PDK API Guide for J721E
csitx_ss.h File Reference


This file contains the prototypes of the APIs present in the device abstraction layer file of CSI TX SS. This also contains some related macros.

Go to the source code of this file.

Data Structures

struct  CSL_CsitxRevisionId
 Structure for accessing Revision ID and Core Release Info. of CSI Tx module. More...
struct  CSL_CsitxColorbarGenCfg
 Structure for Color-bar generation configurations. More...
struct  CSL_CsitxRetransCfg
 Structure for re-transmission streams configurations. More...
struct  CSL_CsitxStrmStatus
 Structure for streams status. More...
struct  CSL_CsitxDMAConfig
 Structure for PSI-L/DMA configuration for CSI Tx SS. More...


#define CSL_CSITX_PSI_L_THREAD_NUM_MAX   ((uint32_t)32U)
 Maximum number of PSI-L Threads supported by CSI Tx SS. More...
CSITX DMA Data Size Shift

DMA data size shift for unpacking.

 DMA Data Size Shift: 8 bits. More...
 DMA Data Size Shift: 16 bits. More...
 DMA Data Size Shift: 32 bits. More...

Storage class specifier for YUV422 data.

#define CSL_CSITX_YUV422_MODE_UYVY   (0U)
 YUV422 Mode: UYVY. More...
#define CSL_CSITX_YUV422_MODE_YUYV   (2U)
 YUV422 Mode: VYUY. More...
#define CSL_CSITX_YUV422_MODE_VYUY   (1U)
 YUV422 Mode: YUYV. More...
#define CSL_CSITX_YUV422_MODE_YVYU   (3U)
 YUV422 Mode: YVYU. More...


void CSL_csitxGetRevisionId (const CSL_csi_tx_ifRegs *ifRegisters, CSL_CsitxRevisionId *revId)
 This API is used get the CSI Tx revision ID. More...
int32_t CSL_csitxColorbarCfg (const CSL_csi_tx_ifRegs *ifRegisters, const CSL_CsitxColorbarGenCfg *cfg)
 This API is used program the color bar generation parameters. More...
void CSL_csitxEnableColorbarGen (CSL_csi_tx_ifRegs *ifRegisters, uint32_t enable)
 This API is used enable/disable Color-bar generation. More...
int32_t CSL_csitxRetransCfg (const CSL_csi_tx_ifRegs *ifRegisters, const CSL_CsitxRetransCfg *cfg)
 This API is used program the re-transmission streams parameters. More...
void CSL_csitxAssertPixelIfReset (CSL_csi_tx_ifRegs *ifRegisters, uint32_t assert)
 This API is used assert/de-assert reset for pixel interface. More...
void CSL_csitxGetStrmStatus (const CSL_csi_tx_ifRegs *ifRegisters, CSL_CsitxStrmStatus *status)
 This API is used get the current stream status. More...
int32_t CSL_csitxFrmToFrmDelayCfg (const CSL_csi_tx_ifRegs *ifRegisters, const uint32_t vc, const uint32_t delay)
 This API is used program frame to frame delay. More...
int32_t CSL_csitxConfigDMA (CSL_csi_tx_ifRegs *ifRegisters, const CSL_CsitxDMAConfig *cfg)
 This API is used to configure DMA/PSIL thread. More...