TI Deep Learning Product User Guide
sTIDL_CalibParams_t Struct Reference

Detailed Description

This structure define the parameters of ReLU activation layer in TIDL.

Data Fields

int32_t activationRangeMethod
int32_t weightRangeMethod
float32_tidl percentileActRangeShrink
float32_tidl percentileWtRangeShrink
float32_tidl biasCalibrationFactor
int32_t biasCalibrationIterations

Field Documentation

◆ activationRangeMethod

int32_t sTIDL_CalibParams_t::activationRangeMethod

This parameter is only applicable when calibrationOption is TIDL_CalibOptionActivationRange. This option tells the method to be used for activation range collection. Refer eTIDL_ActivationRangeMethod for various supported methods

◆ weightRangeMethod

int32_t sTIDL_CalibParams_t::weightRangeMethod

This parameter is only applicable when calibrationOption is TIDL_CalibOptionWeightRange. This option tells the method to be used for weights range collection. Refer eTIDL_WeightRangeMethod for various supported methods. It is highly recommended that this option is used with bias calibration otherwise it may result in accuracy degradation

◆ percentileActRangeShrink

float32_tidl sTIDL_CalibParams_t::percentileActRangeShrink

This parameter is only applicable when activationRangeMethod is TIDL_ActivationRangeMethodHistogram. This is percentile of the total number of elements in a activation tensor which needs to be discarded from both side of activation distribution. If input is unsigned then this is applied to only one side of activation distribution. For example percentileActRangeShrink = 0.01, means to discard 1/10000 elements from both or one side of activation distribution.

◆ percentileWtRangeShrink

float32_tidl sTIDL_CalibParams_t::percentileWtRangeShrink

This parameter is only applicable when weightRangeMethod is TIDL_weightRangeMethodHistogram. This is percentile of the total number of elements in a weight filter which needs to be discarded from both side of weight distribution. For example percentileWtRangeShrink = 0.01, means to discard 1/10000 elements from both or one side of weight distribution.

◆ biasCalibrationFactor

float32_tidl sTIDL_CalibParams_t::biasCalibrationFactor

This is contribution which is used to update the bias in each iteration based on the difference of actual mean with respect to the mean after quantization

◆ biasCalibrationIterations

int32_t sTIDL_CalibParams_t::biasCalibrationIterations

This parameter is only applicable when calibrationOption is TIDL_CalibOptionBiasCalibration. This is the number of iterations for which bias calibration will be iteratively run.