J721E Out of the Box Demos


As of this release, all out of box demos are from vision_apps on Linux. For QNX HLOS, or Gateway Demos, one must download and build the source package. Step 1: Download Prebuilt PSDK RTOS

  • Download and Untar the prebuilt files tar ball ti-processor-sdk-rtos-j721e-evm-<version>-prebuilt.tar.gz

cd {path/to/file}
tar xf ti-processor-sdk-rtos-j721e-evm-<version>-prebuilt.tar.gz


This contains the prebuilt linux filesystem & linux boot file tarballs, scripts to format SD card & to install the file system to sd card.

This also contains all prebuilt demo executables, their configuration files, and enough input test images to run tiovx tests. Most camera-based demos can run with everything in this package, as-is.

If you would like to run stereo demos or TIDL demos (both of which are dependent on reading input data from the sd card), then you will need to download extra packages in the next step. Step 2: Download Demo Data Sets (Optional)

  • For running stereo demos or TIDL demos you will need to also download the following data sets:

    • psdk_rtos_ti_data_set_xx_xx_xx.tar.gz (this has the test data common to all SOCs for the same release number)

    • psdk_rtos_ti_data_set_xx_xx_xx_j721e.tar.gz (this has the SOC-specific tidl model data)


There is no need to extract these tar balls, as the prebuilt package comes with a script which can load them on the SD card (mentioned in later step). Step 3: Prepare SD card


ALL contents of SD card will be lost when doing these steps.

  • Insert SD card onto your PC SD card slot and format SD card in two partitions,

    1. FAT32 partition: for boot loader, 64MB size recommended

    2. ext4 partition: for root filesystem, rest of SD card, atleast 16GB SD card recommended.

  • You can use one of two options to format your SD card

    • Option 1: You can use the utility script mk-linux-card.sh to make the partitions

      1. Use the command “df -h” to identify the device used by SD card

      2. Unmount the SD card before running the script

        -Example, if your SD card is on device /dev/sdb having two partitions, do below to unmount them

        umount /dev/sdb1
        umount /dev/sdb2
      3. Run the script as below to partition it, answer “y” to all questions asked when running the script


      Make sure to give the correct device name to the following script, example /dev/sda is typically local harddisk, if you give this by mistake, your whole hard disk will be wiped off !!!

      sudo ./mk-linux-card.sh /dev/sdb
    • Option 2: You can use “gparted” utility (sudo apt install gparted) to use a GUI based interface to create the partitions.

      • Make sure you set the FAT32 partition flags as “boot”, “lba”

      • Name the FAT32 partition as “BOOT” and the ext4 partition as “rootfs”

  • After formatting, remove and insert the SD card for the freshly formatted partitions to get auto mounted on the host PC. Step 4: Install Filesystem and Boot Files

  • Copy/untar filesystem, boot files, and patches to SD card by executing the script install_to_sd_card.sh from within the extracted prebuilt folder, as shown below

  • If you have downloaded the extra data sets, you can load them one-by-one by executing the script install_data_set_to_sd_card.sh, as shown below

./install_data_set_to_sd_card.sh <path/to/psdk_rtos_ti_data_set_xx_xx_xx.tar.gz>             # only needed for TIDL, DOF, Stereo demos
./install_data_set_to_sd_card.sh <path/to/psdk_rtos_ti_data_set_xx_xx_xx_j721e.tar.gz>       # only needed for TIDL demos
  • Eject and remove SD card from PC and insert in EVM Step 5: Run on EVM

  • Setup the EVM as shown on this page EVM Setup for J721E

    • Connect UART/USB cable and setup UART terminal

    • Connect daughter card for camera, display as required

    • Connect power supply

    • Connect DP display

    • Select SD card boot mode on EVM

    • Insert SD card

  • Power on the EVM

  • You should see bootloader prints on the UART terminal and then bootloader will boot linux kernel and you should see login prompt as below

j7-evm login:
  • On the EVM, Login using below user id, no password

  • On the EVM, do below steps to init the environment for the demos

cd /opt/vision_apps
source ./vision_apps_init.sh
  • Now run one of the below scripts/applications to run the demos

./run_app_tidl.sh                     - Image classification demo (needs display)
./run_app_tidl_cam.sh                 - Camera based Image classification demo (needs display, Fusion1 board, 1x IMX390 camera)
./run_app_tidl_seg.sh                 - Semantic segmentation demo (needs display)
./run_app_tidl_od.sh                  - Object Detection demo (needs display)
./run_app_tidl_avp.sh                 - Auto valet parking demo (needs display)
./run_app_tidl_avp2.sh                - Auto valet parking demo (needs display)
./run_app_tidl_avp3.sh                - Auto valet parking demo (needs display)
./run_app_tidl_avp4.sh                - Auto valet parking demo (needs display, Fusion1 board, 4x IMX390 camera)
./run_app_dof.sh                      - Dense optical flow demo (needs display)
./run_app_stereo.sh                   - Stereo disparity demo (needs display)
./run_app_c7x.sh                      - C7x sample kernel demo
./run_app_srv.sh                      - 3D SRV 4 camera demo (needs display, Fusion1 board, 4x IMX390 camera)
./run_app_single_cam.sh               - Single camera + VISS + Display demo (needs display, Fusion1 board, 1x IMX390 or compatible cameras)
./run_app_multi_cam.sh                - Multi (upto 8x) camera + VISS + Display demo (needs display, Fusion1 board, IMX390 or compatible cameras)
./vx_app_arm_opengl_mosaic.out        - OpenGL + OpenVX test
./vx_app_arm_ipc.out                  - inter processor communication test
./vx_app_arm_mem.out                  - memory allocation test
./vx_app_tutorial.out                 - TI OpenVX tutorial
./vx_app_conformance.out              - TI OpenVX conformance tests
  • Once the demo runs, you should see output on the display


Display will be eDP.

  • Type ‘x’ to exit the demo and run another demo.