PDK API Guide for J721E
Pmic_BatteryCtrlCfg_t Struct Reference

Detailed Description

PMIC Backup Battery control param Configuration Note: validParams is input param for all Set and Get APIs. other params except validParams is input param for Set APIs and output param for Get APIs.

validParamsSelection of structure parameters to be set, from the combination of Pmic_BatteryCtrlValidParamCfg and the corresponding member value must be updated.
chargingEnEnable/Disable Backup Battery Charging Valid only when PMIC_CFG_CHARGING_EN_VALID bit is set. Valid only for TPS6594x Leo Device Valid values Pmic_Tps6594xLeo_BatteryCharging_Cfg
endOfChargeVoltageBackup Battery configuration for End of charge Voltage Valid only when PMIC_CFG_END_OF_CHARGE_VOLTAGE_VALID bit is set. Valid only for TPS6594x Leo Device Valid values Pmic_Tps6594xLeo_EndOfChargeVoltage_Sel
chargeCurrentBackup Battery charging current value Valid only when PMIC_CFG_CHARGE_CURRENT_VALID bit is set. Valid only for TPS6594x Leo Device Valid values Pmic_Tps6594xLeo_Charging_Current_Sel

Data Fields

uint8_t validParams
bool chargingEn
uint8_t endOfChargeVoltage
uint8_t chargeCurrent

Field Documentation

◆ validParams

uint8_t Pmic_BatteryCtrlCfg_t::validParams

◆ chargingEn

bool Pmic_BatteryCtrlCfg_t::chargingEn

◆ endOfChargeVoltage

uint8_t Pmic_BatteryCtrlCfg_t::endOfChargeVoltage

◆ chargeCurrent

uint8_t Pmic_BatteryCtrlCfg_t::chargeCurrent