TI BLE5-Stack API Documentation
Data Structures | Macros | Typedefs | Functions
gap.h File Reference

Detailed Description

GAP layer interface.

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Data Structures

struct  gapAdvDataToken_t
 GAP Advertisement/Scan Response Data Token. More...
struct  gapAdvDataUpdateEvent_t
 GAP_ADV_DATA_UPDATE_DONE_EVENT message format. More...
struct  gapAdvertisingParams_t
 Advertising Parameters. More...
struct  gapAuthCompleteEvent_t
struct  gapAuthParams_t
 Authentication Parameters. More...
struct  gapBondCompleteEvent_t
 GAP_BOND_COMPLETE_EVENT message format. More...
struct  gapBondMgrCBs_t
 Callback Registration Structure. More...
struct  gapDevDiscEvent_t
 GAP_DEVICE_DISCOVERY_EVENT message format. More...
struct  gapDevDiscReq_t
 Type of device discovery (Scan) to perform. More...
struct  gapDeviceInfoEvent_t
 GAP_DEVICE_INFO_EVENT message format. More...
struct  gapDeviceInitDoneEvent_t
 GAP_DEVICE_INIT_DONE_EVENT message format. More...
struct  gapDevRec_t
 Type of device discovery (Scan) to perform. More...
struct  gapEndDiscoverableRspEvent_t
 GAP_END_DISCOVERABLE_DONE_EVENT message format. More...
struct  gapEstLinkReq_t
 Establish Link Request parameters. More...
struct  gapEstLinkReqEvent_t
 GAP_LINK_ESTABLISHED_EVENT message format. More...
struct  gapEventHdr_t
 GAP event header format. More...
struct  gapLinkUpdateEvent_t
 GAP_LINK_PARAM_UPDATE_EVENT message format. More...
struct  gapMakeDiscoverableRspEvent_t
struct  gapPairingReq_t
 Pairing Request fields - the parsed fields of the SMP Pairing Request command. More...
struct  gapPairingReqEvent_t
 GAP_PAIRING_REQ_EVENT message format. More...
struct  gapPasskeyNeededEvent_t
 GAP_PASSKEY_NEEDED_EVENT message format. More...
struct  gapPeriConnectParams_t
 Connection parameters for the peripheral device. More...
struct  gapRandomAddrEvent_t
 GAP_RANDOM_ADDR_CHANGED_EVENT message format. More...
struct  gapSignUpdateEvent_t
 GAP_SIGNATURE_UPDATED_EVENT message format. More...
struct  gapSlaveSecurityReqEvent_t
struct  gapTerminateLinkEvent_t
 GAP_LINK_TERMINATED_EVENT message format. More...
struct  gapUpdateLinkParamReq_t
 Update Link Parameters Request parameters. More...
struct  gapUpdateLinkParamReqEvent_t
 GAP_UPDATE_LINK_PARAM_REQ_EVENT message format. More...
struct  gapUpdateLinkParamReqReply_t
 Update Link Parameters Request Reply parameters. More...


 Generate and Use Non-Resolvable Private Address.
 Generate and Use Resolvable Private Address.
#define ADDRMODE_PUBLIC   0x00
 Use the BD_ADDR.
#define ADDRMODE_STATIC   0x01
 Use provided Static Address.
#define ADDRTYPE_PUBLIC   0x00
 Public Device Address.
#define ADDRTYPE_PUBLIC_ID   0x02
 Public Identity Address (corresponds to peer's RPA)
#define ADDRTYPE_RANDOM   0x01
 Random Device Address.
#define ADDRTYPE_RANDOM_ID   0x03
 Random (static) Identity Address (corresponds to peer's RPA)
#define ADV_CHANMAP_SIZE   5
 Advertiser Channel Map.
#define DEVDISC_MODE_ALL   0x03
 Not filtered.
 General Discoverable devices.
 Limited Discoverable devices.
 No discoverable setting.
 Connectable directed advertisement.
#define GAP_ADRPT_ADV_IND   0x00
 Connectable undirected advertisement.
 Non-Connectable undirected advertisement.
#define GAP_ADRPT_ADV_SCAN_IND   0x02
 Scannable undirected advertisement.
#define GAP_ADRPT_SCAN_RSP   0x04
 Scan Response.
#define GAP_ADTYPE_128BIT_COMPLETE   0x07
 Service: Complete list of 128-bit UUIDs.
#define GAP_ADTYPE_128BIT_MORE   0x06
 Service: More 128-bit UUIDs available.
#define GAP_ADTYPE_16BIT_COMPLETE   0x03
 Service: Complete list of 16-bit UUIDs.
#define GAP_ADTYPE_16BIT_MORE   0x02
 Service: More 16-bit UUIDs available.
#define GAP_ADTYPE_32BIT_COMPLETE   0x05
 Service: Complete list of 32-bit UUIDs.
#define GAP_ADTYPE_32BIT_MORE   0x04
 Service: More 32-bit UUIDs available.
#define GAP_ADTYPE_3D_INFO_DATA   0x3D
 3D Information Data
 Connectable high duty cycle directed advertisement.
#define GAP_ADTYPE_ADV_IND   0x00
 Connectable undirected advertisement.
 Advertising Interval.
 Connectable low duty cycle directed advertisement.
 Non-Connectable undirected advertisement.
#define GAP_ADTYPE_ADV_SCAN_IND   0x02
 Scannable undirected advertisement.
#define GAP_ADTYPE_FLAGS   0x01
 GAP Device Discovery Modes
 Discovery Mode: BR/EDR Not Supported.
 Discovery Mode: LE General Discoverable Mode.
 Discovery Mode: LE Limited Discoverable Mode.
#define GAP_ADTYPE_LE_BD_ADDR   0x1B
 LE Bluetooth Device Address.
#define GAP_ADTYPE_LE_ROLE   0x1C
 LE Role.
 Complete local name.
 Shortened local name.
 Manufacturer Specific Data: first 2 octets contain the Company Identifier Code followed by the additional manufacturer specific data.
 Simple Pairing OOB Tag: Class of device (3 octets)
 Simple Pairing OOB Tag: Simple Pairing Hash C (16 octets)
 Simple Pairing OOB Tag: Simple Pairing Randomizer R (16 octets)
 TX Power Level: 0xXX: -127 to +127 dBm.
 Public Target Address.
 Random Target Address.
 Service Data - 16-bit UUID.
 Service Data - 128-bit UUID.
 Service Data - 32-bit UUID.
 Service Solicitation: list of 128-bit Service UUIDs.
 Service Solicitation: list of 16-bit Service UUIDs.
 Signed Data field.
 Simple Pairing Hash C-256.
 Simple Pairing Randomizer R-256.
 Min and Max values of the connection interval (2 octets Min, 2 octets Max) (0xFFFF indicates no conn interval min or max)
#define GAP_ADTYPE_SM_OOB_FLAG   0x11
 Security Manager OOB Flags.
#define GAP_ADTYPE_SM_TK   0x10
 Security Manager TK Value.
#define GAP_ADVCHAN_37   0x01
 Advertisement Channel 37.
#define GAP_ADVCHAN_38   0x02
 Advertisement Channel 38.
#define GAP_ADVCHAN_39   0x04
 Advertisement Channel 39.
 All Advertisement Channels Enabled.
 Generic Barcode Scanner.
 Generic Blood Pressure.
 Blood Pressure: Arm.
 Blood Pressure: Wrist.
 Generic Clock.
 Generic Computer.
 Generic Display.
 Generic Eye-glasses.
 Generic Human Interface Device (HID)
 Generic Heart rate Sensor.
 Heart Rate Sensor: Heart Rate Belt.
 Generic Keyring.
 Generic Media Player.
 Generic Phone.
#define GAP_APPEARE_GENERIC_RC   0x0180
 Generic Remote Control.
#define GAP_APPEARE_GENERIC_TAG   0x0200
 Generic Tag.
 Thermometer: Ear.
 Generic Thermometer.
 Generic Watch.
 HID Barcode Scanner.
 HID Card Reader.
 HID Digital Pen.
 HID Digitizer Tablet.
 HID Gamepad.
 HID Joystick.
 HID Keyboard.
#define GAP_APPEARE_HID_MOUSE   0x03C2
 HID Mouse.
#define GAP_APPEARE_UNKNOWN   0x0000
 Watch: Sports Watch.
 terminates all links for the matching task ID.
 terminates a link create
 Accept all Adv Packets except.
 Accept all Adv Packets and Direct Adv Packets where InitA is an RPA.
 Accept only undirected Adv Packets from devices where AdvA is in WL.
 Accept only undirected Adv Packets from devices where AdvA is in WL and Direct Adv Packets where InitA is an RPA.
#define GAP_FILTER_POLICY_ALL   0x00
 Allow Scan Request from Any, Allow Connect Request from Any (default).
 Allow Scan Request and Connect from White List Only.
 Allow Scan Request from Any, Connect from White List Only.
 Allow Scan Request from White List Only, Allow Connect from Any.
 Sign Counter Initialized. More...
#define GAP_PASSCODE_MAX   999999
 Maximum Pairing Passcode/Passkey value. Range of a passkey can be 0 - 999,999.
 Network Privacy Mode.
 Device Privacy Mode.
 A device that sends advertising events only.
#define GAP_PROFILE_CENTRAL   0x08
 A device that supports the Central role initiates the establishment of a physical connection.
 A device that receives advertising events only.
 A device that accepts the establishment of an LE physical link using the connection establishment procedure.
#define GAP_STATE_ADV   0x01
 Device is advertising.
#define GAP_STATE_IDLE   0x00
 Device is idle.
#define GAP_STATE_INIT   0x04
 Device is establishing a connection.
#define GAP_STATE_SCAN   0x02
 Device is scanning.
#define MASK_ADDRTYPE_ID   0x01
 AND with addrtype to remove ID from type.
 Random Private Non-Resolvable Address (b10)
 Random Private Resolvable Address (b01)
 Get top 2 bits of address.
 Non-Resolvable Private Address.
 Resolvable Private Address.
 Random Static Address.
#define SET_ADDRTYPE_ID   0x02
 OR with addrtype to change addr type to ID.
#define STATIC_ADDR_HDR   0xC0
 Random Static Address (b11)
#define TGAP_CONN_ADV_INT_MAX   11
 Maximum advertising interval, when in Connectable mode (n * 0.625 mSec) More...
#define TGAP_CONN_ADV_INT_MIN   10
 Minimum advertising interval, when in Connectable mode (n * 0.625 mSec) More...
 Advertising timeout when performing connection establishment (ms) More...
#define TGAP_CONN_EST_INT_MAX   22
 Maximum connection interval for connection establishment (n * 1.25 mSec) More...
#define TGAP_CONN_EST_INT_MIN   21
 Minimum connection interval for connection establishment (n * 1.25 mSec) More...
 Slave latency for connection establishment (in number of connection events) More...
 Local informational parameter about max len of connection needed, when using Connection Establishment proc (n * 0.625 mSec) More...
 Local informational parameter about min len of connection needed, when using Connection Establishment proc (n * 0.625 mSec) More...
 Scan interval used during during connection establishment (n * 0.625 mSec) More...
 Scan window used during during connection establishment (n * 0.625 mSec) More...
 Connection supervision timeout for connection establishment (n * 10 mSec) More...
 Scan interval used during connection establishment, high duty scan cycle scan parameters (n * 0.625 mSec) More...
 Scan window used during connection establishment, high duty scan cycle scan parameters (n * 0.625 mSec) More...
 Timeout for link layer to wait to receive connection parameter update response before giving up (ms) More...
 Central idle timer (seconds) More...
 Minimum time upon connection establishment before the peripheral starts a connection update procedure (seconds) More...
#define TGAP_CONN_SCAN_INT   12
 Scan interval used during connection establishment (n * 0.625 mSec) More...
#define TGAP_CONN_SCAN_WIND   13
 Scan window used during connection establishment (n * 0.625 mSec) More...
 Filter duplicate advertising reports. More...
 Maximum advertising interval in general discovery mode (n × 0.625 ms) More...
 Minimum advertising interval in general discovery mode (n × 0.625 ms) More...
 Minimum time to remain advertising, when in general discoverable mode (ms) More...
#define TGAP_GEN_DISC_SCAN   2
 Time to perform scanning for general discovery (ms) More...
 Scan interval used when in General Discovery proc (n * 0.625 mSec) More...
 Scan window used when in General Discovery proc (n * 0.625 mSec) More...
 Time to remain advertising in limited discovery mode (sec) More...
 Maximum advertising interval in limited discovery mode (n × 0.625 ms) More...
 Minimum advertising interval in limited discovery mode (n × 0.625 ms) More...
#define TGAP_LIM_DISC_SCAN   3
 Time to perform scanning for limited discovery (ms) More...
 Scan interval used when in Limited Discovery proc (n * 0.625 mSec) More...
 Scan window used when in Limited Discovery proc (n * 0.625 mSec) More...
 Minimum Time Interval between private (resolvable) address changes (minutes) More...
 Whether or not to reject Connection Parameter Update Request received on Central device. More...
 Minimum RSSI required for scan responses to be reported to the app (dBm) More...
#define TGAP_SM_MAX_KEY_LEN   34
 SM Maximum Key Length supported. More...
#define TGAP_SM_MIN_KEY_LEN   33
 SM Minimum Key Length supported. More...
#define TGAP_SM_TIMEOUT   32
 Time to wait for security manager response before returning bleTimeout (ms) More...
#define WL_NOTUSED   0x00
 White list not used but the advertiser's address in this command is used.
#define WL_USED   0x01
 White list is used and the advertiser's address in this command is not used.


typedef uint16 gapParamIDs_t
 GAP Parameters IDs. More...
typedef uint8(* pfnGapDevPrivModeCB_t) (uint8 addrType, uint8 *pAddr)
 GAP Device Privacy Mode Callback Function.
typedef void(* pfnGapIdleCB_t) ()
 GAP Idle Callback Function.
typedef uint8(* pfnSuppEnhPrivCB_t) (uint8 *deviceAddr)
 Enhanced Privacy Check Callback Function.


bStatus_t GAP_Authenticate (gapAuthParams_t *pParams, gapPairingReq_t *pPairReq)
 Start Authentication. More...
bStatus_t GAP_Bond (uint16 connectionHandle, uint8 authenticated, uint8 secureConnections, smSecurityInfo_t *pParams, uint8 startEncryption)
 Set up the connection's bound paramaters. More...
bStatus_t GAP_ConfigDeviceAddr (uint8 addrMode, uint8 *pStaticAddr)
 Configure Device Address. More...
bStatus_t GAP_DeviceDiscoveryCancel (uint8 taskID)
 Cancel an existing device discovery request. More...
bStatus_t GAP_DeviceDiscoveryRequest (gapDevDiscReq_t *pParams)
 Start a device discovery scan. More...
bStatus_t GAP_DeviceInit (uint8 taskID, uint8 profileRole, uint8 maxScanResponses, uint8 *pIRK, uint8 *pSRK, uint32 *pSignCounter)
 GAP Device Initialiation. More...
bStatus_t GAP_EndDiscoverable (uint8 taskID)
 Stops advertising. More...
bStatus_t GAP_EstablishLinkReq (gapEstLinkReq_t *pParams)
 Establish a link to a slave device. More...
gapAdvDataToken_tGAP_GetAdvToken (uint8 adType)
 Get Advertising Token. More...
uint16 GAP_GetParamValue (gapParamIDs_t paramID)
 Get a GAP Parameter value. More...
uint8 GAP_isPairing (void)
 Check if GAP is currently pairing. More...
bStatus_t GAP_MakeDiscoverable (uint8 taskID, gapAdvertisingParams_t *pParams)
 Setup or change advertising. Also starts advertising. More...
uint8 GAP_NumActiveConnections (void)
 Returns the number of active connections. More...
bStatus_t GAP_PasscodeUpdate (uint32 passcode, uint16 connectionHandle)
 Update the passkey in a numeric value (not string). More...
bStatus_t GAP_PasskeyUpdate (uint8 *pPasskey, uint16 connectionHandle)
 Update the passkey in string format. More...
void GAP_RegisterBondMgrCBs (gapBondMgrCBs_t *pCBs)
 Register bond manager call backs. More...
void GAP_RegisterForMsgs (uint8 taskID)
 Register for GAP Messages. More...
gapAdvDataToken_tGAP_RemoveAdvToken (uint8 adType)
 Remove Advertising Token. More...
bStatus_t GAP_ResolvePrivateAddr (uint8 *pIRK, uint8 *pAddr)
 Resolves a private address against an IRK. More...
bStatus_t GAP_SendSlaveSecurityRequest (uint16 connectionHandle, uint8 authReq)
 Generate a Slave Requested Security message to the master. More...
bStatus_t GAP_SetAdvToken (gapAdvDataToken_t *pToken)
 Set Advertising Token. More...
bStatus_t GAP_SetParamValue (gapParamIDs_t paramID, uint16 paramValue)
 Set a GAP Parameter value. More...
bStatus_t GAP_Signable (uint16 connectionHandle, uint8 authenticated, smSigningInfo_t *pParams)
 Set up the connection to accept signed data. More...
bStatus_t GAP_TerminateAuth (uint16 connectionHandle, uint8 reason)
 Terminate Authnetication. More...
bStatus_t GAP_TerminateLinkReq (uint8 taskID, uint16 connectionHandle, uint8 reason)
 Terminate a link connection. More...
bStatus_t GAP_UpdateAdvertisingData (uint8 taskID, uint8 adType, uint8 dataLen, uint8 *pAdvertData)
 Setup or change advertising and scan response data. More...
bStatus_t GAP_UpdateAdvTokens (void)
 Update Advertising Token. More...
bStatus_t GAP_UpdateLinkParamReq (gapUpdateLinkParamReq_t *pParams)
 Update the link parameters to a Master or Slave device. More...
bStatus_t GAP_UpdateLinkParamReqReply (gapUpdateLinkParamReqReply_t *pParams)
 Reply to a Connection Parameter Update Request sent from a peer device. More...
void GAP_UpdateResolvingList (uint8 *pIRK)
 Update the resolving list. More...
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