PDK API Guide for J721E

Detailed Description

Packet scatter list info.

This structure contains info on the scatter list used for transmitting packets that are split into list of fragments. Using a scatter list allows application to transmit packet that are not a single continuous buffer but a list of scatter fragments chained together. Support for scatter list is needed for supporting zero copy in network stacks protocols like UDP

Data Fields

uint32_t numScatterSegments
EnetUdma_SGListEntry list [ENET_UDMA_CPSW_MAX_SG_LIST]

Field Documentation

◆ numScatterSegments

uint32_t EnetUdma_SGList::numScatterSegments

Number of valid scatter segments in the packet If packet is made of a single continuous buffer (no scatter list case) then numScatterSegments == 1

◆ list

Array of scatterList having info on each individual scatter segement