Eth.h File Reference


This file contains the interface of the Ethernet driver.

Go to the source code of this file.


Eth Driver Module SW Version Info

Definitions for the Eth Driver version used for compatibility checks

 Driver Implementation Major Version. More...
 Driver Implementation Minor Version. More...
 Driver Implementation Patch Version. More...
Eth Driver Module AUTOSAR Version Info

Definitions for the Etj Driver AUTOSAR version used for compatibility checks

 AUTOSAR Major version specification implemented by Eth Driver. More...
 AUTOSAR Minor version specification implemented by Eth Driver. More...
 AUTOSAR Patch version specification implemented by Eth Driver. More...
Eth Driver ID Info
#define ETH_VENDOR_ID   ((uint16) 44U)
 Texas Instruments Vendor ID. More...
#define ETH_MODULE_ID   ((uint16) 88U)
 Eth Driver Module ID. More...
#define ETH_INSTANCE_ID   ((uint8) 0U)
 Eth Driver Instance ID. More...
Eth Controller names

Symbolic names for the EthControllerId.

#define ETH_CONTROLLER_ID_0   (0U)
 Eth controller ID 0. More...
Eth Error Codes

Error codes returned by Eth functions

#define ETH_E_INV_CTRL_IDX   ((uint8) 0x01U)
 Invalid controller index. More...
#define ETH_E_UNINIT   ((uint8) 0x02U)
 Eth module was not initialized. More...
#define ETH_E_PARAM_POINTER   ((uint8) 0x03U)
 Invalid pointer in parameter list. More...
#define ETH_E_INV_PARAM   ((uint8) 0x04U)
 Invalid parameter. More...
#define ETH_E_INV_MODE   ((uint8) 0x05U)
 Invalid mode. More...
#define ETH_E_VIRTMAC_APIMISMATCH   ((uint8) 0x07U)
 Mismatch in API version between Eth Driver and ethernet firmware. More...
#define ETH_E_VIRTMAC_RPCCMDFAILED   ((uint8) 0x08U)
 Virtual MAC RPC command failed. More...
 Ethernet MCAL RPC client received unhandled notify from ethernet firmware server. More...
 Rpc Command sent by client not supported by server. More...
#define ETH_E_BUSY   ((uint8) 0x0BU)
 Device or resource is busy. More...
Eth Service Ids

The Service Id is used to identify the source of an error when reported through the Det_ReportError() function.

#define ETH_SID_INIT   ((uint8) 0x01U)
 Eth_Init() API Service ID. More...
#define ETH_SID_SET_CONTROLLER_MODE   ((uint8) 0x03U)
 Eth_SetControllerMode() API Service ID. More...
#define ETH_SID_GET_CONTROLLER_MODE   ((uint8) 0x04U)
 Eth_GetControllerMode() API Service ID. More...
#define ETH_SID_WRITE_MII   ((uint8) 0x05U)
 Eth_WriteMii() API Service ID. More...
#define ETH_SID_READ_MII   ((uint8) 0x06U)
 Eth_ReadMii() API Service ID. More...
#define ETH_SID_GET_PHYS_ADDR   ((uint8) 0x08U)
 Eth_GetPhysAddr() API Service ID. More...
#define ETH_SID_PROVIDE_TX_BUFFER   ((uint8) 0x09U)
 Eth_ProvideTxBuffer() API Service ID. More...
#define ETH_SID_MAIN_FUNCTION   ((uint8) 0x0AU)
 Eth_MainFunction() API Service ID. More...
#define ETH_SID_TRANSMIT   ((uint8) 0x0BU)
 Eth_Transmit() API Service ID. More...
#define ETH_SID_RECEIVE   ((uint8) 0x0CU)
 Eth_Receive() API Service ID. More...
#define ETH_SID_TX_CONFIRMATION   ((uint8) 0x0EU)
 Eth_TxConfirmation() API Service ID. More...
#define ETH_SID_GET_VERSION_INFO   ((uint8) 0x0FU)
 Eth_GetVersionInfo() API Service ID. More...
#define ETH_SID_RX_IRQ_HDLR   ((uint8) 0x10U)
 Eth_RxIrqHdlr_<CtrlIdx>() API Service ID. More...
#define ETH_SID_TX_IRQ_HDLR   ((uint8) 0x11U)
 Eth_TxIrqHdlr_<CtrlIdx>() API Service ID. More...
#define ETH_SID_UPDATE_PHYS_ADDR_FILTER   ((uint8) 0x12U)
 Eth_UpdatePhysAddrFilter() API Service ID. More...
#define ETH_SID_SET_PHYS_ADDR   ((uint8) 0x13U)
 Eth_SetPhysAddr() API Service ID. More...
#define ETH_SID_GET_COUNTER_VALUES   ((uint8) 0x14U)
 Eth_GetCounterValues() API Service ID. More...
#define ETH_SID_GET_RX_STATS   ((uint8) 0x15U)
 Eth_GetRxStats() API Service ID. More...
#define ETH_SID_GET_TX_STATS   ((uint8) 0x1CU)
 Eth_GetTxStats() API Service ID. More...
 Eth_GetTxErrorCounterValues() API Service ID. More...
#define ETH_SID_GET_CURRENT_TIME   ((uint8) 0x16U)
 Eth_GetCurrentTime() API Service ID. More...
#define ETH_SID_ENABLE_EGRESS_TIMESTAMP   ((uint8) 0x17U)
 Eth_EnableEgressTimeStamp() API Service ID. More...
#define ETH_SID_GET_EGRESS_TIMESTAMP   ((uint8) 0x18U)
 Eth_GetEgressTimeStamp() API Service ID. More...
#define ETH_SID_GET_INGRESS_TIMESTAMP   ((uint8) 0x19U)
 Eth_GetIngressTimeStamp() API Service ID. More...
#define ETH_SID_SET_CORRECTION_TIME   ((uint8) 0x1AU)
 Eth_SetCorrectionTime() API Service ID. More...
#define ETH_SID_SET_GLOBAL_TIME   ((uint8) 0x1BU)
 Eth_SetGlobalTime() API Service ID. More...
#define ETH_SID_DISPATCH_VIRTMAC_INIT   ((uint8) 0x1CU)
 Eth_DispatchVirtmacInit() API Service ID. More...
 Eth_DispatchVirtmacDeinit() API Service ID. More...
#define ETH_SID_NOTIFY_VIRTMAC_MSGRECV   ((uint8) 0x1EU)
 Eth_NotifyVirtmacMsgRecv() API Service ID. More...
 Eth_DispatchVirtmacSubscribeAllTraffic() API Service ID. More...
 Eth_DispatchVirtmacUnsubscribeAllTraffic() API Service ID. More...
 Eth_DispatchVirtmacSubscribeDstMac() API Service ID. More...
 Eth_DispatchVirtmacUnsubscribeDstMac() API Service ID. More...
 Eth_DispatchVirtmacIPv4MacAddrAssociate() API Service ID. More...
 Eth_DispatchVirtmacIPv4MacAddrDisassociate() API Service ID. More...
 Eth_DispatchVirtmacAddUnicastMacAddr() API Service ID. More...
 Eth_DispatchVirtmacAddMcastMacAddr() API Service ID. More...
 Eth_DispatchVirtmacDelMacAddr() API Service ID. More...
#define ETH_SID_DISPATCH_VIRTMAC_ADD_VLAN   ((uint8) 0x28U)
 Eth_DispatchVirtmacAddVlan() API Service ID. More...
#define ETH_SID_DISPATCH_VIRTMAC_DEL_VLAN   ((uint8) 0x29U)
 Eth_DispatchVirtmacDelVlan() API Service ID. More...
#define ETH_SID_SEND_CUSTOM_NOTIFY   ((uint8) 0x2AU)
 Eth_SendCustomNotify() API Service ID. More...
#define ETH_SID_TRANSMIT_NO_COPY   ((uint8) 0x2BU)
 Eth_TransmitNoCpy() API Service ID. More...
#define ETH_SID_RETRIEVE_RX_READY_QUEUE   ((uint8) 0x2CU)
 Eth_RetrieveRxReadyQ() API Service ID. More...
#define ETH_SID_SUBMIT_RX_FREE_QUEUE   ((uint8) 0x2DU)
 Eth_SubmitRxFreeQ() API Service ID. More...
#define ETH_SID_SUBMIT_TX_READY_QUEUE   ((uint8) 0x2EU)
 Eth_SubmitTxReadyQ() API Service ID. More...
#define ETH_SID_RETRIEVE_TX_DONE_QUEUE   ((uint8) 0x2FU)
 Eth_RetrieveTxDoneQ() API Service ID. More...
#define ETH_SID_VIRTMAC_RPC_INIT   ((uint8) 0x2BU)
 Eth_VirtMacRpcInit() API Service ID. More...


void Eth_Init (const Eth_ConfigType *CfgPtr)
 This function initializes the driver. More...
Std_ReturnType Eth_SetControllerMode (uint8 CtrlIdx, Eth_ModeType CtrlMode)
 This function enables / disables the indexed controller. More...
Std_ReturnType Eth_GetControllerMode (uint8 CtrlIdx, Eth_ModeType *CtrlModePtr)
 This function obtains the state of the indexed controller. More...
void Eth_GetPhysAddr (uint8 CtrlIdx, uint8 *PhysAddrPtr)
 This function obtains the physical source address used by the indexed controller. More...
void Eth_SetPhysAddr (uint8 CtrlIdx, const uint8 *PhysAddrPtr)
 This function sets the physical source address used by the indexed controller. More...
Std_ReturnType Eth_UpdatePhysAddrFilter (uint8 CtrlIdx, uint8 *PhysAddrPtr, Eth_FilterActionType Action)
 This function updates the physical source address to / from the indexed controller filter. More...
Std_ReturnType Eth_WriteMii (uint8 CtrlIdx, uint8 TrcvIdx, uint8 RegIdx, uint16 RegVal)
 This function configures a transceiver register or triggers a function offered by the receiver Service. More...
Std_ReturnType Eth_ReadMii (uint8 CtrlIdx, uint8 TrcvIdx, uint8 RegIdx, uint16 *RegValPtr)
 This function reads a transceiver register. More...
Std_ReturnType Eth_GetCounterValues (uint8 CtrlIdx, Eth_CounterType *CounterPtr)
 This function reads a list with counter values of the corresponding controller. More...
Std_ReturnType Eth_GetRxStats (uint8 CtrlIdx, Eth_RxStatsType *RxStats)
 This function reads a list with RX statistics values of the corresponding controller. More...
Std_ReturnType Eth_GetTxStats (uint8 CtrlIdx, Eth_TxStatsType *TxStats)
 This function reads a list with TX statistics values of the corresponding controller. More...
Std_ReturnType Eth_GetTxErrorCounterValues (uint8 CtrlIdx, Eth_TxErrorCounterValuesType *TxErrorCounterValues)
 This function reads a list of values to read statistic error counter values for transmission for corresponding controller. More...
Std_ReturnType Eth_GetCurrentTime (uint8 CtrlIdx, Eth_TimeStampQualType *timeQualPtr, Eth_TimeStampType *timeStampPtr)
 This function returns a time value out of the HW registers. More...
void Eth_EnableEgressTimeStamp (uint8 CtrlIdx, uint8 BufIdx)
 This function activates egress time stamping on a dedicated message object. More...
void Eth_GetEgressTimeStamp (uint8 CtrlIdx, uint8 BufIdx, Eth_TimeStampQualType *timeQualPtr, Eth_TimeStampType *timeStampPtr)
 This function reads back the egress time stamp on a dedicated message object. More...
void Eth_GetIngressTimeStamp (uint8 CtrlIdx, Eth_DataType *DataPtr, Eth_TimeStampQualType *timeQualPtr, Eth_TimeStampType *timeStampPtr)
 This function reads back the ingress time stamp on a dedicated message object. More...
void Eth_SetCorrectionTime (uint8 CtrlIdx, Eth_TimeIntDiffType *timeOffsetPtr, Eth_RateRatioType *rateRatioPtr)
 This function allows the Time Slave to adjust the local ETH Reference clock in HW. More...
Std_ReturnType Eth_SetGlobalTime (uint8 CtrlIdx, Eth_TimeStampType *timeStampPtr)
 This function allows the Time Master to adjust the global ETH Reference clock in HW. More...
BufReq_ReturnType Eth_ProvideTxBuffer (uint8 CtrlIdx, uint8 Priority, Eth_BufIdxType *BufIdxPtr, uint8 **BufPtr, uint16 *LenBytePtr)
 This function provides access to a transmit buffer of the specified controller. More...
Std_ReturnType Eth_Transmit (uint8 CtrlIdx, Eth_BufIdxType BufIdx, Eth_FrameType FrameType, boolean TxConfirmation, uint16 LenByte, uint8 *PhysAddrPtr)
 This function triggers transmission of a previously filled transmit buffer. More...
Std_ReturnType Eth_TransmitNoCpy (uint8 CtrlIdx, uint8 *BufPtr, Eth_FrameType FrameType, uint16 LenByte, uint8 *PhysAddrPtr)
 This function triggers transmission of a packet without buffer copy. More...
void Eth_Receive (uint8 CtrlIdx, uint8 FifoIdx, Eth_RxStatusType *RxStatusPtr)
 This function triggers frame reception. More...
void Eth_TxConfirmation (uint8 CtrlIdx)
 This function triggers frame transmission confirmation. More...
void Eth_GetVersionInfo (Std_VersionInfoType *VersionInfo)
 Function returns the version information of this module. More...
void Eth_MainFunction (void)
 The function checks for controller errors and lost frames. Used for polling state changes. Calls EthIf_CtrlModeIndication when the controller mode changed. More...
Std_ReturnType Eth_VirtMacRpcInit (const Eth_ConfigType *CfgPtr)
 This function initializes Eth Virtual MAC driver's Remote Procedure Call. More...
Std_ReturnType Eth_DispatchVirtmacInit (uint8 CtrlIdx)
 Dispatch virtual mac initialization request to ethernet firmware. More...
Std_ReturnType Eth_DispatchVirtmacDeinit (uint8 CtrlIdx)
 Dispatch virtual mac deinit request to ethernet firmware. More...
Std_ReturnType Eth_NotifyVirtmacMsgReceived (uint8 CtrlIdx)
 Notify Ethernet driver that a RPC msg has been received from ethernet firmware. More...
Std_ReturnType Eth_DispatchVirtmacSubscribeAllTraffic (uint8 CtrlIdx)
 Dispatch virtual mac all traffic subscription request to ethernet firmware. More...
Std_ReturnType Eth_DispatchVirtmacUnsubscribeAllTraffic (uint8 CtrlIdx)
 Dispatch virtual mac all traffic unsubscription request to ethernet firmware. More...
Std_ReturnType Eth_DispatchVirtmacSubscribeDstMac (uint8 CtrlIdx, uint8 *macAddress)
 Dispatch virtual mac destination mac traffic subscription request to ethernet firmware. More...
Std_ReturnType Eth_DispatchVirtmacUnsubscribeDstMac (uint8 CtrlIdx, uint8 *macAddress)
 Dispatch virtual mac destination traffic unsubscription request to ethernet firmware. More...
Std_ReturnType Eth_DispatchVirtmacAssociateIPv4Macaddr (uint8 CtrlIdx, uint8 *ipv4Address, uint8 *macAddress)
 Dispatch virtual mac IPV4 address:destination mac association request to ethernet firmware. More...
Std_ReturnType Eth_DispatchVirtmacDisassociateIPv4Macaddr (uint8 CtrlIdx, uint8 *ipv4Address)
 Dispatch virtual mac IPV4 address:destination mac disassociation request to ethernet firmware. More...
Std_ReturnType Eth_DispatchVirtmacAddUnicastAddr (uint8 CtrlIdx, uint8 *macAddress, Eth_PortType port, uint32 vlanId)
 Dispatch virtual mac addition of given unicast address to switch address resolution table request to ethernet firmware. More...
Std_ReturnType Eth_DispatchVirtmacAddMcastAddr (uint8 CtrlIdx, uint8 *macAddress, uint32 numLsbToIgnore, uint32 vlanId, Eth_PortListType *portList)
 Dispatch virtual mac addition of given multicast address to switch address resolution table request to ethernet firmware. More...
Std_ReturnType Eth_DispatchVirtmacDelAddr (uint8 CtrlIdx, uint8 *macAddress, uint32 vlanId)
 Dispatch virtual mac removal of given mac address from switch address resolution table request to ethernet firmware. More...
Std_ReturnType Eth_DispatchVirtmacAddVlan (uint8 CtrlIdx, uint32 vlanId, Eth_PortListType *portList)
 Dispatch virtual mac addition of given vlan id to switch address resolution table request to ethernet firmware. More...
Std_ReturnType Eth_DispatchVirtmacDelVlan (uint8 CtrlIdx, uint32 vlanId)
 Dispatch virtual mac removal of given vlanid from switch address resolution table request to ethernet firmware. More...
Std_ReturnType Eth_SendCustomNotify (uint8 CtrlIdx, void *notifyInfo, uint32 notifyLen)
 Send a custom notification to the ethernet firmware with given notify info and notify len. More...
Std_ReturnType Eth_RetrieveRxReadyQ (uint8 CtrlIdx, Eth_PktQ *retrievePktQ)
 This function retrieves a queue of received Ethernet frames. More...
Std_ReturnType Eth_SubmitRxFreeQ (uint8 CtrlIdx, Eth_PktQ *submitPktQ)
 This function submits a queue of free Ethernet frames for future reception. More...
Std_ReturnType Eth_SubmitTxReadyQ (uint8 CtrlIdx, Eth_PktQ *submitPktQ)
 This function submits a queue of Ethernet frames for transmission. More...
Std_ReturnType Eth_RetrieveTxDoneQ (uint8 CtrlIdx, Eth_PktQ *retrievePktQ)
 This function retrieves a queue of Ethernet frames that have already being used for transmission. More...