EthTrcv_Cfg.h File Reference


This file contains generated pre compile configuration file for Ethernet Transceiver MCAL driver.

Go to the source code of this file.


 ETHTRCV Build Variant. Build variant pre-compile (STD_ON/STD_OFF) More...
 EthTrcv auto-negotiation wait count Transceiver delay after auto-negotiation started to auto-negotiation completed. Transceiver (PHY) sets auto-negotiation status bit in status register once it is complete. Depending on Transceiver type, MDIO frequency it will take different time. change count value if transceiver detection fails in auto-negotiation. More...
 Wait for link status to become up after configuration. More...
 Enable/disable Ethernet transceiver EthTrcvWakeUpSupport APIs. More...
 Enable/disable Ethernet transceiver settransceivermode API. More...
 Enable/disable Ethernet transceiver gettransceivermodeapi API. More...
 Enable/disable Ethernet transceiver startautonegotiation API. More...
 Enable/disable Ethernet transceiver getlinkstate API. More...
 Enable/disable Ethernet transceiver getbaudrate API. More...
 Enable/disable Ethernet transceiver getduplexmode API. More...
#define ETHTRCV_OS_COUNTER_ID   ((CounterType)OsCounter_0)
 Counter ID for counter used to count wait ticks. More...
 ETH timeout. More...
#define ETHTRCV_DRV_CONFIG_0   ((const EthTrcv_ConfigType *) &EthTrcvConfig_0_PC)
EthTrcv Driver Configuration SW Version Info

Pre-compile switches for enabling/disabling ETHTRCV MCAL APIs

#define ETHTRCV_VERSION_INFO_API   (STD_ON)/** \brief Enable/Disable DEV error detection */
 Enable/Disable EthTrcv_GetVersionInfo() More...
 EthTrcv max number of controllers. More...
 EthTrcv max number of configurations. More...
EthTrcv Controller names

Symbolic names for the EthTrcvControllerId.

EthTrcv Transceiver names

Symbolic names for the EthTrcv.

ETHTRCV DEM Error codes to report

Pre-compile switches for enabling/disabling DEM events

#define DemConf_DemEventParameter_ETHTRCV_DEM_NO_EVENT   (0xFFFFU)
 Hardware failed. More...
 Hardware failed. More...


struct EthTrcv_ConfigType_s EthTrcvConfig_0_PC
 ETHTRCV Configuration struct declaration. More...