ChannelNum 

Enables a uDMA channel for operation.

This function enables a specific uDMA channel for use. This function must be used to enable a channel before it can be used to perform a uDMA transfer.

When a uDMA transfer is completed, the channel will be automatically disabled by the uDMA controller. Therefore, this function should be called prior to starting up any new transfer.

ui32Baseis the base address of the uDMA port.
ui32ChannelNumis the channel number to enable.
458 {
459  // Check the arguments.
460  ASSERT(uDMABaseValid(ui32Base));
461  ASSERT(ui32ChannelNum < UDMA_NUM_CHANNELS);
463  // Set the bit for this channel in the enable set register.
464  HWREG(ui32Base + UDMA_O_SETCHANNELEN) = 1 << ui32ChannelNum;
465 }
Definition: udma.h:207
#define ASSERT(expr)
Definition: debug.h:74
static bool uDMAChannelIsEnabled ( uint32_t  ui32Base,
uint32_t  ui32ChannelNum 

Checks if a uDMA channel is enabled for operation.

This function checks to see if a specific uDMA channel is enabled. This can be used to check the status of a transfer, since the channel will be automatically disabled at the end of a transfer.

ui32Baseis the base address of the uDMA port.
ui32ChannelNumis the channel number to check.
Returns status of uDMA channel.
  • true : Channel is enabled.
  • false : Disabled.
510 {
511  // Check the arguments.
512  ASSERT(uDMABaseValid(ui32Base));
513  ASSERT(ui32ChannelNum < UDMA_NUM_CHANNELS);
515  // AND the specified channel bit with the enable register, and return the
516  // result.
517  return((HWREG(ui32Base + UDMA_O_SETCHANNELEN) & (1 << ui32ChannelNum)) ?
518  true : false);
519 }
Definition: udma.h:207
#define ASSERT(expr)
Definition: debug.h:74
uint32_t uDMAChannelModeGet ( uint32_t  ui32Base,
uint32_t  ui32ChannelStructIndex 

Gets the transfer mode for a uDMA channel control structure.

This function is used to get the transfer mode for the uDMA channel. It can be used to query the status of a transfer on a channel. When the transfer is complete the mode will be UDMA_MODE_STOP.

ui32Baseis the base address of the uDMA port.
ui32ChannelStructIndexis the bitwise OR of the uDMA channel number and:
Returns the transfer mode of the specified channel and control structure, which will be one of the following values:
423 {
424  tDMAControlTable *pControlTable;
425  uint32_t ui32Control;
427  // Check the arguments.
428  ASSERT(uDMABaseValid(ui32Base));
429  ASSERT(ui32ChannelStructIndex < (UDMA_NUM_CHANNELS * 2));
430  ASSERT(HWREG(ui32Base + UDMA_O_CTRL) != 0);
432  // Get the base address of the control table.
433  pControlTable = (tDMAControlTable *)HWREG(ui32Base + UDMA_O_CTRL);
435  // Get the current control word value and mask off all but the mode field.
436  ui32Control = (pControlTable[ui32ChannelStructIndex].ui32Control &
437  UDMA_MODE_M);
439  // Check if scatter/gather mode, and if so, mask off the alt bit.
442  {
443  ui32Control &= ~UDMA_MODE_ALT_SELECT;
444  }
446  // Return the mode to the caller.
447  return(ui32Control);
448 }
Definition: udma.h:207
Definition: udma.h:239
Definition: udma.h:244
Definition: udma.h:241
#define UDMA_MODE_M
Definition: udma.h:243
#define ASSERT(expr)
Definition: debug.h:74
volatile uint32_t ui32Control
The channel control mode.
Definition: udma.h:107
A structure that defines an entry in the channel control table.
Definition: udma.h:103
static void uDMAChannelPriorityClear ( uint32_t  ui32Base,
uint32_t  ui32ChannelNum 

Clear the priority of a uDMA channel.

Writing 0 to a bit has no effect on the priority. To set a channel priority to high use uDMAChannelPrioritySet().
ui32Baseis the base address of the uDMA port.
ui32ChannelNumThe uDMA channel to clear the priority for.
1170 {
1171  // Check the arguments.
1172  ASSERT(uDMABaseValid(ui32Base));
1173  ASSERT(ui32ChannelNum < UDMA_NUM_CHANNELS);
1175  // Clear the channel priority.
1176  HWREG(ui32Base + UDMA_O_CLEARCHNLPRIORITY) = 1 << ui32ChannelNum;
1177 }
Definition: udma.h:207
#define ASSERT(expr)
Definition: debug.h:74
static bool uDMAChannelPriorityGet ( uint32_t  ui32Base,
uint32_t  ui32ChannelNum 

Get the priority of a uDMA channel.

ui32Baseis the base address of the uDMA port.
ui32ChannelNumThe uDMA channel to get the priority for.
Returns one of:
1145 {
1146  // Check the arguments.
1147  ASSERT(uDMABaseValid(ui32Base));
1148  ASSERT(ui32ChannelNum < UDMA_NUM_CHANNELS);
1150  // Return the channel priority.
1151  return(HWREG(ui32Base + UDMA_O_SETCHNLPRIORITY) & (1 << ui32ChannelNum) ?
1153 }
Definition: udma.h:207
Definition: udma.h:214
#define ASSERT(expr)
Definition: debug.h:74
Definition: udma.h:215
static void uDMAChannelPrioritySet ( uint32_t  ui32Base,
uint32_t  ui32ChannelNum 

Set the priority of a uDMA channel.

Writing 0 to a bit has no effect on the priority. To reset a channel priority to the default value use uDMAChannelPriorityClear().
ui32Baseis the base address of the uDMA port.
ui32ChannelNumis uDMA channel to set the priority for.
1122 {
1123  // Check the arguments.
1124  ASSERT(uDMABaseValid(ui32Base));
1125  ASSERT(ui32ChannelNum < UDMA_NUM_CHANNELS);
1127  // Set the channel priority to high.
1128  HWREG(ui32Base + UDMA_O_SETCHNLPRIORITY) = 1 << ui32ChannelNum;
1129 }
Definition: udma.h:207
#define ASSERT(expr)
Definition: debug.h:74
static void uDMAChannelRequest ( uint32_t  ui32Base,
uint32_t  ui32ChannelNum 

Requests a uDMA channel to start a transfer.

This function allows software to request a uDMA channel to begin a transfer. This could be used for performing a memory to memory transfer, or if for some reason a transfer needs to be initiated by software instead of the peripheral associated with that channel.

If the channel is a software channel and interrupts are used, then the completion will be signaled on the uDMA dedicated interrupt. If a peripheral channel is used, then the completion will be signaled on the peripheral's interrupt.
ui32Baseis the base address of the uDMA port.
ui32ChannelNumis the channel number on which to request a uDMA transfer.
633 {
634  // Check the arguments.
635  ASSERT(uDMABaseValid(ui32Base));
636  ASSERT(ui32ChannelNum < UDMA_NUM_CHANNELS);
638  // Set the bit for this channel in the software uDMA request register.
639  HWREG(ui32Base + UDMA_O_SOFTREQ) = 1 << ui32ChannelNum;
640 }
Definition: udma.h:207
#define ASSERT(expr)
Definition: debug.h:74
void uDMAChannelScatterGatherSet ( uint32_t  ui32Base,
uint32_t  ui32ChannelNum,
uint32_t  ui32TaskCount,
void *  pvTaskList,
uint32_t  ui32IsPeriphSG 

Configures a uDMA channel for scatter-gather mode.

This function is used to configure a channel for scatter-gather mode. The caller must have already set up a task list, and pass a pointer to the start of the task list as the pvTaskList parameter.

The ui32TaskCount parameter is the count of tasks in the task list, not the size of the task list.

The flag bIsPeriphSG should be used to indicate if the scatter-gather should be configured for a peripheral or memory scatter-gather operation.

ui32Baseis the base address of the uDMA port.
ui32ChannelNumis the uDMA channel number.
ui32TaskCountis the number of scatter-gather tasks to execute.
pvTaskListis a pointer to the beginning of the scatter-gather task list.
ui32IsPeriphSGis a flag to indicate it is a peripheral scatter-gather transfer (else it will be memory scatter-gather transfer)
See also
328 {
329  tDMAControlTable *pControlTable;
330  tDMAControlTable *pTaskTable;
332  // Check the parameters.
333  ASSERT(uDMABaseValid(ui32Base));
334  ASSERT(ui32ChannelNum < UDMA_NUM_CHANNELS);
335  ASSERT(HWREG(ui32Base + UDMA_O_CTRL) != 0);
336  ASSERT(pvTaskList != 0);
337  ASSERT(ui32TaskCount <= UDMA_XFER_SIZE_MAX);
338  ASSERT(ui32TaskCount != 0);
340  // Get the base address of the control table.
341  pControlTable = (tDMAControlTable *)HWREG(ui32Base + UDMA_O_CTRL);
343  // Get a handy pointer to the task list.
344  pTaskTable = (tDMAControlTable *)pvTaskList;
346  // Compute the ending address for the source pointer. This will be the
347  // last element of the last task in the task table.
348  pControlTable[ui32ChannelNum].pvSrcEndAddr =
349  &pTaskTable[ui32TaskCount - 1].ui32Spare;
351  // Compute the ending address for the destination pointer. This will be
352  // the end of the alternate structure for this channel.
353  pControlTable[ui32ChannelNum].pvDstEndAddr =
354  &pControlTable[ui32ChannelNum | UDMA_ALT_SELECT].ui32Spare;
356  // Compute the control word. Most configurable items are fixed for
357  // scatter-gather. Item and increment sizes are all 32-bit and arb
358  // size must be 4. The count is the number of items in the task list
359  // times 4 (4 words per task).
360  pControlTable[ui32ChannelNum].ui32Control =
363  (((ui32TaskCount * 4) - 1) << UDMA_XFER_SIZE_S) |
367  // Scatter-gather operations can leave the alt bit set. So if doing
368  // back to back scatter-gather transfers, the second attempt may not
369  // work correctly because the alt bit is set. Therefore, clear the
370  // alt bit here to ensure that it is always cleared before a new SG
371  // transfer is started.
372  HWREG(ui32Base + UDMA_O_CLEARCHNLPRIALT) = 1 << ui32ChannelNum;
374 }
#define UDMA_ARB_4
Definition: udma.h:270
Definition: udma.h:207
volatile void * pvSrcEndAddr
The ending source address of the data transfer.
Definition: udma.h:105
Definition: udma.h:239
Definition: udma.h:241
#define UDMA_SRC_INC_32
Definition: udma.h:259
volatile uint32_t ui32Spare
An unused location.
Definition: udma.h:108
#define ASSERT(expr)
Definition: debug.h:74
#define UDMA_SIZE_32
Definition: udma.h:265
Definition: udma.h:284
volatile uint32_t ui32Control
The channel control mode.
Definition: udma.h:107
volatile void * pvDstEndAddr
The ending destination address of the data transfer.
Definition: udma.h:106
#define UDMA_DST_INC_32
Definition: udma.h:253
A structure that defines an entry in the channel control table.
Definition: udma.h:103
Definition: udma.h:282
Definition: udma.h:319
uint32_t uDMAChannelSizeGet ( uint32_t  ui32Base,
uint32_t  ui32ChannelStructIndex 

Gets the current transfer size for a uDMA channel control structure.

This function is used to get the uDMA transfer size for a channel. The transfer size is the number of items to transfer, where the size of an item might be 8, 16, or 32 bits. If a partial transfer has already occurred, then the number of remaining items will be returned. If the transfer is complete, then 0 will be returned.

ui32Baseis the base address of the uDMA port.
ui32ChannelStructIndexis the bitwise OR of the uDMA channel number and:
Returns the number of items remaining to transfer.
383 {
384  tDMAControlTable *pControlTable;
385  uint32_t ui32Control;
387  // Check the arguments.
388  ASSERT(uDMABaseValid(ui32Base));
389  ASSERT(ui32ChannelStructIndex < (UDMA_NUM_CHANNELS * 2));
390  ASSERT(HWREG(ui32Base + UDMA_O_CTRL) != 0);
392  // Get the base address of the control table.
393  pControlTable = (tDMAControlTable *)HWREG(ui32Base + UDMA_O_CTRL);
395  // Get the current control word value and mask off all but the size field
396  // and the mode field.
397  ui32Control = (pControlTable[ui32ChannelStructIndex].ui32Control &
400  // If the size field and mode field are 0 then the transfer is finished
401  // and there are no more items to transfer.
402  if(ui32Control == 0)
403  {
404  return(0);
405  }
407  // Otherwise, if either the size field or more field is non-zero, then
408  // not all the items have been transferred.
409  else
410  {
411  // Shift the size field and add one, then return to user.
412  return((ui32Control >> UDMA_XFER_SIZE_S) + 1);
413  }
414 }
Definition: udma.h:207
Definition: udma.h:283
#define UDMA_MODE_M
Definition: udma.h:243
#define ASSERT(expr)
Definition: debug.h:74
Definition: udma.h:284
volatile uint32_t ui32Control
The channel control mode.
Definition: udma.h:107
A structure that defines an entry in the channel control table.
Definition: udma.h:103
void uDMAChannelTransferSet ( uint32_t  ui32Base,
uint32_t  ui32ChannelStructIndex,
uint32_t  ui32Mode,
void *  pvSrcAddr,
void *  pvDstAddr,
uint32_t  ui32TransferSize 

Sets the transfer parameters for a uDMA channel control structure.

This function is used to set the parameters for a uDMA transfer. These are typically parameters that are changed often. The function uDMAChannelControlSet() MUST be called at least once for this channel prior to calling this function.

The pvSrcAddr and pvDstAddr parameters are pointers to the first location of the data to be transferred. These addresses should be aligned according to the item size. The compiler will take care of this if the pointers are pointing to storage of the appropriate data type.

The two scatter/gather modes, MEMORY and PERIPHERAL, are actually different depending on whether the primary or alternate control structure is selected. This function will look for the UDMA_PRI_SELECT and UDMA_ALT_SELECT flag along with the channel number and will set the scatter/gather mode as appropriate for the primary or alternate control structure.

The channel must also be enabled using uDMAChannelEnable() after calling this function. The transfer will not begin until the channel has been set up and enabled. Note that the channel is automatically disabled after the transfer is completed, meaning that uDMAChannelEnable() must be called again after setting up the next transfer.

Great care must be taken to not modify a channel control structure that is in use or else the results will be unpredictable, including the possibility of undesired data transfers to or from memory or peripherals. For BASIC and AUTO modes, it is safe to make changes when the channel is disabled, or the uDMAChannelModeGet() returns UDMA_MODE_STOP. For PINGPONG or one of the SCATTER_GATHER modes, it is safe to modify the primary or alternate control structure only when the other is being used. The uDMAChannelModeGet() function will return UDMA_MODE_STOP when a channel control structure is inactive and safe to modify.
ui32Baseis the base address of the uDMA port.
ui32ChannelStructIndexis the bitwise OR of the uDMA channel number and:
ui32Modeis the type of uDMA transfer. The parameter should be one of the following values:
  • UDMA_MODE_STOP : Stops the uDMA transfer. The controller sets the mode to this value at the end of a transfer.
  • UDMA_MODE_BASIC : Perform a basic transfer based on request.
  • UDMA_MODE_AUTO to perform a transfer that will always complete once started even if request is removed.
  • UDMA_MODE_PINGPONG : Set up a transfer that switches between the primary and alternate control structures for the channel. This allows use of ping-pong buffering for uDMA transfers.
  • UDMA_MODE_MEM_SCATTER_GATHER : Set up a memory scatter-gather transfer.
  • UDMA_MODE_PER_SCATTER_GATHER : Set up a peripheral scatter-gather transfer.
pvSrcAddris the source address for the transfer.
pvDstAddris the destination address for the transfer.
ui32TransferSizeis the number of data items to transfer (NOT bytes).
230 {
231  tDMAControlTable *pControlTable;
232  uint32_t ui32Control;
233  uint32_t ui32Inc;
234  uint32_t ui32BufferBytes;
236  // Check the arguments.
237  ASSERT(uDMABaseValid(ui32Base));
238  ASSERT(ui32ChannelStructIndex < (UDMA_NUM_CHANNELS * 2));
239  ASSERT(HWREG(ui32Base + UDMA_O_CTRL) != 0);
241  ASSERT((uint32_t)pvSrcAddr >= SRAM_BASE);
242  ASSERT((uint32_t)pvDstAddr >= SRAM_BASE);
243  ASSERT((ui32TransferSize != 0) && (ui32TransferSize <= UDMA_XFER_SIZE_MAX));
245  // Get the base address of the control table.
246  pControlTable = (tDMAControlTable *)HWREG(ui32Base + UDMA_O_CTRL);
248  // Get the current control word value and mask off the mode and size
249  // fields.
250  ui32Control = (pControlTable[ui32ChannelStructIndex].ui32Control &
253  // Adjust the mode if the alt control structure is selected.
254  if(ui32ChannelStructIndex & UDMA_ALT_SELECT)
255  {
256  if((ui32Mode == UDMA_MODE_MEM_SCATTER_GATHER) ||
258  {
259  ui32Mode |= UDMA_MODE_ALT_SELECT;
260  }
261  }
263  // Set the transfer size and mode in the control word (but don't write the
264  // control word yet as it could kick off a transfer).
265  ui32Control |= ui32Mode | ((ui32TransferSize - 1) << UDMA_XFER_SIZE_S);
267  // Get the address increment value for the source, from the control word.
268  ui32Inc = (ui32Control & UDMA_SRC_INC_M);
270  // Compute the ending source address of the transfer. If the source
271  // increment is set to none, then the ending address is the same as the
272  // beginning.
273  if(ui32Inc != UDMA_SRC_INC_NONE)
274  {
275  ui32Inc = ui32Inc >> UDMA_SRC_INC_S;
276  ui32BufferBytes = ui32TransferSize << ui32Inc;
277  pvSrcAddr = (void *)((uint32_t)pvSrcAddr + ui32BufferBytes - (1 << ui32Inc));
278  }
280  // Load the source ending address into the control block.
281  pControlTable[ui32ChannelStructIndex].pvSrcEndAddr = pvSrcAddr;
283  // Get the address increment value for the destination, from the control
284  // word.
285  ui32Inc = ui32Control & UDMA_DST_INC_M;
287  // Compute the ending destination address of the transfer. If the
288  // destination increment is set to none, then the ending address is the
289  // same as the beginning.
290  if(ui32Inc != UDMA_DST_INC_NONE)
291  {
292  // There is a special case if this is setting up a scatter-gather
293  // transfer. The destination pointer needs to point to the end of
294  // the alternate structure for this channel instead of calculating
295  // the end of the buffer in the normal way.
296  if((ui32Mode == UDMA_MODE_MEM_SCATTER_GATHER) ||
298  {
299  pvDstAddr =
300  (void *)&pControlTable[ui32ChannelStructIndex |
301  UDMA_ALT_SELECT].ui32Spare;
302  }
303  // Not a scatter-gather transfer, calculate end pointer normally.
304  else
305  {
306  ui32Inc = ui32Inc >> UDMA_DST_INC_S;
307  ui32BufferBytes = ui32TransferSize << ui32Inc;
308  pvDstAddr = (void *)((uint32_t)pvDstAddr + ui32BufferBytes - 1);
309  }
310  }
312  // Load the destination ending address into the control block.
313  pControlTable[ui32ChannelStructIndex].pvDstEndAddr = pvDstAddr;
315  // Write the new control word value.
316  pControlTable[ui32ChannelStructIndex].ui32Control = ui32Control;
317 }
Definition: udma.h:207
volatile void * pvSrcEndAddr
The ending source address of the data transfer.
Definition: udma.h:105
#define UDMA_SRC_INC_M
Definition: udma.h:261
#define UDMA_DST_INC_S
Definition: udma.h:256
Definition: udma.h:239
Definition: udma.h:244
Definition: udma.h:283
Definition: udma.h:260
Definition: udma.h:241
#define UDMA_MODE_M
Definition: udma.h:243
Definition: udma.h:254
#define UDMA_DST_INC_M
Definition: udma.h:255
#define ASSERT(expr)
Definition: debug.h:74
Definition: udma.h:284
volatile uint32_t ui32Control
The channel control mode.
Definition: udma.h:107
volatile void * pvDstEndAddr
The ending destination address of the data transfer.
Definition: udma.h:106
A structure that defines an entry in the channel control table.
Definition: udma.h:103
Definition: udma.h:282
#define UDMA_SRC_INC_S
Definition: udma.h:262
Definition: udma.h:319
static void* uDMAControlAlternateBaseGet ( uint32_t  ui32Base)

Gets the base address for the channel control table alternate structures.

This function gets the base address of the second half of the channel control table that holds the alternate control structures for each channel.

ui32Baseis the base address of the uDMA port.
Returns a pointer to the base address of the second half of the channel control table.
601 {
602  // Check the arguments.
603  ASSERT(uDMABaseValid(ui32Base));
605  // Read the current value of the control base register, and return it to
606  // the caller.
607  return((void *)HWREG(ui32Base + UDMA_O_ALTCTRL));
608 }
#define ASSERT(expr)
Definition: debug.h:74
static void* uDMAControlBaseGet ( uint32_t  ui32Base)

Gets the base address for the channel control table.

This function gets the base address of the channel control table. This table resides in system memory and holds control information for each uDMA channel.

ui32Baseis the base address of the uDMA port.
Returns a pointer to the base address of the channel control table.
577 {
578  // Check the arguments.
580  ASSERT(uDMABaseValid(ui32Base));
581  // Read the current value of the control base register, and return it to
582  // the caller.
583  return((void *)HWREG(ui32Base + UDMA_O_CTRL));
584 }
#define ASSERT(expr)
Definition: debug.h:74
static void uDMAControlBaseSet ( uint32_t  ui32Base,
void *  pControlTable 

Sets the base address for the channel control table.

This function sets the base address of the channel control table. This table resides in system memory and holds control information for each uDMA channel. The table must be aligned on a 1024 byte boundary. The base address must be set before any of the channel functions can be used. Setting the base address of the primary control table will automatically set the address for the alternate control table as the next memory location after the primary control table.

The size of the channel control table depends on the number of uDMA channels, and which transfer modes are used. Refer to the introductory text and the microcontroller datasheet for more information about the channel control table.

This register cannot be read when the controller is in the reset state.
ui32Baseis the base address of the uDMA port.
pControlTableis a pointer to the 1024 byte aligned base address of the uDMA channel control table. The address must be an absolute address in system memory space.
551 {
552  // Check the arguments.
553  ASSERT(uDMABaseValid(ui32Base));
554  ASSERT(((uint32_t)pControlTable & ~0x3FF) ==
555  (uint32_t)pControlTable);
556  ASSERT((uint32_t)pControlTable >= SRAM_BASE);
558  // Program the base address into the register.
559  HWREG(ui32Base + UDMA_O_CTRL) = (uint32_t)pControlTable;
560 }
#define ASSERT(expr)
Definition: debug.h:74
static void uDMADisable ( uint32_t  ui32Base)

Disables the uDMA controller for use.

This function disables the uDMA controller. Once disabled, the uDMA controller will not operate until re-enabled with uDMAEnable().

ui32Baseis the base address of the uDMA port.
385 {
386  // Check the arguments.
387  ASSERT(uDMABaseValid(ui32Base));
389  // Clear the master enable bit in the config register.
390  HWREG(ui32Base + UDMA_O_CFG) = 0;
391 }
#define ASSERT(expr)
Definition: debug.h:74
static void uDMAEnable ( uint32_t  ui32Base)

Enables the uDMA controller for use.

This function enables the uDMA controller. The uDMA controller must be enabled before it can be configured and used.

ui32Baseis the base address of the uDMA port.
363 {
364  // Check the arguments.
365  ASSERT(uDMABaseValid(ui32Base));
367  // Set the master enable bit in the config register.
369 }
#define ASSERT(expr)
Definition: debug.h:74
static void uDMAErrorStatusClear ( uint32_t  ui32Base)

Clears the uDMA error interrupt.

This function clears a pending uDMA error interrupt. It should be called from within the uDMA error interrupt handler to clear the interrupt.

ui32Baseis the base address of the uDMA port.
430 {
431  // Check the arguments.
432  ASSERT(uDMABaseValid(ui32Base));
434  // Clear the uDMA error interrupt.
436 }
#define ASSERT(expr)
Definition: debug.h:74
static uint32_t uDMAErrorStatusGet ( uint32_t  ui32Base)

Gets the uDMA error status.

This function returns the uDMA error status. It should be called from within the uDMA error interrupt handler to determine if a uDMA error occurred.

ui32Baseis the base address of the uDMA port.
Returns non-zero if a uDMA error is pending.
408 {
409  // Check the arguments.
410  ASSERT(uDMABaseValid(ui32Base));
412  // Return the uDMA error status.
413  return(HWREG(ui32Base + UDMA_O_ERROR));
414 }
#define ASSERT(expr)
Definition: debug.h:74
static uint32_t uDMAGetStatus ( uint32_t  ui32Base)

Return the status of the uDMA module.

This status register cannot be read when the controller is in the reset state.
ui32Baseis the base address of the uDMA port.
Current status of the uDMA module.
1099 {
1100  // Check the arguments.
1101  ASSERT(uDMABaseValid(ui32Base));
1103  // Read and return the status register.
1104  return HWREG(ui32Base + UDMA_O_STATUS);
1105 }
#define ASSERT(expr)
Definition: debug.h:74
static void uDMAIntClear ( uint32_t  ui32Base,
uint32_t  ui32ChanMask 

Clears uDMA interrupt done status.

Clears bits in the uDMA interrupt status register according to which bits are set in ui32ChanMask. There is one bit for each channel. If a a bit is set in ui32ChanMask, then that corresponding channel's interrupt status will be cleared (if it was set).

ui32Baseis the base address of the uDMA port.
ui32ChanMaskis a 32-bit mask with one bit for each uDMA channel.
999 {
1000  // Check the arguments.
1001  ASSERT(uDMABaseValid(ui32Base));
1003  // Clear the requested bits in the uDMA interrupt status register.
1004  HWREG(ui32Base + UDMA_O_REQDONE) = ui32ChanMask;
1005 }
#define ASSERT(expr)
Definition: debug.h:74
static void uDMAIntRegister ( uint32_t  ui32Base,
uint32_t  ui32IntChannel,
void(*)(void)  pfnHandler 

Registers an interrupt handler for the uDMA controller.

This sets and enables the handler to be called when the uDMA controller generates an interrupt.

The interrupt handler for uDMA is for transfer completion when the software channel is used, and for error interrupts. The interrupts for each peripheral channel are handled through the individual peripheral interrupt handlers.
ui32Baseis the base address of the uDMA port.
ui32IntChannelidentifies which uDMA interrupt is to be registered.
  • INT_DMA_DONE_COMB : Register an interrupt handler to process interrupts from the uDMA software channel.
  • INT_DMA_ERR : Register an interrupt handler to process uDMA error interrupts.
pfnHandleris a pointer to the function to be called when the interrupt is activated.
See also
IntRegister() for important information about registering interrupt handlers.
935 {
936  // Check the arguments.
937  ASSERT(uDMABaseValid(ui32Base));
938  ASSERT(pfnHandler);
939  ASSERT((ui32IntChannel == INT_DMA_DONE_COMB) || (ui32IntChannel == INT_DMA_ERR));
941  // Register the interrupt handler.
942  IntRegister(ui32IntChannel, pfnHandler);
944  // Enable the memory management fault.
945  IntEnable(ui32IntChannel);
946 }
#define ASSERT(expr)
Definition: debug.h:74
void IntRegister(uint32_t ui32Interrupt, void(*pfnHandler)(void))
Registers a function to be called when an interrupt occurs.
Definition: interrupt.c:152
void IntEnable(uint32_t ui32Interrupt)
Enables an interrupt.
Definition: interrupt.c:282

Here is the call graph for this function:

static uint32_t uDMAIntStatus ( uint32_t  ui32Base)

Get the uDMA interrupt status.

This function returns the interrupt status for the specified UDMA. This function does not differentiate between software or hardware activated interrupts.

ui32Baseis the base address of the uDMA port.
1022 {
1023  // Check the arguments.
1024  ASSERT(uDMABaseValid(ui32Base));
1026  // Return the uDMA interrupt status register.
1027  return (HWREG(ui32Base + UDMA_O_REQDONE));
1028 }
#define ASSERT(expr)
Definition: debug.h:74
static void uDMAIntSwEventDisable ( uint32_t  ui32Base,
uint32_t  ui32IntChannel 

Disable interrupt on software event driven uDMA transfers.

This register disables the blocking of the uDMA status signals propagation to the hardware peripheral connected to the uDMA on the ui32IntChannel.

ui32Baseis the base address of the uDMA port.
ui32IntChannelidentifies which uDMA interrupt to disable software interrupts for.
See also
1077 {
1078  // Check the arguments.
1079  ASSERT(uDMABaseValid(ui32Base));
1080  ASSERT(ui32IntChannel < UDMA_NUM_CHANNELS);
1082  // Disable the SW channel.
1083  HWREGBITW(ui32Base + UDMA_O_DONEMASK, ui32IntChannel) = 0;
1084 }
Definition: udma.h:207
#define ASSERT(expr)
Definition: debug.h:74
static void uDMAIntSwEventEnable ( uint32_t  ui32Base,
uint32_t  ui32IntChannel 

Enable interrupt on software event driven uDMA transfers.

The main purpose of this function is to prevent propagation of uDMA status signals to a peripheral, if a peripheral and a software event is sharing the uDMA channel. If it is desired to initiate a transfer by writing to a register inside the uDMA (this means a software driven channel), then the uDMA status signals propagation need to be blocked to the hardware peripherals.
ui32Baseis the base address of the uDMA port.
ui32IntChannelidentifies which uDMA interrupt to enable software interrupts for.
1050 {
1051  // Check the arguments.
1052  ASSERT(uDMABaseValid(ui32Base));
1053  ASSERT(ui32IntChannel < UDMA_NUM_CHANNELS);
1055  // Enable the channel.
1056  HWREGBITW(ui32Base + UDMA_O_DONEMASK, ui32IntChannel) = 1;
1057 }
Definition: udma.h:207
#define ASSERT(expr)
Definition: debug.h:74
static void uDMAIntUnregister ( uint32_t  ui32Base,
uint32_t  ui32IntChannel 

Unregisters an interrupt handler for the uDMA controller.

This function will disable and clear the handler to be called for the specified uDMA interrupt.

ui32Baseis the base address of the uDMA port.
ui32IntChannelidentifies which uDMA interrupt to unregister.
  • INT_DMA_DONE_COMB : Register an interrupt handler to process interrupts from the uDMA software channel.
  • INT_DMA_ERR : Register an interrupt handler to process uDMA error interrupts.
See also
IntRegister() for important information about registering interrupt handlers.
970 {
971  // Check the arguments.
972  ASSERT(uDMABaseValid(ui32Base));
973  ASSERT((ui32IntChannel == INT_DMA_DONE_COMB) || (ui32IntChannel == INT_DMA_ERR));
975  // Disable the interrupt.
976  IntDisable(ui32IntChannel);
978  // Unregister the interrupt handler.
979  IntUnregister(ui32IntChannel);
980 }
#define ASSERT(expr)
Definition: debug.h:74
void IntUnregister(uint32_t ui32Interrupt)
Unregisters the function to be called when an interrupt occurs.
Definition: interrupt.c:188
void IntDisable(uint32_t ui32Interrupt)
Disables an interrupt.
Definition: interrupt.c:326

Here is the call graph for this function:

Macro Definition Documentation

#define UDMA_ALT_SELECT   0x00000020
#define UDMA_ARB_1   0x00000000
#define UDMA_ARB_1024   0x00028000
#define UDMA_ARB_128   0x0001c000
#define UDMA_ARB_16   0x00010000
#define UDMA_ARB_2   0x00004000
#define UDMA_ARB_256   0x00020000
#define UDMA_ARB_32   0x00014000
#define UDMA_ARB_4   0x00008000
#define UDMA_ARB_512   0x00024000
#define UDMA_ARB_64   0x00018000
#define UDMA_ARB_8   0x0000c000
#define UDMA_ARB_M   0x0003C000

Referenced by uDMAChannelControlSet().

#define UDMA_ARB_S   14
#define UDMA_ATTR_ALL   0x0000000F
#define UDMA_ATTR_ALTSELECT   0x00000002
#define UDMA_ATTR_HIGH_PRIORITY   0x00000004
#define UDMA_ATTR_REQMASK   0x00000008
#define UDMA_ATTR_USEBURST   0x00000001
#define UDMA_CHAN_AON_PROG2   13
#define UDMA_CHAN_AON_RTC   15
#define UDMA_CHAN_AUX_ADC   7
#define UDMA_CHAN_AUX_SW   8
#define UDMA_CHAN_DMA_PROG   14
#define UDMA_CHAN_SSI0_RX   3
#define UDMA_CHAN_SSI0_TX   4
#define UDMA_CHAN_SSI1_RX   16
#define UDMA_CHAN_SSI1_TX   17
#define UDMA_CHAN_SW_EVT0   0
#define UDMA_CHAN_SW_EVT1   18
#define UDMA_CHAN_SW_EVT2   19
#define UDMA_CHAN_SW_EVT3   20
#define UDMA_CHAN_TIMER0_A   9
#define UDMA_CHAN_TIMER0_B   10
#define UDMA_CHAN_TIMER1_A   11
#define UDMA_CHAN_TIMER1_B   12
#define UDMA_CHAN_UART0_RX   1
#define UDMA_CHAN_UART0_TX   2
#define UDMA_DST_INC_16   0x40000000
#define UDMA_DST_INC_32   0x80000000
#define UDMA_DST_INC_8   0x00000000
#define UDMA_DST_INC_M   0xC0000000
#define UDMA_DST_INC_NONE   0xC0000000

Referenced by uDMAChannelTransferSet().

#define UDMA_DST_INC_S   30

Referenced by uDMAChannelTransferSet().

#define UDMA_MODE_ALT_SELECT   0x00000001
#define UDMA_MODE_AUTO   0x00000002
#define UDMA_MODE_BASIC   0x00000001
#define UDMA_MODE_M   0x00000007
#define UDMA_MODE_MEM_SCATTER_GATHER   0x00000004
#define UDMA_MODE_PER_SCATTER_GATHER   0x00000006
#define UDMA_MODE_PINGPONG   0x00000003
#define UDMA_MODE_STOP   0x00000000
#define UDMA_NEXT_USEBURST   0x00000008

Referenced by uDMAChannelControlSet().

#define UDMA_PRI_SELECT   0x00000000
#define UDMA_PRIORITY_HIGH   0x00000001

Referenced by uDMAChannelPriorityGet().

#define UDMA_PRIORITY_LOW   0x00000000

Referenced by uDMAChannelPriorityGet().

#define UDMA_SIZE_16   0x11000000
#define UDMA_SIZE_32   0x22000000
#define UDMA_SIZE_8   0x00000000
#define UDMA_SIZE_M   0x33000000

Referenced by uDMAChannelControlSet().

#define UDMA_SIZE_S   24
#define UDMA_SRC_INC_16   0x04000000
#define UDMA_SRC_INC_32   0x08000000
#define UDMA_SRC_INC_8   0x00000000
#define UDMA_SRC_INC_M   0x0C000000
#define UDMA_SRC_INC_NONE   0x0c000000

Referenced by uDMAChannelTransferSet().

#define UDMA_SRC_INC_S   26

Referenced by uDMAChannelTransferSet().

#define UDMA_XFER_SIZE_M   0x00003FF0
#define UDMA_XFER_SIZE_MAX   1024
#define UDMA_XFER_SIZE_S   4
#define uDMATaskStructEntry (   ui32TransferCount,
{ \
(((ui32SrcIncrement) == UDMA_SRC_INC_NONE) ? (pvSrcAddr) : \
((void *)(&((uint8_t *)(pvSrcAddr))[((ui32TransferCount) << \
((ui32SrcIncrement) >> 26)) - 1]))), \
(((ui32DstIncrement) == UDMA_DST_INC_NONE) ? (pvDstAddr) : \
((void *)(&((uint8_t *)(pvDstAddr))[((ui32TransferCount) << \
((ui32DstIncrement) >> 30)) - 1]))), \
(ui32SrcIncrement) | (ui32DstIncrement) | (ui32ItemSize) | \
(ui32ArbSize) | (((ui32TransferCount) - 1) << 4) | \
((((ui32Mode) == UDMA_MODE_MEM_SCATTER_GATHER) || \
(ui32Mode) | UDMA_MODE_ALT_SELECT : (ui32Mode)), 0 \
Definition: udma.h:239
Definition: udma.h:244
Definition: udma.h:260
Definition: udma.h:241
Definition: udma.h:254

A helper macro for building scatter-gather task table entries.

This macro is intended to be used to help populate a table of uDMA tasks for a scatter-gather transfer. This macro will calculate the values for the fields of a task structure entry based on the input parameters.

There are specific requirements for the values of each parameter. No checking is done so it is up to the caller to ensure that correct values are used for the parameters.

This macro is intended to be used to initialize individual entries of a structure of tDMAControlTable type, like this:

  tDMAControlTable MyTaskList[] =
      uDMATaskStructEntry(Task1Count, UDMA_SIZE_8,
                          UDMA_SRC_INC_8, MySourceBuf,
                          UDMA_DST_INC_8, MyDestBuf,
                          UDMA_ARB_8, UDMA_MODE_MEM_SCATTER_GATHER),
      uDMATaskStructEntry(Task2Count, ... ),
ui32TransferCountis the count of items to transfer for this task. It must be in the range 1-1024.
ui32ItemSizeis the bit size of the items to transfer for this task. It must be one of:
ui32SrcIncrementis the bit size increment for source data. It must be one of:
pvSrcAddris the starting address of the data to transfer.
ui32DstIncrementis the bit size increment for destination data. It must be one of:
pvDstAddris the starting address of the destination data.
ui32ArbSizeis the arbitration size to use for the transfer task. This is used to select the arbitration size in powers of 2, from 1 to 1024. It must be one of:
ui32Modeis the transfer mode for this task. Note that normally all tasks will be one of the scatter-gather modes while the last task is a task list will be AUTO or BASIC. It must be one of:
None (this is not a function)