CC26xx Driver Library
chipinfo.h File Reference
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include "../inc/hw_types.h"
#include "../inc/hw_memmap.h"
#include "../inc/hw_fcfg1.h"


enum  ProtocolBitVector_t { PROTOCOL_Unknown = 0, PROTOCOLBIT_BLE = 0x02, PROTOCOLBIT_IEEE_802_15_4 = 0x04, PROTOCOLBIT_Proprietary = 0x08 }
 Enumeration identifying the protocols supported. More...
enum  PackageType_t {
  PACKAGE_Unknown = -1, PACKAGE_4x4 = 0, PACKAGE_5x5 = 1, PACKAGE_7x7 = 2,
 Package type enumeration. More...
enum  ChipType_t {
  CHIP_TYPE_Unknown = -1, CHIP_TYPE_CC1310 = 0, CHIP_TYPE_CC1350 = 1, CHIP_TYPE_CC2620 = 2,
  CHIP_TYPE_CC2630 = 3, CHIP_TYPE_CC2640 = 4, CHIP_TYPE_CC2650 = 5, CHIP_TYPE_CUSTOM_0 = 6,
 Chip type enumeration. More...
enum  ChipFamily_t {
  FAMILY_Unknown = -1, FAMILY_CC26x0 = 0, FAMILY_CC13x0 = 1, FAMILY_CC26x1 = 2,
  FAMILY_CC26x0R2 = 3, FAMILY_CC13x2_13x4_26x2_26x4 = 4
 Chip family enumeration. More...
enum  HwRevision_t {
  HWREV_Unknown = -1, HWREV_1_0 = 10, HWREV_2_0 = 20, HWREV_2_1 = 21,
  HWREV_2_2 = 22, HWREV_2_3 = 23
 HW revision enumeration. More...


ProtocolBitVector_t ChipInfo_GetSupportedProtocol_BV (void)
 Returns bit vector showing supported protocols. More...
static bool ChipInfo_SupportsBLE (void)
 Returns true if the chip supports the BLE protocol. More...
static bool ChipInfo_SupportsIEEE_802_15_4 (void)
 Returns true if the chip supports the IEEE 802.15.4 protocol. More...
static bool ChipInfo_SupportsPROPRIETARY (void)
 Returns true if the chip supports propriatary protocols. More...
PackageType_t ChipInfo_GetPackageType (void)
 Returns package type. More...
static bool ChipInfo_PackageTypeIs4x4 (void)
 Returns true if this is a 4x4mm chip. More...
static bool ChipInfo_PackageTypeIs5x5 (void)
 Returns true if this is a 5x5mm chip. More...
static bool ChipInfo_PackageTypeIs7x7 (void)
 Returns true if this is a 7x7mm chip. More...
static bool ChipInfo_PackageTypeIsWAFER (void)
 Returns true if this is a wafer sale chip (naked die). More...
static bool ChipInfo_PackageTypeIsWCSP (void)
 Returns true if this is a WCSP chip (flip chip). More...
static uint32_t ChipInfo_GetDeviceIdHwRevCode (void)
 Returns the internal chip HW revision code. More...
static uint32_t ChipInfo_GetMinorHwRev (void)
 Returns minor hardware revision number. More...
static uint32_t ChipInfo_GetUserId (void)
 Returns the 32 bits USER_ID field. More...
ChipType_t ChipInfo_GetChipType (void)
 Returns chip type. More...
ChipFamily_t ChipInfo_GetChipFamily (void)
 Returns chip family member. More...
static bool ChipInfo_ChipFamilyIs_CC13x0 (void)
 Returns true if this chip is member of the CC13x0 family. More...
static bool ChipInfo_ChipFamilyIs_CC26x0 (void)
 Returns true if this chip is member of the CC26x0 family. More...
static bool ChipInfo_ChipFamilyIs_CC26x0R2 (void)
 Returns true if this chip is member of the CC26x0R2 family. More...
static bool ChipInfo_ChipFamilyIs_CC26x1 (void)
 Returns true if this chip is member of the CC26x1 family. More...
static bool ChipInfo_ChipFamilyIs_CC13x2_13x4_26x2_26x4 (void)
 Returns true if this chip is member of the CC13x2, CC13x4, CC26x2, CC26x4 family. More...
HwRevision_t ChipInfo_GetHwRevision (void)
 Returns chip HW revision. More...
static bool ChipInfo_HwRevisionIs_1_0 (void)
 Returns true if HW revision for this chip is 1.0. More...
static bool ChipInfo_HwRevisionIs_2_0 (void)
 Returns true if HW revision for this chip is 2.0. More...
static bool ChipInfo_HwRevisionIs_GTEQ_2_0 (void)
 Returns true if HW revision for this chip is 2.0 or greater. More...
static bool ChipInfo_HwRevisionIs_2_1 (void)
 Returns true if HW revision for this chip is 2.1. More...
static bool ChipInfo_HwRevisionIs_GTEQ_2_1 (void)
 Returns true if HW revision for this chip is 2.1 or greater. More...
static bool ChipInfo_HwRevisionIs_2_2 (void)
 Returns true if HW revision for this chip is 2.2. More...
static bool ChipInfo_HwRevisionIs_GTEQ_2_2 (void)
 Returns true if HW revision for this chip is 2.2 or greater. More...
static bool ChipInfo_HwRevisionIs_GTEQ_2_3 (void)
 Returns true if HW revision for this chip is 2.3 or greater. More...
void ThisLibraryIsFor_CC26x0R2_HaltIfViolated (void)
 Verifies that current chip is CC26x0R2 and never returns if violated. More...