PDK API Guide for J721E
OSPI_Params Struct Reference

Detailed Description

OSPI Parameters.

OSPI Parameters are used to with the OSPI_open() call. Default values for these parameters are set using OSPI_Params_init().

See also

Data Fields

OSPI_TransferMode transferMode
uint32_t transferTimeout
OSPI_CallbackFxn transferCallbackFxn
OSPI_Mode mode
uint32_t bitRate
uint32_t dataSize
OSPI_FrameFormat frameFormat
void * custom

Field Documentation

◆ transferMode

OSPI_TransferMode OSPI_Params::transferMode

Blocking or Callback mode

◆ transferTimeout

uint32_t OSPI_Params::transferTimeout

Transfer timeout in system ticks (Not supported with all implementations

◆ transferCallbackFxn

OSPI_CallbackFxn OSPI_Params::transferCallbackFxn

Callback function pointer

◆ mode

OSPI_Mode OSPI_Params::mode

Master or Slave mode

◆ bitRate

uint32_t OSPI_Params::bitRate

SPI bit rate in Hz

◆ dataSize

uint32_t OSPI_Params::dataSize

SPI data frame size in bits

◆ frameFormat

OSPI_FrameFormat OSPI_Params::frameFormat

SPI frame format

◆ custom

void* OSPI_Params::custom

Custom argument used by driver implementation