PDK API Guide for J721E
Pmic_RtcCfg_t Struct Reference

Detailed Description

RTC configuration The Pmic_RtcRstStatus_s structure contains status of RTC Reset and power-up status. Note: validParams is input param for all Set and Get APIs. other params except validParams is input param for Set APIs and output param for Get APIs.

validParamsValidate params Bits. Depending on the parameters want to get, corresponding bits should be set in validParam For Valid values Pmic_RtcConfigValidParamCfg
crystalOScEnEnable/Disable Crystal Oscillator Valid only when PMIC_RTC_CFG_CRYSTAL_OSC_EN_VALID bit of validParams is set. For valid values Pmic_RtcCrystalOscCfg
set32KCounterCompValSet 32K counter with compensation values. Application can configure this only when RTC is frozen Valid only when PMIC_RTC_CFG_32K_COUNTER_COMP_VAL_SET_VALID bit of validParams is set. For valid values Pmic_Rtc32KCounterCfg
setRtcTimeRound30sSet RTC time config to Round the time to closest minute Valid only when PMIC_RTC_CFG_RTC_TIME_ROUND_30S_SET_VALID bit of validParams is set. For valid values Pmic_RtcRoundTime
timeDateRegSelSelect RTC Time and Date Register read from Dynamic or Static Shadowed Registers. Valid only when PMIC_RTC_CFG_TIME_DATE_REG_SEL_VALID bit of validParams is set. For valid values Pmic_RtcTimeDateRegSel
crystalOScTypeSelect Crystal Oscillator Type Valid only when PMIC_RTC_CFG_CRYSTAL_OSC_TYPE_VALID bit of validParams is set. For valid values Pmic_RtcCrystalOscType

Data Fields

uint32_t validParams
bool crystalOScEn
uint8_t set32KCounterCompVal
uint8_t setRtcTimeRound30s
uint8_t timeDateRegSel
uint8_t crystalOScType

Field Documentation

◆ validParams

uint32_t Pmic_RtcCfg_t::validParams

◆ crystalOScEn

bool Pmic_RtcCfg_t::crystalOScEn

◆ set32KCounterCompVal

uint8_t Pmic_RtcCfg_t::set32KCounterCompVal

◆ setRtcTimeRound30s

uint8_t Pmic_RtcCfg_t::setRtcTimeRound30s

◆ timeDateRegSel

uint8_t Pmic_RtcCfg_t::timeDateRegSel

◆ crystalOScType

uint8_t Pmic_RtcCfg_t::crystalOScType