Data Fields
AESECB_Operation_ Struct Reference

Struct containing the parameters required for encrypting/decrypting and a message. More...

#include <AESECB.h>

Data Fields

uint8_t * input
uint8_t * output
size_t inputLength

Detailed Description

Struct containing the parameters required for encrypting/decrypting and a message.

Field Documentation

§ key

CryptoKey* AESECB_Operation_::key

A previously initialized CryptoKey

§ input

uint8_t* AESECB_Operation_::input
  • Encryption: The plaintext buffer to be encrypted in the ECB operation.
  • Decryption: The ciphertext to be decrypted.

§ output

uint8_t* AESECB_Operation_::output
  • Encryption: The output ciphertext buffer that the encrypted plaintext is copied to.
  • Decryption: The plaintext derived from the decrypted ciphertext is copied here.

§ inputLength

size_t AESECB_Operation_::inputLength

Length of the input and output in bytes. Must be a multiple of the AES block size (16 bytes)

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