TI Autonomous Driving Algorithms (TIADALG) Library User Guide
tiadalg_fisheye_transformation.h File Reference

This file defines the interface for fish eye transformation of list of key points. More...

#include <stdint.h>

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int32_t tiadalg_fisheye_transformation_cn (int16_t *in_img_points, int32_t num_points, uint32_t in_center_x, uint32_t in_center_y, float focal_length, uint32_t out_center_cx, uint32_t out_center_cy, float(*angle_table)[2], int32_t num_table_row, uint16_t *scratch, int32_t is_scratch_filled, int16_t *out_img_points)
 It does transformation of list of 2D points from rectalinear (source) image domain to fish eye (destimation) image domain, for given angle table. More...
int32_t tiadalg_fisheye_transformation_c66 (int16_t *in_img_points, int32_t num_points, uint32_t in_center_x, uint32_t in_center_y, float focal_length, uint32_t out_center_cx, uint32_t out_center_cy, float(*angle_table)[2], int32_t num_table_row, uint16_t *scratch, int32_t is_scratch_filled, int16_t *out_img_points)
 It does transformation of list of 2D points from rectalinear (source) image domain to fish eye (destimation) image domain, for given angle table. More...

Detailed Description

This file defines the interface for fish eye transformation of list of key points.

0.1 Sep 2018 : Initial Code

Function Documentation

◆ tiadalg_fisheye_transformation_cn()

int32_t tiadalg_fisheye_transformation_cn ( int16_t *  in_img_points,
int32_t  num_points,
uint32_t  in_center_x,
uint32_t  in_center_y,
float  focal_length,
uint32_t  out_center_cx,
uint32_t  out_center_cy,
float(*)  angle_table[2],
int32_t  num_table_row,
uint16_t *  scratch,
int32_t  is_scratch_filled,
int16_t *  out_img_points 

It does transformation of list of 2D points from rectalinear (source) image domain to fish eye (destimation) image domain, for given angle table.


in_img_points[in] : Input image points in (x,y) format. Size of this buffer should be num_points * 2
num_points[in] : Number of input points
in_center_x[in] : image center in x direction for input image dimension
in_center_y[in] : image center in y direction for input image dimension
focal_length[in] : focal length of the camera for input and output image
out_center_cx[in] : image center in x direction for output image dimension
out_center_cy[in] : image center in y direction for output image dimension
angle_table[in] : Angle tuple for the ray originating from focal center to image plane in input image and corresponding angle in output image
num_table_row[in] : Number of rows in in above table
out_img_points[out]Output image points corresponding to each input point in_img_points
  • size of the /c angle_table buffer should be /c num_table_row * 2
  • each entry of table is the pair of angles, where first element is for source domain angle and second element is destination image domain angle.
  • These angles are the angle subtended by light ray with optical axis, and it should be in ascending order

◆ tiadalg_fisheye_transformation_c66()

int32_t tiadalg_fisheye_transformation_c66 ( int16_t *  in_img_points,
int32_t  num_points,
uint32_t  in_center_x,
uint32_t  in_center_y,
float  focal_length,
uint32_t  out_center_cx,
uint32_t  out_center_cy,
float(*)  angle_table[2],
int32_t  num_table_row,
uint16_t *  scratch,
int32_t  is_scratch_filled,
int16_t *  out_img_points 

It does transformation of list of 2D points from rectalinear (source) image domain to fish eye (destimation) image domain, for given angle table.


in_img_points[in] : Input image points in (x,y) format. Size of this buffer should be num_points * 2
num_points[in] : Number of input points
in_center_x[in] : image center in x direction for input image dimension
in_center_y[in] : image center in y direction for input image dimension
focal_length[in] : focal length of the camera for input and output image
out_center_cx[in] : image center in x direction for output image dimension
out_center_cy[in] : image center in y direction for output image dimension
angle_table[in] : Angle tuple for the ray originating from focal center to image plane in input image and corresponding angle in output image
num_table_row[in] : Number of rows in in above table
out_img_points[out]Output image points corresponding to each input point in_img_points
  • size of the /c angle_table buffer should be /c num_table_row * 2
  • each entry of table is the pair of angles, where first element is for source domain angle and second element is destination image domain angle.
  • These angles are the angle subtended by light ray with optical axis, and it should be in ascending order

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