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peripheral.h File Reference

Detailed Description

Peripheral layer interface.

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Data Structures

struct  gapRolesCBs_t
 Peripheral GAPRole Callback structure. More...


 Which channels to advertise on (Read/Write) More...
 Direct Advertisement Address (Read/Write) More...
 Direct Advertisement Type (Read/Write) More...
#define GAPROLE_ADV_EVENT_TYPE   0x309
 Advertisement Types (Read/Write) More...
 Policy for filtering advertisements (Read/Write) More...
 Enable / Disable non-connectable advertising (Read/Write) More...
#define GAPROLE_ADVERT_DATA   0x307
 Advertisement data (Read/Write) More...
 Enable/Disable Connectable Advertising (Read/Write) More...
 How long to remain off (in sec) after advertising stops before starting again (Read/Write) More...
#define GAPROLE_BD_ADDR   0x304
 Device Address read from the controller (Read-only) More...
#define GAPROLE_BD_ADDR_TYPE   0x31C
 Address type of connected device (Read-only) More...
#define GAPROLE_CONN_BD_ADDR   0x315
 Address of connected device (Read-only) More...
 Connection Interval (n x 1.25 ms) of current connection (Read-only) More...
#define GAPROLE_CONN_LATENCY   0x317
 Slave Latency of current connection (Read-only) More...
 Reason of the last connection terminated event. More...
#define GAPROLE_CONN_TIMEOUT   0x318
 Connection Interval (n x 10 ms) of current connection (Read-only) More...
 Connection Handle of current connected device (Read-only) More...
#define GAPROLE_IRK   0x301
 Identity Resolving Key (Read/Write) Size is uint8_t[KEYLEN]. More...
 Initiate parameter update request, respond with local requested parameters only.
 Initiate parameter update request, respond with best combination of local and remote parameters.
 Used for parameter checking.
 Reject all parameter update requests.
 Wait for parameter update request, respond with local requested parameters only.
 Wait for parameter update request, respond with best combination of local and remote parameters.
 Wait for parameter update request, respond with remote's requested parameters.
 Maximum connection interval (n * 1.25 ms) to use when performing param update (Read/Write) More...
 Minimum connection interval (n * 1.25 ms) to use when performing param update (Read/Write) More...
 Take no action upon unsuccessful parameter updates.
 Whether to request a connection parameter update upon connection (Read/Write) More...
 Used to send a Parameter Update Request (Write-only) More...
 This parameter will return GAP Role type (Read-only) More...
 Continue to resend request until successful update.
#define GAPROLE_SCAN_RSP_DATA   0x308
 Scan Response Data (Read/Write) More...
 Sign Counter (Read/Write) More...
 Slave latency to use when performing param update (Read/Write) More...
#define GAPROLE_SRK   0x302
 Signature Resolving Key (Read/Write) More...
#define GAPROLE_STATE   0x31A
 Current Peripheral GAPRole state (Read-only) More...
 Terminate link upon unsuccessful parameter updates.
 Supervision timeout (n x 10 ms) to use when performing param update (Read/Write) More...


typedef void(* gapRolesParamUpdateCB_t )(uint16_t connInterval, uint16_t connSlaveLatency, uint16_t connTimeout)
typedef void(* gapRolesStateNotify_t )(gaprole_States_t newState)
 State Change Callback Type. More...


enum  gaprole_States_t {
 GAP Peripheral Role States. More...


bStatus_t GAPRole_GetParameter (uint16_t param, void *pValue)
 Get a GAP Role parameter. More...
void GAPRole_RegisterAppCBs (gapRolesParamUpdateCB_t *pParamUpdateCB)
 Register application's callbacks. More...
bStatus_t GAPRole_SendUpdateParam (uint16_t minConnInterval, uint16_t maxConnInterval, uint16_t latency, uint16_t connTimeout, uint8_t handleFailure)
 Update the parameters of an existing connection. More...
bStatus_t GAPRole_SetParameter (uint16_t param, uint8_t len, void *pValue)
 Set a GAP Role parameter. More...
bStatus_t GAPRole_StartDevice (gapRolesCBs_t *pAppCallbacks)
 Initialize the GAP layer. More...
bStatus_t GAPRole_TerminateConnection (void)
 Terminates the existing connection. More...
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