PDK API Guide for J721E
LwipifEnetAppIf_GetHandleOutArgs Struct Reference

Detailed Description

Output arguments to be populated by application via LwipifEnetAppCb_getHandle() when Enet's netif is initialized.

Data Fields

Enet_Handle hEnet
uint32_t coreId
uint32_t coreKey
Enet_Print print
uint32_t txMtu [ENET_PRI_NUM]
uint32_t hostPortRxMtu
LwipifEnetAppIf_IsPhyLinkedCbFxn isPortLinkedFxn
LwipifEnetAppIf_TxHandleInfo txInfo
LwipifEnetAppIf_RxHandleInfo rxInfo [LWIP2ENET_RX_NUM]
uint32_t timerPeriodUs

Field Documentation

◆ hEnet

Enet_Handle LwipifEnetAppIf_GetHandleOutArgs::hEnet

Enet driver handle.

◆ coreId

uint32_t LwipifEnetAppIf_GetHandleOutArgs::coreId

Self core id.

◆ coreKey

uint32_t LwipifEnetAppIf_GetHandleOutArgs::coreKey

Core key returned by Enet LLD.

◆ print

Enet_Print LwipifEnetAppIf_GetHandleOutArgs::print

Print function to be used by Enet's netif.

◆ txMtu

uint32_t LwipifEnetAppIf_GetHandleOutArgs::txMtu[ENET_PRI_NUM]

Max TX packet size per priority.

◆ hostPortRxMtu

uint32_t LwipifEnetAppIf_GetHandleOutArgs::hostPortRxMtu

Max RX packet size.

◆ isPortLinkedFxn

LwipifEnetAppIf_IsPhyLinkedCbFxn LwipifEnetAppIf_GetHandleOutArgs::isPortLinkedFxn

Callback used by Enet's netif to query PHY link status.

◆ txInfo

LwipifEnetAppIf_TxHandleInfo LwipifEnetAppIf_GetHandleOutArgs::txInfo

Packet transmission parameters populated by application, i.e. TX channel handle.

◆ rxInfo

LwipifEnetAppIf_RxHandleInfo LwipifEnetAppIf_GetHandleOutArgs::rxInfo[LWIP2ENET_RX_NUM]

Packet reception parameters populated by application, i.e. RX channel (flow) handle, flow index and start index, etc.

◆ timerPeriodUs

uint32_t LwipifEnetAppIf_GetHandleOutArgs::timerPeriodUs

Timer interval for timer based RX pacing.