PDK API Guide for J721E


This Module explains about PMIC GPIO driver parameters and APIs usage. PMIC GPIO Driver module covers all GPIO features APIs. Like, set/get gpio pin functions, pull up/down, drive strength, output drain, pin value, enable/disable gpio interrupt and configure nPWRON or ENABLE pin features.

Supported PMIC devices for GPIO Module:

  1. TPS6594x (Leo PMIC Device)
  2. LP8764x (Hera PMIC Device)


file  pmic_gpio.h
 PMIC Low Level Driver API/interface file for GPIO API.
file  pmic_gpio_tps6594x.h
 PMIC TPS6594x Leo PMIC GPIO API/interface file.
file  pmic_gpio_lp8764x.h
 PMIC LP8764x Hera PMIC GPIO API/interface file.

Data Structures

struct  Pmic_GpioCfg_t
 PMIC GPIO/NPWRON/ENABLE pin configuration structure. Note: validParams is input param for all Set and Get APIs. other params except validParams is input param for Set APIs and output param for Get APIs. More...


int32_t Pmic_gpioSetConfiguration (Pmic_CoreHandle_t *pPmicCoreHandle, const uint8_t pin, const Pmic_GpioCfg_t gpioCfg)
 API to set PMIC GPIO configuration. More...
int32_t Pmic_gpioGetConfiguration (Pmic_CoreHandle_t *pPmicCoreHandle, const uint8_t pin, Pmic_GpioCfg_t *pGpioCfg)
 API to get PMIC GPIO configuration. More...
int32_t Pmic_gpioSetValue (Pmic_CoreHandle_t *pPmicCoreHandle, const uint8_t pin, const uint8_t pinValue)
 API to set PMIC GPIO value. More...
int32_t Pmic_gpioSetDir (Pmic_CoreHandle_t *pPmicCoreHandle, const uint8_t pin, const uint8_t pinDir)
int32_t Pmic_gpioGetValue (Pmic_CoreHandle_t *pPmicCoreHandle, const uint8_t pin, uint8_t *pPinValue)
 API to get PMIC GPIO value. More...
int32_t Pmic_gpioSetIntr (Pmic_CoreHandle_t *pPmicCoreHandle, const uint8_t pin, const uint8_t intrType, const uint8_t maskPol)
 API to enable/disable GPIO interrupt. More...
int32_t Pmic_gpioSetNPwronEnablePinConfiguration (Pmic_CoreHandle_t *pPmicCoreHandle, const Pmic_GpioCfg_t gpioCfg)
 API to set configuration for NPWRON/Enable pin. More...
int32_t Pmic_gpioGetNPwronEnablePinConfiguration (Pmic_CoreHandle_t *pPmicCoreHandle, Pmic_GpioCfg_t *pGpioCfg)
 API to get configuration for NPWRON/Enable pin. More...
int32_t Pmic_gpioTps6594xNPwronPinGetValue (Pmic_CoreHandle_t *pPmicCoreHandle, uint8_t *pPinValue)
 API to get PMIC GPIO NPWRON/Enable pin value. More...

PMIC GPIO Deglitch Time Enable or Disable Configuration


PMIC GPIO signal direction

#define PMIC_GPIO_INPUT   (0U)
#define PMIC_GPIO_OUTPUT   (1U)

PMIC GPIO signal type when configured as output



#define PMIC_GPIO_LOW   (0U)
#define PMIC_GPIO_HIGH   (1U)

PMIC GPIO Pull-up/pull-down select

#define PMIC_GPIO_PD_SELECT   (0U)
#define PMIC_GPIO_PU_SELECT   (1U)

PMIC GPIO Pull-up/pull-down enable/disable


PMIC Pmic_GpioCfg_s member configuration type

#define PMIC_GPIO_CFG_DIR_VALID   (0x00U)
 validParams value used to set/get gpio pin Direction Valid only for GPIO pins only. Invalid for NPWRON/Enable More...
#define PMIC_GPIO_CFG_OD_VALID   (0x01U)
 validParams value used to set/get output signal type Valid only for GPIO pins only. Invalid for NPWRON/Enable More...
#define PMIC_GPIO_CFG_PULL_VALID   (0x02U)
 validParams value used to set/get pullup/pull down control More...
 validParams value used to set/get signal deglitch time enable/disable More...
 validParams value used to set/get pin mux function More...
 validParams value used to set/get pin polarity Valid only for Enable pin for TPS6594x Leo and LP8764x Hera device Invalid for NPWRON pin for TPS6594x Leo device More...

PMIC GPIO Pin Configuration Structure Param Bit shift values

Application can use below shifted values to set the validParams struct member defined in Pmic_GpioCfg_t structure


PMIC GPIO pull up/pull down selectionn

#define PMIC_GPIO_PULL_DOWN   (0x1U)
#define PMIC_GPIO_PULL_UP   (0x2U)

PMIC GPIO Interrupt selection


PMIC GPIO Interrupt Polarity selection

#define PMIC_GPIO_POL_LOW   (0U)
#define PMIC_GPIO_POL_HIGH   (1U)

PMIC GPIO supported pins for TPS6594x Leo Device

#define PMIC_TPS6594X_GPIO1_PIN   (1U)
#define PMIC_TPS6594X_GPIO2_PIN   (2U)
#define PMIC_TPS6594X_GPIO3_PIN   (3U)
#define PMIC_TPS6594X_GPIO4_PIN   (4U)
#define PMIC_TPS6594X_GPIO5_PIN   (5U)
#define PMIC_TPS6594X_GPIO6_PIN   (6U)
#define PMIC_TPS6594X_GPIO7_PIN   (7U)
#define PMIC_TPS6594X_GPIO8_PIN   (8U)
#define PMIC_TPS6594X_GPIO9_PIN   (9U)
#define PMIC_TPS6594X_GPIO10_PIN   (10U)
#define PMIC_TPS6594X_GPIO11_PIN   (11U)

PMIC GPIO pin functions supported for TPS6594x Leo Device

 Used to configure GPIO Pin Function. Valid for all GPIO Pins. More...
 Used to configure SCL_I2C2/CS_SPI Pin Function. Valid only for GPIO1 pin. More...
 Used to configure TRIG_WDOG Pin Function. Valid only for GPIO2 and GPIO11 pins. More...
 Used to configure CLK32KOUT Pin Function. Valid only for GPIO3, GPIO4 and GPIO8 pins. More...
 Used to configure SCLK_SPMI Pin Function. Valid only for GPIO5 pin. More...
 Used to configure SDATA_SPMI Pin Function. Valid only for GPIO6 pin. More...
 Used to configure NERR_MCU Pin Function. Valid only for GPIO7 pin. More...
 Used to configure PGOOD Pin Function. Valid only for GPIO9 pin. More...
 Used to configure SYNCCLKIN Pin Function. Valid only for GPIO10 pin. More...
 Used to configure NRSTOUT_SOC Pin Function. Valid only for GPIO1 and GPIO11 pin. More...
 Used to configure SDA_I2C2/SDO_SPI Pin Function. Valid only for GPIO2 pin. More...
 Used to configure NERR_SOC Pin Function. Valid only for GPIO3 pin. More...
 Used to configure SYNCCLKOUT Pin Function. Valid only for GPIO8 and GPIO10 pin. More...
 Used to configure DISABLE_WDOG Pin Function. Valid only for GPIO9 pin. More...
 Used to configure DISABLE_WDOG Pin Function. Valid only for GPIO8 pin. More...
 Used to configure SYNCCLKOUT Pin Function. Valid only for GPIO9 pin. More...
 Used to configure CLK32KOUT Pin Function. Valid only for GPIO10 pin. More...
 Used to configure NSLEEP1 Pin Function. Valid for all GPIO Pins. More...
 Used to configure NSLEEP2 Pin Function. Valid for all GPIO Pins. More...
 Used to configure WKUP1 Pin Function. Valid for all GPIO Pins except GPIO3 and GPIO4 pins. More...
 Used to configure LP_WKUP1 Pin Function. Valid only for GPIO3 and GPIO4 pins. More...
 Used to configure WKUP2 Pin Function. Valid for all GPIO Pins except GPIO3 and GPIO4 pins. More...
 Used to configure LP_WKUP2 Pin Function. Valid only for GPIO3 and GPIO4 pins. More...

PMIC GPIO NPWRON pin functions supported for TPS6594x Leo Device

 Enable Signal Function for NPWRON/ENABLE pin. More...
 NPWRON Signal Function for NPWRON/ENABLE pin. More...
 None Function for NPWRON/ENABLE pin. More...

PMIC GPIO supported pins for LP8764x HERA Device

#define PMIC_LP8764X_GPIO1_PIN   (1U)
#define PMIC_LP8764X_GPIO2_PIN   (2U)
#define PMIC_LP8764X_GPIO3_PIN   (3U)
#define PMIC_LP8764X_GPIO4_PIN   (4U)
#define PMIC_LP8764X_GPIO5_PIN   (5U)
#define PMIC_LP8764X_GPIO6_PIN   (6U)
#define PMIC_LP8764X_GPIO7_PIN   (7U)
#define PMIC_LP8764X_GPIO8_PIN   (8U)
#define PMIC_LP8764X_GPIO9_PIN   (9U)
#define PMIC_LP8764X_GPIO10_PIN   (10U)

PMIC GPIO pin functions supported by LP8764x HERA PMIC

 Used to configure GPIO Pin Function. Valid for all GPIO Pins. More...
 Used to configure EN_DRV Pin Function. Valid only for GPIO1 Pin. More...
 Used to configure SCL_I2C2 Pin Function. Valid only for GPIO2 Pin. More...
 Used to configure SDA_I2C2 Pin Function. Valid only for GPIO3 Pin. More...
 Used to configure ENABLE Pin Function. Valid only for GPIO4 Pin. More...
 Used to configure SYNCCLKIN Pin Function. Valid only for GPIO5 Pin. More...
 Used to configure nERR_MCU Pin Function. Valid only for GPIO7 Pin. More...
 Used to configure SCLK_SPMI Pin Function. Valid only for GPIO8 Pin. More...
 Used to configure SDATA_SPMI Pin Function. Valid only for GPIO9 Pin. More...
 Used to configure nRSTOUT Pin Function. Valid only for GPIO10 Pin. More...
 Used to configure nRSTOUT_SOC Pin Function. Valid only for GPIO1 and GPIO10 Pins. More...
 Used to configure CS_SPI Pin Function. Valid only for GPIO2 Pin. More...
 Used to configure SDO_SPI Pin Function. Valid only for GPIO3 Pin. More...
 Used to configure TRIG_WDOG Pin Function. Valid only for GPIO4 Pin. More...
 Used to configure SYNCCLKOUT Pin Function. Valid only for GPIO5 and GPIO6 Pins. More...
 Used to configure REFOUT Pin Function. Valid only for GPIO7 Pins. More...
 Used to configure VMON2 Pin Function. Valid only for GPIO8 Pin. More...
 Used to configure PGOOD Pin Function. Valid only for GPIO9 Pin. More...
 Used to configure PGOOD Pin Function. Valid only for GPIO1 and GPIO6 Pins. More...
 Used to configure TRIG_WDOG Pin Function. Valid only for GPIO2 Pin. More...
 Used to configure BUCK1_VMON Pin Function. Valid only for GPIO4 Pin. More...
 Used to configure nRSTOUT_SOC Pin Function. Valid only for GPIO5 Pins. More...
 Used to configure VMON1 Pin Function. Valid only for GPIO7 Pin. More...
 Used to configure SYNCCLKIN Pin Function. Valid only for GPIO9 Pin. More...
 Used to configure NSLEEP1 Pin Function. Valid only for GPIO1 to GPIO10 Pins. More...
 Used to configure NSLEEP2 Pin Function. Valid only for GPIO1 to GPIO10 Pins. More...
#define PMIC_LP8764X_GPIO_PINFUNC_WKUP1   (6U)
 Used to configure WKUP1 Pin Function. Valid only for GPIO1 to GPIO10 Pins. More...
#define PMIC_LP8764X_GPIO_PINFUNC_WKUP2   (7U)
 Used to configure WKUP2 Pin Function. Valid only for GPIO1 to GPIO10 Pins. More...

Macro Definition Documentation






#define PMIC_GPIO_INPUT   (0U)


#define PMIC_GPIO_OUTPUT   (1U)






#define PMIC_GPIO_LOW   (0U)


#define PMIC_GPIO_HIGH   (1U)


#define PMIC_GPIO_PD_SELECT   (0U)


#define PMIC_GPIO_PU_SELECT   (1U)






#define PMIC_GPIO_CFG_DIR_VALID   (0x00U)

validParams value used to set/get gpio pin Direction Valid only for GPIO pins only. Invalid for NPWRON/Enable


#define PMIC_GPIO_CFG_OD_VALID   (0x01U)

validParams value used to set/get output signal type Valid only for GPIO pins only. Invalid for NPWRON/Enable


#define PMIC_GPIO_CFG_PULL_VALID   (0x02U)

validParams value used to set/get pullup/pull down control



validParams value used to set/get signal deglitch time enable/disable



validParams value used to set/get pin mux function



validParams value used to set/get pin polarity Valid only for Enable pin for TPS6594x Leo and LP8764x Hera device Invalid for NPWRON pin for TPS6594x Leo device
















#define PMIC_GPIO_PULL_DOWN   (0x1U)


#define PMIC_GPIO_PULL_UP   (0x2U)










#define PMIC_GPIO_POL_LOW   (0U)


#define PMIC_GPIO_POL_HIGH   (1U)


#define PMIC_TPS6594X_GPIO1_PIN   (1U)


#define PMIC_TPS6594X_GPIO2_PIN   (2U)


#define PMIC_TPS6594X_GPIO3_PIN   (3U)


#define PMIC_TPS6594X_GPIO4_PIN   (4U)


#define PMIC_TPS6594X_GPIO5_PIN   (5U)


#define PMIC_TPS6594X_GPIO6_PIN   (6U)


#define PMIC_TPS6594X_GPIO7_PIN   (7U)


#define PMIC_TPS6594X_GPIO8_PIN   (8U)


#define PMIC_TPS6594X_GPIO9_PIN   (9U)


#define PMIC_TPS6594X_GPIO10_PIN   (10U)


#define PMIC_TPS6594X_GPIO11_PIN   (11U)



Used to configure GPIO Pin Function. Valid for all GPIO Pins.



Used to configure SCL_I2C2/CS_SPI Pin Function. Valid only for GPIO1 pin.



Used to configure TRIG_WDOG Pin Function. Valid only for GPIO2 and GPIO11 pins.



Used to configure CLK32KOUT Pin Function. Valid only for GPIO3, GPIO4 and GPIO8 pins.



Used to configure SCLK_SPMI Pin Function. Valid only for GPIO5 pin.



Used to configure SDATA_SPMI Pin Function. Valid only for GPIO6 pin.



Used to configure NERR_MCU Pin Function. Valid only for GPIO7 pin.



Used to configure PGOOD Pin Function. Valid only for GPIO9 pin.



Used to configure SYNCCLKIN Pin Function. Valid only for GPIO10 pin.



Used to configure NRSTOUT_SOC Pin Function. Valid only for GPIO1 and GPIO11 pin.



Used to configure SDA_I2C2/SDO_SPI Pin Function. Valid only for GPIO2 pin.



Used to configure NERR_SOC Pin Function. Valid only for GPIO3 pin.



Used to configure SYNCCLKOUT Pin Function. Valid only for GPIO8 and GPIO10 pin.



Used to configure DISABLE_WDOG Pin Function. Valid only for GPIO9 pin.



Used to configure DISABLE_WDOG Pin Function. Valid only for GPIO8 pin.



Used to configure SYNCCLKOUT Pin Function. Valid only for GPIO9 pin.



Used to configure CLK32KOUT Pin Function. Valid only for GPIO10 pin.



Used to configure NSLEEP1 Pin Function. Valid for all GPIO Pins.



Used to configure NSLEEP2 Pin Function. Valid for all GPIO Pins.



Used to configure WKUP1 Pin Function. Valid for all GPIO Pins except GPIO3 and GPIO4 pins.



Used to configure LP_WKUP1 Pin Function. Valid only for GPIO3 and GPIO4 pins.



Used to configure WKUP2 Pin Function. Valid for all GPIO Pins except GPIO3 and GPIO4 pins.



Used to configure LP_WKUP2 Pin Function. Valid only for GPIO3 and GPIO4 pins.



Enable Signal Function for NPWRON/ENABLE pin.



NPWRON Signal Function for NPWRON/ENABLE pin.



None Function for NPWRON/ENABLE pin.


#define PMIC_LP8764X_GPIO1_PIN   (1U)


#define PMIC_LP8764X_GPIO2_PIN   (2U)


#define PMIC_LP8764X_GPIO3_PIN   (3U)


#define PMIC_LP8764X_GPIO4_PIN   (4U)


#define PMIC_LP8764X_GPIO5_PIN   (5U)


#define PMIC_LP8764X_GPIO6_PIN   (6U)


#define PMIC_LP8764X_GPIO7_PIN   (7U)


#define PMIC_LP8764X_GPIO8_PIN   (8U)


#define PMIC_LP8764X_GPIO9_PIN   (9U)


#define PMIC_LP8764X_GPIO10_PIN   (10U)



Used to configure GPIO Pin Function. Valid for all GPIO Pins.



Used to configure EN_DRV Pin Function. Valid only for GPIO1 Pin.



Used to configure SCL_I2C2 Pin Function. Valid only for GPIO2 Pin.



Used to configure SDA_I2C2 Pin Function. Valid only for GPIO3 Pin.



Used to configure ENABLE Pin Function. Valid only for GPIO4 Pin.



Used to configure SYNCCLKIN Pin Function. Valid only for GPIO5 Pin.



Used to configure nERR_MCU Pin Function. Valid only for GPIO7 Pin.



Used to configure SCLK_SPMI Pin Function. Valid only for GPIO8 Pin.



Used to configure SDATA_SPMI Pin Function. Valid only for GPIO9 Pin.



Used to configure nRSTOUT Pin Function. Valid only for GPIO10 Pin.



Used to configure nRSTOUT_SOC Pin Function. Valid only for GPIO1 and GPIO10 Pins.



Used to configure CS_SPI Pin Function. Valid only for GPIO2 Pin.



Used to configure SDO_SPI Pin Function. Valid only for GPIO3 Pin.



Used to configure TRIG_WDOG Pin Function. Valid only for GPIO4 Pin.



Used to configure SYNCCLKOUT Pin Function. Valid only for GPIO5 and GPIO6 Pins.



Used to configure REFOUT Pin Function. Valid only for GPIO7 Pins.



Used to configure VMON2 Pin Function. Valid only for GPIO8 Pin.



Used to configure PGOOD Pin Function. Valid only for GPIO9 Pin.



Used to configure PGOOD Pin Function. Valid only for GPIO1 and GPIO6 Pins.



Used to configure TRIG_WDOG Pin Function. Valid only for GPIO2 Pin.



Used to configure BUCK1_VMON Pin Function. Valid only for GPIO4 Pin.



Used to configure nRSTOUT_SOC Pin Function. Valid only for GPIO5 Pins.



Used to configure VMON1 Pin Function. Valid only for GPIO7 Pin.



Used to configure SYNCCLKIN Pin Function. Valid only for GPIO9 Pin.



Used to configure NSLEEP1 Pin Function. Valid only for GPIO1 to GPIO10 Pins.



Used to configure NSLEEP2 Pin Function. Valid only for GPIO1 to GPIO10 Pins.


#define PMIC_LP8764X_GPIO_PINFUNC_WKUP1   (6U)

Used to configure WKUP1 Pin Function. Valid only for GPIO1 to GPIO10 Pins.


#define PMIC_LP8764X_GPIO_PINFUNC_WKUP2   (7U)

Used to configure WKUP2 Pin Function. Valid only for GPIO1 to GPIO10 Pins.

Function Documentation

◆ Pmic_gpioSetConfiguration()

int32_t Pmic_gpioSetConfiguration ( Pmic_CoreHandle_t pPmicCoreHandle,
const uint8_t  pin,
const Pmic_GpioCfg_t  gpioCfg 

API to set PMIC GPIO configuration.

Requirement: REQ_TAG(PDK-5808), REQ_TAG(PDK-5844), REQ_TAG(PDK-9111), REQ_TAG(PDK-9157) Design: did_pmic_gpio_cfg_readback, did_pmic_lpstandby_wkup_cfg Architecture: aid_pmic_gpio_cfg

     This function is used to set the required configuration for the
     specified GPIO pin when corresponding validParam bit field is set in
     the Pmic_GpioCfg_t
     For more information \ref Pmic_GpioCfg_t
     Note: Application has to ensure to do proper configuration of GPIO
           pin when connected to Enable pin of other peripherals on the
           board. If not configured properly then it may down the
           peripheral or system
pPmicCoreHandle[IN] PMIC Interface Handle.
pin[IN] PMIC GPIO pin number. Valid values for TPS6594x Leo Device Pmic_Tps6594xLeo_GpioPin. Valid values for LP8764x HERA Device Pmic_Lp8764xHera_GpioPin.
gpioCfg[IN] Set required configuration for the specified GPIO pin.
PMIC_ST_SUCCESS in case of success or appropriate error code For valid values Pmic_ErrorCodes

◆ Pmic_gpioGetConfiguration()

int32_t Pmic_gpioGetConfiguration ( Pmic_CoreHandle_t pPmicCoreHandle,
const uint8_t  pin,
Pmic_GpioCfg_t pGpioCfg 

API to get PMIC GPIO configuration.

Requirement: REQ_TAG(PDK-5808) Design: did_pmic_gpio_cfg_readback Architecture: aid_pmic_gpio_cfg

     This function is used to read the configuration for the specified
     GPIO pin when corresponding validParam bit field is set in
     the Pmic_GpioCfg_t
     For more information \ref Pmic_GpioCfg_t
pPmicCoreHandle[IN] PMIC Interface Handle
pin[IN] PMIC GPIO pin number. Valid values for TPS6594x Leo Device Pmic_Tps6594xLeo_GpioPin. Valid values for LP8764x HERA Device Pmic_Lp8764xHera_GpioPin.
pGpioCfg[IN/OUT] Pointer to store specified GPIO pin configuration
PMIC_ST_SUCCESS in case of success or appropriate error code For valid values Pmic_ErrorCodes

◆ Pmic_gpioSetValue()

int32_t Pmic_gpioSetValue ( Pmic_CoreHandle_t pPmicCoreHandle,
const uint8_t  pin,
const uint8_t  pinValue 

API to set PMIC GPIO value.

Requirement: REQ_TAG(PDK-5808), REQ_TAG(PDK-9111) Design: did_pmic_gpio_cfg_readback Architecture: aid_pmic_gpio_cfg

     This function is used to configure the signal level of the
     specified GPIO pin.
pPmicCoreHandle[IN] PMIC Interface Handle.
pin[IN] PMIC GPIO pin number. Valid values for TPS6594x Leo Device Pmic_Tps6594xLeo_GpioPin. Valid values for LP8764x HERA Device Pmic_Lp8764xHera_GpioPin.
pinValue[IN] PMIC GPIO signal level High/Low to be configured. Valid values Pmic_Gpio_SignalLvl.
PMIC_ST_SUCCESS in case of success or appropriate error code For valid values Pmic_ErrorCodes

◆ Pmic_gpioSetDir()

int32_t Pmic_gpioSetDir ( Pmic_CoreHandle_t pPmicCoreHandle,
const uint8_t  pin,
const uint8_t  pinDir 

◆ Pmic_gpioGetValue()

int32_t Pmic_gpioGetValue ( Pmic_CoreHandle_t pPmicCoreHandle,
const uint8_t  pin,
uint8_t *  pPinValue 

API to get PMIC GPIO value.

Requirement: REQ_TAG(PDK-5808) Design: did_pmic_gpio_cfg_readback Architecture: aid_pmic_gpio_cfg

     This function is used to read the signal level of the gpio pin
pPmicCoreHandle[IN] PMIC Interface Handle
pin[IN] PMIC GPIO pin number. Valid values for TPS6594x Leo Device Pmic_Tps6594xLeo_GpioPin. Valid values for LP8764x HERA Device Pmic_Lp8764xHera_GpioPin.
pPinValue[OUT] To store PMIC GPIO signal level High/Low. Valid values Pmic_Gpio_SignalLvl
PMIC_ST_SUCCESS in case of success or appropriate error code For valid values Pmic_ErrorCodes

◆ Pmic_gpioSetIntr()

int32_t Pmic_gpioSetIntr ( Pmic_CoreHandle_t pPmicCoreHandle,
const uint8_t  pin,
const uint8_t  intrType,
const uint8_t  maskPol 

API to enable/disable GPIO interrupt.

Requirement: REQ_TAG(PDK-5808), REQ_TAG(PDK-9159), REQ_TAG(PDK-9329) Design: did_pmic_gpio_cfg_readback Architecture: aid_pmic_gpio_cfg

     This function is used to enable/disable GPIO pin Interrupts
pPmicCoreHandle[IN] PMIC Interface Handle.
pin[IN] PMIC GPIO number. Valid values for TPS6594x Leo Device Pmic_Tps6594xLeo_GpioPin. Valid values for LP8764x HERA Device Pmic_Lp8764xHera_GpioPin.
intrType[IN] Interrupt type Pmic_GpioInterruptCfg
maskPol[IN] FSM trigger masking polarity select for GPIO Valid values refer Pmic_GpioInterruptPolCfg.
PMIC_ST_SUCCESS in case of success or appropriate error code For valid values Pmic_ErrorCodes

◆ Pmic_gpioSetNPwronEnablePinConfiguration()

int32_t Pmic_gpioSetNPwronEnablePinConfiguration ( Pmic_CoreHandle_t pPmicCoreHandle,
const Pmic_GpioCfg_t  gpioCfg 

API to set configuration for NPWRON/Enable pin.

Requirement: REQ_TAG(PDK-5808), REQ_TAG(PDK-9111), REQ_TAG(PDK-9162) Design: did_pmic_gpio_cfg_readback Architecture: aid_pmic_gpio_cfg

     This function is used to set the required configuration for the
     NPWRON OR ENABLE pin when corresponding validParam bit field is set
     in the Pmic_GpioCfg_t
     For more information \ref Pmic_GpioCfg_t
     NPWRON is valid only for TPS6594x Leo Device.

     Note: In this API, the default PMIC device is assumed as TPS6594x
           LEO PMIC. While adding support for New PMIC device, developer
           need to update the API functionality for New PMIC device
pPmicCoreHandle[IN] PMIC Interface Handle
gpioCfg[IN] Set NPWRON or ENABLE GPIO pin configuration
PMIC_ST_SUCCESS in case of success or appropriate error code For valid values Pmic_ErrorCodes

◆ Pmic_gpioGetNPwronEnablePinConfiguration()

int32_t Pmic_gpioGetNPwronEnablePinConfiguration ( Pmic_CoreHandle_t pPmicCoreHandle,
Pmic_GpioCfg_t pGpioCfg 

API to get configuration for NPWRON/Enable pin.

Requirement: REQ_TAG(PDK-5808) Design: did_pmic_gpio_cfg_readback Architecture: aid_pmic_gpio_cfg

     This function is used to read the configuration for the
     NPWRON OR ENABLE pin when corresponding validParam bit field is set
     in the Pmic_GpioCfg_t
     For more information \ref Pmic_GpioCfg_t
     NPWRON is valid only for TPS6594x Leo Device.

     Note: In this API, the default PMIC device is assumed as TPS6594x
           LEO PMIC. While adding support for New PMIC device, developer
           need to update the API functionality for New PMIC device
pPmicCoreHandle[IN] PMIC Interface Handle
pGpioCfg[IN/OUT] Pointer to store NPWRON OR ENABLE GPIO pin configuration
PMIC_ST_SUCCESS in case of success or appropriate error code For valid values Pmic_ErrorCodes

◆ Pmic_gpioTps6594xNPwronPinGetValue()

int32_t Pmic_gpioTps6594xNPwronPinGetValue ( Pmic_CoreHandle_t pPmicCoreHandle,
uint8_t *  pPinValue 

API to get PMIC GPIO NPWRON/Enable pin value.

Requirement: REQ_TAG(PDK-9124) Design: did_pmic_gpio_cfg_readback Architecture: aid_pmic_gpio_cfg

     This function is used to read the signal level of the NPWRON/Enable
pPmicCoreHandle[IN] PMIC Interface Handle
pPinValue[OUT] Pointer to store PMIC GPIO signal level High/Low. Valid values Pmic_Gpio_SignalLvl
PMIC_ST_SUCCESS in case of success or appropriate error code For valid values Pmic_ErrorCodes