PDK API Guide for J721E
Pmic_RtcDate_t Struct Reference

Detailed Description

RTC Date configuration. The Pmic_RtcDate_s structure contains set of date parameters to set/get the RTC Date.

validParamsValidate params Bits. Depending on the parameters want to get/set, corresponding bits should be set in validParam.
dayValue to represent the day. Valid only when PMIC_RTC_DATE_CFG_DAY_VALID bit of validParams is set.
monthValue to represent the Month. For valid values Pmic_RtcMonth. Valid only when PMIC_RTC_DATE_CFG_MONTH_VALID bit of validParams is set.
yearValue to represent the Year. Valid only when PMIC_RTC_DATE_CFG_YEAR_VALID bit of validParams is set.
weekdayValue to represent the weekday of the week. For Valid Values: Pmic_RtcWeekDay. Valid only when PMIC_RTC_DATE_CFG_WEEKDAY_VALID bit of validParams is set.

Data Fields

uint32_t validParams
uint8_t day
uint8_t month
uint16_t year
uint8_t weekday

Field Documentation

◆ validParams

uint32_t Pmic_RtcDate_t::validParams

◆ day

uint8_t Pmic_RtcDate_t::day

◆ month

uint8_t Pmic_RtcDate_t::month

◆ year

uint16_t Pmic_RtcDate_t::year

◆ weekday

uint8_t Pmic_RtcDate_t::weekday