PDK API Guide for J721E

Detailed Description

Request message to set keyrev.

This message can only be sent by the host that is tied to root of trust through the secure tisci_boardcfg extended otp extension

hdrStandard TISCI header
valueKey Revision value (integer) to be bit encoded, and programmed
cert_addr_loLower 32 bit address (in LE format) of the Dual signed certificate
cert_addr_hiHigher 32 bit address (in LE format) of the Dual signed certificate

Data Fields

struct tisci_header hdr
uint32_t value
uint32_t cert_addr_lo
uint32_t cert_addr_hi

Field Documentation

◆ hdr

struct tisci_header tisci_msg_set_keyrev_req::hdr

◆ value

uint32_t tisci_msg_set_keyrev_req::value

◆ cert_addr_lo

uint32_t tisci_msg_set_keyrev_req::cert_addr_lo

◆ cert_addr_hi

uint32_t tisci_msg_set_keyrev_req::cert_addr_hi